sábado, 15 de outubro de 2022

Cactus & The New Cactus Band (Hard Blues Rock {US})

Cactus (photo 01)

Cactus é uma banda americana de hard rock formada em 1969, e atualmente composta por Jimmy Kunes como vocalista, o guitarrista Paul Warren, o baterista Carmine Appice, o baixista Jimmy Caputo e Randy Pratt na gaita.


Cactus foi inicialmente concebida no final de 1969 pelo baixista Tim Bogert, ex-integrante da Vanilla Fudge, e pelo baterista Carmine Appice, depois que os planos de se juntar ao guitarrista Jeff Beck foram cancelados quando Beck sofreu um acidente automobilístico e ficou fora da cena musical por mais de um ano.

No início de 1970, Bogert e Appice trouxeram o guitarrista de blues Jim McCarty da Detroit Wheels de Mitch Ryder e a The Buddy Miles Express, e o cantor Rusty Day (nascido Russell Edward Davidson) da The Amboy Dukes.

Esta formação lançou três álbuns pela Atco Records, "Cactus" (1970), "One way... or another" (1971) e "Restrictions" (1971), antes que problemas intrabanda levassem McCarty a desistir no final do 1971. Rusty Day foi demitido do grupo pouco depois. O quarto e último álbum original da Cactus, "'Ot 'n' sweaty" (1972), contou com a seção rítmica original de Bogert e Appice acompanhados por Werner Fritzschings na guitarra, Duane Hitchings nos teclados e Peter French (ex-Leaf Hound e Atomic Rooster) nos vocais. Pouco antes da separação final, o guitarrista Ricky Ramirez substituiu Werner Fritzschings.


Após a dissolução da Cactus em 1972, Bogert e Appice finalmente se juntaram a Jeff Beck para formar a Beck, Bogert & Appice. Depois de um álbum de estúdio, o auto-intitulado "Beck, Bogert & Appice" (1973) e um álbum ao vivo, "Beck, Bogert & Appice live (in Japan)" (1973, lançado apenas no Japão), a banda se dissolveu. Seu segundo álbum permanece inédito até hoje, junto com as gravações do último show da banda no Rainbow Theatre em Londres em 26 de janeiro de 1974.


Tendo feito um nome para si mesmo na cena do rock de Detroit como uma força a ser reconhecida, Rusty Day trabalhou para restaurar uma das bandas mais lendárias de Detroit, The Band Detroit, no cenário nacional. The Band Detroit foi formada como uma ramificação da Detroit Wheels pelos membros Steve Gaines, Ted "T-Mel" Smith, Nathaniel Peterson, Terry Emery, Bill Hodgeson e outros. A chama inicial da banda acabou rapidamente devido a muitos problemas diferentes acontecendo ao mesmo tempo. Existe uma gravação de Rusty Day, Steve Gaines e o resto da banda tocando em 1973 chamada "The Band Detroit: The driftwood tapes".


A The New Cactus Band, formada por Duane Hitchings, lançou um álbum, "Son of Cactus" (1973), que não apresentava nenhum dos membros originais da Cactus. Mike Pinera, ex-Blues Image e Iron Butterfly, entrou na guitarra, junto com Roland Robinson no baixo e Jerry Norris na bateria. A banda então excursionou ao vivo no Centro-Oeste e na Costa Leste em meados de 1973 com o baterista da Captain Beyond, Bobby Caldwell, e o ex-baixista de Gregg Allman, Charlie Souza. A The New Cactus Band logo se desfez. Seu único álbum alcançou a posição 183 na parada de álbuns da Billboard Top 200.

Em 1976, Rusty Day formou outra versão da Cactus em Longwood, Flórida, para onde se mudou. Esta versão da Cactus contou com Steve "Kahoutek" Dansby na guitarra, John "Soybean Slim" Sauter (que mais tarde tocou no "Weekend warriors" de Ted Nugent) no baixo e Gary "Madman" Moffatt (que atualmente toca na 38 Special) na bateria. Esta foi a formação mais duradoura da banda na década de 1970, que terminou por volta de 1979. Embora houvesse rumores de que essa formação gravou algumas demos e possivelmente tentou gravar um álbum, nenhuma gravação de estúdio da formação da Cactus de Rusty Day, da Flórida, já apareceu. Algumas gravações ao vivo, no entanto, circularam online.

Em 3 de junho de 1982, Rusty Day foi assassinado em sua própria casa em Longwood, Flórida. Ele e seu filho foram mortos a tiros por um ou mais traficantes de drogas desconhecidos. O caso nunca foi resolvido e permanece em aberto.


