domingo, 30 de junho de 2019

Free (Hard Blues Rock {UK})

Free (photo 01)

Free foi uma banda inglesa de rock formada em Londres em 1968, mais conhecida por sua música de assinatura "All right now", de 1970. A banda se separou em 1973 e o vocalista Paul Rodgers se tornou um vocalista da banda Bad Company, juntamente com Simon Kirke na bateria. O guitarrista Paul Kossoff formou a Back Street Crawler em 1975, mas morreu de embolia pulmonar aos 25 anos de idade em 1976. O baixista Andy Fraser formou a Sharks.

A banda tornou-se famosa por seus sensacionais shows ao vivo e turnês sem parar. No entanto, os primeiros álbuns de estúdio não venderam muito bem até o lançamento de "Fire and water", que contou com o grande sucesso "All right now". A música ajudou a garantir-lhes um lugar no Isle of Wight Festival de 1970, onde tocaram para 600.000 pessoas.

No início dos anos 70, a Free tornou-se um dos maiores grupos britânicos de blues rock. Quando a banda se separou, em 1973, eles venderam mais de 20 milhões de álbuns ao redor do mundo e tocaram em mais de 700 concertos de arena e festivais. "All right now" continua a ser um marco do rock e foi inscrita no clube de singles One million, da ASCAP.

A Rolling Stone se referiu à banda como "pioneiros britânicos do hard rock". A revista classificou Rodgers o nº55 em sua lista dos "100 maiores cantores de todos os tempos", enquanto Kossoff ficou em 51º lugar em sua lista dos "100 maiores guitarristas de todos os tempos".

Free foi contratada pela Island Records no Reino Unido e pela A&M Records na América do Norte. Ambos os rótulos se tornaram parte do grupo PolyGram em 1989, e depois do Universal Music Group (UMG) em 1998 - UMG agora controla o catálogo da banda em todo o mundo.


O mais notável sobre o nascimento da Free foi a tenra idade dos membros da banda que se reuniram para ensaiar e tocar seu primeiro show na noite de 19 de abril de 1968 no pub Nag's Head, que ficava na junção de York Road e Plough Road, Battersea, Londres. O baixista Andy Fraser tinha 15 anos, o guitarrista Paul Kossoff tinha 17 anos, e o vocalista Paul Rodgers e o baterista Simon Kirke tinham 18 anos. Em novembro daquele ano, tendo recebido o nome de Free por Alexis Korner, eles gravaram o primeiro. álbum, intitulado "Tons of sobs", para a Island Records e, embora não tenha sido lançado até o ano seguinte, o álbum documenta seus primeiros seis meses juntos e contém versões de estúdio de grande parte de seu primeiro set ao vivo. Para promover seu próximo álbum de estréia, eles também abriram alguns shows no final de 1968 para a The Who, que fez uma pequena turnê de teatro com Arthur Brown.

Paul Kossoff e Simon Kirke se tornaram amigos da banda de R&B Black Cat Bones, mas eles queriam seguir em frente. Paul Kossoff viu o vocalista Paul Rodgers cantando "Brown sugar" enquanto visitava o Fickle Pickle, um clube de R&B no Finsbury Park de Londres. Ele ficou imediatamente impressionado e perguntou se ele poderia tocar com Rodgers no palco. Junto com Kirke, eles começaram a busca por um quarto membro. Alexis Korner recomendou Andy Fraser para a banda; aos 15 anos, Fraser já tocava com John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers. Korner também forneceu o nome "Free" para a banda recém-formada.

Ao contrário de seus álbuns anteriores, "Tons of sobs" e "Free", seu álbum "Fire and water", lançado em 1970, foi um grande sucesso em grande parte devido ao hit single "All right now", que alcançou o primeiro lugar nas paradas de rock do Reino Unido, nº2 na parada de singles do Reino Unido e nº4 na Billboard Hot 100 dos EUA. O álbum alcançou o segundo lugar nas paradas do Reino Unido e o nº17 nos EUA, tornando-o o álbum mais bem-sucedido. "All right now" tornou-se o hit número 1 em mais de 20 territórios e foi reconhecido pela ASCAP (Sociedade Americana de Compositores, Autores e Editores) em 1990 por reunir mais de 1.000.000 de peças de rádio nos EUA no final de 1989. Em 2000, um prêmio foi dado a Paul Rodgers pela British Music Industry quando "All right now" passou por 2.000.000 de peças de rádio no Reino Unido.

