quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2019

Little Free Rock (Hard Psychedelic Rock {UK})

Little Free Rock foi um trio de hard rock psicodélico inglês do final dos anos 60 de Preston, Lancashire, Inglaterra.


Seu álbum homônimo foi lançado em novembro de 1969, e eles foram uma evolução da Purple Haze, cujas nuances psicodélicas despertaram grande interesse em sua concepção no início de 1968. Purple Haze era uma banda de três peças altamente respeitada, formada originalmente por covers de músicas de bandas como The Who, Creation, Tomorrow e outras, mas desenvolvendo rapidamente um estilo e uma apresentação próprios. Para evitar a associação com "Purple haze" de Jimi Hendrix, o nome foi alterado para Little Free Rock a partir do significado de seus nomes. Paul significa "Little", Frank significa "Free" e Peter "Rock".

"Uma namorada minha, Linda Taylor, tinha um livro sobre o significado dos nomes.
Ela me disse que Paul significava "Little", Frank significava "Free"
e Peter significava "Rock", e foi assim que o novo nome surgiu.
Também simbolizava o tipo de música free rock que estávamos criando.
Suponho que a porção "pequena" ("little") sugerisse humildade e, por tudo isso, éramos meio humildes.
É difícil manter os pés no chão quando tudo está indo de maneira fantástica. Para mim,
também, o nome parecia um nome de indios vermelhos, então,
todas essas imagens sugeriam que nos tornássemos Little Free Rock."
Peter Illingworth

Little Free Rock passou a trabalhar com a Ginger Johnson's African Drummers, cuja aparição com a The Rolling Stones no Hyde Park Concert de 1969 em "Sympathy for the devil" criou muito interesse. Os bateristas que apareceram de vez em quando incluem Gaspar Lawal (Ginger Baker's Airforce), Remi Salaka (The Rolling Stones), Speedy Aquay (Georgie Fame and The Blue Flames), Lofty e Mac Tonto (Osibisa) e 'Lord' Eric Carboo. Em uma ocasião, na Chalk Farm Roundhouse, havia 26 bateristas africanos e um "médico-bruxo".

A banda se apresentou regularmente nos eventos "Implosion" da Roundhouse Sunday Night e teve várias residências no Marquee Club, da Wardour Street. Além de se apresentar em toda a Bélgica, as viagens continentais incluíram o Star Club em Hamburgo, o Jazz and Blues Festival de Essen e festivais em Frankfurt, San Tropez e Santa Margarita de la Costa, na Itália. 

A CBS e a Warner Brothers estavam se interessando muito por esse novo afro rock, mas apenas seis semanas após o lançamento do álbum, a Transatlantic iniciou os procedimentos de quebra de contrato. Quando a CBS e a Warner Brothers ouviram isso, porém, a CBS disse que a banda era muito parecida com Santana, a quem eles já representavam. Infelizmente, Little Free Rock não conseguiu gravar na Transatlantic ou em qualquer outra gravadora, o que foi triste porque o contrato original era de 6 álbuns ao longo de um período de três anos.

Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac) entrou na banda por um curto período, com shows organizados no The Marquee e no The Lyceum, e convidou Little Free Rock para se apresentar nas sessões de seu álbum solo. Infelizmente, depois de apenas um show em um clube chamado The Night Angel Club, em Soho, Peter decidiu que estava tendo muito trabalho com Ginger Johnson sobre as taxas para a gravação e ele desistiu. As faixas nunca foram lançadas.

O álbum "Little Free Rock", lançado no final de 1969, também foi lançado em CD pela Line Records em Hamburgo. Outro CD foi lançado com demos e outras faixas inéditas, algumas que foram gravadas no ponto de transição da Purple Haze para Little Free Rock, mas são creditadas à última. Elas estão disponíveis no CD "Time is of no consequence", da Little Free Rock, na World Wide Records, uma divisão da SPM (Berlim).


Little Free Rock was an English late 1960s psychedelic hard rock trio from Preston, Lancashire, England.


