terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2022

Jenghiz Khan - Well cut - 1971 (Heavy Progressive Rock {Bélgica})

Jenghiz Khan - Well cut - 1971

Formada em Bruxelas no ano de 1970, Jenghiz Khan consistia em: o tecladista Tim Brean (ex-vocalista da The Tim Brean Group), o guitarrista Big Friswa, o ex-vocalista/baixista da Tenderfood Kids e Laurélie Pierre Raepsaet e o baterista Chris Tick. Com o apoio do jornalista e empresário de música belga Pierre "Piero" Kenroll, o grupo assinou um contrato com o selo francês Barclay.

Lançado no final do ano, seu LP de estréia os uniu ao produtor Eric Vion (que já havia tocado com Pierre Raepsaet na Tenderfood Kids). As oito músicas foram, na verdade, colaborações de Kenroll (creditado como "Piero") fornecendo as letras e Brean e Friswa respectivamente transformando-as em música. Creditada a Jamic e ao empresário Kenroll, a capa não era para os mais sensíveis.

Uma obra-prima do heavy prog-psych, "Well cut" ocasionalmente lembra um híbrido de Ten Years AfterUriah HeepIron Betterfly e Vanilla Fudge, com os vocais fortemente acentuados de Pierre Raepsaet inspirados em Paul Rodgers.


Formed in Brussels in 1970, Jenghiz Khan consisted by: keyboardist Tim Brean (ex-vocalist of The Tim Brean Group), guitarist Big Friswa, ex-vocalist/bassist of Tenderfood Kids and Laurélie Pierre Raepsaet and drummer Chris tick. With the support of Belgian journalist and music manager Pierre "Piero" Kenroll, the group signed a contract with the French label Barclay.

Released at the end of the year, their debut LP brought them together with producer Eric Vion (who had previously played with Pierre Raepsaet on Tenderfood Kids). The eight songs were actually collaborations with Kenroll (credited as "Piero") providing the lyrics and Brean and Friswa respectively turning them into music. Credited to Jamic and manager Kenroll, the cover wasn't for the faint hearted.

A masterpiece of heavy prog-psych, "Well cut" occasionally resembles a hybrid of Ten Years After, Uriah Heep, Iron Betterfly and Vanilla Fudge, with Pierre Raepsaet's heavily accented Paul Rodgers-inspired vocals.

"Chris Tick" Servranckx -
bateria, percussão, vocal
Pierre Raepsaet - baixo, vocal
Tim Brean - órgão, piano, cravo, vocal
"Big" Frisma - guitarras,

Jenghiz Khan (photo 01)
Jenghiz Khan (photo 02)


Well cut (1971)
[CD version]
Jenghiz Khan - Well cut (CD version) - 1971
01. Pain
02. Campus A
03. The moderate
04. Campus B
05. The lighter
06. Hard working man
07. Mad lover
08. Trip to

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Well cut (1971)
[LP version]
Jenghiz Khan - Well cut (LP version) - 1971
01. Pain
02. Campus A
03. The moderate
04. Campus B
05. The lighter
06. Hard working man
07. Mad lover
08. Trip to

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 2 albums: enjoy!

Jenghiz Khan - Well cut - 1971

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