sábado, 29 de outubro de 2022

Camel (Progressive Rock {UK})

Camel (photo 01)

Camel é uma banda inglesa de rock progressivo formada em Guildford, Surrey, em 1971. Liderados pelo guitarrista Andrew Latimer, eles lançaram quatorze álbuns de estúdio e quatorze singles, além de vários álbuns ao vivo e DVDs. Sem alcançar popularidade em massa, a banda ganhou um culto de seguidores na década de 1970 com álbuns como "Mirage" (1974) e "The snow goose" (1975). Eles mudaram para uma direção mais jazzística e comercial no início dos anos 80, mas depois entraram em um hiato prolongado. Desde 1991 a banda é independente, lançando álbuns em seu próprio selo.

Apesar de não haver novos lançamentos de estúdio desde 2002, a banda se apresentou em turnê em 2018. Sua música influenciou artistas como Marillion, Opeth e Steven Wilson. O jornalista musical Mark Blake descreveu Camel como "os grandes heróis desconhecidos do rock progressivo dos anos 70".


Andrew Latimer (guitarra), Andy Ward (bateria) e Doug Ferguson (baixo) estavam tocando como um trio chamado The Brew em Guildford, Surrey, região da Inglaterra. No início de 1971, eles fizeram o teste para ser a banda de apoio do cantor/compositor Phillip Goodhand-Tait e apareceram em seu álbum "I think I'll write a song" na DJM Records. Eles então recrutaram o tecladista Peter Bardens e depois de um show inicial para cumprir um compromisso de Bardens sob o nome de Peter Bardens' On, eles mudaram seu nome para Camel. Seu primeiro show com esse nome foi no Waltham Forest Technical College, em Londres, apoiando a Wishbone Ash em dezembro de 1971.

Em agosto de 1972, Camel assinou com a MCA Records e seu álbum de estréia homônimo, "Camel", foi lançado no início de 1973. O disco não foi um sucesso e a banda mudou-se para a divisão Deram Records da Decca Records (Reino Unido). Em 1974 lançaram seu segundo álbum, o aclamado pela crítica "Mirage", no qual Latimer mostrou que também era adepto da flauta. Embora não tenha conseguido entrar nas paradas domésticas, obteve sucesso nos Estados Unidos, levando a uma turnê de três meses por lá.

Lançado em 1975, o álbum conceitual instrumental "The snow goose", inspirado no conto de Paul Gallico de mesmo nome, foi o álbum inovador que trouxe maior atenção e sucesso à Camel. No entanto, o álbum atraiu um processo de Gallico. É frequentemente relatado que Gallico trouxe o processo porque "odiava fumar" e achava que a banda estava relacionada à marca de cigarros. Na realidade, Gallico se descreveu como "um viciado do vício em todas as suas formas mais negras" e sua objeção foi simplesmente com base na violação de direitos autorais. Camel adicionou o prefixo "music inspired by..." à capa do álbum e removeu as notas da história da contracapa. O sucesso do álbum levou a uma apresentação de prestígio no Royal Albert Hall com a London Symphony Orchestra em outubro de 1975.

O quarto álbum da banda, "Moonmadness" (1976), foi o último a apresentar a formação original. Mel Collins foi adicionado à banda no saxofone e flauta para a turnê subsequente. O baterista Ward estava pressionando por uma mudança para o jazz, o que fez com que o baixista Ferguson deixasse a banda no início de 1977. Ferguson formou a banda Headwaiter e mais tarde tornou-se um promotor imobiliário.

Richard Sinclair (ex-Caravan) substituiu Ferguson, e Mel Collins se juntou à banda oficialmente. Esta formação lançou "Rain dances" (1977) e "Breathless" (1978). Este último foi o último álbum a apresentar Bardens, que anunciou sua saída antes da turnê de apoio. Ele foi substituído por dois tecladistas ambos recrutados da Caravan: Dave Sinclair (primo de Richard) e Jan Schelhaas. Os primos Sinclair deixaram a banda após a turnê, substituídos pelo tecladista Kit Watkins e pelo baixista Colin Bass. Essa formação gravou o mais comercial "I can see your house from here" (1979) - a capa do álbum, fotografada e desenhada por Gered Mankowitz, é uma imagem fotográfica manipulada de um astronauta crucificado olhando para a Terra.


