quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2022

The perfumed garden - Various artists - 2009 (Psychedelic Garage Rock {UK})

The perfumed garden (82 rare flowerings from the British underground [1965-1973], 2009) - outside (box) - front (box)

Hoje trago no blog este excelente box set lançado em edição limitada (1000 peças) pela Past & Present Records no final de 2009. Trata-se de um box com cinco discos razendo o melhor do garage e psychedelic rock britânico do final dos anos sessenta e início dos anos 70.

A cena underground do Reino Unido dos anos 60 estava experimentando um ressurgimento de interesse, iniciado pelos lançamentos seminais de "Chocolate soup for diabetics". O sucesso dessas compilações inspirou o selo Psycho, que já havia se especializado na psicodelia dos EUA, a explorar mais obscuridades do Reino Unido e criar os dois primeiros volumes de "The perfumed garden" (obviamente intitulado após o lendário programa de rádio de John Peel). Embora todas as músicas apresentadas na série não pudessem ser consideradas verdadeiramente "psicodélicas", os colecionadores lutaram para obter os LPs. A série foi lançada pela primeira vez em CD em 1995 pela gravadora Reverberation, acompanhada por um terceiro volume recém-compilado e algumas mudanças nas listas de faixas.

Vinte e cinco anos depois, Past & Present Records continua sua admirável missão de reeditar compilações psicodélicas significativas ao lançar os CDs de todos os três volumes de "The perfumed garden" (agora intitulado "A perfumed garden").

A lista de faixas do LP original "Volume 2" foi restaurada, incluindo a interpretação incomum de "For your love" da The Ace Kefford Stand e a faixa R&B "I'm coming home" da The Deviants. Infelizmente, nenhum encarte está incluído, como nos lançamentos originais. Talvez essa decisão tenha sido baseada em permanecer o mais autêntico possível em suas reproduções - no entanto, considerando a linda embalagem dos conjuntos anteriores da série "Rubble" da Past & Present Records, isso é uma decepção.

Os dois primeiros volumes são claramente os melhores, abrindo com "Try a little sunshine" da Factory, e apresentando clássicos freakbeat da The Eyes e The Birds, bem como a autêntica psicodelia britânica da Shy Limbs, Mandrake Paddle Steamer, Rupert's People e The Open Mind. Outro destaque do "Volume 1" é a raramente apresentada "Floatin'" da Vamp, banda de Viv Prince depois da The Pretty Things. No entanto, muitas dessas faixas foram apresentadas com melhor qualidade de som em outras composições que se seguiram ao original "The perfumed garden". O "Volume 3" inclui algumas escolhas de músicas duvidosas que não se encaixam no tema original - no entanto, é um dos poucos lugares onde se pode encontrar uma faixa da Reign, o empreendimento pós-Yardbirds de Keith Relf e Jim McCarty.

A importância do lançamento inicial de "The perfumed garden" não pode ser subestimada. Ajudou a pavimentar o caminho para o maior selo de reedições psicodélicas do Reino Unido, Bam Caruso, eventualmente levando às excelentes reedições que estamos desfrutando hoje. Para quem perdeu essas composições históricas inicialmente, a oportunidade de obtê-las agora é certamente bem-vinda.

Sobre a edição dos arquivos: Para que os artistas não fiquem separados no reprodutor de mp3, as tags "artista" e "artista participante" foram preenchidas com "The perfumed garden (various artists)". Sendo assim, no seu reprodutor de mp3 você verá este álbum com o artista nomeado como "The perfumed garden (various artists)". O nome de cada artista está junto ao título da música entre parênteses. Postagem anteriores como a da série "Psychedelic gems" serão futuramente editadas da mesma forma. E todas as postagems de coletâneas/compilações que reunirem vários artistas serão editadas de forma igual a partir desta.


Today I bring on the blog this excellent box set released in limited edition (1000 pieces) by Past & Present Records at the end of 2009. It is a box with five discs featuring the best of British garage and psychedelic rock from the late sixties and early 70's.

The UK '60s underground scene was experiencing a resurgence of interest, initiated by the seminal "Chocolate soup for diabetics" releases. The success of those compilations inspired the Psycho label, which had previously specialized in US psychedelia, to mine deeper for more UK obscurities and create the first two of "The perfumed garden" volumes (obviously titled after the legendary John Peel's radio show). Although all the songs featured in the series could not be considered truly "psychedelic", collectors scrambled to obtain the LPs. The series was first issued on CD in 1995 by the Reverberation label, accompanied by a newly compiled third volume, and some changes to the track listings.

Twenty-five years later, Past & Present Records continues their admirable mission of reissuing significant psychedelics compilations by releasing the CDs of all three volumes of "The perfumed garden" (now titled "A perfumed garden").

The original "Volume 2" LP track listing was restored, including The Ace Kefford Stand's unusual interpretation of "For your love" and The Deviants' snotty R&B track "I'm coming home". Unfortunately, no liner notes are included, as with the original releases. Perhaps this decision was based on remaining as authentic as possible in their reproductions - however, considering the gorgeous packaging of Past & Present Records' previous "Rubble" series box sets, this is a disappointment.

The first two volumes are clearly the best, opening with the Factory's "Try a little sunshine", and showcasing freakbeat classics by The Eyes and The Birds, as well as authentic British psychedelia from Shy Limbs, Mandrake Paddle Steamer, Rupert's People and The Open Mind. Another highlight of "Volume 1" is the rarely featured "Floatin'" by Vamp, Viv Prince's band after The Pretty Things. However, many of these tracks have been featured in better sound quality on other comps that followed in the wake of the original "The Perfumed garden". "Volume 3" includes some dubious song choices that do not fit with the original theme - however, it is one of the few places one can find a track by Reign, the post-Yardbirds venture of Keith Relf and Jim McCarty.

