sábado, 12 de outubro de 2019

TOBE - The Overton Berry Ensemble - 1972 (Jazz {US})

TOBE - The Overton Berry Ensemble - 1972 (front)
Originalmente lançado
em 1972, este álbum de soul
jazz teve uma prensagem privada
de 500 cópias. O álbum foi gravado
no Havaniceday Studios localizado em
Seattle, Washington. A faixa de desta-
que aqui é a versão funk pesada de
"Jesus Christ superstar", que man-
terá satisfeito o mais faminto dos
escavadores de batidas!


Overton Berry começou sua carreira musical há mais de cinquenta anos, aos 16 anos, quando tocou em shows da USO (United Service Organizations Inc.) em bases militares na costa oeste com o primeiro Overton Berry Trio. Desde esses primórdios, a música nunca parou. Ele era descrito no noroeste do Pacífico como "uma lenda viva", e sua riqueza de experiência e gerações de fãs testemunharam esse elogio afetuoso.

Seus créditos incluem o diretor musical do Peggy Lee Concert na Seattle World Fair de 1962, o diretor musical da House of Entertainment durante a Seattle World Fair, o diretor musical da turnê canadense La Hora de Jazz Concerts, o diretor musical do Gene Stridel Show, Comitê Ultramarino de Hollywood-Vietnã e diretor de música do Overton Berry Trio e da TOBE School of Music.

Ele tocou extensivamente em locais ao redor do mundo, incluindo Sans Souci em Tóquio, o Marriott no Cairo, o Peninsula Hotel em Bangkok, o China Hotel em Guangzhou, China e o Sheraton Hotel em Hong Kong.

Ele já se apresentou em vários locais em Seattle e arredores, incluindo Jazz Alley, The Double Tree Inn, The Alexis Hotel, The Triple Door, Egan's Ballard Jam HouseThe Sorrento Hotel e The Fireside Room.

Datas recentes de concertos incluíram o P.E.A.C.E. Concerts em 2002 e 2003, An evening with Overton Berry no The Admiral Theater em Bremerton, em 2003, e The Jazz Sunday Concerts em 2005 e 2006 na Admiral Congregational Church em West Seattle.

O Sr. Berry foi membro votante da Associação Nacional de Artes e Ciências de Gravação (The National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences ou, simplesmente, NARAS, reconhecida mundialmente por seu prêmio Grammy) e foi membro da Federação Americana de Músicos.

Overton Berry - que foi introduzido no Seattle Jazz Hall of Fame em abril de 2012 - morreu em 19 de outubro de 2020. Seu filho Sean disse ao The Seattle Times que seu pai sofria de doença cardíaca há vários anos e morreu pacificamente em casa. Ele tinha 84 anos. Ele deixou um legado que parece estar firmemente estabelecido entre os fãs de longa data e toda uma nova geração de amantes da música.


Originaly released in
1972 this soul jazz album
had a private pressing of only
500 copies. The album was recorded
at Havaniceday Studios located in
Seattle, Washington. The stand out
track here is the heavy funk version
of "Jesus Christ superstarwhich
will keep the hungriest of
beat diggers satisfied!


Overton Berry began his musical career over fifty years ago at the age of 16 when he played USO (United Service Organizations Inc.) shows at military bases on the west coast with the first Overton Berry Trio. Since those early beginnings the music has never stopped. He was described in the Pacific Northwest as "a living legend", and his wealth of experience and generations of fans testify to this affectionate praise.

His credits include the music director for the Peggy Lee Concert at the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair, the music director for the House of Entertainment during the Seattle World’s Fair, the music director for the Canadian tour La Hora de Jazz Concerts, the music director of the Gene Stridel Show, Hollywood Overseas Committee-Viet Nam and the music director of the Overton Berry Trio and the TOBE School of Music.

He has played extensively in venues around the world including Sans Souci in Tokyo, the Marriott in Cairo, the Peninsula Hotel in Bangkok, the China Hotel in Guangzhou, China and the Sheraton Hotel in Hong Kong.

He has performed at numerous venues in and around Seattle including Jazz Alley, The Double Tree Inn, The Alexis Hotel, The Triple Door, Egan's Ballard Jam House, The Sorrento Hotel and The Fireside Room.

Recent concert dates include the P.E.A.C.E. Concerts in 2002 and 2003, An evening with Overton Berry at The Admiral Theater in Bremerton in 2003, and The Jazz Sunday Concerts in 2005 and 2006 at the Admiral Congregational Church in West Seattle.

Mr. Berry was a voting member of The National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences (or simply NARAS, recognized worldwide for its Grammy award) and was a member of the American Federation of Musicians.

Overton Berry - who was inducted into the Seattle Jazz Hall of Fame in April 2012 - died on October 19, 2020. His son Sean told The Seattle Times that his father had suffered from heart disease for several years and died peacefully at home. He was 84. He left a legacy that seems to be firmly established among both longtime fans and a whole new generation of music lovers.

Overton Berry - piano,
teclado Hohner, baixo, vocal
Bill Kotick - bateria, bateria conga, vibrações,
Hohner melodica, pratos de dedo, triângulo, vocal
Curtis Stovall - baixo, baixo elétrico, violão, vocal
Mark Berry - guitarra elétrica

The Overton Berry Ensemble
01. Compared to what
02. A child is born
03. Black bottom
04. Color my world
05. Jesus Christ
Superstar medley:
aHeaven on their minds
bEverything's alright
cI don't know
how to love him
dThe last supper
06. Eglise

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

TOBE - A child is born 1972
TOBE - Jesus Christ Superstar 1972

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