O lançamento de 1981 "Nude" foi um álbum conceitual baseado em uma história real do soldado japonês Hiroo Onoda. Duncan Mackay forneceu a maioria dos teclados no lugar de Watkins e Schelhaas, que estavam envolvidos em outros projetos, mas voltaram para a turnê. Este foi o primeiro álbum a apresentar letras da futura esposa de Latimer, Susan Hoover. Em meados de 1981, Ward parou de tocar bateria devido ao abuso de álcool e drogas e Camel silenciosamente se desfez.

Sem uma banda, mas com um contrato a cumprir e pressão da Decca por um hit, Latimer se juntou a uma série de músicos convidados e de sessão no Abbey Road Studios no início de 1982. O álbum "The single factor" foi lançado no final daquele ano, atingindo não. 57 no Reino Unido. Outra formação com o tecladista Ton Scherpenzeel (da banda holandesa de rock progressivo Kayak) e o baterista Paul Burgess (ex-10cc) lançou o álbum "Stationary traveler" em 1984. O contrato de Camel com a Decca expirou no final de 1984, enquanto Latimer prevaleceu em uma disputa legal com um antigo gerente. Latimer mudou-se para os Estados Unidos e desfez o grupo novamente.


Após um hiato de sete anos, Latimer reviveu o nome Camel em 1991 e lançou o álbum "Dust and dreams" sob sua própria gravadora independente Camel Productions. O álbum contou com vários jogadores que apareceram nos dois álbuns anteriores do grupo no início de 1980. O tecladista Mickey Simmonds, que já havia apoiado Mike Oldfield e Fish, ingressou em 1992.

Em 1992, um homem chamado Roy Clay se aproximou do ex-baterista da Camel, Andy Ward, e afirmou ser um fã da banda, além de um experiente empresário musical. Clay propôs uma turnê de reunião da Camel: Ward apoiou o esquema, mas Peter Bardens foi o único outro ex-membro a mostrar interesse. Clay então recrutou alguns ex-membros da Caravan e tentou promover a banda como uma nova formação legítima da Camel, mas um desafio de direitos autorais de Latimer forçou uma mudança de nome. Sob o nome de Mirage, este grupo realizou uma pequena turnê no final de 1994 e lançou um álbum ao vivo. Os membros da Mirage nunca foram compensados, e as práticas fraudulentas de Clay foram abordadas em uma música de 1995 da Caravan. Também sob a gestão de Clay, Bardens liderou outra banda sob o nome Mirage que lançou um álbum ao vivo em 1996. Clay também vendeu mercadorias falsificadas da Camel, e vários anos depois foi condenado por fraude e falsificação.

Nesse meio tempo, Latimer e Hoover escreveram "Harbour of tears" (um apelido para Cobh Harbor na Irlanda, de onde muitos navegaram para os Estados Unidos durante a Grande Fome) sob o nome Camel, lançado em 1996. Em 1999, Latimer, o baterista Dave Stewart, o baixista Colin Bass e o tecladista Ton Scherpenzeel gravaram "Rajaz", um disco inspirado em uma antiga métrica poética árabe de mesmo nome que reflete o ritmo de passos de camelo no deserto.


Em 2001, Latimer montou outra nova formação com Bass, o baterista Denis Clement e o tecladista Guy LeBlanc. A banda lançou o álbum "A nod and a wink" em 2002. O álbum foi dedicado ao ex-membro Peter Bardens, que morreu no início daquele ano. O grupo ficou inativo por grande parte da década seguinte, quando Latimer recebeu tratamento para mielofibrose.

Após a recuperação de Latimer, Camel voltou a excursionar em 2013, incluindo performances completas de "The snow goose". Uma versão nova e estendida desse álbum foi lançada em novembro de 2013. LeBlanc retirou-se da turnê em 2014 devido a uma doença e morreu em 2015 - ele foi substituído por Ton Scherpenzeel.

Latimer foi presenteado com um prêmio Lifetime Achievement no Progressive Music Awards de 2014 da Orange Amplification, e a turnê "Snow goose" de 2013-14 foi indicada na categoria de evento ao vivo. A banda continuou em turnê ao longo da década, e um DVD ao vivo gravado no Royal Albert Hall foi lançado no início de 2020. Latimer continua a escrever novas músicas, embora a banda não tenha lançado um álbum de estúdio desde 2002.


Camel foi descrita como uma "banda de rock progressivo sinfônico". Predominantemente instrumental, a música da Camel combina elementos do rock, pop, jazz, blues, folk, clássico e eletrônico. Embora eles não sejam de Canterbury, eles têm sido associados à cena de Canterbury devido às suas muitas conexões históricas com Caravan e outros músicos de rock progressivo de Canterbury.


