quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2019

A.B. Skhy (Psychedelic Blues Jazz Rock {US})

Formada em 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, EUA, no final dos anos 60 como New Blues, a banda era formada por Dennis Geyer (guitarra e vocal), Jim Marcotte (baixo), Terry Anderson (bateria) e Howard Wales (teclados). Wales já havia tocado com artistas como James Brown e Freddie King. Eles se mudaram para São Francisco e mudaram o nome da banda para A.B. Skhy, construindo uma sequência com performances ao vivo. Eles assinaram com a MGM Records e trabalharam com o produtor Richard Delvy em seu álbum de estréia, lançado em 1969. O álbum contou com as contribuições do guitarrista Russell DaShiell, do gaitista Jim Liban e do flautista Otis Hale e gerou o single "Camel Back", que alcançou o número 100 na Billboard Hot 100.

O grupo então se separou, com Andersen e Wales saindo, o último passando a tocar com Harvey Mandel, Jerry Garcia e The Grateful Dead. Geyer e Marcotte recrutaram o baterista Rick Jaeger e o guitarrista James "Curley" Cooke (ex-The Versitones e The Steve Miller Band), e a nova formação gravou um segundo álbum, "Ramblin on", em março de 1970 com Kim Fowley e Michael Lloyd produzindo. O álbum incluiu uma mistura de versões cover e músicas originais de Cooke.

Um terceiro álbum foi iniciado, mas a banda se separou antes de ser concluída. Cooke tocou em Cat and The Fiddle e com Boz Scaggs e Ben Sidran (que tocaram cravo em "Ramblin 'on"), e lançou o álbum solo "Gingerman" em 1980. Jaeger se juntou a DaShiell em Crowfoot e gravou com vários artistas como um músico de sessão.


Formed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, EUA, in the late 1960s as New Blues, the band comprised Dennis Geyer (guitar, vocals), Jim Marcotte (bass), Terry Anderson (drums), and Howard Wales (keyboards). Wales had previously played with artists such as James Brown and Freddie King. They relocated to San Francisco and changed the band name to A.B. Skhy, building a following with live performances. They were signed by MGM Records and worked with producer Richard Delvy on their self-titled debut album, released in 1969. The album featured contributions from guitarist Russell DaShiell, harmonica player Jim Liban, and flautist Otis Hale and spawned the single "Camel back", which reached number 100 on the Billboard Hot 100.

The group then split, with Andersen and Wales leaving, the latter going on to play with Harvey Mandel, Jerry Garcia, and The Grateful Dead. Geyer and Marcotte recruited drummer Rick Jaeger and guitarist James "Curley" Cooke (formerly of The Versitones and The Steve Miller Band), and the new lineup recorded a second album, "Ramblin' on", in March 1970 with Kim Fowley and Michael Lloyd producing. The album included a mixture of cover versions and original songs by Cooke.

A third album was started but the band split up before it was completed. Cooke went on to play in Cat and The Fiddle and with Boz Scaggs and Ben Sidran (who had played harpsichord on "Ramblin' on"), and released the solo album "Gingerman" in 1980. Jaeger joined DaShiell in Crowfoot and recorded with several artists as a session player.

1ª formação
Dennis Geyer - guitarra, vocal
Jim Marcotte - baixo
Terry Anderson - bateria
Howard Wales - teclados
Russell DaShiell - guitarra
Jim Liban - harmonica
Otis Hale - flauta

2ª formação
Dennis Geyer - guitarra e vocal
Jim Marcotte - baixo
Rick Jaeger - bateria
James "Curley" Cooke - guitarra
Ben Sidron - cravo
Elvin Bishop - slide guitar
Wally Rose - piano


A.B. Skhy (1969)

01. You upset me baby
02. Just what I need
03. It's love baby,
24 hours a day
04. Camel back
05. Understand
06. Love isn't
07. Of all sad words
08. Love may cure

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Ramblin' on (1970)

01. Gotta be free
02. My baby's
quit me
03. Pearl
04. Lady in the dark
05. Hope for the future
06. Sweet mother Earth
07. Groovin'
08. Trackin' shoes
09. I'm walkin'
10. Gazebo
(Dedicated to
Gabor Szabo)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download
dos 2 albums: enjoy!

A.B. SkhyJust what I need - 1969
A.B. Skhy - Ramblin' on - 1970 (full album)

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