domingo, 30 de outubro de 2022

Music Box - Songs of sunshine - 1972 (Folk Rock {UK})

Music Box - Songs of sunshine - 1972 (front)

Music Box foi um trio de folk composto por alguns dos principais cantores de folk de Coventry da época. O trio foi formado por Rob Armstrong (guitarras de seis e 12 cordas, vocal), Colin Armstrong (seis cordas, guitarra elétrica, vocal) e Pip (glockenspiel, recorder, órgão, percussão, vocal). Dos locais onde tocaram, pode-se afirmar que no clube Plough (London Road Coventry, em 1971), Belgrade Studio, e no Lanchester Arts Festival. Em 1972, Music Box entrou em estúdio para realizar a gravação do álbum "Songs of sunshine".

Embora possa parecer, Colin e Rob não eram parentes. "Colin não nasceu em Coventry, o sotaque escocês é uma excelente oferta", diz Pete Chambers no Coventry Telegraph. Colin Armstrong era um bom apoiador da Hobo Magazine and Workshop e tocou nos shows do Holyhead Youth Center em 1974. Colin fez carreira solo depois que Music Box se separou.

Pete Chambers continua: "Eu estava em uma festa uma noite. Fiquei bêbado e bati minha velha guitarra Gibson na parede. Alguém sugeriu que eu levasse para Rob Armstrong, que fazia e consertava guitarras. Acabamos fazendo jam sessions e a música parecia brilhar, então entrei como cantor/guitarrista na banda Music Box com o Rob".

Rob Armstrong, o líder do grupo, tornou-se um renomado luthier após o projeto Music Box. Antes do Music Box, Rob havia tocado com Rod Felton na New Modern Idiot Grunt Band. Como luthier fez guitarras e outros instrumentos para artistas como Bert Jansch e George Harrison e muitos outros.

"Pip era uma jovem que tocava glockenspiel, gravador e teclado", Rob Armstrong lembrou no Coventry Telegraph. "Nós nos chamávamos de Music Box e encontramos muitos seguidores entre os amantes da música folclórica local. 'Songs of sunshine' foi nosso primeiro disco. Uma das peças foi composta por Colin e intitulada 'Seaside sunshine', eu havia escrito a música-título e havia músicas escocesas e um número de Bob Dylan. Gravamos em uma tarde de sábado em uma casa em Cheadle Hulme (Grande Manchester). Rob e Colin, dono da Armstrong's Collectables, em Earlsdon, tocaram como Music Box no circuito folk local por quase dois anos, apresentando-se no Belgrade Studio e no Lanchester Arts Festival, bem como em vários pubs".

Eles se encontraram após uma ausência de oito anos para falar sobre seu disco muito procurado, listado no "Penguin price guide for record and cd collectors". O fabricante de guitarras Rob, de Stratford Street, Stoke, disse: "Fiquei chocado ao encontrá-lo na lista do 'Penguin' em primeiro lugar, não importa o preço. A maioria dos discos listados em um catálogo internacional de discos são avaliados em meros dez, mas 'Songs of sunshine', produzido em Coventry, subiu para fenomenais £ 125!"


Music Box was a folk trio consisting of some of Coventry's leading folk singers of the time. The trio consisted of Rob Armstrong (six- and 12-string guitars, vocals), Colin Armstrong (six-string, electric guitar, vocals) and Pip (glockenspiel, recorder, organ, percussion, vocals). Of the places where they played, it can be said that they were at the Plow Club (London Road Coventry, in 1971), Belgrade Studio, and at the Lanchester Arts Festival. In 1972, Music Box entered the studio to record the album "Songs of sunshine".

As it may seem, Colin and Rob were not related. "Colin was not Coventry born, the Scottish accent is a prime giveaway", says Pete Chambers in the Coventry Telegraph. Colin Armstrong was a good supporter of Hobo Magazine and Workshop and played at Holyhead Youth Center shows in 1974. Colin went solo after Music Box disbanded.

Pete Chambers continues: "I was at a party one night. I got drunk and banged my old Gibson guitar off the wall. Someone suggested I take it to Rob Armstrong who made and repaired guitars. We ended up having jam sessions and the music seemed to spark, so I joined as singer/guitarist in the band Music Box with Rob".

Rob Armstrong, the group's leader, became a renowned luthier after the Music Box project. Prior to Music Box, Rob had played with Rod Felton in the New Modern Idiot Grunt Band. As a luthier he made guitars and other instruments for artists like Bert Jansch and George Harrison and many others.

"Pip, was a young lady who played glockenspiel, recorder and keyboard", Rob Armstrong recalled in the Coventry Telegraph. "We called ourselves Music Box, and found quite a following among local folk-music lovers. 'Songs of sunshine' was our first disc. One of the pieces was composed by Colin and entitled 'Seaside sunshine', I had written the title song and there were Scottish songs and a Bob Dylan number. We recorded it on a Saturday afternoon at a house in Cheadle Hulme (Greater Manchester). Rob and Colin, owner of Armstrong's Collectables, in Earlsdon, played as Music Box on the local folk circuit for nearly two years, performing at the Belgrade Studio and Lanchester Arts Festival, as well as several pubs".

They met up after an eight-year absence to talk about their highly sought-after record, listed in the 'Penguin price guide for record and cd collectors'. Guitar maker Rob, of Stratford Street, Stoke, said: "I was shocked to find it in the 'Penguin' list in the first place, never mind the price. Most of the discs listed in an international record catalogue are valued at a mere tenner but Coventry-produced 'Songs of sunshine' has soared to a phenomenal £125 !"

Rob Armstrong -
violão de seis e 12 cordas, vocal
Colin Armstrong - violão, vocal
Pip - glockenspiel, gravador,
órgão, percussão, vocal

Music Box - Songs of sunshine - 1972 (booklet 01-04)
Music Box - Songs of sunshine - 1972 (back)
01. Songs
of sunshine
02. Caillavie
03. Harmonium Joe
04. Leezie Lindsey
05. Calico shoeshine boy
06. The happy king
07. The magic cloak
08. Seaside sunshine
09. Tom thumb blues
10. Downstairs
on the floor

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
link sem anúncios - ad-free link

Music Box - Leezie Lindsey - 1972
Music Box - The happy king - 1972

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