Their eponymous album was released in November 1969, and they were an evolution of Purple Haze whose psychedelic nuances created great interest from their conception in early 1968. Purple Haze were a highly respected three piece outfit formed originally performing covers of songs from bands like The Who, Creation, Tomorrow, and others but quickly developing a style and presentation of their own.  To avoid association with Jimi Hendrix's "Purple haze", the name was changed to Little Free Rock from the meaning of their names. Paul means "Little", Frank means "Free" and Peter the "Rock".

"A girlfriend of mine, Linda Taylor, had a book on the meaning of names.
She told me that Paul meant "Little", Frank meant "Free" and
Peter meant "Rock", so that’s how the new name came about.
It also symbolised the kind of free rock music that we were creating.
I suppose the "Little" portion suggested humility and for all that, we were kind-of humble.
It's difficult to keep your feet on the ground when everything is going fantastically.
For me also the name sounded like a Red Indian name, so,
with all the imagery that suggested we became Little Free Rock." 
Peter Illingworth

Little Free Rock went on to work with Ginger Johnson's African Drummers, whose appearance with The Rolling Stones at the 1969 Hyde Park Concert in "Sympathy for the devil" has created much interest. The drummers who appeared from time to to included Gaspar Lawal (Ginger Baker's Airforce), Remi Salaka (The Rolling Stones), Speedy Aquay (Georgie Fame and The Blue Flames), Lofty and Mac Tonto (Osibisa), and 'Lord' Eric Carboo. On one occasion at the Chalk Farm Roundhouse there were 26 african drummers and a "witchdoctor".

The band performed regularly at the Roundhouse Sunday Night "Implosion" events and had numerous residencies at the Wardour Street Marquee Club.  As well as performing all over Belgium, continental trips included the Star Club in Hamburg, Essen Jazz and Blues Festival, and festivals in Frankfurt, San Tropez and Santa Margarita de la Costa in Italy.

CBS and Warner Brothers were becoming exceedingly interested in this new Afro Rock but only six weeks after the release on the LFR album, Transatlantic started breach of contract proceedings. When CBS and Warner Brothers heard this they backed off, however, CBS said that the band was too much like Santana, whom they already represented. Unfortunately, Little Free Rock were then unable to record for Transatlantic or anyone else for that matter, which was sad as the original contract was for 6 albums over a three year period.

Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac) joined the band for a short period, with gigs arranged at The Marquee and The Lyceum, and invited Little Free Rock to perform on sessions for his Solo Album. Sadly, after only one gig at a club called The Night Angel Club, in Soho, Peter decided that he was having too much hassle with Ginger Johnson about fees for the recording and he backed out. The tracks were never released.

The "Little Free Rock" album which was released in late 1969 and has also been released on CD by Line Records in Hamburg. Another CD has been release featuring demos and other unreleased tracks, some which were recorded at the transition point from Purple Haze to Little Free Rock, however they are credited to the latter. They are available on the Little Free Rock's "Time is of no consequence" CD, on World Wide Records, a division of SPM (Berlin).

website (official): illingworth70.co
see also the interview in itspsychedelicbabymagazine.com

Peter Illingworth - guitarra e vocal
Paul Varley - bateria
Frank Newbold - baixo e vocal


Little Free Rock (1969)

01. Roman summer nights
02. Lost lonely
03. Blud
04. Castles in the sky
05. Dream
06. Tingle
07. Evil woman
08. Age of chivalry
09. Making time

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Time is of no consequence [1969-1971] (1991)

01. Money on your mind
02. Evil woman
03. Time is of no consequence
04. Tiego
05. Talking to the trees
06. Big bird
07. Money on your mind
08. Evil woman
09. Time is of no consequence (no vocals)
10. Roman summer nights
11. Wait a whiile
12. Blud
13. Dream
14. Evil woman

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Link para o download dos 2 albums: enjoy!

Little Free RockLittle Free Rock - 1969 (full album)

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