The importance of the initial release of "The perfumed garden" cannot be understated. It helped pave the way for arguably the greatest UK psychedelic reissue label, Bam Caruso, eventually leading to the excellent reissues we are enjoying today. For anyone who missed out on these historic comps initially, the opportunity to obtain them now is certainly welcome.

About editing files: So that the artists are not separated in the mp3 player, the tags "artist" and "participating artist" have been filled with "The perfumed garden (various artists)". Therefore, on your mp3 player you will see this album with the artist named as "The perfumed garden (various artists)". The name of each artist is next to the song title in parentheses. Previous posts such as the "Psychedelic gems" series will be edited in the same way in the future. And all compilation/collection posts that bring together several artists will be edited equally from this one.

Esta postagem está com os
links livres de anúncios. Aproveite!
This post is with ad-free links. Enjoy!

The perfumed garden (82 rare flowerings from the British underground [1965-1973], 2009) - outside (box)
Link para o download a pasta Artworks (box set): enjoy!


Volume 01
The perfumed garden (82 rare flowerings from the British underground [1965-1973], 2009) - Volume 01
01. Try a little
sunshine (Factory)
02. You're too
much (The Eyes)
03. Grounded (The Syn)
04. The bird (Nimrod)
05. Sydney girl (The Smoke)
06. No good without
you baby (The Birds)
07. Reputation (Shy Limbs)
08. It's shocking what
they call me (The Game)
09. Doctor, doctor (The Frame)
10. Strange walking man
(Mandrake Paddle Steamer)
11. Nine till five (The
French Revolution)
12. Floatin' (Vamp)
13. Crawdaddy Simone
(The Syndicats)
14. Listen to the
sky (Sands)
15. Vacuum cleaner
(Tintern Abbey)
16. I must be mad (Craig)
17. Magic potion
(The Open Mind)

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!

Volume 02
The perfumed garden (82 rare flowerings from the British underground [1965-1973], 2009) - Volume 02
01. No home
today (The Kult)
02. When the night
falls (The Eyes)
03. Baby don't you
do it (The Poets)
04. For your love
(The Ace Kefford Stand)
05. Reflections of Charles
Brown (Rupert's People)
06. Security
(Thane Russal & Three)
07. I'm coming home
(The Deviants)
08. Liar (Les
Fleurs de Lys)
09. Mister number
one (The Kult)
10. You better run
(The In-Betweens)
11. I see the light (The Uglys)
12. Let me show you how
(Glenn Athens & The Trojans)
13. Francis (Gary
Leeds & Rain)
14. Turn over (Les Goths)
15. Day & night
(The Drag Set)
16. Mud in your eye
(Les Fleurs de Lys)
17. Red sky at night
(The Accent)

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!

Volume 03
The perfumed garden (82 rare flowerings from the British underground [1965-1973], 2009) - Volume 03
01. Take her anytime
(The Longboatmen)
02. Baby I got news for you
(Miller [oak version])
03. Out of the sun
(Les Goths)
04. Tick tock
05. Get back home
(Majority One)
06. Sad go round
(The Groundhogs)
07. Please leave my
mind (Herbal Mixture)
08. Evil woman (Pete
Sully & The Orchard)
09. No place for lonely
people (Adam's Recital)
10. For your
information (The Cedars)
11. Lust for life (The Wolves)
12. It's what you give (The Actress)
13. Line of least resistance (The Reign)
14. Over the hills (Barry Mason)
15. Which dreamed it (Boeing
Duveen and The Beautiful Shop)
16. Felix (Andwella's Dream)
17. Through with you (Serendipity)
18. Hold on (Rupert's People)

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!

Volume 04
The perfumed garden (82 rare flowerings from the British underground [1965-1973], 2009) - Volume 04
01. Magic train
(The Flies [demo version])
02. Dinosaur (The Joint)
03. Spinning wheel
(Blone on Blonde)
04. When I was young
(The Magic Mixture)
05. Time will be your
doctor (Tucky Buzzard)
06. Barnabus swain (Timebox)
07. I know what her
name is (Simon's Secrets)
08. The road (Please)
09. Magic playground
(Orang Utan)
10. Poor lady (Arcadium)
11. Pulsar (Flaming Youth)
12. Give me life (Monument)
13. Does it rain? (Five Day
Week Straw People)
14. Siren (John McLaughlin)
15. Gratefully dead
(The Animals)
16. Leg (Arzachel)
17. Jamie's song
(The Deviants)

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!

Volume 05
The perfumed garden (82 rare flowerings from the British underground [1965-1973], 2009) - Volume 05
01. The way
(July, [long version])
02. Feelin' free (Pacific Drift)
03. Where is my mind? (Camel)
04. I flew (Bulldog Breed)
05. Eddie's tune
(Wynder K. Frog)
06. Warning
(Aynsley Dunbar)
07. Love in the
afternoon (Will Malone)
08. Your country needs
you (Dear Mr. Time)
09. Self declaration (Complex)
10. Fluid (Twink)
11. Crossroads of
time (Eyes of Blue)
12. Mr. Sunshine (Dogfeet)
13. Extensive corrosion
(Bram Stoker)

Mp3 320kbps and artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 5 albums
+ Artworks (box set): enjoy!

Shy Limbs - Reputation1969
Mandrake Paddle Steamer - Strange walking man - 1969

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