quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2020

Drama - Drama - 1985 (Fusion {US})

Não encontrei informações
sobre o álbum e grupo.
O álbum é instrumental e, embora
às vezes monótono, muito profissional.
Todos os instrumentos muito bem tocados.
Para quem gosta de fusion é um bom álbum,
embora não seja essencial.
Boas audições!


I didn't find information
about the album and group.
The album is instrumental and, although
sometimes monotonous, very professional.
All instruments played very well.
For those who like fusion it is a good
album, although it is not essential.
Good auditions!

Rick Gallegos - teclados
Jim Hawthorne - guitarras
Kerry Boomsliter - baixo
Charles Emlay - bateria

01. Splash and go
02. The wanderer
03. Aladdin
04. Sanctuary
05. Borealis
06. Takin a beatin
07. The dreamer
08. Seizure salad
09. Popeye

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Drama - Drama - 1985 (full album)

3 comentários:

  1. Hello, Background Information! Welcome to the blog! I hope to see you more times around here.

    About links:
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    I thank you for your visit, your comment and I wish you and your family much peace, health and wisdom in these turbulent times. Strong hug!

  2. Thank you Progmusicparadise! I look forward to listening to ANYTHING from the 70s/80s with a "prog" influence.....


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