domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2023

Ten Years After (Hard Blues Rock {UK})

Ten Years After (photo 01)

Ten Years After é um grupo de rock britânico, mais popular no final dos anos 1960 e início dos anos 1970. Entre 1968 e 1973, a banda teve oito álbuns consecutivos no Top 40 no UK Albums Chart. Além disso, eles tiveram doze álbuns entrando na Billboard 200 dos EUA. Eles são mais conhecidos por faixas como "I'm going home", "Hear me call", "I'd love to change the world" e "Love like a man". Seu estilo é considerado blues rock e hard rock.

FORMAÇÃO: 1962 A 1966

O núcleo da banda foi formado no final de 1960 como Ivan Jay and The Jaycats. Após vários anos de sucesso local na área de Nottingham e Mansfield, eles mudaram seu nome para The Jaybirds em 1962 e mais tarde para Ivan Jay and The Jaymen. Ivan Jay (nascido Ivan Joseph Harrison, 1939, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire - falecido em abril de 2009, EUA) cantou o vocal principal do final de 1960 a 1962 e foi acompanhado por Ric Lee em agosto de 1965, substituindo o baterista Dave Quickmire (nascido David Quickmire, 1940, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire), que substituiu Pete Evans (nascido Peter Evans, 1940, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire) em 1962. Roy Cooper (nascido em 11 de novembro de 1943, Huthwaite, Nottinghamshire) tocou guitarra base e vocal de 1960 a 1962. The Jaybirds se mudou para Londres para apoiar a Ivy League em 1966. No mesmo ano, Chick Churchill se juntou ao grupo como tecladista.

Em novembro daquele ano, o quarteto contratou um empresário, Chris Wright, e mudou seu nome para Blues Trip. Usando o nome de Blues Yard, eles fizeram um show no Marquee Club, apoiando a Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. Alvin Lee e Leo Lyons mudaram novamente de nome em 1966 para Ten Years After - em homenagem a Elvis Presley, um dos ídolos de Lee. Isso foi dez anos após o ano de sucesso de Presley, 1956. Algumas fontes afirmam que o nome foi retirado por Leo Lyons de uma revista, anunciando um livro, "Suez ten years after" (referindo-se à Crise de Suez).

TEN YEARS AFTER: 1967 A 1974

O grupo foi o primeiro ato contratado pela futura Chrysalis Agency. Ele garantiu uma residência no Marquee e foi convidado para tocar no Windsor Jazz Festival em 1967. Essa apresentação levou a um contrato com a Deram, uma subsidiária da Decca - a primeira banda que a Deram assinou sem um single de sucesso. A banda então entra em estúdio e começa a preparar material apra o seu primeiro LP.

"Ten Years After", o álbum de estréia, foi gravado no Decca Studios em Londres em setembro de 1967 e lançado em 27 de outubro de 1967. Foi um dos primeiros álbuns de blues rock de músicos britânicos. O álbum traz "Spoonful", uma canção de Howlin' Wolf (escrita para ele por Willie Dixon) que o grupo britânico Cream fez um cover no ano anterior em seu álbum de estréia "Fresh Cream", com uma versão estendida ao vivo em "Wheels of fire".

Em 1968, após uma turnê pela Escandinávia e Estados Unidos, Ten Years After lançou um segundo álbum, o ao vivo "Undead", com uma primeira versão da notável canção "I'm going home". Entre os dias 3 e 15 de setembro de 1968, a banda inicia as gravações de seu segundo LP de estúdio, "Stonedhenge". O álbum foi lançado  em janeiro de 1969 nos Estados Unidos da América e, no dia 7 de fevereiro do mesmo ano no Reino Unido. O álbum, que incluía outra faixa conhecida - "Hear me call" - que também foi lançada como single, fez muito sucesso no Reino Unido. Em 1972, "Hear me call" viria a ser tocada pelas estrelas em ascensão do glam rock britânico, Slade.

Em junho de 1969, iniciam-se as gravações de "Ssssh". Em julho, o grupo se apresentou no Newport Jazz Festival, primeiro evento para o qual bandas de rock foram convidadas. Entre 26 e 27 de julho de 1969, eles se apresentaram no Seattle Pop Festival, realizado no Gold Creek ParkEm agosto, "Ssssh" é lançado. O álbum alcançou a 20ª posição na Billboard 200 e a 4ª posição nas paradas do Reino Unido. Em 17 de agosto, a banda fez uma aparição revolucionária em Woodstock. Sua versão de "I'm going home", com Alvin Lee fazendo o  vocal e a guitarra principal, foi apresentada no filme subsequente e no álbum da trilha sonora e os catapultou para o status de estrelas.

