segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2019

Budgie (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal {País de Gales})

Budgie foi uma banda de hard rock/heavy metal galesa de Cardiff. Ela é descrita pelo autor Garry Sharpe-Young como uma das primeiras bandas de heavy metal e uma influência seminal em muitos atos dessa cena, com o rock rápido e pesado (uma influência na nova onda do heavy metal britânico [NWOBHM]) e atos como Metallica) sendo tocado em 1971. A banda foi apontada como "uma das mais pesadas do metal de seus dias".


A banda foi formada em 1967 em Cardiff, uma cidade no País de Gales, com Burke Shelley (baixo e voz), Ray Phillips (bateria), Tony Bourge (guitarra) e Brian Goddard (guitarra). No início, eles se autodenominavam Hills Contemporary Grass e depois mudaram para Six Ton Budgie. Em 1968, o projeto Six Ton Budgie não encontrou uma gravadora que patrocinasse o trabalho deles, então Brian Goddard decidiu sair, transformando a banda em um trio e sendo conhecido de lá simplesmente como Budgie.

Depois de muitas batidas nas portas, eles conseguem um contrato e gravam seu primeiro álbum, "Budgie" (1971). O álbum marca um dos primeiros parâmetros entre o heavy metal com o rock progressivo, com grandes músicas como "Nude disintegrating parachutist woman" e "Homicidal suicidal" que, no futuro, ganhou uma nova versão pela Soundgarden. Ao mesmo tempo, um single é lançado com a música "Crash course in brain surgery" que (mais tarde ganhando uma nova versão pela Metallica), embora não tenha sido incluída em seu álbum de estréia, apareceria anos depois no álbum "In for the kill" (1974). Este primeiro trabalho os mostra como seguidores da Black Sabbath com toques de Cream e é um excelente exemplo de poder e suavidade ao mesmo tempo. A base rítmica (baixo e bateria) é sólida e o trabalho de Tony Bourge na guitarra é versátil, passando por vários estilos de riffs sempre com uma combinação perfeita de harmonia e peso.

A banda alcança uma legião de seguidores na Inglaterra e antes das boas críticas de sua estréia, eles se preparam para invadir a Europa. Em seu segundo trabalho, "Squawk" (1972) segue os mesmos parâmetros usados ​​em seu primeiro trabalho, adicionando melodias ainda mais progressivas, um álbum que em breve seria certificado em "ouro" em 1973, onde destaca a música "Young is a world", um tema harmonioso com intervalos pesados ​​acompanhados por uma sinfonia, à frente do que seus contemporâneos Rainbow fariam anos mais tarde.

Nesse ano, eles lançam seu trabalho mais aclamado pela crítica, o álbum "Never turn your back on a friend" (1973), que inclui clássicos bem lembrados, como os emocionais "Parents" ou a contundente "Breadfan", que também seria interpretada pela Metallica, sendo frequentemente interpretada em suas performances ao vivo como uma homenagem à banda galesa. Um ano depois, Ray Phillips deixa o grupo e entra Pete Boot (que infelizmente se retira da música quando é diagnosticado com mal de Parkinson) para a gravação do álbum "In for the kill" (1974), com músicas marcantes que seriam interpretadas pela Van Halen, além de a banda ter compartilhado o palco com Judas Priest naquele ano, ambas interpretando o tema "Running from my soul".

Um ano depois, Steve Williams fez sua estréia na bateria para a gravação do álbum "Bandolier" (1975) e acompanhou Burke Shelley na banda desde então. O álbum apresenta músicas como "Napoleon Bona-part I & II" e "I can't see my feelings", uma música que seria interpretada mais tarde pela Iron Maiden. Com obras cheias de poder e sempre combinadas com temas melódicos e longas passagens de introspecção musical, o álbum marca a que é considerada a época mais bem-sucedida e aclamada pela crítica em sua história.


