sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2021

Crushed Butler - Uncrushed [1969-71] - 2005 (Garage/Proto-Punk {UK})

Crushed Butler - Uncrushed [1969-71] - 2005
Crushed Butler foi uma banda
britânica de proto-punk/garage rock que
existiu entre 1969 e 1971. De acordo com
a banda "foi, em muitos aspectos, a primeira
banda de proto-punk da Grã-Bretanha".
Os membros da banda formaram Beat
Existentialists e The Gorillas,
bem como seguiram
carreiras solo.


Crushed Butler foi formada em 1969 por Jesse Hector (guitarra, voz), Alan Butler (baixo) e Darryl Read (bateria). Eles inicialmente tocaram versões cover de canções de outras bandas, antes de escreverem seu próprio material original. Eles se vestiram com camisetas rasgadas de gola cortada, cintos cravejados e jeans Levis de perna reta, e suas performances ao vivo agressivas e enérgicas, explodiram em muitos artistas famosos do palco, do Lyceum ao Guildford Civic - eles eram futuristas e um grupo a ser considerado.

A banda fez o teste e gravou para várias gravadoras, incluindo EMI e Decca, mas não conseguiu fechar um contrato. Para a sessão de 1970 para a EMI, eles só puderam gravar sua própria música "Factory grime" após a escolha do produtor Roger Ferris, "Love is all around me". A aversão da gravadora ao "grime de fábrica" ​​fez com que perdessem o interesse pela banda.

No início de 1971, a banda mudou seu nome para Tiger, e a formação também mudou para incluir Barry Mitchell, ex-membro de uma versão inicial da Queen. Como Tiger, eles eram comandados por Neil Christian da The Crusaders, e Arthur Anderson se juntou à banda no baixo. No entanto, eles ainda não conseguiram um contrato de gravação e a banda se separou no final de 1971, quando Read começou a trabalhar como compositor na Track Records.

Hector e Butler continuaram como Helter-Skelter e formaram The Hammersmith Gorillas (mais tarde abreviado para The Gorillas), enquanto Read seguia carreira solo, além de trabalhar como ator. Os trabalhos de Read incluíram três álbuns - "Beat existentialist" (1991) e "Freshly dug" (1999) com Ray Manzarek, e "Bleeding paradise" em 2007.

Em 2000, ele estrelou ao lado de Jamie Foreman e Zoot Money no longa-metragem "Remember a day", estrelado pelo astro do rock Roger Bannerman. Suas obras literárias posteriores incluem o romance biográfico "Stardom road" e "SET", contendo poesia, ilustrada por George Underwood. Read morreu em um acidente de motocicleta em junho de 2013 na Tailândia.

As gravações da Crushed Butler foram lançadas em 1998 pela Dig the Fuzz Records no álbum "Uncrushed".


Crushed Butler was a British
proto-punk/garage rock band that existed
between 1969 and 1971. According to 2008's
band "was, in many ways, Britain's first
proto-punk band". Band members
went on to form Beat Existentialists
and The Gorillasas well as
pursue solo careers.


Crushed Butler was formed in 1969 by Jesse Hector (guitar, vocals), Alan Butler (bass guitar) and Darryl Read (drums). They initially played cover versions of other bands' songs, before writing their own original material. They dressed with ripped slash-neck T-shirts, studded belts and straight legged Levis jeans, and their aggressive and energetic live performances, blew many a name top act of the stage, from the Lyceum to the Guildford Civic - they were futuristic, and a group to be reckoned with.

The band auditioned and recorded for several record labels including EMI and Decca, but failed to secure a deal. For their 1970 session for EMI, they were only allowed to record their own "Factory grime" song after recording producer Roger Ferris' choice, "Love is all around me". The label's aversion to "Factory grime" saw them lose interest in the band.

In early 1971, the band changed their name to Tiger, and the line-up also changed to include Barry Mitchell, formerly a member of an early version of Queen. As Tiger they were managed by Neil Christian of The Crusaders, and Arthur Anderson joined the band on bass guitar. However, they still were unable to secure a record deal and the band split up in late 1971 when Read took up a job as a songwriter at Track Records.

Hector and Butler continued as Helter-Skelter and went on to form The Hammersmith Gorillas (later shortened to The Gorillas), while Read pursued a solo career, as well as working as an actor. Read's works included three albums - "Beat existentialist" (1991) and "Freshly dug" (1999) with Ray Manzarek, and "Bleeding paradise" in 2007.

In 2000, he starred alongside Jamie Foreman and Zoot Money in the feature film "Remember a day", starring banned rock star Roger Bannerman. His later literary works include the biographical novel "Stardom road", and "SET", containing poetry, illustrated by George Underwood. Read died in a motorcycle accident in June 2013 in Thailand.

Crushed Butler's recordings were eventually released in 1998 by Dig the Fuzz Records on the "Uncrushed" album.

Darryl Read - bateria, vocal
Jesse Hector - guitarra
Alan Butler - baixo

Crushed Butler - Uncrushed [1969-71] - 2005 (back)
01. It's my life
02. Factory grime
03. Love is all
around me
04. My son's alive
05. Love fighter
06. High school dropout
07. High school dropout
(2nd version, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Crushed Butler - It's my life - 1969
Crushed Butler - My son's alive - 1971

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