Em 1970, Ten Years After lançou "Love like a man", o único hit do grupo no UK Singles Chart, onde alcançou a posição 10. Foi o primeiro disco lançado com uma velocidade de execução diferente em cada lado: três minutos edite a 45 rpm (rotações por minuto) e uma versão ao vivo de quase oito minutos a 33 rpm. A versão completa da música de estúdio apareceu no quinto álbum da banda, o de maior sucesso na Grã-Bretanha, "Cricklewood green" lançado em março de 1970. Em agosto de 1970, eles tocaram no Strawberry Fields Festival perto de Toronto, e no Isle of Wight Festival 1970.

O quinto álbum de estúdio da banda, "Watt", começa a ser gravado em setembro de 1970 no Olympic Sound Studios, em Londres, com exceção da última faixa, um cover de "Sweet little sixteen" de Chuck Berry, que é uma gravação ao vivo no Isle of Wight FestivalO álbum foi lançado em dezembro de 1970.

Em 1971, a banda mudou de gravadora para Columbia Records (EUA) e Chrysalis (Reino Unido) e lançou o álbum de sucesso "A space in time", que marcou uma mudança em direção a um material mais comercial. "A space in time" é o sexto álbum de estúdio da banda. Foi lançado em agosto de 1971 pela Chrysalis Records no Reino Unido e pela Columbia Records na América. Uma mudança de estilo em relação aos álbuns anteriores, "A space in time" é menos 'pesado' do que os álbuns anteriores e inclui mais violão, talvez influenciado pelo sucesso da Led Zeppelin, que misturava canções acústicas com números mais pesados. "A space in time" alcançou a posição 17 na Billboard 200.

A terceira faixa do álbum, "I'd love to change the world", viria a se tornar seu maior sucesso. Ao combinar um refrão acústico melódico com solos desafiadores de guitarra elétrica, eles conseguiram produzir um som que atingiu o número 10 nas paradas no Canadá e o número 40 nos EUA. Embora este tenha sido seu maior sucesso, eles raramente o tocavam ao vivo. "Baby won't you let me rock 'n' roll you" também alcançou a posição 61 nos EUA e alcançou a posição 54 no Canadá.

No final de 1972, o grupo lançou seu segundo álbum da Columbia "Rock & roll music to the world" e, em 1973, o álbum duplo ao vivo "Ten Years After recorded live". A banda posteriormente se separou após seu último álbum de 1974 na Columbia, "Positive vibrations", que alcançou a posição 81 na US Billboard 200.


Na segunda metade dos anos 1970 e início dos anos 1980, Alvin excursionou ativamente com uma nova banda que chamou de Ten Years Later. A Ten Years After original se reuniu em 1983 para tocar no Reading Festival, e esta performance foi posteriormente lançada em CD como "The Friday Rock Show sessions: live at Reading '83".


Em 1988, os membros se reuniram para alguns shows e gravaram o álbum "About time" (1989) com o produtor Terry Manning em Memphis. Ficaram juntos por seu maior período contínuo, até 2003, porém sem lançar material inédito. Em 1994, eles participaram do festival Eurowoodstock em Budapeste. Em 2003, os outros membros da banda substituíram Alvin Lee por Joe Gooch e gravaram o álbum "Now". O material da turnê seguinte foi usado para o álbum duplo de 2005 "Roadworks".

Alvin Lee tocou e gravou principalmente em seu próprio nome após sua separação da banda. Ele morreu de complicações durante um procedimento médico de rotina em 6 de março de 2013. Ric Lee também está atualmente em uma banda chamada Ric Lee's Natural Born Swingers, junto com Bob Hall. Em janeiro de 2014, foi anunciado que Gooch e Lyons haviam deixado Ten Years After. Dois meses depois, o baixista veterano Colin Hodgkinson e o cantor e guitarrista Marcus Bonfanti foram anunciados como seus substitutos. Em outubro de 2017, a banda lançou seu mais recente álbum de estúdio, "A sting in the tale".