"Highway" foi seu quarto álbum de estúdio, gravado com extrema rapidez em setembro de 1970. "Highway" teve um desempenho ruim nas paradas, alcançando a 41ª posição no Reino Unido e a 190ª nos EUA.


Em 1971, devido às diferenças entre o cantor Paul Rodgers e o baixista Andy Fraser, os problemas com as drogas do guitarrista Paul Kossoff e o inconsistente recorde de vendas, a banda se separou temporariamente. Isso levou ao lançamento do álbum ao vivo chamado "Free live!". No início de 1972, a banda deixou de lado suas diferenças e se reformou em um esforço para salvar Kossoff de seu crescente vício em drogas, e lançou "Free at last" em junho do mesmo ano.

O baixista Andy Fraser deixou a banda em meados de 1972 devido à falta de confiabilidade de Paul Kossoff em poder se apresentar em shows ou mesmo aparecer. Os membros restantes recrutaram o baixista japonês Tetsu Yamauchi e o tecladista John "Rabbit" Bundrick, que havia trabalhado com Kossoff e Kirke durante a separação inicial da Free. Kossoff, Kirke, Tetsu e Rabbit gravaram o que seria o último álbum da Free, "Heartbreaker". Kossoff foi substituído por Wendell Richardson, ex-guitarrista da Osibisa, para uma turnê nos Estados Unidos em 1973, mas pouco tempo depois, a Free se desfez para sempre, com Rodgers e Kirke formando a Bad Company no mesmo ano. Fraser passou a formar a banda Sharks e depois The Andy Fraser Band, e Kossoff formou a banda Back Street Crawler.


Com Kossoff em melhor estado de saúde novamente no final de 1975, ele ficou encantado que os ex-colegas Rodgers e Kirke pediram a ele para se juntar a eles no palco por duas noites. Uma turnê britânica estava marcada para começar em 25 de abril de 1976, com Back Street Crawler liderando com Bad Company em apoio ao segundo álbum de Back Street Crawler, mas novamente os vícios em drogas de Kossoff contribuíram para um drástico declínio na saúde do guitarrista. Em um vôo de Los Angeles para Nova York em 19 de março de 1976, Paul Kossoff morreu de uma embolia pulmonar aos 25 anos. Depois de se separar da Bad Company em 1982, Rodgers passou a explorar o estilo pesado do blues da Free em sua carreira solo, nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, e nas bandas The Firm e The Law.

Posteriormente, Rodgers se juntou a dois dos três membros restantes da Queen (Brian May e Roger Taylor), como vocalista. Em setembro de 2008, a Queen + Paul Rodgers lançou seu primeiro álbum de estúdio, "The cosmos rocks". Rodgers também tocou músicas da Free e da Bad Company enquanto estava em turnê com a Queen, além das músicas tradicionais da Queen e novos cortes do álbum mais recentemente lançado.

Rodgers e Kirke fizeram uma turnê novamente com Bad Company de 2012 a 2016. Andy Fraser morreu em 16 de março de 2015. Em 2017, Paul Rodgers embarcou em uma turnê da Free Spirit UK em maio de 2017 para celebrar a música da Free, executando músicas estritamente do catálogo da Free.


Free was an English rock band formed in London in 1968, best known for their 1970 signature song "All right now". It disbanded in 1973 and lead singer Paul Rodgers went on to become a frontman of the band Bad Company along with Simon Kirke on drums. Lead guitarist Paul Kossoff formed Back Street Crawler in 1975, but died from a pulmonary embolism at the age of 25 in 1976. Bassist Andy Fraser formed Sharks.

The band became famed for their sensational live shows and nonstop touring. However, early studio albums did not sell very well until the release of "Fire and water", which featured the massive hit "All right now". The song helped secure them a place at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970, where they played to 600,000 people.

