sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2022

May Blitz (Heavy Progressive Rock {Canadá/UK})

May Blitz (photo 01)
May Blitz foi um power trio de
heavy rock canadense-britânico
que esteve ativo no início
dos anos 1970.


O power-trio foi formado em 1969 pelo baixista Terry Poole e pelo baterista Keith Baker - a seção rítmica do trio de blues-rock Bakerloo - junto ao guitarrista Clem Clempson. Porém, o guitarrista Clem Clempson decide sair do grupo para se juntar à banda Colosseum. Jamie Black entra em seu lugar, assumindo os vocais e guitarras, mas Poole e Baker deixam o grupo antes de gravar qualquer material. Poole junta-se à Vinegar JoeBaker junta-se à Uriah Heep.

Black, então, adiciona o também canadense Reid Hudson no baixo, e Tony Newman (que havia tocado com Jeff Beck, The Hollies e Sounds Incorporated) na bateria. Depois de tocar em alguns pubs do Reino Unido, o trio assinou com a Vertigo Records, dando a eles a oportunidade de gravar e lançar o seu álbum de estréia.

"May Blitz" foi lançado em 1970 pela Vertigo Records no Reino Unido e pela Paramount Records nos EUA. O segundo álbum, "The 2nd of May", foi lançado em 1971.

Ao contrário do primeiro álbum, "The 2nd of May" não foi produzido pela banda. Em vez disso, a banda contratou o produtor John Anthony. Neste álbum a banda introduziu elementos de folk e space rock em seu som. Porém, devido à falta de sucesso comercial, o trio se desfez no final de 1971.

Black e Hudson, ambos originários do Canadá, retornaram ao seu país natal enquanto Newman se juntou à Three Man Army, fundada e liderada pelos irmãos Gurvitz, Adrian e Paul.


May Blitz was a Canadian-British
heavy rock power trio that was
active in the early 1970s.


The power trio was formed in 1969 by bassist Terry Poole and drummer Keith Baker - the rhythm section of blues-rock trio Bakerloo - along with guitarist Clem Clempson. However, guitarrist Clem Clempson decides to leave the group to join the band Colosseum. Jamie Black takes his place, taking over vocals and guitars, but Poole and Baker leave the group before recording any material. Poole joining Vinegar Joe and Baker joining Uriah Heep.

Black then added fellow Canadian Reid Hudson on bass, and Tony Newman (who had played with Jeff Beck, The Hollies and Sounds Incorporated) on drums. After playing in some pubs in the UK, the trio signed with Vertigo Records, giving them the opportunity to record and release its debut album.

"May Blitz" was released in 1970 by Vertigo Records in the UK, and Paramount Records in the US. The second album, "The 2nd of May", was released in 1971.

Unlike the first album, "The 2nd of May" wasn't self produced by the band. Instead, the band hired producer John Anthony. On this album the band introduced elements of folk and space rock into their sound. However, due to lack of commercial success, the trio disbanded in late 1971.

Black and Hudson, both originally from Canada, returned to their native country while Newman joined Three Man Army, founded and led by the Gurvitz brothers, Adrian and Paul.

James Black - guitarras, vocal principal
Reid Hudson - baixo, vocal de apoio
Tony Newman - bateria, vibrações,
congas, bongos

May Blitz (photo 02)


May Blitz (1970)
May Blitz - May Blitz - 1970 (front)
01. Smoking
the day away
02. I don't know?
03. Dreaming
04. Squeet
05. Tomorrow
may come
06. Fire Queen
07. Virgin

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC + full artworks:

The 2nd of May (1971)
May Blitz - The 2nd of May - 1971 (front)
01. For mad men only
02. Snakes and ladders
03. The 25th of
December 1969
04. "In part"
05. 8 mad grim nits
06. High beech
07. Honey coloured time
08. Just thinking

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC + full artworks:
Link para a pasta
May Blitz: enjoy!
Atualizado dia 05/08/2023
Updated on 8/5/2023

May BlitzMay Blitz - 1970
May Blitz - The 2nd of May - 1971

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