Camel tem sido reconhecida como uma das principais influências no subgênero do rock neo-progressivo que surgiu na década de 1980 e produziu Marillion como sua banda de maior sucesso. O ex-vocalista da Marillion, Fish, disse sobre sua primeira impressão da banda: "Eu pensei que eles eram muito parecidos com a Camel".

  • O álbum "Fuera de tiempo" da banda argentina Rockaphonia contém três covers de tributo a Camel.
  • Uma banda de tributo, The Humps, em Israel, executa rotineiramente alguns dos materiais da banda.
  • Outra banda de tributo chamada Fritha (depois da música do álbum "The snow goose") está se apresentando no Japão.
  • Na Suécia há uma banda tributo chamada Lady Fantasy (depois da música do álbum "Mirage").
  • Uma banda chamada Raha no Irã está fazendo covers de músicas da Camel.
  • No Egito, Andromida também está fazendo covers da Camel em seu set.
  • Em 2010, a banda norueguesa de rock progressivo Mirage, batizada com o título do segundo álbum da Camel, incluiu canções da Camel entre um conjunto de peças da Yes, Jethro Tull e King Crimson.
  • No Líbano, uma banda chamada Babel improvisou sobre a música da Camel "Storm clouds" em 28 de outubro de 2011.
  • Mikael Åkerfeldt da banda sueca de death metal progressivo Opeth citou Camel como uma influência para a música "Hessian peel" e brincou anteriormente no DVD "Lamentations (Live at Shepherd's Bush Empire, 2003)" que o material de seu "Damnation" (2003) ) foi um "rip-off" da Camel.
  • Steven Wilson da Porcupine Tree citou Camel como uma influência. Em uma entrevista de 2013, ele expressou seu interesse em remixar os álbuns clássicos da Camel. Latimer no final de 2013 respondeu positivamente ao interesse de Wilson.
  • Rick Astley, em uma entrevista à Billboard em 2016, referiu-se à turnê da Camel "The snow goose" como seu primeiro show, afirmando que "isso me surpreendeu".
  • Andy Tillison da The Tangent gravou uma faixa chamada "Music inspired by music inspired by The Snow Goose" como uma homenagem a Camel, lançada em seu álbum solo de 2016 "(Machte es) Durch".


Camel are an English progressive rock band formed in Guildford, Surrey, in 1971. Led by guitarist Andrew Latimer, they have released fourteen studio albums and fourteen singles, plus numerous live albums and DVDs. Without achieving mass popularity, the band gained a cult following in the 1970s with albums such as "Mirage" (1974) and "The snow goose" (1975). They moved into a jazzier, more commercial direction in the early 1980s, but then went on an extended hiatus. Since 1991 the band has been independent, releasing albums on their own label.

Despite no new studio releases since 2002, the band performed on tour as recently as 2018. Their music has influenced artists including Marillion, Opeth and Steven Wilson. Music journalist Mark Blake described Camel as "the great unsung heroes of 70's prog rock".


Andrew Latimer (guitar), Andy Ward (drums), and Doug Ferguson (bass) had been playing as a trio called The Brew around the Guildford, Surrey area of England. In early 1971 they auditioned to be the back-up band for singer/songwriter Phillip Goodhand-Tait and appeared on his album "I think I'll write a song" on DJM Records. They then recruited keyboardist Peter Bardens and after an initial gig to fulfill a Bardens commitment under the name Peter Bardens' On, they changed their name to Camel. Their first gig under that name was at Waltham Forest Technical College, London supporting Wishbone Ash in December 1971.

In August 1972 Camel signed with MCA Records and their eponymous debut album, "Camel", was released in early 1973. The record was not a success and the band moved to the Deram Records division of Decca Records (UK). In 1974 they released their second album, the critically acclaimed "Mirage", on which Latimer showed he was also adept on flute. Although failing to chart at home, it gained success in the United States, prompting a three-month tour there.

Released in 1975, the instrumental concept album "The snow goose", inspired by the Paul Gallico short story of the same name, was the breakthrough album that brought Camel wider attention and success. However, the album attracted a lawsuit from Gallico. It is often reported that Gallico brought the suit because he "loathed smoking" and thought the band were related to the cigarette brand. In reality Gallico described himself as "an addict of the vice in all its blackest forms" and his objection was simply on the grounds of copyright infringement. Camel accordingly added the prefix "music inspired by..." to the album's front cover and removed the story notes from the back cover. The album's success led to a prestigious appearance at Royal Albert Hall with the London Symphony Orchestra in October 1975.

