sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2019

Machine - Machine - 1970 (Hard Progressive Jazz Brass Rock {Países Baixos})

Machine - Machine - 1970 (2010, Axis Records [front])

Machine foi formada em Rotterdam por John Caljouw (vocal), Francois Content (trompete), Wim Warby (sax tenor), Maarten Beckers (saxofone, clarinete, flauta), Hans Sel (guitarra), Paul Vink (teclados), Jan Warby (baixo) e Jan Bliek (bateria). Caljouw era vocalista da lendária banda psic-rock holandesa Dragonfly, enquanto seus colegas de banda haviam tocado pop-soul como The Swinging Soul Machine, que lançou um álbum - "Through the eye" - em 1969, e teve um enorme sucesso local com "Spooky day's off".

Como Machine, eles adotam um som mais hard, parecendo uma mistura de Chicago com Deep Purple, como mostra a excelente "Spanish roads", que está cheia de guitarra underground e órgão Hammond em turbilhão. O álbum foi lançado pela gravadora Polydor Records, em 1970, mas foi vendido de forma decepcionante. No entanto, dois singles foram extraídos - "Lonesome tree/Mohammed street" (um pequeno hit local) e "Raimaker/Say goodbye to your friends". Quando a banda se separou em 1972, o compositor principal François Content se juntou à The Windmill Orchestra, Hans Sel se juntou à Heart, Paul Wink se juntou à Twelve O'Clock, Jan Bliek se juntou à Limousine e Jan e Win Warby se juntaram à Tantalus ao lado de François Content, por um tempo.


Machine was formed in Rotterdam by John Caljouw (vocal), Francois Content (trumpet), Wim Warby (tenor sax), Maarten Beckers (saxophone, flute, clarinet), Hans Sel (guitar), Paul Vink (keyboards), Jan Warby (bass), and Jan Bliek (drums). Caljouw had been vocalist with the legendary Dutch psych-rocker band Dragonfly, while his bandmates had previously played pop-soul as The Swinging Soul Machine, who'd issued an album - "Through the eye" - in 1969, and had a huge local hit with "Spooky day's off".

As Machine they embrace a harder sound, sounding like a blend of Chicago and Deep Purple, as showcased in the superb "Spanish roads", which is full of underground guitar and swirling Hammond organ. The album was issued in the Polydor Records label, in 1970, but sold disappointingly. Nonetheless, two singles were extracted: "Lonesome tree/Mohammed street" (a minor local hit) and "Raimaker/Say goodbye to your friends". When the band split in 1972, principal songwriter Francois Content joined The Windmill Orchestra, Hans Sel joined Heart, Paul Wink joined Twelve O'Clock, Jan Bliek joined Limousine and Jan and Win Warby joined Tantalus, alongside Francois Content for a time.

John Caljouw - vocal
Wim Warby - sax tenor
Francois Content - trompete
Maarten Beckers - saxofone,
flauta, clarinete
Hans Sel - guitarra
Paul Vink - teclados
Jan Bliek - bateria
Jan Warby - baixo

Lonesome tree - Mohammed street (Polydor 2050017)Lonesome tree - Mohammed street (Polydor 2050017)
Raimaker - Say goodbye to your friends (Polydor 2050049)Lonesome tree - Mohammed street (Metronome M 25229)

01. Rainmaker
02. Virgin
03. Say goodbye
to your friends
04. God's children
05. Old black magic
06. Spanish roads
07. Lonesome tree
08. Sunset eye

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Machine - Machine - 1970

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