Ten Years After is a British rock group, most popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Between 1968 and 1973, the band had eight consecutive Top 40 albums on the UK Albums Chart. In addition, they had twelve albums enter the US Billboard 200. They are best known for tracks such as "I'm going home", "Hear me calling", "I'd love to change the world" and "Love like a man". Their style is considered blues rock and hard rock.

FORMATION: 1962 TO 1966

The band's core formed in late 1960 as Ivan Jay and The Jaycats. After several years of local success in the Nottingham and Mansfield area, they changed their name to The Jaybirds in 1962 and later to Ivan Jay and The Jaymen. Ivan Jay (born Ivan Joseph Harrison, 1939, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire - died April 2009, USA) sang lead vocal from late 1960 to 1962 and was joined by Ric Lee in August 1965, replacing drummer Dave Quickmire (born David Quickmire, 1940, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire), who had replaced Pete Evans (born Peter Evans, 1940, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire) in 1962. Roy Cooper (born 11 November 1943, Huthwaite, Nottinghamshire) played rhythm guitar, and did vocal from 1960 to 1962. The Jaybirds moved to London to back the Ivy League in 1966. In the same year, Chick Churchill joined the group as keyboard player.

That November, the quartet signed a manager, Chris Wright, and changed their name to Blues Trip. Using the name Blues Yard they played one show at the Marquee Club supporting the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. Alvin Lee and Leo Lyons again changed their name in 1966 to Ten Years After - in honour of Elvis Presley, one of Lee's idols. This was ten years after Presley's successful year, 1956. Some sources claim that the name was pulled by Leo Lyons from a magazine, advertising a book, "Suez ten years after" (referring to the Suez Crisis).


The group was the first act booked by the soon-to-be Chrysalis Agency. It secured a residency at the Marquee, and was invited to play at the Windsor Jazz Festival in 1967. That performance led to a contract with Deram, a subsidiary of Decca - the first band Deram signed without a hit single. The band then entered the studio and began to prepare material for their first LP.

"Ten Years After", the debut album, was recorded at Decca Studios in London in September 1967 and released on 27 October 1967. It was one of the first blues rock albums by British musicians. The album features "Spoonful", a Howlin' Wolf song (written for him by Willie Dixon) that British group Cream covered the previous year on their debut album "Fresh Cream", with an extended live version on "Wheels of fire".

In 1968, after touring Scandinavia and the United States, Ten Years After released a second album, the live "Undead", with a first version of the noteworthy song, "I'm going home". Between September 3rd and 15th, 1968, the band started recording their second studio LP, "Stonedhenge". The album was released in January 1969 in the United States of America and on February 7 of the same year in the United Kingdom. The album, which included another well-known track - "Hear me call" - which was also released as a single, was very successful in the UK. In 1972, "Hear me call" would be covered by rising stars of British glam rock, Slade.

In June 1969, the recordings of "Ssssh" began. In July, the group performed at the Newport Jazz Festival, the first event to which rock bands were invited. Between July 26 and 27, 1969, they performed at the Seattle Pop Festival, held in Gold Creek Park. In August, "Ssssh" is released. The album peaked at number 20 on the Billboard 200 and number 4 on the UK charts. On August 17th, the band made a breakthrough appearance at Woodstock. Their version of "I'm going home", with Alvin Lee providing vocals and lead guitar, was featured in the subsequent film and soundtrack album and catapulted them to star status.

In 1970, Ten Years After released "Love like a man", the group's only hit on the UK Singles Chart, where it reached number 10. It was the first record released with a different playing speed on each side: three minutes edit at 45 rpm (revolutions per minute) and a nearly eight-minute live version at 33 rpm. The full studio version of the song appeared on the band's fifth and most successful album in Britain, "Cricklewood green" released in March 1970. In August 1970 they played the Strawberry Fields Festival near Toronto, and the Isle of Wight Festival 1970.

The band's fifth studio album, "Watt", begins recording in September 1970 at Olympic Sound Studios in London, with the exception of the last track, a cover of "Sweet little sixteen" by Chuck Berry, which is a recording live at the Isle of Wight Festival. The album was released in December 1970.