Mais tarde, são publicados os álbuns "If I were Brittania I'd waive the rules" (1976) e "Impeckable" (1978), que decantam para um som mais comercial e acessível. Em 1978, Tony Bourge, o co-escritor da maioria das músicas, se aposenta, sem dúvida isso seria um golpe fatal para o futuro da banda. John Thomas chega para assumir o cargo de guitarrista e, em 1980, "Power supply" entra em promoção. O som da banda muda e eles se aproximam de um heavy metal mais primário e básico, típico dos tempos do surto da NWOBHM (New wave of British heavy metal), cena em que eles mesmos influenciaram parcialmente, perdendo completamente o som único e característico que Tony Bourge forneceu à banda em seu início.

"Nightflight" (1981) e "Deliver us from evil" (1982) são duas obras que colocam a lápide na história da Budgie, ainda destacando temas como "I turned to stone" e "Hold on to love", respectivamente. No entanto, eles não se separam e permanecem ativos, sendo prolíficos na cena da NWOBHM e participando do Reading Rock Festival de 1980 ao lado da UFO, Whitesnake e Iron Maiden: e novamente sendo a atração principal do evento de 82 com a Iron Maiden e Michael Schenker Group. Também se destaca a participação como uma banda de apoio de Ozzy Osbourne na Blizzard of Ozz Tour, atuando até 1988.


Após a saída de Tony Bourge, em 1982, ele decidiu formar a banda de heavy metal Tredegar, com seu ex-companheiro de equipe Ray Phillips lançando um álbum em 1986. Dois anos depois, Tony Bourge se retira da música e Tredegar permanece ativa até 1991, tempo em que Ray Phillips dissolve a banda e forma o grupo de rock Six Ton Budgie com seu filho Justin Phillips e o ex-baixista de Tredegar, Tom Prince.

Após 24 anos de inatividade desde seu último lançamento, em 2006, Budgie publica o álbum "You're all living in Cuckooland" com o guitarrista Simon Lees, um ano depois ele se aposenta e o guitarrista de Dio, Craig Goldy, se junta como músico em turnê, ficando com Burke e Steve até 2010, ano em que a banda decide suspender suas atividades depois que Burke Shelley teve que ser admitido na sala de operações para operar um aneurisma, impedindo-o de tocar baixo e cantar ao mesmo tempo.

Surpreendentemente, em 2013, o lembrado e lendário guitarrista Tony Bourge retorna ao mundo da música publicando um álbum de estúdio chamado "Crank it up", focado em suas primeiras influências no blues e no rock 'n' roll, embora sem perder completamente nenhum traço de seu estilo original de tocar, depois de 27 anos desde seu último trabalho de gravação.


Budgie foi uma das bandas que ajudou o nascimento do heavy metal, sendo especialmente promotores da NWOBHM e lembrada por ser uma banda única com um som igualmente único e facilmente distinguível, misturando de maneira original a franqueza do heavy metal com passagens suaves e relaxadas, sendo um dos primeiros expoentes do que seria chamado de metal progressivo, especialmente em seus cinco primeiros álbuns, considerados autênticos clássicos do metal.

Geralmente, os críticos e fãs os comparam com o grupo Rush, pois são semelhantes em vários aspectos, como progressividade misturada com peso, o tom da voz de Geddy Lee com o de Burke Shelley ou a mesma estrutura de alinhamento, sendo ambas as bandas um power trio, com o baixista como cantor, incluindo o êxito da Rush em 1976, parte do final da Budgie em 1975, embora nenhum membro de ambas as bandas tenha feito declarações sobre a outra.

Embora Budgie nunca tenha conhecido a fama e tenha passado quase toda a sua história à sombra de vários de seus contemporâneos, a banda têm muitos seguidores em todo o mundo que mantêm a história viva. Graças a grupos renomados que fizeram versões de algumas de suas músicas, como Metallica, Iron Maiden, Soundgarden, Voivod, Van Halen e Judas PriestBudgie atualmente conseguiu atingir um público mais amplo.