By the early 1970s, Free became one of the biggest-selling British blues rock groups. By the time the band disbanded in 1973, they had sold more than 20 million albums around the world and had played more than 700 arena and festival concerts. "All right now" remains a rock staple and has been entered in ASCAP's "One million" airplay singles club.

Rolling Stone has referred to the band as "British hard rock pioneers". The magazine ranked Rodgers #55 in its list of the "100 greatest singers of all time", while Kossoff was ranked #51 in its list of the "100 greatest guitarists of all time".

Free was signed to Island Records in the UK and A&M Records in North America. Both labels became part of the PolyGram group in 1989, then Universal Music Group (UMG) in 1998 - UMG now controls the band's catalogue worldwide.


Most remarkable about the birth of Free was the young age of the band members who came together to rehearse and play their first gig on the evening of 19 April 1968 at the Nag's Head pub, which was at the junction of York Road and Plough Road, in Battersea, London. Bass player Andy Fraser was 15 years old, lead guitarist Paul Kossoff was 17, and both lead singer Paul Rodgers and drummer Simon Kirke were 18. By November of that year, having been given the name Free by Alexis Korner, they had recorded their first album, titled "Tons of sobs", for Island Records and, although it was not released until the following year, the album documents their first six months together and contains studio renditions of much of their early live set. To promote their forthcoming debut album they also opened some gigs at the end of 1968 for The Who, who played a short theatre tour with Arthur Brown.

Paul Kossoff and Simon Kirke first became friends in the R&B band Black Cat Bones, but they wanted to move on. Paul Kossoff saw vocalist Paul Rodgers singing "Brown sugar" while visiting the Fickle Pickle, an R&B club in London's Finsbury Park. He was immediately impressed and asked if he could jam with Rodgers onstage. Along with Kirke, they began the search for a fourth member. Alexis Korner recommended Andy Fraser to the band; at the age of 15, Fraser had already been playing with John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers. Korner also provided the name "Free" to the newly formed band.

Unlike their previous albums, "Tons of sobs" and "Free", its album "Fire and water", released in 1970, was a huge success largely due to its hit single "All right now", which reached #1 on the UK rock music charts, #2 on the UK singles chart and #4 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. The album reached #2 in the UK charts and #17 on the U.S charts, making it the most successful Free album. "All right now" became a #1 hit in over 20 territories and was recognised by ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers) in 1990 for garnering 1,000,000 plus radio plays in the US by late 1989. In 2000 an award was given to Paul Rodgers by the British Music Industry when "All right now" passed 2,000,000 radio plays in the UK.

"Highway" was their fourth studio album, recorded extremely quickly in September 1970. "Highway" performed poorly in the charts, reaching #41 in the UK and #190 in the US.


In 1971, due to differences between singer Paul Rodgers and bassist Andy Fraser, the drug problems of guitarist Paul Kossoff, and inconsistent record sales, the band temporarily disbanded. This led to the release of the live album called "Free live!". In early 1972 the band set aside their differences and reformed in an effort to save Kossoff from his growing drug addiction, and released "Free at last" in June of the same year.

Bassist Andy Fraser left the band in mid-1972 due to Paul Kossoff's unreliability in being able to perform at shows or even showing up. The remaining members recruited Japanese bass player Tetsu Yamauchi and keyboardist John "Rabbit" Bundrick, who had worked with Kossoff and Kirke during Free's initial split. Kossoff, Kirke, Tetsu and Rabbit recorded what would be Free's final album, "Heartbreaker". Kossoff was replaced by ex-Osibisa guitarist Wendell Richardson for a USA tour in 1973, but shortly thereafter, Free disbanded for good, with Rodgers and Kirke going on to form Bad Company that same year. Fraser went on to form the band Sharks and later The Andy Fraser Band, and Kossoff formed the band Back Street Crawler.


