segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2023

Hustler (Hard Rock {UK})

Hustler (photo 01)

Hustler foi uma banda britânica de hard rock, inicialmente sob o nome Flesh, formada em 1972. O nome da banda foi modificado para Hustler em 1974. A banda lançou dois álbuns pela A&M: "High street" (1974) e "Play loud" (1975). A banda também lançou alguns singles: "Get outa my 'ouse/Happy days" em 1974, e "Little people/Who d'yer think yer foolin?", "Boogie man/You had it coming to you" e "Money maker/Goin' home" em 1975. A formação era: Steve Haynes (vocal), Micky Llewellyn (guitarra, vocal de apoio), Kenny Daughters (teclados), Kenny "Tigger" Lyons (baixo, vocal de apoio), Tony Beard (bateria, 1974 a 1976), Henry Spinetti (bateria, 1976 a 1977).

Hustler também apoiou a Queen em sua primeira turnê e excursionou com a Status Quo na Europa. A banda separou-se em 1976. Em 2020, Steve Haynes e Kenny Daughters se reuniram para gravar e lançar um álbum sob o título "Reloaded" com a adição de dois novos guitarristas, Tick Brown e Tony Miles.


Hustler was a British hard rock band, initially under the name Flesh, formed in 1972. The band's name was changed to Hustler in 1974. The band released two albums on A&M: "High street" (1974) and "Play loud" (1975). The band also released a few singles: "Get outa my 'ouse/Happy days" in 1974, and "Little people/Who d'yer think yer foolin?", "Boogie man/You had it coming to you" and "Money maker/Goin' home" in 1975. The line-up was: Steve Haynes (lead vocal), Micky Llewellyn (guitar, backing vocal), Kenny Daughters (keyboards), Kenny "Tigger" Lyons (bass, backing vocal), Tony Beard (drums, 1974 to 1976), Henry Spinetti (drums, 1976 to 1977).

Hustler also supported Queen on its first tour and toured with Status Quo in Europe. The band broke up in 1976. In 2020, Steve Haynes and Kenny Daughters reunited to record and release an album under the title "Reloaded" with the addition of two new guitarists, Tick Brown and Tony Miles.

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Micky Llewellyn -
guitarra, vocal de apoio
Steve Haynes - vocal
Kenny Daughters - teclados
Kenny "Tigger" Lyons -
baixo, vocal de apoio
Tony Beard - bateria
(1974 a 1976)
Henry Spinetti - bateria 
(1976 a 1977)

Hustler (photo 02)
Hustler (photo 03)


High street (1974)
Hustler - High street - 1974 (front)
01. Just leave
a good man
02. Piranhas
03. Let the wind blow
04. Uptight tonight
05. Get outa me 'ouse
06. Jack the lad
07. Midnight
08. Miranda
09. The hustler

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Play loud (1975)
Hustler - Play loud - 1975 (front)
01. Money maker
02. You had it
coming to you
03. Boogie man
04. Break of day
05. Who d'yer
think yer foolin'
06. Goin' home
07. Strange love
08. Little people
09. Night creeper
(hidden bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta
Hustler: enjoy!

Hustler  The hustler - 1974
Hustler Goin' home - 1975

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