Budgie was a Welsh hard rock/heavy metal band from Cardiff. The band was described by author Garry Sharpe-Young as one of the earliest heavy metal bands and a seminal influence to many acts of that scene, with fast, heavy rock (an influence on the new wave of British heavy metal [NWOBHM] and acts such as Metallicabeing played as early as 1971. The band has been noted as "among the heaviest metal of its day".


The band was formed in 1967 in Cardiff, a city in Wales, with Burke Shelley (bass and vocals), Ray Phillips (drums), Tony Bourge (guitar) and Brian Goddard (guitar). At first, they called themselves Hills Contemporary Grass and then changed to Six Ton Budgie. In 1968, the Six Ton Budgie project did not find a record company to sponsor their work, so Brian Goddard decided to leave, turning the band into a trio and being known there simply as Budgie.

After many knocking on the doors, they get a contract and record their first album, "Budgie" (1971). The album marks one of the first parameters between heavy metal and progressive rock, with such great songs as "Nude disintegrating parachutist woman" and "Homicidal suicidal" which in the future won a new version by Soundgarden. At the same time, a single is released with the song "Crash course in brain surgery" which (later earning a new version by Metallica), although not included on her debut album, would appear years later on the album "In for the kill" (1974). This first work shows them as followers of Black Sabbath with Cream accents and is a prime example of power and softness at the same time. The rhythm base (bass and drums) is solid and Tony Bourge's guitar work is versatile, going through various styles of riffs always with a perfect combination of harmony and weight.

The band reaches a legion of followers in England and before the good reviews of their debut, they prepare to invade Europe. In his second work, "Squawk" (1972) follows the same parameters used in his first work, adding even more progressive melodies, an album that would soon be certified in "gold" in 1973, featuring the song "Young is a world", a harmonious theme with heavy intervals accompanied by a symphony, ahead of what its contemporaries Rainbow would do years later.

This year, they release their most critically acclaimed work, the album "Never turn your back on a friend" (1973), which includes well-remembered classics such as the emotional "Parents" or the scathing "Breadfan" that would also be performed by Metallica, often being interpreted in their live performances as a tribute to the Welsh band. A year later, Ray Phillips leaves the group and enters Pete Boot (who unfortunately withdraws from the song when diagnosed with Parkinson's disease) for the recording of the album "In for the kill" (1974), with striking songs that would be performed by Van Halen, and the band shared the stage with Judas Priest that year, both performing the theme "Running from my soul".

A year later, Steve Williams made his drums debut for recording the album "Bandolier" (1975) and has accompanied Burke Shelley in the band ever since. The album features songs such as "Napoleon Bona-part I & II" and "I can't see my feelings", a song that would later be performed by Iron Maiden. With works full of power and always combined with melodic themes and long passages of musical introspection, the album marks what is considered the most successful and critically acclaimed epoch in its history.


Later, the albums "If I were Brittania I'd waive the rules" (1976) and "Impeckable" (1978) are released, which decant for a more commercial and affordable sound. In 1978, Tony Bourge, the co-writer of most songs, retires, no doubt that would be a fatal blow to the band's future. John Thomas arrives to take over as guitarist, and in 1980, "Power supply" goes on sale. The sound of the band changes and they approach a more primary and basic heavy metal, typical of the New wave of British heavy metal (NWOBHM) outbreak, a scene in which they themselves partly influenced, completely losing the unique and characteristic sound that Tony Bourge provided the band at its inception.

"Nightflight" (1981) and "Deliver us from evil" (1982) are two works that put the tombstone in Budgie's story, yet highlighting themes such as "I turned to stone" and "Hold on to love" respectively. However, they do not separate and remain active, being prolific on the NWOBHM scene and attending the 1980 Reading Rock Festival alongside UFO, Whitesnake and Iron Maiden: and again being the main attraction of the 82nd Iron Maiden and Michael Schenker Group. Also featured is the participation as a support band of Ozzy Osbourne on the Blizzard of Ozz Tour, performing until 1988.