The band's fourth album, "Moonmadness" (1976), was the last to feature the original lineup. Mel Collins was added to the band on saxophone and flute for the subsequent tour. The drummer Ward was pushing for a move into jazz, which caused bassist Ferguson to quit the band in early 1977. Ferguson formed the band Headwaiter and later became a property developer.

Richard Sinclair (formerly of Caravan) replaced Ferguson, and Mel Collins joined the band in an official capacity. This lineup released "Rain dances" (1977) and "Breathless" (1978). The latter was the last album to feature Bardens, who announced his departure before the supporting tour. He was replaced by two keyboard players both recruited from Caravan: Dave Sinclair (cousin of Richard) and Jan Schelhaas. The Sinclair cousins both left the band after the tour, replaced by keyboardist Kit Watkins and bassist Colin Bass. This lineup recorded the more commercial "I can see your house from here" (1979) - the album's cover, photographed and designed by Gered Mankowitz, is a manipulated photographic image of a crucified astronaut looking at Earth.


The 1981 release "Nude" was a concept album based on a true story of Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda. Duncan Mackay provided most of the keyboards in lieu of Watkins and Schelhaas, who were involved in other projects but returned for the tour. This was the first album to feature lyrics by Latimer's future wife Susan Hoover. In mid-1981, Ward stopped playing drums due to alcohol and drug abuse and Camel quietly disbanded.

Without a band, but with a contract to fulfill and pressure from Decca for a hit song, Latimer was joined by an array of guest and session musicians at Abbey Road Studios in early 1982. The album "The single factor" was released later that year, reaching number 57 in the UK. Another lineup featuring keyboardist Ton Scherpenzeel (of Dutch prog-rock band Kayak) and drummer Paul Burgess (ex-10cc) released the album "Stationary traveller" in 1984. Camel's contract with Decca expired in late 1984, while Latimer prevailed in a legal dispute with a former manager. Latimer moved to the United States and disbanded the group again.


After a seven-year hiatus, Latimer revived the Camel name in 1991 and released the album, "Dust and dreams" under his own independent label Camel Productions. The album featured several players who had appeared on the group's two previous albums in the early 1980s. The keyboardist Mickey Simmonds, who had previously backed Mike Oldfield and Fish, joined in 1992.

In 1992, a man named Roy Clay approached former Camel drummer Andy Ward and claimed to be a fan of the band as well as an experienced music manager. Clay proposed a Camel reunion tour: Ward supported the scheme but Peter Bardens was the only other former member to show interest. Clay then enlisted some former members of Caravan and attempted to promote the band as a legitimate new lineup of Camel, but a copyright challenge from Latimer forced a name change. Under the name Mirage, this group conducted a short tour in late 1994 and released a live album. The members of Mirage were never compensated, and Clay's fraudulent practices were addressed in a 1995 song by Caravan. Also under Clay's management, Bardens led another band under the name Mirage that released a live album in 1996. Clay also sold counterfeit Camel merchandise, and several years later was convicted of fraud and forgery.

In the meantime, Latimer and Hoover wrote "Harbour of tears" (a nickname for Cobh Harbour in Ireland from which many sailed to the United States during the Great Famine) under the Camel name, which was released in 1996. In 1999 Latimer, drummer Dave Stewart, bassist Colin Bass, and keyboardist Ton Scherpenzeel recorded "Rajaz", a record inspired by an ancient Arabic poetic metre of the same name that reflects the rhythm of camel footsteps in the desert.


In 2001, Latimer assembled another new lineup with Bass, drummer Denis Clement, and keyboardist Guy LeBlanc. The band released the album "A nod and a wink" in 2002. The album was dedicated to former member Peter Bardens, who had died early that year. The group was inactive for much of the following decade as Latimer received treatment for myelofibrosis.

After Latimer's recovery, Camel returned to touring in 2013, including full performances of "The snow goose". A new and extended version of that album was released in November 2013. LeBlanc withdrew from touring in 2014 due to illness and died in 2015 - he was replaced by a returning Ton Scherpenzeel.

