domingo, 11 de setembro de 2022

Linn County (Psychedelic Blues Rock {US})

Linn County
Linn County foi uma banda
americana de blues sediada
em Iowa, e mais tarde em San
Francisco, Califórnia. Linn County
lançou três álbuns de 1968 a 1970.
Ao longo de sua existência, eles
tiveram seis membros
na banda


Linn County foi formada por volta de 1966 no Condado de Linn, Iowa, Estados Unidos, como The Prophets. Em 1968, a banda assinou com a Mercury Records, mudou-se para San Francisco e mudou seu nome para Linn County. Eles lançaram seu primeiro álbum, "Proud flesh soothseer", em 1968, e excursionaram com bandas e músicos como Albert King, Led ZeppelinSly & The Family StoneEric Burdon & The Animals and Ten Years After. Eles estavam se tornando mais conhecidos quando o grupo se separou logo depois que Clark Pierson saiu para se juntar a Janis Joplin e Stephen Miller saiu para se juntar a Elvin Bishop. Fred Walk manteve a banda junto com diferentes pessoas por um tempo, então se desfez do grupo em 1973. Linn County também encabeçou ou tocou com Ike & Tina Turner, Earl Hooker, John Lee Hooker, Paul Butterfield, Bo Diddley, Howlin' Wolf, Elvin Bishop, Charlie Musselwhite, Steve Miller, Albert Collins e muitos outros durante festivais de música.


Linn County was an
American blues band based
in Iowa, and later in San Francisco,
California. Linn County released three
albums from 1968 to 1970. Over the
course of their existence, they 
had six band members


Linn County was formed around 1966 in Linn County, Iowa, United States as The Prophets. In 1968, the band signed with Mercury Records, moved to San Francisco, and changed its name to Linn County. They released their first album "Proud flesh soothseer" in 1968, and toured performing with bands and musicians such as Albert King, Led Zeppelin, Sly & The Family Stone, Eric Burdon & The Animals and Ten Years After. They were becoming more well known when the group broke up shortly after Clark Pierson left to join Janis Joplin and Stephen Miller left to join Elvin Bishop. Fred Walk kept the band together with different personnel for a time then disbanded the group in 1973. Linn County also headlined or played with Ike & Tina Turner, Earl Hooker, John Lee Hooker, Paul Butterfield, Bo Diddley, Howlin' Wolf, Elvin Bishop, Charlie Musselwhite, Steve Miller, Albert Collins and a host of others during music festivals.

Stephen Miller -
órgão, piano, vocais
Fred Walk - guitarras
Dino Long - baixo
Larry Easter - saxofones
tenor e soprano, flauta
Jerome McAndrew - bateria
Clark Pierson - bateria
(na 2ª formação)


Proud flesh soothseer (1968)
Proud flesh soothseer (1968)
01. Think
02. Lower lemons
03. Moon food
04. Cave song
05. Protect & serve/
Bad things
06. Fast days

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Fever shot (1969)
Fever shot (1969)
01. Girl can't help it
02. Elevator woman
03. Too far gone
04. Suspended
05. Fever shot
06. Lonely avenue
07. Ground hog blues

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

'Till the break of dawn (1970)
'Till the break of dawn (1970)
01. Tell the truth
02. Monkey man
03. TV free
04. Wine take me away
05. Next time you see me
06. Let the music begin
07. Black nights
08. Further on up the road
09. Boogie chillun
10. 'Till the break of dawn

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 3 albums: enjoy!

Linn County - Moon food - 1968
Linn County - Elevator woman - 1969
Linn County Wine take me away - 1970

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