domingo, 8 de dezembro de 2019

The Ghost - When you're dead... One second - 1970 (Psychedelic Rock {UK})

A banda britânica The Ghost 
(de Birmingham, Inglaterra) foi formada em 1969. No começo, usando o nome Holy Ghost, mas logo foi reduzida por razões óbvias.

Paul Eastmont (vocais, guitarra, ex-Velvet Fogg), Charlie Grima (bateria), Terr Guy (teclados, vocais) e Daniel McGuire (baixo, vocais) foram os membros formadores e, quando Shirley Kent (vocais, guitarras) se juntou à banda logo após a formação terminar, eles partiram para gravar seu primeiro single - "When you're dead/Indian maid" (President Records, 14 642 AT) -, lançado em 1969, seguido rapidamente por uma produção completa.

Em 1970, o álbum de estréia "When you're dead ... One second" vê a luz e o segundo single, "I've got to get to know you/For one second" (Gemini, GMS 014), é emitido pela banda. O som da banda é caracterizado por harmonias crescentes, guitarras cruas e trabalho de órgão Farfisa. Logo após, Shirley Kent decide deixar a banda para iniciar uma carreira solo logo depois. A banda continua usando o nome Resurrection, mas se separou sem liberar mais material.


The British band The Ghost (from Birmingham, England) was formed in 1969. At first, using the name Holy Ghost, it was soon reduced for obvious reasons.

Paul Eastmont (vocals, guitar, former Velvet Fogg), Charlie Grima (drums), Terr Guy (keyboards, vocals) and Daniel McGuire (bass, vocals) and, when Shirley Kent (vocals, guitars) joined the band shortly after the formation was completed, they set out to record their first single - "When you're dead/Indian maid" (President Records, 14 642 AT) - released in 1969, followed quickly by a full production.

In 1970, the debut album "When you're dead ... One second" sees the light and the second single, "I've got to get to know you/For one second" (Gemini, GMS 014), is issued by the band. The band's sound is characterized by soaring harmonies, raw guitars and Farfisa organ work. Right after, Shirley Kent decides to leave the band to start a solo career soon after. The band still uses the name Resurrection, but broke up without releasing more material

Terry Guy - órgão, piano
Shirley Kent - violão, pandeiro, vocal
Paul Eastment - guitarra, vocal principal
Charlie Grima - bateria, percussão
Daniel MacGuire - baixo

01. When you're dead
02. Hearts and flowers
03. In Heaven
04. Time is my enemy
05. Too late to cry
06. For one second
07. Night of the warlock
08. Indian maid
09. My castle has fallen
10. The storm
11. Me and my loved ones
12. I've got to get
to know you

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

The Ghost - When you're dead... One second - 1970

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