Cactus ressurgiu em junho de 2006, em Nova York: uma transmissão de rádio no The Radiochick Show e seu primeiro show desde 1972 no B.B. King's Blues Club em Times Square, em 3 de junho.

Este show foi um aquecimento para o show que desencadeou a reunião, uma aparição no Sweden Rock Festival em Norje, Suécia, em 9 de junho. Jimmy Kunes nos vocais. Randy Pratt se juntou à banda em Nova York e Suécia na gaita. O grupo também lançou um novo álbum, "Cactus V" (2006).

Em 2008, McCarty deixou a banda e foi novamente substituído por Werner Fritzchings. Elliot Dean Rubinson substituiu Tim Bogert, que se aposentou das turnês devido a problemas de saúde. Os remanescentes (Appice, McCarty e Kunes) seguiram com Pete Bremy no baixo e incorporam também o gaitista Randy Pratt, se consolidando como um quinteto.

Em 2011, McCarty retornou à banda com Pete Bremy assumindo o baixo. Bremy também assumiu o lugar de Bogert na Vanilla Fudge e é o único membro não original que tocou para ambas as bandas. A formação de 2012 foi Jim McCarty, Carmine Appice, Jimmy Kunes, Pete Bremy e Randy Pratt.

Com essa formação a banda lança em 2016 "Black dawn", um disco mais pesado e mais distorcido que o anterior. O disco traz ainda duas faixas inéditas dos anos 70, resgatando um pouco do que parece ser o processo de arranjo de "One way... or another", com o nome de "Another way or another" e um blues improvisado, batizado de "C70 blues".

A banda anuncia em seu site o lançamento de um novo disco para 2020, com a mesma formação de "Black dawn", mas que foi prorrogado por causa da COVID-19. Trata-se de "Tightrope", que foi lançado em 2021.


Desde 2004 foram lançadas as coletâneas e álbums ao vivo: "Barely contained: The studio sessions" (2004), "Fully unleashed: The live gigs" (2004), "Fully unleashed: The live gigs [volume II]" (2007), "Ultra sonic boogie [live 1971]" (2010) e a mais recente "The birth of Cactus [live 1970]" (2022).


Cactus is an American hard rock band formed in 1969, and currently comprising Jimmy Kunes as lead singer, guitarist Paul Warren, drummer Carmine Appice, bassist Jimmy Caputo and Randy Pratt on harmonica.

ORIGINAL LINE-UP (1969-1972)

Cactus was initially conceived in late 1969 by former Vanilla Fudge members bassist Tim Bogert and drummer Carmine Appice, after plans to team up with guitarist Jeff Beck were canceled when Beck had an automobile accident and was out of the music scene for over a year.

In early 1970, Bogert and Appice brought in blues guitarist Jim McCarty from Mitch Ryder's Detroit Wheels and The Buddy Miles Express, and singer Rusty Day (born Russell Edward Davidson) from The Amboy Dukes.

This line-up released three albums on Atco Records, "Cactus" (1970), "One way... or another" (1971), and "Restrictions" (1971), before intraband troubles led to McCarty quitting at the end of 1971. Rusty Day was fired from the group shortly afterwards. The fourth and last original Cactus album, "'Ot 'n' sweaty" (1972), featured original rhythm section Bogert and Appice joined by Werner Fritzschings on guitar, Duane Hitchings on keyboards and Peter French (ex-Leaf Hound and Atomic Rooster) on vocals. Shortly before the final breakup, Guitarist Ricky Ramirez replaced Werner Fritzschings.


After Cactus's dissolution in 1972, Bogert and Appice finally joined with Jeff Beck to form Beck, Bogert & Appice. After one studio album, the self-titled "Beck, Bogert & Appice" (1973) and one live album, "Beck, Bogert & Appice live (in Japan)" (1973, released only in Japan), the band dissolved. Their second album remains unreleased to this day, along with recordings of the band's last concert at the Rainbow Theatre in London on January 26, 1974.


Having made a name for himself in Detroit's rock scene as a force to be reckoned with, Rusty Day worked to restore one of Detroit's most legendary bands, The Band Detroit, to the national stage. The Band Detroit was formed as an offshoot of Detroit Wheels by members Steve Gaines, Ted "T-Mel" Smith, Nathaniel Peterson, Terry Emery, Bill Hodgeson, and others. The band's initial flame burned out quickly due to many different issues going on at once. A recording exists of Rusty Day, Steve Gaines, and the rest of the band performing in 1973 called "The Band Detroit: The driftwood tapes".


