domingo, 28 de janeiro de 2024

Detroit & Mitch Ryder (Blues Rock/Rock 'n' roll {US})

Detroit & Mitch Ryder

Detroit (também conhecida como The Band Detroit) foi uma banda de rock derivada da The Detroit Wheels. Esta versão revisada dessa banda foi formada por Mitch Ryder como sucessora da The Detroit Wheels em 1970. O único membro original do grupo foi o baterista Johnny "Bee" Badanjek: outros membros foram os guitarristas Steve Hunter e Brett Tuggle, o organista Harry Phillips e os baixistas W.R. Cooke e John Sauter.

Um único álbum foi lançado por este grupo, um LP autointitulado de 1971, lançado pela Paramount Records (PAS-6010). Eles fizeram sucesso com sua versão da música "Rock & toll" de Lou Reed, da qual Reed gostou o suficiente para convidar Steve Hunter para se juntar a sua banda de apoio. Mitch Ryder deixou o grupo por causa de problemas de voz em 1972, e o vocalista de Detroit, Rusty Day (ex-membro das americanas Amboy Dukes e Cactus) assumiu seu lugar. Sem Mitch Ryder, o grupo fracassou e acabou se separando em 1974.

Embora não tenha tanto sucesso comercial, a era de Rusty Day em Detroit foi uma potência a ser reconhecida. Ele costumava cantar para Ted Nugent & The Amboy Dukes, e logo formaria a Cactus. Rusty Day, tendo sido o cantor original, foi escolhido antes do retorno de Mitch de Memphis e foi convidado para cantar com eles devido ao fato de Rusty Day ter outros compromissos. O tempo de Rusty Day no comando esperou. Quando ele voltou, a banda estava reenergizada e gerenciada por John Sinclair e Pete Andrews.

Rusty Day, apoiado pelo lendário guitarrista Steve Gaines (que mais tarde formaria sua própria banda, Crawdad, e eventualmente se juntaria à Lynyrd Skynyrd) levou a banda em uma direção de rock diferente, mas ainda sólida. Esta formação também contou com Bill Hodgson na guitarra (ex-Shadowfax, que logo reformaria a banda), Ted "T-Mel" Smith (ex-Spinners), Nathaniel Peterson (que mais tarde se tornaria da banda Brat Axis de Leon Mills) e Terry Emery (mais tarde membro da Crawdad e eventualmente 38 Special). Existem algumas gravações dessa época.

Em 2005, Detroit ressurgiu mais uma vez. Os membros originais W. Ron Cooke (baixo, vocal) e Johnny "Bee" Badanjek (bateria) se reuniram para gravar um novo álbum para o Detroit Artist Workshop Group & Woodshed Productions. A dupla trouxe Steve Dansby (guitarra), um notável guitarrista da cena Motor City, tendo também tocado com Ron Cooke e Rusty Day, na 2ª encarnação da Cactus de Rusty Day, além de outros projetos paralelos. Assim como Micheal Katon, um notável pioneiro do blues-rock, que tocou com Dansby, Ron Cooke e Harry Philips em outra banda com Scott Morgan na década de 1980. Essa união começou a produzir material em alguns dos melhores estúdios da área de Detroit: Big Sky com Geoff Micheals, Rock City Studios com Pete Bankert (Destroy All Monsters) e Harmonie Park Studios com Brian & Mark Pastoria (Adrenalin/DC Drive).

Em um esforço para preencher a lacuna entre as eras de Mitch Ryder e Rusty Day, bem como ficar em sintonia com os sons posteriores da cena rock 'n' roll de Detroit, eles recrutaram os vocais de Tom Ingham (Mugzy, Weapons, Plough, Romeo Rock e outras). O álbum, chamado "Dead man's hand" foi lançado em 2006. Este lançamento, independente, contou com participações especiais de Scott Morgan, Johnny Spark, Johnny Arizona, JB Sweet e Chris Codish.


Detroit (aka The Band Detroit) was a spinoff rock group by The Detroit Wheels. This revised version of that band was formed by Mitch Ryder as a successor to The Detroit Wheels in 1970. The only original member in the group was the drummer Johnny "Bee" Badanjek: other members were guitarists Steve Hunter and Brett Tuggle, organist Harry Phillips and bassists W.R. Cooke and John Sauter.