Latimer was presented with a Lifetime Achievement award at Orange Amplification's 2014 Progressive Music Awards, and the 2013-14 "Snow goose" tour was nominated in the category of Live Event. The band continued to tour throughout the decade, and a live DVD recorded at Royal Albert Hall was released in early 2020. Latimer continues to write new music, though the band has not released a studio album since 2002.


Camel have been described as a "symphonic prog rock band". Predominantly instrumental, Camel's music combines elements from rock, pop, jazz, blues, folk, classical and electronica. Though they are not from Canterbury, they have long been associated with the Canterbury scene due to their many historical connections with Caravan and other Canterbury progressive rock musicians.


Camel have been acknowledged as one of the principal influences on the neo-progressive rock subgenre which emerged in the 1980s and produced Marillion as its most successful band. Former Marillion lead singer Fish said of his first impression of the band: "I thought they were a lot like Camel".

  • The album "Fuera de tiempo" by Argentinean band Rockaphonia contains three Camel tribute covers.
  • A tribute band, The Humps, in Israel, routinely performs some of the band's material.
  • Another tribute band named Fritha (after the song on "The snow goose" album) is performing in Japan.
  • In Sweden there is a tribute band named Lady Fantasy (after the song on the "Mirage" album).
  • A band named Raha in Iran is doing covers of Camel songs.
  • In Egypt, Andromida is also doing covers of Camel amongst their set.
  • In 2010, the Norwegian progressive rock band Mirage, named after the title of Camel's second album, included Camel songs among a set of Yes, Jethro Tull and King Crimson pieces.
  • In Lebanon, a band called Babel improvised over Camel's song "Storm clouds" on 28 October 2011.
  • Mikael Åkerfeldt of Swedish progressive death metal band Opeth has cited Camel to be an influence for the song "Hessian peel" and previously joked on the "Lamentations (Live at Shepherd's Bush Empire, 2003)" DVD that material from their "Damnation" (2003) album was a "rip-off" of Camel.
  • Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree has cited Camel as an influence. In a 2013 interview he expressed his interest to remix the classic Camel albums. Latimer later in 2013 replied positively to Wilson's interest.
  • Rick Astley, in an interview with Billboard in 2016, referred to Camel touring "The snow goose" as his first ever concert, stating "it blew my mind".
  • Andy Tillison of The Tangent recorded a track called "Music inspired by music inspired by The Snow Goose" as a tribute to Camel, released on his 2016 solo album "(Machte es) Durch".
official website                    facebook           pink camel: fan project
          discogs          youtube          performances

Andrew Latimer -
guitarra, vocal, flauta, teclado (1971)
Doug Ferguson - baixo (1971-1977)
Andy Ward - bateria (1971-1982)
Peter Bardens - teclado, vocal (1971-1978)
Mel Collins - saxofone, flauta (1976-1984)
Richard Sinclair - baixo, vocal (1977-1978)
Dave Sinclair - teclado (turnê de 1978)
Jan Schelhaas - teclado (1978-1981)
Colin Bass - baixo, vocal (1979-1981, 1991)
Kit Watkins - teclado (1979-1983)
Stuart Tosh - bateria (turnê de 1982)
Andy Dalby - guitarra (turnê de 1982)
David Paton - baixo, vocal (1982-1983)
Chris Rainbow - vocal (1982 e 1984)
Richie Close - teclado (turnê de 1984)
Ton Scherpenzeel - teclado (1984 e 1991)
Paul Burgess - bateria (1984 e 1991-1992)
Mickey Simmonds - teclado (1992 e 1996)
Dave Stewart - bateria (1997-1999)
Foss Patterson - teclado, vocal (turnê de 1997)
Guy Le Blanc - teclado, vocal (2000-2002)
Denis Clement - bateria (2000-2003)

Camel (photo 03)


Camel (1973)
Camel - Camel - 1973 (front)
01. Slow
yourself down
02. Mystic queen
03. Six ate
04. Separation
05. Never let go
06. Curiosity
07. Arubaluba
08. Never let go
(single version, bonus)
09. Homage to the god
of light (live, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Mirage (1974)
Camel - Mirage - 1974 (front)
01. Freefall
02. Supertwister
03. Nimrodel:
a) The procession
b) The white rider
04. Earthrise
05. Lady Fantasy:
a) Encounter
b) Smiles for you
c) Lady Fantasy
06. Supertwister (live, bonus)
07. Mystic queen (live, bonus)
08. Arubaluba (live, bonus)
09. Lady Fantasy:
a) Encounter
b) Smiles for you
c) Lady Fantasy
(original Basing Street
Studios mix,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