Following Tony Bourge's departure in 1982, he decided to form the heavy metal band Tredegar, with his former teammate Ray Phillips releasing an album in 1986. Two years later, Tony Bourge retires from the song and Tredegar remains active until 1991, when Ray Phillips dissolved the band and formed rock band Six Ton Budgie with his son Justin Phillips and former Tredegar bassist Tom Prince.

After 24 years of inactivity since its last release in 2006, Budgie publishes the album "You're all living in Cuckooland" with guitarist Simon Lees, a year later he retires and Dio guitarist Craig Goldy joins as touring musician, staying with Burke and Steve until 2010, the year the band decided to suspend their activities after Burke Shelley had to be admitted to the operating room to operate an aneurysm, preventing him from playing bass and singing at the same time.

Surprisingly, in 2013, remembered and legendary guitarist Tony Bourge returns to the music world publishing a studio album called "Crank it up", focused on his early influences on blues and rock 'n' roll, though completely missing no trace. of his original playing style, after 27 years since his last recording job.


Budgie was one of the bands that helped the birth of heavy metal, being especially promoters of NWOBHM and remembered for being a unique band with an equally unique and easily distinguishable sound, originally blending heavy metal frankness with soft, relaxed passages. One of the first exponents of what would be called progressive metal, especially in his first five albums, considered authentic metal classics.

Generally, critics and fans compare them to the Rush group because they are similar in many ways, such as progressivity mixed with weight, the tone of Geddy Lee's voice with Burke Shelley's or the same alignment structure, both bands being a power trio, with the bassist as a singer, including the success of Rush in 1976, part of Budgie's ending in 1975, although neither member of either band made any statements about the other.

Although Budgie has never known fame and has spent most of its history in the shadow of several of its contemporaries, the band has many followers around the world who keep the story alive. Thanks to renowned groups who have made versions of some of their songs, such as Metallica, Iron Maiden, Soundgarden, Voivod, Van Halen and Judas Priest, Budgie is currently able to reach a wider audience.


Membros atuais
Burke Shelley - vocal, baixo,
1967-1988, 1995-1996, desde 1999
Steve Williams - bateria, backing vocal,
1974-1986, desde 1999
Craig Goldy - guitarra,
desde 2007 

Tony Bourge - guitarra, 1967-1978
Ray Phillips - bateria, 1967-1974
Pete Boot - bateria, 1974
Rob Kendrick - guitarra,
vocal de apoio, 1978-1979
John "Big" Thomas - guitarras,
1979-1988, 1995-1996, 1999-2002
Duncan Mackay - teclados, 1982
Jim Simpson - bateria, 1986-1988
Robert "Congo" Jones - bateria, 1995-1996
Andy Hart - guitarra, 2002-2003
Simon Lees - guitarra,


Budgie (1971)
01. Guts
02. Everything in my heart
03. The author
04. Nude disintegrating
parachutist woman
05. Rape of the locks
06. All night petrol
07. You and I
08. Homicidal suicidal
09. Crash course
in brain surgery
(alternate mix, bonus)
10. Nude disintegrating
parachutist woman
(single edit, bonus)
11. Nude disintegrating
parachutist woman
(2003 version, bonus)
12. Guts (2003
version, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Squawk (1972)
01. Whiskey river
02. Rocking man
03. Rolling home again
04. Make me happy
05. Hot as a docker's armpit
06. Drug store woman
07. Bottled
08. Young
is a world
09. Stranded
10. Whiskey river (a-side
single version, bonus)
11. Stranded (alt. mix, bonus)
12. Whiskey river (2003
version, bonus)
13. Rolling home
again (2004 version,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Never turn your back on a friend (1973)
01. Breadfan
02. Baby please don't go
03. You know I'll
always love you
04. You're the biggest
thing since powdered milk
05. In the grip of
tyrefitter's hand
06. Riding my nightmare
07. Parents
08. Breadfan (2003
version, bonus)
09. Parents (2004
acoustic version, bonus)
10. Breadfan (live 1973,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

