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quarta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2023

Refugee (Progressive Rock {UK})

Refugee (photo 01)

Refugee foi uma banda de rock progressivo formada em 1973 que consistia no vocalista e baixista Lee Jackson, o baterista Brian Davison e o tecladista Patrick Moraz. A banda lançou um álbum, "Refugee" (1974), e fez diversas turnês. Refugee estava preparando material para um segundo álbum quando Moraz deixou o grupo em agosto de 1974 para se juntar à Yes. O grupo posteriormente se dissolveu.


Jackson formou a Jackson Heights, enquanto Davison formou sua própria banda, Brian Davison's Every Which Way. Após seu quarto e último álbum "Bump 'n' grind" (1973), Jackson Heights estava procurando outro tecladista para a turnê, então Lee Jackson abordou Patrick Moraz para perguntar se ele estaria interessado em ingressar. Moraz propôs formar uma nova banda, especificamente com o baterista Brian Davison, que estava na The Nice com Jackson. Eles contrataram Fred Munt como empresário, e a esposa de Munt, Gail Colson, criou o nome da banda Refugee. A imprensa musical caracterizou Refugee como uma tentativa de renascimento da The Nice. Os três assinaram contrato com a Charisma Records e desenvolveram um som compacto praticando até oito horas por dia. Depois de alguns meses disso, Refugee fez seu primeiro show, no The Roundhouse, em Londres, em 2 de dezembro de 1973.

Refugee gravou seu único álbum de estúdio, "Refugee" (1974), no Island Studios em Londres. A música foi composta por Moraz, com letra de Jackson. A banda então saiu em turnê para promover o álbum.

Refugee começou a preparar material para um segundo álbum, e pelo menos uma música que teria sido incluída no álbum, "One left handed Peter Pan", foi tocada em seus shows posteriores. A banda foi dissolvida em agosto de 1974, quando Moraz aceitou uma oferta para se juntar à Yes, como substituto da saída de Rick Wakeman. Em seu show final, realizado no The Roundhouse (como sua estréia) em 11 de agosto de 1974, Jackson anunciou que esta seria sua última apresentação desde a saída de Moraz. Davison passou a trabalhar com a Gong.

Um álbum ao vivo, "Live in concert Newcastle City Hall 1974", foi lançado em 2007. Em 2019, uma caixa de três discos da Refugee foi lançada, compilando o álbum de estúdio da banda, o álbum ao vivo e uma gravação ao vivo da BBC Radio One.


Refugee was a progressive rock band formed in 1973 that consisted of vocalist and bassist Lee Jackson, drummer Brian Davison and keyboardist Patrick Moraz. The band released one album, "Refugee" (1974), and went on several tours. Refugee was preparing material for a second album when Moraz left the group in August 1974 to join Yes. The group subsequently dissolved.


Jackson had formed Jackson Heights, while Davison formed his own band, Brian Davison's Every Which Way. After its fourth and final album "Bump 'n' grind" (1973), Jackson Heights was looking for another keyboard player on tour, so Lee Jackson approached Patrick Moraz to ask him if he would be interested in joining. Moraz proposed forming a new band instead, and specifically with drummer Brian Davison, who had been in The Nice with Jackson. They took on Fred Munt as their manager, and Munt's wife Gail Colson came up with the band name Refugee. The music press characterized Refugee as an attempted revival of The Nice. The three signed to Charisma Records, and developed a tight sound by practising up to eight hours each day. After a few months of this, Refugee played its first concert, at The Roundhouse in London on 2 December 1973.

Refugee recorded its only studio album, "Refugee" (1974), at Island Studios in London. The music was composed by Moraz, with lyrics from Jackson. The band then went on tour to promote the album.

Refugee began preparing material for a second album, and at least one song that would have been included on the album, "One left handed Peter Pan", was played in its later concerts. The band dissolved in August 1974, when Moraz accepted an offer to join Yes, as the replacement for the departing Rick Wakeman. At its final concert, held at The Roundhouse (like its debut) on 11 August 1974, Jackson announced that this would be their final performance since Moraz was leaving. Davison went on to work with Gong.

A live album, "Live in concert Newcastle City Hall 1974", was released in 2007. In 2019 a Refugee's three-disc boxed set was released, compiling the band's studio album, the live album, and a BBC Radio One live recording.

Patrick Moraz - órgão, mini-Moogs,
sintetizador AKS, piano, clavinete,
órgão de tubos, Mellotron, trompa
alpina, furtivo eletrônico, piano
elétrico, marimbafone, vocal
Brian Davison - bateria, tímpanos,
gongos, sinos de templos tibetanos,
tambores africanos, kabassa,
vidros quebrados
Lee Jackson -
baixo, violoncelo elétrico,
guitarra, violão de 12 cordas,
vocal principal

Refugee (photo 02)


Refugee (1974)
[1974, Charisma Records]
(FLAC96 kHz/24 bit)
Refugee - Refugee - 1974 (1974, Charisma Records [front])
01. Papillon
02. Someday
03. Grand
Canyon suite:
a) The source
b) Theme for
the Canyon
c) The journey
d) Rapids
e) The mighty
05.Ritt Mickley
a) Prelude
b) I believe
(part I)
c) Theme
d) The
lost cause
e) Agitato
f) I believe
(part II)
g) Variation
h) Theme

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Refugee (1974)
[2004Walhalla Records]
Refugee - Refugee - 1974 (2004, Walhalla Records [front])
01. Papillon
02. Someday
03. Grand
Canyon suite:
a) The source
b) Theme for
the Canyon
c) The journey
d) Rapids
e) The mighty
04.Ritt Mickley
a) Prelude
b) I believe
(part I)
c) Theme
d) The
lost cause
e) Agitato
f) I believe
(part II)
g) Variation
h) Theme

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Refugee & Live in concert
Newcastle City Hall 1974 (2010)
[2010, Voiceprint Records]
Refugee - Refugee & Live in concert Newcastle City Hall 1974 - 2010 (2010, Voiceprint Records [front])

CD 01
03. Grand Canyon:
1st movement: The source
04. Grand Canyon suite: 2nd
movement: Theme for the Canyon
05. Grand Canyon suite: 3rd
movement: The journey
06. Grand Canyon suite:
4th movement: The rapids
07. Grand Canyon suite:
5th movement: The
mighty Colorado
09.Ritt Mickley
10. Credo: 1st
11. Credo:
2nd movement:
I believe (part 1)
12. Credo: 3rd
13. Credo:
4th movement:
Toccata & song
"The lost cause"
14. Credo: 5th
15. Credo:
6th movement:
I believe (part 2)
16. Credo: 7th
movement: Variation
17. Credo: 8th movement:
Main theme and

CD 02
Live in concert
Newcastle City Hall 1974
01. Outro/Ritt Mickley
02. One left handed Peter Pan
03. The diamond hard blues
apples of the moon
04. Someday
05. Papillon
06. She belongs to me
07. Grand Canyon suite
08. Refugee jam

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Refugee [MP3]: enjoy!
Refugee [FLAC]: enjoy!

Refugee - Refugee - 1974
Refugee - Ritt Mickley1974
[live at The Marquee]

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