The New Cactus Band, formed by Duane Hitchings, released one album, "Son of Cactus" (1973), which featured none of the original Cactus members. Mike Pinera, formerly of Blues Image and Iron Butterfly, came in on guitar, along with Roland Robinson on bass and Jerry Norris on drums. The band then toured live in the Midwest and on the East Coast in mid 1973 with Captain Beyond drummer Bobby Caldwell and former Gregg Allman bass player Charlie Souza. The New Cactus Band soon disbanded. Their sole album peaked at number 183 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart.

In 1976, Rusty Day formed another version of Cactus in Longwood, Florida, where he had relocated. This version of Cactus featured Steve "Kahoutek" Dansby on guitar, John "Soybean Slim" Sauter (who later played on Ted Nugent's "Weekend warriors") on bass guitar and Gary "Madman" Moffatt (who currently plays for 38 Special) on drums. This was the longest lasting 1970s line-up of the band, which ended around 1979. Although this lineup was rumored to have recorded some demos and possibly attempted to record an album, no studio recordings of Rusty Day's Cactus lineup from Florida have ever surfaced. A few live recordings, however, have circulated online.

On June 3, 1982, Rusty Day was murdered at his own house in Longwood, Florida. He and his son were shot to death by one or more unknown drug dealers. The case has never been solved and remains open.


Cactus re-emerged in June 2006, in New York City: a radio broadcast on The Radiochick Show and their first show since 1972 at B.B. King's Blues Club in Times Square, on June 3.

This show was a warm up for the gig which sparked the reunion, an appearance at the Sweden Rock Festival in Norje, Sweden on June 9. The 2006 version of Cactus saw original members Appice, Bogert and McCarty reunited and joined by former Savoy Brown frontman Jimmy Kunes on vocals. Randy Pratt joined the band in New York and Sweden on harmonica. The group also released a new album, "Cactus V" (2006).

In 2008, McCarty left the band and was again replaced by Werner Fritzchings. Elliot Dean Rubinson replaced Tim Bogert, who had retired from touring due to ill health. The remainder (Appice, McCarty and Kunes) followed with Pete Bremy on bass and also incorporate harmonica player Randy Pratt, consolidating themselves as a quintet.

In 2011, McCarty returned to the band with Pete Bremy taking over on bass. Bremy also took Bogert's place in Vanilla Fudge and is the only non-original member who has played for both bands. The 2012 lineup was Jim McCarty, Carmine Appice, Jimmy Kunes, Pete Bremy and Randy Pratt.

With this lineup, the band released in 2016 "Black dawn", a heavier and more distorted record than the previous one. The album also features two unreleased tracks from the 70's, rescuing a little of what seems to be the arrangement process of "One way... or another", with the name of "Another way or another" and an improvised blues, dubbed the "C70 blues".

The band announces on its website the release of a new album for 2020, with the same lineup as "Black dawn", but which has been extended because of COVID-19. This is "Tightrope", which was released in 2021.


Since 2004, compilations and live albums were released: "Barely contained: The studio sessions" (2004), "Fully unleashed: The live gigs" (2004), "Fully unleashed: The live gigs [volume II]" (2007), "Ultra sonic boogie [live 1971]" (2010) and the most recent "The birth of Cactus [live 1970]" (2022).

Carmine Appice - bateria, vocal (desde 1969)
Jim McCarty - guitarra (1969-1971, desde 2006)
Jimmy Kunes  - vocal (desde 2006)
Randy Pratt - harmônica (desde 2006)
Pete Bremy - baixo (desde 2015)
Tim Bogert - baixo, vocal (1969-1972, 2006)
Rusty Day - vocal, harmônica (1969-1972)
Ron Leejack - guitarra (1971)
Albhy Galuten - piano (1971)
Duane Hitchings - teclados (1971)
Werner Fritzsching - guitarra (1972)
Peter French - vocal (1972)

Cactus (photo 02)
Cactus (poster)


Cactus (1970)
Cactus - Cactus - 1970 (front)
01. Parchman farm
02. My lady from
south of Detroit
03. Bro. Bill
04. You can't judge 
a book by the cover
05. Let me swim
06. No need to worry
07. Oleo
08. Feel so

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

One way... or another (1971)
Cactus - One way... or another - 1971 (front)
01. Long tall Sally
02. Rockout, whatever
your feel like
03. Rock 'n' roll children
04. Big mama boogie
(parts 1 & 2)
05. Feel so bad
06. Songs for Aries
07. Hometown bust
08. One way...
or another

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Restrictions (1971)
Cactus - Restrictions - 1971 (front)
01. Restrictions
02. Token chokin'
03. Guiltless glider
04. Evil
05. Alaska
06. Sweet sixteen
07. Bag drag
08. Mean night
in Cleveland