In for the kill! (1974)
01. In for the kill
02. Crash course
in brain surgery
03. Wondering what
everyone knows
04. Zoom club
05. Hammer and tongs
06. Running from my soul
07. Living on your own
08. Zoom club
(single edit, bonus)
09. In for the kill
(2003 version, bonus)
10. Crash course
in brain surgery
(2003 version, bonus)
11. Zoom club
(2003 version,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Bandolier (1975)
01. Breaking all
the house rules
02. Slipaway
03. Who do you
want for your love
04. I can't see my feelings
05. I ain't no mountain
06. Napoleon Bona-Part I & II
07. Honey (b-side, bonus)
08. Breaking all the house
rules (live 1980, bonus)
09. Napoleon Bona-Part I & II
[live 1980, bonus]
10. Who do you
want for your love
(live 1975,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

If I were Brittania
I'd waive the rules (1976)
01. Anne Neggen
02.I f I were Brittania
I'd waive the rules
03. You're opening doors
04. Quacktors and bureaucats
05. Sky high percentage
06. Heaven knows our name
07. Black velvet stallion
08. You're opening doors
(2006 version, bonus)
09. Black velvet stallion
(2006 version,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Impeckable (1978)
01. Melt the ice away
02. Love for you and me
03. All at sea
04. Dish it up
05. Pyramids
06. Smile boy, smile
07. I'm a faker too
08. Don't go away
09. Don't dilute the water
10. Smile boy, smile
(single edit, bonus)
11. Don't dilute the water
(2008 version, bonus)
12. All at sea
(2008 version,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

If swallowed, do not
induce vomiting [EP] (1980)
01. Wild fire
02. High school girls
03. Panzer division destroyed
04. Lies of Jim
(The e-type lover)
05. High school girls
(live 1980, bonus)
06. Panzer division destroyed
(live 1980, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Power supply (1980)
01. Forearm smash
02. Hellbender
03. Heavy revolution
04. Gunslinger
05. Power supply
06. Secrets in my head
07. Time to remember
08. Crime against the world
09. Crime against the world
(single edit, bonus)
10. Gunslinger
(live 1981, bonus)
11. Crime against the world
(live 1981, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Nightflight (1981)
01. I turned to stone
02. Keeping a rendezvous
03. Reaper of the glory
04. She used me up
05. Don't lay down and die
06. Apparatus
07. Superstar
08. Change your ways
09. Untitled lullaby
10. She used me up
(live 1981, bonus)
11. Superstar
(live 1981,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Deliver us from evil (1982)
01. Bored with Russia
02. Don't cry
03. Truth drug
04. Young girl
05. Flowers in the attic
06. N.O.R.A.D.
(Doomsday city)
07. Give me the truth
08. Alison
09. Finger on the button
10. Hold on to love
11. Bored with Russia
(single edit, bonus)
12. Truth drug
(live 1982, bonus)
13. Flowers in the attic
(live 1983,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Life in San Antonio (2002)
01. Crime against the world
02. Melt the ice away
03. Gunslinger
04. Panzer division destroyed
05. I turned to stone
06. Black velvet stallion
07. In for the kill/
Rape of the locks/Guts
08. Breaking all
the house rules
09. Zoom club
10. Napoleon
Bona-Part I & II
11. Wildfire
12. Breadfan/
Nude disintegrating

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

The last stage (2004)
01. Love is when you love
02. House of a sinner
03. Same old sad affair
04. Signed your own fate
05. Hard luck
06. Living with another man
07. You ain't got love
08. Renegade
09. Sweet fast talker
10. Wait till tomorrow
11. Rock your blood
12. Nutbush city limits
13. Can't get up in the morning
14. Heaven in your eyes
15. Picture on a screen
16. Victim