A single album was released by this grouping, a 1971 self-titled LP issued on Paramount Records (PAS-6010). They had a hit with their version of the Lou Reed - penned song "Rock & roll", which Reed liked enough to ask Steve Hunter to join his backing band. Mitch Ryder quit the group because of voice problems in 1972, and Detroit vocalist Rusty Day (formerly of the American Amboy Dukes and Cactus) took over his spot. Without Mitch Ryder, the group floundered, and eventually broke up in 1974.

While not as commercially successful, Rusty Day's era of Detroit was a powerhouse to be reckoned with. He used to sing for Ted Nugent & The Amboy Dukes, and was soon to form Cactus. Rusty Day, having been the original singer, picked prior to Mitch's return from Memphis and being asked to sing with them due to Rusty Day's having other commitments. Rusty Day's time at the helm waited. When he returned the band was re-energized, and managed by John Sinclair, and Pete Andrews.

Rusty Day, backed with soon to be legendary guitar hero, Steve Gaines (who would later form his own band, Crawdad, and would eventually join Lynyrd Skynyrd) took the band in a different, but in a still solid rocking direction. This lineup also featured Bill Hodgson on guitar (formerly of Shadowfax, soon to reform the band), Ted "T-Mel" Smith (formerly of The Spinners), Nathaniel Peterson (later to become of Leon Mills's band Brat Axis), and Terry Emery (later a member of Crawdad and eventually 38 Special). Some recordings exist out there of this era.

In 2005, Detroit re-emerged once again. The original members W. Ron Cooke (bass, vocal) and Johnny "Bee" Badanjek (drums), got together to record a new album for Detroit Artist Workshop Group & Woodshed Productions. The duo brought in Steve Dansby (guitar), a noted guitar sideman in the Motor City scene, having also played with Ron Cooke and Rusty Day, in Rusty Day's 2nd incarnation of Cactus, as well as other side projects. As well as Micheal Katon, a noted blues-rock pioneer, who had played with Dansby, Ron Cooke and Harry Philips in another band with Scott Morgan in the 1980s. This union began pounding out material in some of Detroit area's best Studios: Big Sky with Geoff Micheals, Rock City Studios with Pete Bankert (Destroy All Monsters), and Harmonie Park Studios with Brian and Mark Pastoria (Adrenalin/DC Drive).

In an effort to bridge the gap between the eras of Mitch Ryder and Rusty Day, as well as stay in tune with the later sounds of Detroit rock 'n' roll scene, they enlisted the Vocals of Tom Ingham (Mugzy, Weapons, Plow, Romeo Rock and others). The album, called "Dead man's hand" was released in 2006. This release, independent, included special appearances by Scott Morgan, Johnny Spark, Johnny Arizona, J.B. Sweet and Chris Codish.

Mitch Ryder - vocal principal
Steve Hunter - guitarra solo
Brett Tuggle - guitarra
Harry Phillips - teclados
W.R. Cooke - baixo, vocal de apoio,
vocal principal em "Box of old roses"
Johnny Badanjek - bateria, vocal de apoio,
co-vocal principal em "Is it you (Or is it me)?"
"Dirty Ed" Okalski - congas, pandeiro
Boot Hill - teclados, gaita
John Sauter - baixo
Mark Manko - segunda
guitarra em "Long neck goose",
"It ain't easy", "Let it rock"
e "I found a love"

Mitch Ryder performing with Detroit (May 1, 1971)


Detroit (1971)
[1987, MCA Records]
Detroit - Detroit - 1971 (1987, MCA Records [front])
01. Long neck goose
02. Is it you (or is it me)
03. Box of old roses
04. It ain't easy
05. Rock 'n' roll
06. Let it rock
07. Drink
08. Gimme shelter
09. I found a
new love

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Get out the vote: Live
at the Hill Auditorium,
April 1, 1972 (1997)
[1997, Total Energy Records]
Detroit - Get out the vote - Live at the Hill Auditorium, April 1, 1972 - 1997 (1997, Total Energy Records [front])
01. a) MC
b) Little bit
of love
02. Let it rock
03. Can't get
next to you
04. Rock & roll
05. City woman
06. a) C.C. Rider
b) Jenny take a ride
07. All in a dream
08. Rock & roll
hoochie koo
09. Gimme
10. a) Devil
with a blue dress on
b) Good Golly, miss Molly
11. Detroit boogie

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Detroit & Mitch Ryder - Detroit - 1971

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