terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2019

Joakim Skogsberg - Jola rota - 1971 (Psych/Experimental {Suécia})

Joakim Kenneth Lennart Skogsberg, nascido em 10 de novembro de 1946 em Estocolmo, é um músico e artista sueco. 
Skogsberg lançou o álbum "Jola rota" pelo sub-rótulo Gump 2, da Metronome, em 1971, que também incluiu três membros da Kebnekajse - Mats Glenngård (violino, mungiga), Thomas Netzler (baixo) e Göran Lagerberg (violoncelo, baixo) - e o produtor Pugh Rogefeldt na guitarra e baixo.

O álbum foi lançado em uma edição de 1.000, mas apenas 3 de 400 cópias foram vendidas originalmente. O álbum foi retirado e as cópias restantes derreteram - o vinil foi reciclado para lançamentos posteriores do selo Gump, que só foram adicionados à mística em torno do álbum. E já era misterioso para começar.

Não existe uma maneira adequada de descrever este álbum. As seis faixas são construídas em torno de drones, ditados pelos vocais de Skogsberg, uma espécie de zumbido entre Sami Yoik e o dhrupad clássico indiano, profundamente inspirado no amor de Skogsberg à natureza. Seus vocais repetitivos fazem com que a música pareça xamânica e as faixas repletas de violoncelo, guitarra, baixo, violino e outros instrumentos deixam um clima ritualístico.

A melhor faixa é a implacável “Offer rota”, também insuficientemente extraída da bizarra “Voice of the wolf” de Carsten Regild, mas o álbum inteiro tem um profundo apelo cativante. Hipnótico. Alguns chamam isso de psicodélico, mas "Jola rota" é mais profundo do que isso. Opera em um nível primordial que não tem nada a ver com modismos ou moda. Isso é bom? Isso é ruim? Perguntas como essa são irrelevantes porque a "Jola rota" não se move nessa escala. Não deve ser apenas ouvido, deve ser experimentado. Ou seja, demora um pouco até você absorver tudo. Durante o processo de absorção você irá se perguntar: 
"Será que ele fumou alguma erva estragada?". Enfim, isto é para quem gosta de música experimental. Então, se você não se enquadra neste perfil, fique longe disto. Joakim Skogsberg vive em Strömsund desde 1973 e, em 1999, lançou seu segundo álbum "Indi dust garden" pelo selo Dada Nada Music.


Joakim Kenneth Lennart Skogsberg, born November 10, 1946 in Stockholm, is a Swedish musician and artist. Skogsberg released the album "Jola rota" by Metronome's sub-label Gump 2 in 1971, which also included three Kebnekajse members - Mats Glenngård (violin, mungiga), Thomas Netzler (bass) and Göran Lagerberg (cello, bass) - and producer Pugh Rogefeldt on guitar and bass.

The album was released in a 1,000 edition, but only 3 of 400 copies were originally sold. The album was removed and the remaining copies melted - the vinyl was recycled for later releases of the Gump label, which were only added to the mystique surrounding the album. And it was already mysterious to begin with.

There is no proper way to describe this album. The six tracks are built around drones, dictated by Skogsberg vocals, a kind of buzz between Sami Yoik and the classic Indian dhrupad, deeply inspired by Skogsberg's love of nature. Their repetitive vocals make the song sound shamanic, and the tracks full of cello, guitar, bass, violin and other instruments leave a ritualistic mood.

The best track is the relentless “Offer rota
”, also insufficiently extracted from Carsten Regild's bizarre “Voice of the wolf”, but the whole album has a deep catchy appeal. Hypnotic. Some call it psychedelic, but "Jola rota" is deeper than that. It operates on a primordial level that has nothing to do with fads or fashion. That's nice? This is bad? Questions like this are irrelevant because the "Jola rota" does not move at this scale. It should not only be heard, it must be experienced. That is, it takes a while for you to absorb everything. During the absorption process you will ask yourself, "Did he smoke any spoiled weed?". Anyway, this is for those who like experimental music. So if you don't fit this profile, stay away from it. Joakim Skogsberg has lived in Strömsund since 1973 and, in 1999, released his second album "Indi dust garden" by the label Dada Nada Music.

Pugh Rogefeldt -
guitarra, baixo, produtor
Joakim Skogsberg - vocais, zumbidos
Göran Lagerberg - violoncelo, baixo
Mats Glenngård - violino, mungiga
Thomas Netzler - baixo

01. Jola
från Ingbo
02. Offer rota
03. Fridens liljor
04. Besvärjelse rota
05. Jola från Stensäte
06. Jola från

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!

Joakim Skogsberg - Offer rota - 1971

6 comentários:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that your links are currently full of malware! Many pop ups, an attempted hijack on my computer via Firefox. Great music on your blog, hope to listen to more when it's fixed. Thanks friend.

  2. Sean, please access the text with the theme "Adf.ly how not to be bothered by advertisements?" which is on the left side of the screen below the blog followers. There are instructions on how to access the links without those pop-up windows appearing in the bottom right corner of your screen. Thanks!

  3. Thanks, yes I attempted to follow those methods. But the windows that appear as popups are now different than the ones you show in your example and more aggressive than the usual adfly popups. The options are not the same and the ads may have changed since you wrote those instructions? Almost impossible to get through to the album links and too risky in Firefox at this time.

  4. Ok, Sean. I tried to access the links through Firefox. When you click on the word "enjoy!" you are taken to a page with ads. You wait 5 seconds and click "close advertisement". Another window will open automatically. You can close it. At the same time opens another page with a white arrow, which is accompanied by a popup window asking if you want to receive notifications. It gives you 2 options: "Allow" and "Deny" (or "block"). In Chrome this same window has the "x" so you have the option to close the window without having to choose one of the options. In Firefox this "x" does not appear. In that case, you have to hit the "esc" key on your computer keyboard. The page will refresh and the window will appear again. You have to repeat the same operation until it no longer appears and Firefox directs you to the link page. I tried here and it worked. And I was not bothered by the advertisements.

  5. Hi again, your method for Firefox worked after a few tries. Using "Esc" did the trick. Adfly is definitely worse than it used to be though. Thanks for the Joakim Skogsberg... track 2 on this LP is definitely the standout, perhaps the earliest "industrial" music I've heard (the rest of the LP is someone humming along to music, not quite as interesting). Cheers

  6. It may be a bad thing to have to go through this Adf.ly experience, but you will have access to full albums with reasonably good audio quality and good resolution artworks, all organized and without viruses. And without paying anything. The Adf.ly's process is the price you pay to have it.

    On other blogs the files are not as well organized and usually the server is very slow, making the download take about 1h to download completely.

    In addition we offer the text in 2 languages and written correctly and verified. Perhaps some errors in the English translation, but even better than what is found on the internet. In many blogs the texts are confusing or making no sense. All this takes time to do and edit. In addition we have also fixed errors in audios that come with defects when we don't have the CD or LP to rip. As is the case with this last post (Friedhof), or as it happened in Harsh Reality, from which the files were taken from the web and corrected, so that you and others can have a better experience listening to the album.

    Given this, pressing the "esc" key 3 or 4 times is not so laborious ...

    Thanks for visiting the blog and I hope to see you always here. Cheers!


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