The snow goose (1975)
Camel - The snow goose - 1975 (front)
CD 01: The snow goose
01. The great marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader
goes to town
04. Sanctuary
05. Fritha
06. The snow goose
07. Friendship
08. Migration
09. Rhayader alone
10. Flight of the
snow goose
11. Preparation
12. Dunkirk
13. Epitaph
14. Fritha alone
15. La princesse perdue
16. The great marsh
17. Flight of the snow
goose (single
edit, bonus)
18. Rhayader
(single edit, bonus)
19. Rhayader goes to
town (live, bonus)
20. The snow
(live, bonus)

CD 02: BBC Radio
One "In concert"
01. Rhayader
goes to town
02. Sanctuary
03. The snow goose
04. Migration
05. Rhayader alone
06. Flight of
the snow goose
07. Preparation
08. Dunkirk
09. Epitaph
10. La princesse perdue
11. The great marsh
12. Selections from
"The snow goose"

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Moomadness (1976)
Camel - Moonmadness - 1976 (front)
CD 01: The snow goose
01. The great marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader
goes to town
04. Spirit of the water
05. Another night
06. Airborn
07. Lunar sea
08. Another night
(single, bonus)
09. Spirit of the water
(demo version, bonus)
10. Lunar sea
(live, bonus)

CD 02: The London Hammersmith
Odeon concert (14th April 1976)
01. Song within' a song
02. Excerpts from
"The snow goose"
03. Air born
04. Chord change
05. The white rider
06. Preparation/Dunkirk
07. Another night
08. Lady Fantasy

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Rain dances (1977)
Camel - Rain dances - 1977 (front)
01. First light
02. Metrognome
03. Tell me
04. Highways
to the sun
05. Unevensong
06. One of these days
I'll get an early night
07. Elke
08. Skylines
09. Rain dances
10. Highways to the sun
(single version, bonus)
11. First light (BBC 'Sight
& Sound' 10-01-77, bonus)
12. Metrognome (BBC 'Sight
& Sound' 10-01-77, bonus)
13. Unevensong (BBC 'Sight
& Sound' 10-01-77, bonus)
14. Skylines (BBC 'Sight &
Sound' 10-01-77, bonus)
15. Highways to the sun (BBC 'Sight
& Sound' 10-01-77, bonus)
16. One of these days
I'll get an early night
(BBC 'Sight & Sound'
10-01-77, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Breathless (1978)
Camel - Breathless - 1978 (front)
01. Breathless
02. Echoes
03. Wing and a prayer
04. Down on the farm
05. Starlight ride
06. Summer lightning
07. You make me smile
08. The sleeper
09. Rainbow’s

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I can see your house
from here (1979)
Camel - I can see your house from here - 1979 (front)
01. Wait
02. Your love is
stranger than mine
03. Eye of the storm
04. Who we are
05. Survival
06. Hymn to her
07. Neon magic
08. Remote romance
09. Ice

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Nude (1981)
Camel - Nude - 1981 (front)
01. City life
02. Nude
03. Drafted
04. Docks
05. Beached
06. Landscapes
07. Changing places
08. Pomp & circumstance
09. Please come home
10. Reflections
11. Captured
12. The homecoming
13. Lies
14. The last farewel/
The birthday cake
15. The last farewell/
Nude's return

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The single factor (1982)
Camel - The single factor - 1982 (front)
01. No easy answer
02. You are the one
03. Heroes
04. Selva
05. Lullabye
06. Sasquatch
07. Manic
08. Camelogue
09. Today’s goodbye
10. A heart’s desire
11. End peace
12. You are the one
(single edit,

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Stationary traveller (1984) 
Camel - Stationary traveller - 1984 (front)
01. Pressure points
02. Refugee
03. Vopos
04. Cloak and dagger man
05. Stationary traveller
06. West Berlin
07. Fingertips
08. Missing
09. After words
10. Long

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Dust and dreams (1991)
Camel - Dust and dreams - 1991 (front)
01. Dust bowl
02. Go West
03. Dusted out
04. Mother road
05. Needles
06. Rose of Sharon
07. Milk 'n' honey
08. End of the line
09. Storm clouds
10. Cotton camp
11. Broken banks
12. Sheet rain
13. Whispers
14. Little rivers
and little rose
15. Hopeless anger
16. Whispers in
the rain