In 1971, the band changed labels to Columbia Records (USA) and Chrysalis (UK) and released the successful album "A space in time", which marked a shift towards more commercial material. "A space in time" is the band's sixth studio album. It was released in August 1971 on Chrysalis Records in the UK and Columbia Records in America. A change in style from previous albums, "A space in time" is less 'heavy' than previous albums and includes more acoustic guitar, perhaps influenced by the success of Led Zeppelin, which mixed acoustic songs with heavier numbers. "A space in time" peaked at number 17 on the Billboard 200.

The album's third track, "I'd love to change the world", would go on to become their biggest hit. By combining a melodic acoustic chorus with challenging electric guitar solos, they managed to produce a sound that reached number 10 on the charts in Canada and number 40 in the US. Although this was their biggest hit, they rarely played it live. "Baby won't you let me rock 'n' roll you" also peaked at number 61 in the US and peaked at number 54 in Canada.

In late 1972, the group issued their second Columbia album "Rock & roll music to the world" and, in 1973, the live double album "Ten Years After recorded live". The band subsequently broke up after their final 1974 Columbia album, "Positive vibrations", which peaked at number 81 in the US Billboard 200 chart.


In the second half of the 1970s and early 1980s, Alvin actively toured with a new band he called Ten Years Later. The original Ten Years After reunited in 1983 to play the Reading Festival, and this performance was later released on CD as "The Friday Rock Show sessions: live at Reading '83".


In 1988, the members reunited for a few concerts and recorded the album "About time" (1989) with producer Terry Manning in Memphis. They stayed together for their longest continuous period, until 2003, however without releasing new material. In 1994, they participated in the Eurowoodstock festival in Budapest. In 2003, the other band members replaced Alvin Lee with Joe Gooch, and recorded the album "Now". Material from the following tour was used for the 2005 double album "Roadworks".

Alvin Lee mostly played and recorded under his own name following his split from the band. He died from complications during a routine medical procedure on 6 March 2013. Ric Lee is also currently in a band called Ric Lee's Natural Born Swingers, along with Bob Hall. In January 2014, it was announced that both Gooch and Lyons had left Ten Years After. Two months later, veteran bass player Colin Hodgkinson and singer and guitarist Marcus Bonfanti were announced as their replacements. In October 2017, the band released its most recent studio album, "A sting in the tale".

Membros atuais
Chick Churchill - teclados
(1966-1974, 1983, 1988-presente)
Ric Lee - bateria (1966-
1974, 1983, 1988-presente)
Marcus Bonfanti - guitarra,
vocal (2014-presente)
Colin Hodgkinson -
baixo (2014-presente)
Membros antigos
Alvin Lee - guitarra,
vocal, harpa (1966-1974, 1983,
1988-2003, falecido em 2013)
Leo Lyons - baixo (1966-
1974, 1983, 1988-2014)
Joe Gooch - guitarra,
vocal (2003-2014)

Ten Years After (photo 02)
Ten Years After (photo 03)
Ten Years After (photo 04)


Ten Years After (1967)
[Deram Records, 2002]
TYA - Ten Years After (Deram Records, 2002) - 1967 [front]
01. I want to know
02. I can't keep from
crying, sometimes
03. Adventures of
a young organ
04. Spoonful
05. Losing the dogs
06. Feel it for me
07. Love until I die
08. Don't want
you woman
09. Help me
10. Portable
people (bonus)
11. The sounds (bonus)
12. Rock your mama (bonus)
13. Spider in my web (bonus)
14. Hold me tight (bonus)
15. Woodchoppers
ball (bonus)

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Ten Years After (1967)
[Deram Records, 2015]
TYA - Ten Years After (Deram Records, 2015) - 1967 [front]
CD 01
01. I want
to know (mono)
02. I can't keep from
crying, sometimes (mono)
03. Adventures of
a young organ (mono)
04. Spoonful (mono)
05. Losing the dogs (mono)
06. Feel it for me (mono)
07. Love until I die (mono)
08. Don't want
you woman (mono)
09. Help me (mono)
10. I want to know (stereo)
11. I can't keep from
crying, sometimes (stereo)
12. Adventures of
a young organ (stereo)
13. Spoonful (stereo)
14. Losing the dogs (stereo)
15. Feel it for me (stereo)
16. Love until I die (stereo)
17. Don't want
you woman (stereo)
18. Help me (stereo)