With Kossoff in better health again in late 1975, he was delighted that ex-colleagues Rodgers and Kirke asked him to join them on stage for two nights. A British tour was set to begin on 25 April 1976 with Back Street Crawler headlining with Bad Company in support of Back Street Crawler's second album, but again Kossoff's drug addictions contributed to a drastic decline in the guitarist's health. On a flight from Los Angeles to New York City on 19 March 1976, Paul Kossoff died from a pulmonary embolism at the age of 25. After parting with Bad Company in 1982 Rodgers went on to explore the heavy blues stylings of Free again in his solo career, during the 1980s and 1990s, and in the bands The Firm and The Law.

Subsequently, Rodgers joined two of the three remaining members of Queen (Brian May and Roger Taylor), as vocalist. In September 2008, Queen + Paul Rodgers released their first studio album "The cosmos rocks". Rodgers also performed Free and Bad Company songs whilst on tour with Queen, in addition to the traditional Queen songs and new cuts from their most recently released album.

Rodgers and Kirke toured again with Bad Company from 2012 to 2016. Andy Fraser died on 16 March 2015. In 2017, Paul Rodgers embarked on a Free Spirit UK Tour in May 2017 to celebrate the music of Free by performing songs strictly from the Free catalogue.

Formação clássica
Paul Rodgers -
vocal principal, teclados, piano
(1968–1971, 1972–1973)
Paul Kossoff (falecido em 1976) -
guitarra (1968–1971, 1972–1973)
Andy Fraser (falecido em 2015) -
baixoteclados, piano
(1968–1971, 1972)
Simon Kirke - bateria,
percussão (1968–1971,
Membros posteriores
John "Rabbit" Bundrick -
teclados, piano (1972, 1973)
Tetsu Yamauchi - baixo (1972-1973)
Wendell Richardson - guitarra

Free (photo 02)
Free (photo 03)
Free (photo 04)
Free (photo 05)
Free (photo 06)
Free (photo 07)
Free (photo 08)
Free (photo 09)


Tons of sobs (1969)
[2014, Universal Music Group]
(FLAC96 kHz/24 bit)
Free - Tons of sobs - 1969 (2014, Universal Music Group [front])
01. Over
the green
hills (part 1)
02. Worry
03. Walk in my shadow
04. Wild indian woman
05. Goin' down slow
06. I'm a mover
07. The hunter
08. Moonshine
09. Sweet tooth
10. Over the green
hills (part 2)
11. Moonshine
vocal, bonus)
12. Sweet tooth (early take
& alternative lyrics, bonus)
13. Woman by the sea
(alternative version,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Tons of sobs (1969)
[2016, Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Tons of sobs - 1969 (2016, Island Records [front])
01. Over
the green
hills (part 1)
02. Worry
03. Walk in my shadow
04. Wild indian woman
05. Goin' down slow
06. I'm a mover
07. The hunter
08. Moonshine
09. Sweet tooth
10. Over the green
hills (part 2)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Free (1969)
[1987Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Free - 1969 (1987, Island Records [front])
01. I'll be creepin'
02. Song of yesterday
03. Lying in the sunshine
04. Trouble on double time
05. Mouthfull of grass
06. Woman
07. Free me
08. Broad daylight
09. Mourning sad

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Free (1969)
[2014Universal Music Group]
(FLAC96 kHz/24 bit)
Free - Free - 1969 (2014, Universal Music Group [front])
01. I'll be creepin'
02. Song of yesterday
03. Lying in the sunshine
04. Trouble on double time
05. Mouthfull of grass
06. Woman
07. Free me
08. Broad daylight
09. Mourning sad
10. Broad daylight
(single version mono
mix, bonus)
11. The worm
(single version
mono mix, bonus)
12. I'll be creepin' (single
version mono mix, bonus)
13. Sugar for Mr. Morrison
(single version mono
mix, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Fire and water (1970)
[1990Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Fire and water - 1970 (1990, Island Records [front])
01. Fire
and water
02. Oh I wept
03. Remember
04. Heavy load
05. Mr. Big
06. Don't say
you love me
07. All right