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Harbour of tears (1996)
Camel - Harbour of tears - 1996 (front)
01. Irish air
02. Irish air (ins-
trumental reprise)
03. Harbour of tears
04. Cobh
05. Send
home the slates
06. Under the moon
07. Watching
the bobbins
08. Generations
09. Eyes of Ireland
10. Running from Paradise
11. End of the day
12. Coming of age
13. The hour candle
(A song for my

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Rajaz (1999)
Camel - Rajaz - 1999 (front)
01. Three wishes
02. Lost and found
03. The final encore
04. Rajaz
05. Shout
06. Straight
to my heart
07. Sahara
08. Lawrence

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A nod and a wink (2002)
Camel - A nod and a wink - 2002 (front)
01. A nod and a wink
02. Simple pleasures
03. A boy's life
04. Fox hill
05. The Miller's tale
06. Squigely fair
07. For today
08. After all
these years

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A live record (1978)
Camel - A live record - 1978 (front)
CD 01
01. First light
02. Metrognome
03. Unevensong
04. Skylines
05. A song
within a song
06. Lunar sea
07. Raindances
08. Never let go
09. Chord change
10. Ligging at Louis'
11. Lady Fantasy:
Smiles for you/
Lady Fantasy

CD 02
01. Spoken introduction
by Peter Bardens
02. The great marsh
03. Rhayader
04. Rhayader
goes to town
05. Sanctuary
06. Fritha
07. The snow goose
08. Friendship
09. Migration
10. Rhayader alone
11. Flight of
the snow goose
12. Preparation
13. Dunkirk
14. Epitaph
15. Fritha alone
16. La princesse perdue
17. The great marsh
18. The white rider
19. Another night

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Chameleon: The best of Camel (1981)
Camel - Chameleon (The best of Camel) - 1981 (front)
01. Echoes
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader
goes to town
04. Song within a song
05. Remote romance
06. Nude
07. Drafted
08. Lies
09. Supertwister
10. Uneven song
11. Rainbow's

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Pressure points: Live in concert (1984)
Camel - Pressure points (Live in concert) - 1984 (front)
01. Pressure points
02. Drafted
03. Captured
04. Lies
05. Sasquatch
06. West Berlin
07. Fingertips
08. Wait
09. Rhayader
10. Rhayader
goes to town

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The collection (1986)
Camel - The collection - 1986 (front)
01. Aristillus
02. Freefall
03. Supertwister
04. Spirit of
the water
05. Lunar sea
06. a) Rhayder
b) Rhayder
goes to town
07. a) Migration
b) Rhayder alone
08. a) The princess perdue
b) The great marsh
09. a) Drafted
b) Captured
10. Sasquatch
11. Rain dances
12. Highways
of the sun

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On the road 1972 (1992)
Camel - On the road 1972 - 1992 (front0
01. Lady Fantasy
02. Six ate
03. White rider
04. "God of light"

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Never let go (1993)
Camel -Never let go - 1993 (front)
CD 01
01. Never let go
02. Earthrise
03. Rhayader
04. Rhayader
goes to town
05. Spirit of the water
06. Unevensong
07. Echoes
08. Ice
09. City life
10. Drafted

CD 02
01. Dust bowl
02. Go West
03. Dusted out
04. Mother road
05. Needles
06. Rose of Sharon
07. Milk 'n' honey
08. End of the line
09. Storm clouds
10. Cotton camp
11. Broken banks
12. Sheet rain
13. Whispers
14. Little rivers
and little rose
15. Hopeless anger
16. Whispers
in the rain
17. Sasquatch
18. Lady

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

On the road 1982 (1994)
Camel - On the road 1982 - 1994 (front)
01. Sasquatch
02. Highways
of the sun
03. Hymn to her
04. Neon magic
05. You are the one
06. Drafted
07. Lies
08. Captured
09. A heart's desire/
End peace
10. Heroes
11. Who we are?
12. Manic
13. Wait
14. Never
let go

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On the road 1981 (1997)
Camel - On the road 1981 - 1997 (front)
01. Never let go
02. Song
within a song
03. Lunar sea
04. City life
05. Nude
06. Drafted
07. Docks
08. Beached
09. Landscapes
10. Changing places
11. Reflections
12. Captured
13. The last

