sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2019

Jackson Heights (Progressive/Folk Rock {UK})

Jackson Heights foi um grupo musical inglês formado pelo baixista e vocalista Lee Jackson. O grupo foi formado em 1970, quando o tecladista Keith Emerson deixou a The Nice para formar a ELPEm 1973, Jackson se uniu novamente ao baterista da The NiceBrian "Blinky" Davison, para formar Refugee com Patrick Moraz.


Após o término do The Nice em 1969, cada um dos três membros desse grupo formou um grupo próprio, e esses três grupos fizeram uma turnê juntos: Emerson formou Emerson, Lake & Palmer, o grupo de Davison foi nomeado Every Which Way, e Jackson apareceu com Jackson Heights.

O álbum de estréia da Jackson Heights, "King progress", incluiu uma reformulação de "Cry of Eugene", uma música originalmente gravada pela The Nice, e novo material, incluindo "Doubting Thomas" e "Insomnia". O grupo, que incluía Charlie Harcourt na guitarra, Mario Enrique Covarrubias Tapia no baixo e Tommy Slone na bateria, produziu um som radicalmente diferente daquele com o qual Jackson se tornou conhecido, centrado nas canções e liderado pelo violão tocado por Lee Jackson principalmente.

Esse grupo se separou logo após o lançamento do primeiro álbum e se transformou em um trio com o pianista Brian Chatton (nascido em 19 de julho de 1948, Bolton, Lancashire) - que tocou com a Warriors de Jon Anderson e a Flaming Youth de Phil Collins - e o cantor/compositor/guitarrista John McBurnie, com Jackson tocando principalmente baixo e violões. O grupo deixou o selo Charisma e assinou contrato com a Vertigo, para quem gravou três álbuns, "The Fifth Avenue bus" e "Ragamuffins fool" (ambos de 1972) e "Bump 'n' grind" (1973). E então o grupo se desfez quando Jackson se uniu a Patrick Moraz e Brian Davison e formou a 
Refugee em 1973. Godfrey Salmon, que tocou violinos no último álbum, "Bump 'n' grind", mais tarde encontraria Keith Emerson na ELP enquanto liderava o orquestra no álbum "Works vol. 1" e uma turnê em 1977.


Jackson Heights was an English musical group formed by bassist and vocalist Lee Jackson. The group was formed in 1970, when keyboardist Keith Emerson left The Nice to form ELPIn 1973, Jackson teamed up again with The Nice drummer Brian "Blinky" Davison to form Refugee with Patrick Moraz.


After the break-up of The Nice in 1969, each of that group's three members formed a group of his own, and those three groups toured together: Emerson formed Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Davison's group was named Every Which Way, and Jackson appeared with Jackson Heights.

Jackson Heights' debut album, "King progress", included a reworking of "Cry of Eugene", a song originally recorded by The Nice, and new material including "Doubting Thomas" and "Insomnia". The group, which included Charlie Harcourt on lead guitar, Mario Enrique Covarrubias Tapia on bass and Tommy Slone on drums, produced a radically different sound from that with which Jackson had become well-known, centred upon songs and led by acoustic guitar played by Lee Jackson mostly.

This group disbanded shortly after the first album's release and reformed as a trio featuring pianist Brian Chatton (born 19 July 1948, Bolton, Lancashire) - who played with Jon Anderson's Warriors and Phil Collins's Flaming Youth - and singer/songwriter/guitarist John McBurnie, with Jackson mainly playing bass as well as acoustic guitars. The group left the Charisma label and signed with Vertigo, for whom they recorded three albums, "The Fifth Avenue bus" and "Ragamuffins fool" (both from 1972) and "Bump 'n' grind" (1973). And then the group disbanded when Jackson teamed up with Patrick Moraz and Brian Davison and formed 
Refugee in 1973. Godfrey Salmon, who played violins on the last album, "Bump 'n' grind", would later meet Keith Emerson in ELP as he led the orchestra on the "Works vol. 1" album and a tour in 1977.


King progress (1970)
01. Mr. Screw
02. Since I last saw you
03. Sunshine freak
04. King progress
05. Doubting Thomas
06. Insomnia
07. Cry of

Charlie Harcourt - guitarras, quadras
Tommy Slone - bateria, percussão
Mario Tapia - baixo, guitarras
Lee Jackson - vocal

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

The Fifth Avenue bus (1972)
01. Tramp
02. Dog got bitten
03. Autumn brigade
04. Long time dying
05. Sweet Hill tunnel
06. Laughing gear
07. House
in the country
08. Rent a friend
09. Luxford
10. Pastor

Brian Chatton - teclados, vocal
John McBurnie - guitarra, teclados, vocal
Lee Jackson - baixo, guitarra, vocal
Michael Giles - bateria

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Ragamuffins fool (1972)
01. Maureen
02. Oh you beauty
03. As she starts
04. Be bop
05. Catch a thief
06. Ragamuffins
07. Chorale
(Five bridges suite)
08. Chips and chicken
09. Poor Peter
10. Bellyfull of

Brian Chatton - teclados, vocal
John McBurnie - guitarra, teclados, vocal
Lee Jackson - baixo, guitarra, vocal
Michael Giles - bateria

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Bump 'n' grind (1973)
01. I could
be your orchestra
02. Spaghetti sunshine
03. Long necked lady
04. Public romance
05. Bump and grind
06. Cumberland
07. It's a shame
08. Ladies in the chorus
09. Whatever happened to
the conversation

Brian Chatton - teclados, vocal
John McBurnie - guitarra, teclados, vocal
Lee Jackson - baixo, guitarra, vocal
Michael Giles - bateria
VanDerrick - violino
Ian Paice - bateria
Ian Wallace - bateria
Chris Laurence - baixo
Bill Bell - banjo

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download
dos 4 albums: enjoy!

Jackson Heights - Insomnia - 1970
Jackson Heights - on French TV1971

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