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Fire and water (1970)
[2010Universal Island Records]
(FLAC96 kHz/24 bit)
Free - Fire and water - 1970 (2010, Universal Island Records Ltd. [front])
01. Fire
and water
02. Oh I wept
03. Remember
04. Heavy load
05. Mr. Big
06. Don't say
you love me
07. All right now
08. Broad daylight
09. Mourning sad morning
10. Broad daylight (single
version mono mix, bonus)
11. The worm (single version
mono mix, bonus)
12. I'll be creepin'
(single version
mono mix, bonus)
13. Sugar for Mr. Morrison
(single version mono
mix, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Highway (1970)
[2002Universal Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Highway - 1970 (2002, Universal Island Records Ltd. [front])
01. The
highway song
02. The stealer
03. On my way
04. Be my friend
05. Sunny day
06. Ride on a pony
07. Love you so
08. Bodie
09. Soon I will be gone
10. My brother Jake (single, bonus)
11. Only my soul (single b-side, bonus)
12. Ride on a pony (BBC session, bonus)
13. Be my friend (BBC session, bonus)
14. Rain (alternative version, bonus)
15. The stealer (single version,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Free at last (1972)
[2002Universal Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Free at last - 1972 (2002, Universal Island Records Ltd. [front])
01. Catch a train
02. Soldier boy
03. Magic ship
04. Sail on
05. Travellin' man
06. Little bit of love
07. Guardian of
the universe
08. Child
09. Goodbye
10. Burnin' (Molton gold)
[alternative take, bonus]
11. Honky Tonk
woman (bonus)
12. Magic ship
mix, bonus)
13. Little bit of 
mix, bonus)
14. Guardian of
the universe
(Paul Rodgers
solo version, bonus)
15. Child (early
mix, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Heartbreaker (1973)
[2002Universal Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Heartbreaker - 1973 (2002, Universal Island Records Ltd. [front])
01. Wishing well
02. Come together
in the morning
03. Travelling in style
04. Heartbreaker
05. Muddy water
06. Common mortal man
07. Easy on my soul
08. Seven angels
09. Wishing well
(US mix, bonus)
10. Let me show you
(single b-side, bonus)
11. Muddy water
vocal, bonus)
12. Turn me round
(prospective album
track, bonus)
13. Heartbreaker
version, bonus)
14. Easy on my soul
(rehearsal version,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Free live! (1971)
[1992Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Free live! - 1971 (1992, Island Records [front])
01. All
right now
02. I'm a mover
03. Be my friend
04. Fire and water
05. Ride on a pony
06. Mr. Big
07. The hunter
08. Get where
I belong

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Free live! (1971)
[2014Universal Island Records]
(FLAC96 kHz/24 bit)
Free - Free live! - 1971 (2014, Universal Island Records Ltd. [front])
01. All
right now
02. I'm a mover
03. Be my friend
04. Fire and water
05. Ride on a pony
06. Mr. Big
07. The hunter
08. Get where
I belong

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

The best of Free:
All right now (1991)
[1991Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - The best of Free - All right now - 1991 (1991, Island Records [front])
01. Wishing well
02. All right now
03. Little bit of love
04. Come together
in the morning
05. The stealer
06. Sail on
07. Mr. Big
08. My
brother Jake
09. The hunter
10. Be my friend
11. Travellin' in style
12. Fire and water
13. Travelling man
14. Don't say you
love me

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Live at the
BBC (2006)
[2006Island Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
Free - Live at the BBC  - 2006 (2006, Island Records [front])

CD 01
01. Waiting on you
02. Sugar for
Mr. Morrision
03. I'm a mover
04. Over the green hills
05. Songs of yesterday
06. Broad daylight
07. Woman
08. I'll be creepin'
09. Trouble on
double time
10. Mouthful
of grass
11. All right now
12. Fire and water
13. Be my friend (take one)
14. Be my friend (take two)
15. Ride on a pony (take one)
16. Ride on a pony (take two)
17. Ride on a pony (take three)
18. Ride on a pony (take four)
19. Ride on a pony (take five)
20. Get where I belong

CD 02

01. The hunter
02. Woman
03. Free me
04. Remember
05. Fire and water
06. Be my friend
07. Ride on a pony
08. Mr. Big
09. Don't say
you love me
10. Woman
11. All right

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Free [FLAC]: enjoy!
Free [MP3]: enjoy!

Free - All right now - 1970
Free - Be my friend - 1970
Free - Ride on a pony - 1970

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