sábado, 11 de maio de 2019

Fickle Pickle - Sinful skinful - 1971 (Psychedelic Baroque Pop Rock {UK})

Fickle Pickle foi uma banda de rock britânica de Londres, que esteve ativa no início dos anos 1970.
A banda comemorou seu maior sucesso na Holanda, onde colocou dois singles no top 40.


Fickle Pickle consistia de antigos membros das bandas The Smoke (Cliff Wade, Geoff Gill), Orange Bicycle (Wil Malone) e Red Dirt (Steve Howden), também conhecidos como engenheiros de som e produtores, trabalhando no Morgan Studios, norte de Londres.
Danny Beckerman, que faleceu em 2006, ajudou temporariamente como músico e compositor na banda.

Em agosto de 1970, Fickle Pickle publicou um cover da música de Paul McCartney, "Maybe I'm amazed" (que apareceu em seu álbum de estréia, em abril de 1970) como single no Reino Unido e nos EUA. Também na Holanda veio o disco de 7 polegadas - com a música "Sitting on a goldmine" no lado B - no mercado. Lá, ela subiu para o número 36 no Top 40, na primavera de 1971.
No outono de 1971, também escrito por Gill e Beckerman, a música "California calling" foi colocada no Top 40 da Holanda: ela chegou ao número 26.
Devido ao sucesso na Holanda, a banda lançou lá (e somente lá) o álbum de 1972, "Sinful skinful". Entre as músicas que eles lançaram, as que mais lhes renderam singles foram as versões cover de "American pie", de Don McLean, e "Just an old fashioned love song", de Paul Williams, que ficou famosa pela versão de sucesso da Three Dog Night.


Fickle Pickle was a British rock band from London who was active in the early 1970s.
The band celebrated their greatest success in the Netherlands, where they placed two singles in the top 40.


Fickle Pickle consisted of former members of the bands The Smoke (Cliff Wade, Geoff Gill), Orange Bicycle (Wil Malone) and Red Dirt (Steve Howden), also known as sound engineers and producers, working at Morgan Studios in North London.
Danny Beckerman, who died in 2006, temporarily helped as a musician and songwriter in the band.

In August 1970, Fickle Pickle published a cover of Paul McCartney's song "Maybe I'm amazed" (which appeared on his debut album in April 1970) as a single in the UK and USA. Also in the Netherlands came the 7-inch disc - with the song "Sitting on a goldmine" on the B side - on the market. There she rose to number 36 in the Top 40 in the spring of 1971.
In the fall of 1971, also written by Gill and Beckerman, the song "California calling" was placed in the Top 40 of the Netherlands: it reached number 26.
Due to the success in Holland, the band released there (and only there) the album of 1972, "Sinful skinful". Among the songs they released were the cover versions of Don McLean's "American Pie" and Paul Williams's "Just an old fashioned love song", which became famous for the hit version of Three Dog Night.

Geoff Gill - bateria, vocais
Steve Howden - vocal, guitarra, baixo
Wil Malone - piano, órgão, vocais
Cliff Wade - guitarra, baixo, piano, órgão, bateria, vocal

01. California calling
02. Sinful skinful
03. Sandy
04. Doctor Octopus
05. Saturday
06. Only for the summer
07. Let me tell you
08. Down smokey lane
09. Blown away
10. Sunshine pie
11. Barcelona
12. Our time is thru
13. Maybe I'm amazed (bonus)
14. Sitting on a goldmine (bonus)
15. Millionaire (bonus)
16. Sam and Sadie (bonus)
17. The man with one leg (bonus)
18. Old feet new socks (bonus)
19. Holiday farm (bonus)
20. Poor little frogs (bonus)
21. Sweet Wilfred - A rodent of note (bonus)
22. American pie (bonus)
23. The letter (bonus)
24. Here and now (bonus)
25. Ask the people (bonus)
26. Just an old fashioned love song (bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Fickle Pickle - Sandy - 1971
Fickle Pickle - Maybe I'm amazed - 1971
Fickle Pickle - Only for the summer - 1971
Fickle Pickle - A complete Pickle 3 CD boxset - released 26th Oct 2018

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