sábado, 9 de novembro de 2019

Daddy Longlegs (Psychedelic Country Blues Rock {US/UK})

Daddy Longlegs foi
uma banda de psychedelic
blues & country rock formada
inicialmente nos Estados Unidos,
mudam-se depois para
a Inglaterra.


A banda foi criada em 1968 por Steve Hayton (guitarra, vocal), Cliff Carrison (bateria) e Kurt Palomaki (baixo, clarinete) na América. Em 1969, eles decidiram ir para a Inglaterra, onde encontraram o vocalista Mo Armstrong e assinaram contrato com a Warner Brothers. Juntos eles gravaram e lançaram um single - "High again/To the rescue" (WB 8012) - e o primeiro long play (LP), auto-intitulado, em 1970 (WB 3004). Logo, Hayton e Armstrong deixaram a banda e vieram Peter Arnesen (teclados, vocais) e Gary "Norton" Holderman (violão, vocais). A banda assinou contrato com a Vertigo Records e lançou o segundo álbum, "Oakdown farm", em 1971 (Vertigo 6360038).

Arnesen saiu da banda e o trio restante gravou mais dois álbuns em 1972 (na Polydor Records) - "Three musicians" (Polydor 2371261) e "Shifting sands" (Polydor 2371323). Depois disso, a banda encerrou as suas atividades. Mais tarde, Arnesen e Palomaki participaram no álbum "Double diamond" (1973) da banda If, e Arnesen, junto com o ex-baixista da Gracious, Tim Wheatley, formaram a Taggett.


Daddy Longlegs was a
psychedelic blues & country
rock band originally formed
in the United States, later
moving to England.


The band was created in 1968 by Steve Hayton (guitar, vocals), Cliff Carrison (drums) and Kurt Palomaki (bass, clarinet) in America. In 1969, they decided to go to England, where they met lead singer Mo Armstrong and signed a contract with Warner Brothers. Together they recorded and released a single - "High again/To the rescue" (WB 8012) - and the first self-titled long play (LP) in 1970 (WB 3004). Soon Hayton and Armstrong left the band and came Peter Arnesen (keyboards, vocals) and Gary "Norton" Holderman (guitar, vocals). The band signed to Vertigo Records and released their second album, "Oakdown farm" in 1971 (Vertigo 6360038).

Arnesen left the band and the remaining trio recorded two more albums in 1972 on Polydor Records - "Three musicians" (Polydor 2371261) and "Shifting sands" (Polydor 2371323). After that, the band ended their activities. Later, Arnesen and Palomaki participated in If's album "Double diamond" (1973), and Arnesen, along with former Gracious bassist Tim Wheatley, formed Taggett.

Gary "Norton" Holderman - guitarra, voz
Peter Arnesen - teclado, voz
Kurt Palomaki - baixo Fender, clarinete, voz
Cliff Carrison - bateria


Oakdown farm (1971)
01. Rubber tyre
02. Double decker
03. Please believe me
04. Lonely way
05. Sweet Louise
06. Wheeling & dealing
07. Rusty door
08. Gambling man
09. Clarabell
10. Night shift
11. Moog
12. Boogie

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Shifting sands (1972)
01. Shifting sands
02. Nickel quarter Annie
03. Old timer
04. Searchlight for love
05. Fifty dollar bill
06. Pop eye
07. God's army
08. Rodeo song
09. Martin flew in
10. Rockin',
rollin', fallin' down
11. Cykederelict

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 2 albums: enjoy!

Daddy Longlegs - Shifting sands - 1972 (full album)

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