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

'Ot 'n' sweaty (1972)
Cactus - 'Ot 'n' sweaty - 1972 (front)
01. Swim
02. Bad mother boogie
03. Our lil rock-n-roll thing
04. Bad stuff
05. Bringing me down
06. Bedroom mazurka
07. Telling you
08. Underneath
the arches

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Son of Cactus (1973)
[as The New Cactus Band]
The New Cactus Band - Son of Cactus - 1973 (front)
01. It's
getting better
02. I can't wait
03. Hook, line and sinker
04. It's just a feelin'
05. Lady (Spend
my life with you)
06. Ragtime Suzy
07. Blue gipsy woman
08. Senseless rebel
09. Man is a boy
10. Hold on to my love
11. Daddy ain't

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Cactus V (2006)
Cactus - Cactus V - 2006 (front)
01. Doing time
02. Muscle and soul
03. Cactus music
04. The groover
05. High in the city
06. Day for night
07. Living for today
08. Shine
09. Electric blue
10. Your brother's keeper
11. Blues for Mr. Day
12. Part of the game
13. Gone train gone
14. Jazzed

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Black dawn (2016)
Cactus - Black dawn - 2016 (front)
01. Black dawn
02. Mama, bring
it home
03. Dynamite
04. Juggernaut
05. Headed for a fall
06. You need love
07. The last goodbye
08. Walk a mile
09. Another way
or another
10. C-70 blues

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Tightrope (2021)
Cactus - Tightrope - 2021 (front)
01. Tightrope
02. Papa was a
rolling stone
03. All shook up
04. Poison in paradise
05. Third time gone
06. Shake that thing
07. Primitive touch
08. Preaching woman
man blues
09. Elevation
10. Suite 1 and 2:
Everlong/All the madmen
11. Headed for a fall
12. Wear it out

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!


Barely contained:
The studio sessions (2004)
Cactus - Barely contained: The studio sessions - 2004 (front)
CD 01
01. Parchman farm
02. Bro. Bill
03. My lady from
south of Detroit
04. You can't judge a
book by the cover
05. Let me swim
06. No need to worry
07. Oleo
08. Feel so good
09. Sweet little 16
10. Rumblin' man
11. The sun is shining
12. Long tall Sally
13. Rockout, whatever
you feel like
14. Rock 'n' roll children
15. Big mama boogie
(parts 1 & 2)
16. Song for

CD 02
01. Feel so bad
02. Hometown bust
03. One way... or another
04. Hound dog sniffin'
05. Restrictions
06. Token chokin'
07. Guiltless glider
08. Evil
09. Alaska
10. Sweet sixteen
11. Bag drag
12. Mean night
in Cleveland
13. Bad stuff
14. Bringing me down
15. Bedroom mazurka
16. Telling you
17. Underneath
the arches

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Fully unleashed:
The live gigs (2004)
Cactus - Fully unleashed: The live gigs - 2004 (front)
CD 01
01. Intro/
Long tall Sally
02. Bag drag
03. Evil
04. Parchman farm
05. Alaska
06. Oleo
07. No need to worry
08. Let me

CD 02
01. Boogie
(parts I and II)
02. Medley:
Heeby jeebies/
Hound dog/
What'd I say
03. No need to worry
04. Parchman farm
05. One way...
or another
06. Bro. Bill
07. Swim
08. Bad mother boogie
09. Our lil rock-
and-roll thing
10. Bedroom

Mp3 320kbps and full (low
quality) artworks: enjoy!

Fully unleashed:
The live gigs
(volume II, 2007)
Cactus - Fully unleashed: The live gigs (volume II) - 2007 (front)
CD 01
01. Intro/Tuning
02. Long tall Sally
03. Parchman farm
04. Mellow down easy
05. Feel so bad
06. Walkin' blues
07. Scrambler/
One way...
or another
08. Oleo

CD 02
01. Bro. Bill
02. Token chokin'
03. Slow blues (medley)
04. Heebie jeebies/
What'd I say
05. Evil

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!

Ultra sonic boogie
[live 1971] (2010)
Cactus - Ultra sonic boogie (live 1971) - 2010 (front)
01. Evil
02. Band introduction
03. Bro. Bill
04. Oleo
05. No need to worry
06. Token chokin'
07. Big mama boogie (part I)
08. Big mama boogie (part II)
09. Outro

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!

The birth of Cactus [live 1970] (2022) 
Cactus - The birth of Cactus [live 1970] - 2022 (front)
01. One way...
or another
02. Sweet sixteen
03. No need to worry
04. Medley:
Let me swim/
Big mama boogie/
05. Feel so good
06. Parchman

Mp3 320kbps and artwork: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 13 albums: enjoy!

Cactus - Cactus - 1970
Cactus - One way... or another - 1971

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