domingo, 14 de abril de 2024

Murietta - Murietta - 1971 (Blues Rock {US})

Murietta - Murietta - 1971 (1971, Cherry Red Records [front])

Não há muita informação disponível sobre esta banda norte americana. O único álbum da Murietta foi gravado no Village Studios, localizado no Oeste de Los Angeles, e lançado em 1971 pela Cherry Red Records.

O som da banda é rock orientado ao blues, com vocais femininos. A qualidade da gravação não é tão boa e as músicas não apresentam níveis de dificuldade, mas há bons momentos a serem apreciados por aqueles que amam bandas obscuras das décadas de 60 e 70. Eu destaco as faixas: "Hanley's loop", "You really don't know" e "The second song". 


There is not much information available about this North American band. Murietta's only album was recorded at Village Studios, located in West Los Angeles, and released in 1971 by Cherry Red Records.

The band's sound is blues-oriented rock, with female vocals. The recording quality is not that good and the songs do not present levels of difficulty, but there are good moments to be enjoyed by those who love obscure bands from the 60s and 70s. I highlight the tracks: "Hanley's loop", "You really don't know" and "The second song".

Steve Krieger
- guitarra, vocal
Judi Brown - vocal
Kerry Morris - baixo
Stan Govers - piano
Gary Saunders
- bateria

Murietta - Murietta - 1971 (1971, Cherry Red Records [back])

01. Mama-
roneck station
02. The dump
03. Hanley's loop
04. Beside me
05. Feelin'
all right jam
06. Willie Brown
07. Someday
08. You really
don't know
09. Lord I'm tryin
10. The second

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Murietta - Murietta - 1971

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