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Coming of age (1998)
Camel - Coming of age - 1998 (front)
CD 01
01. Lunar sea
02. Hymn to her
03. Rhayadar
04. Rhayadar
goes to town
05. Preparation
06. Dunkirk
07. Drafted
08. Docks
09. Beached
10. Spirit
of the water
11. Ice
12. Sasquatch

CD 02
01. Milk'n honey
02. Mother road
03. Needles
04. Rose of Sharon
05. Irish air
06. Irish air (reprise)
07. Harbour of tears
08. Cobh
09. Send home the slates
10. Under the moon
11. Watching the bobbins
12. Eyes of Ireland
13. Running from Paradise
14. End of the day
15. Coming of age
16. The hour

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

'73-'75 - Gods of light (2000)
Camel - '73-'75 (Gods of light) - 2000 (front)
01. God of light revisited
(from 'Greasy truckers')
02. White rider
03. Lady Fantasy
04. Arubaluba (from
BBC broadcast 1974)
05. Excerpts from
the 'Snow goose'
(from BBC Radio
One in concert

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The Paris collection (2001)
Camel - The Paris collection - 2001 (front)
01. Ice
02. Chord change
03. Fingertips
04. Slow your-
self down
05. Sahara
06. Mother road
07. Little river
and little rose
08. Hopeless anger
09. Lady Fantasy
10. Slow yourself
down (late night

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Rainbow's end: An anthology
1973-1985 (2010)
Camel - Rainbow's end - 2010 (front)
CD 01
01. Slow
yourself down
02. Never let go
03. Curiosity
04. Mystic queen
05. Nimrodel/
The procession/
The white rider
06. Freefall
07. Earthrise
08. Lady Fantasy
(original mix)
09. Ligging at
Louis' (live)
10. Arabaluba (live)
11. Supertwister

CD 02
01. Homage to the
god of light (live)
02. The great marsh
03. Rhayader
04. Rhayader
goes to town
05. Preparation (live)
06. Dunkirk (live)
07. Aristillus
08. A song
within a song
09. Air born
10. Spirit of the water
11. Chord change (live)
12. Another night (live)
13. First light
14. Elke

CD 03
01. Tell me
02. Metrognome (live)
03. Unevensong (live)
04. Lunar sea (live)
05. Rain dances (live)
06. Echoes
07. Starlight ride
08. Breathless
09. Rainbow's end
(single version)
10. Survival
11. Hymn to her
12. Ice
13. City life
14. Nude
15. Drafted
16. Lies

CD 04
01. Docks (live)
02. Beached (live)
03. Captured (live)
04. Summer
lightning (live)
05. Sasquatch
06. Heroes
07. Selva
08. A heart's
09. End piece
10. In the arms of
Waltzing Fraulines
11. Cloak and dagger man
12. Stationary traveller
13. Long goodbyes
14. Pressure points (live)
15. West Berlin (live)
16. Fingertips (live)
17. Rhayader (live)
18. Rhayader goes
to town (live)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks (part 01): enjoy!
Mp3 320kbps and full artworks (part 02): enjoy!

The snow goose (2013)
Camel- The snow goose - 2013 (front)
CD 01: Re-recorded
studio version
01. The great marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader
goes to town
04. Sanctury
(revised edition)
05. Fritha
06. The snow goose
07. Friendship
08. Migration
(revised edition)
09. Rhayader alone
(revised edition)
10. Flight of
the snow goose
12. Dunkirk
13. Epitaph
(revised edition)
14. Fritha alone
15. Princess perdue
16. The great marsh

CD 02: Live version
01. The great marsh
02. Rhayader
03. Rhayader
goes to town
05. Fritha
06. The snow goose
07. Friendship
08. Migration
09. Rhayader alone
10. Flight of the snow
11. Preparation
12. Dunkirk
13. Epitaph
14. Fritha alone
15. Princesse perdue
16. The great marsh

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Live at The Royal Albert Hall
[September 17th, 2018] (2019)
Camel - Live at The Royal Albert Hall - 2019 (front)
CD 01
01. Aristillus (intro)
02. Song within a song
03. Chord change
04. Spirit of the water
05. Another night
06. Air born
07. Lunar sea
08. Unevensong
09. Hymn to her
10. End of
the line

CD 02
01. Coming
of age
02. Rajaz
03. Ice
04. Mother road
05. Hopeless anger
06. Long goodbyes
07. Lady Fantasy

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 28 albums: enjoy!

Camel - Never let go - 1973
Camel - Arubaluba
Camel - The white rider/Lunar sea/Dunkirk

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