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Radio sessions 1974 & 1978 (2005)
CD 01: London, 1974
01. Breadfan
02. You are the biggest
thing since powdered milk
03. Hammer and tongs
04. Zoom club
05. Parents
06. Rocking man

CD 02: Los Angeles, 1978
01. Melt the ice away
02. In the grip of
a tyrefitter's hand
03. Smile boy smile
04. In for the kill/
You are the biggest thing
since powdered milk
05. Love for you and me
06. Parents
07. Who do you
want for your love
08. Don't dilute the water
09. Breaking all
the house rules
10. Breadfan

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

The BBC recordings (2006)
CD 01
01. Rape of the locks
02. Rocking man
03. Young is a world
04. Hot as a docker's armpit
05. Breaking all the house rules
06. Crime against the world
07. Napoleon Bona-Part I & II
08. Forearm smash
09. Panzer
division destroyed
10. Wildfire
11. Breadfan
(lost edit not

CD 02
01. Sky high percentage
02. In the grip of
a tyrefitter's hand
03. I turned to stone
04. Superstar
05. She used me up
06. Forearm smash
07. Crime against the world
08. I turned to stone
09. Truth drug
(not transmitted)
10. Superstar
11. She used me up
12. Panzer division

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

You're all living in Cuckooland (2006)
01. Justice
02. Dead men don't talk
03. We're all living
in Cuckooland
04. Falling
05. Love is enough
06. Tell me, tell me
07. (Don't want to)
Find that girl
08. Captain
09. I don't want to throw you
10. I'm compressing the
comb on a cockerel's

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 16 albums: enjoy!

Budgie Breadfan - 1973
Budgie - Who do you want for your love - 1975
Budgie - Pyramids - 1976
Budgie - Smile boy, smile - 1976

5 comentários:

  1. Happy Holidays!
    Thank you for sharing so many great gems!!
    Well my friends, it is my great pleasure to share a true Monster that has haunted the deepest waters of my wishlists for over 20 years :)
    From the radically groovy far-out reaches of innermost fun and the realms of powerLove-charged sands spilling out of Brian Wilson's grand sandbox,
    here is the legendary double Lp surf movie soundtrack, 'A Sea For Yourself' from 1973!! This rare and wonderful soundtrack to Hal Jepsen's surf film was created by a heady congregation led by Dennis & Daryl Dragon and Rick Henn, with help from many other talented friends.
    I cannot say it any better than Mike Hamlin of KIKI Honolulu did in the liner notes from the Lp itself, "There's a lot more - 4 sides of music that rockets all the way from the shit-kickin' strains of 'Sugar In My Coffee' to the phased-out limits of 'Cosmosis' to the staccato power horn riffs on 'Cholo'. Rock, country, electronic, jazz, there are enough musical trips on this album to keep you stoking through several long winter nights. Music is my life - I listen to a lot of it. A hell of a lot - and this one I recommend to you - whatever you're paying for it - it's a deal. So light up - get it on your record player - and 'Sea For Yourself'." Right on Mike!

    A Sea For Yourself [1973]

    For the Holiday season :) here's two past jolly Xmas comps I made that are sure to raise more than one smile ;)

    From All Of Us To All Of
    [fyi file is labeled 'default' lol]

    And another old classic treat,
    an old Hearts Of Space radio show classic program from 1988 titled 'Whales Alive'....besides the always top-notch space music, this one is very special, for besides a wonderful oceanic journey filled with whale songs, Leonard Nimoy does multiple readings of various classic poems :) it truly is priceless :)

    HOS #142 Whales

    Happy Holidays my friends!

  2. Happy holidays to you too, October Country!
    And thanks for the shares!
    Whenever you can, visit us. You will always be welcome here on the blog. Big hug and happy New Year!


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