CD 02
01. Portable people
02. Portable people
(mono, single)
03. The sounds
04. The sounds
(mono, single)
05. Rock your
mama (single)
06. Spider in
my web (single)
07. Hold me tight
08. (At all) Woodchoppers ball
09. Love until I die (recorded
for BBC 'Top Gear', London 1967)
10. Don't want you woman
(recorded for BBC 'Top
Gear', London 1967)
11. The sounds (recorded
for BBC 'Top Gear', 
London 1967)

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Stonedhenge (1969)
[Deram Records, 2002]
TYA - Stonedhenge (Deram Records, 2002) - 1969 [front]
01. Going to try
02. I can't live
without Lydia
03. Woman trouble
04. Skoobly-oobly-doobob
05. Hear me calling
06. A sad song
07. Three blind mice
08. No title
09. Faro
10. Speed kills
11. Hear me calling
(single version) [bonus]
12. Women trouble
(US version) [bonus]
13. I'm going home
(single version) [bonus]
14. Boogie on

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Stonedhenge (1969)
[Deram Records, 2015]
TYA - Stonedhenge (Deram Records, 2015) - 1969 [front]
CD 01
01. Going
to try (mono)
02. I can't live
without Lydia (mono)
03. Woman trouble (mono)
04. Skoobly-oobly-doobob (mono)
05. Hear me calling (mono)
06. A sad song (mono)
07. Three blind mice (mono)
08. No title (mono)
09. Faro (mono)
10. Speed kills (mono)
11. Going to try (stereo)
12. I can't live
without Lydia (stereo)
13. Woman trouble (stereo)
14. Skoobly-oobly-doobob (stereo)
15. Hear me calling (stereo)
16. A sad song (stereo)
17. Three blind mice (stereo)
18. No title (stereo)
19. Faro (stereo)
20. Speed kills

CD 02
01. Hear me
calling (single)
02. Woman trouble
(recorded in the USA, July 1968)
03. Boogie on (Deram LP
'Alvin Lee & Company')
04. Rock your mama (recorded for
BBC 'Top Gear', London 1968)
05. Portable people (recorded
for BBC 'Top Gear', London 1968)
06. I ain't seen no whisky
(recorded for BBC 'Top
Gear', London 1968)

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Ssssh (1969)
[Deram Records, 1969]
TYA - Ssssh (Deram Records, 1969) - 1969 [front]
01. Bad scene
02. Two time mama
03. Stoned woman
04. Good morning
little schoolgirl
05. If you should love me
06. I don't know that
you don't know my name
07. The stomp
08. I woke up
this morning

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Ssssh (1969)
[2800 Greenline, 1988]
TYA - Ssssh (2800 Greenline, 1988) - 1969 [front]
01. Bad scene
02. Two time mama
03. Stoned woman
04. Good morning
little schoolgirl
05. If you should love me
06. I don't know that
you don't know my name
07. The stomp
08. I woke up
this morning

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Cricklewood green (1970)
[Chrysalis Records, 1990]
TYA - Cricklewood green (Chrysalis Records, 1990) - 1970 [front]
01. Sugar
the road
02. Working
on the road
03. 50,000 miles
beneath my brain
04. Year 3.000 blues
05. Me and my baby
06. Love like a man
07. Circles
08. As the sun still
burns away

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Cricklewood green (1970)
[Chrysalis Records, 2002]
TYA - Cricklewood green (Chrysalis Records, 2002) - 1970 [front]
01. Sugar
the road
02. Working
on the road
03. 50,000 miles
beneath my brain
04. Year 3.000 blues
05. Me and my baby
06. Love like a man
07. Circles
08. As the sun still
burns away
09. Warm
sun [bonus]
10. To no one

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Watt (1970)
[Chrysalis Records, 2004]
TYA - Watt (Chrysalis Records, 2004) - 1970 [front]
01. I'm coming on
02. My baby left me
03. Think about
the times
04. I say yeah
05. The band
with no name
06. Gonna run
07. She lies
in the morning
08. Sweet little

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Watt (1970)
[EMI Records, 2008]
TYA - Watt (EMI Records, 2008) - 1970 [front]
01. I'm coming on
02. My baby left me
03. Think about
the times
04. I say yeah
05. The band
with no name
06. Gonna run
07. She lies
in the morning
08. Sweet little

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A space in time (1971)
[BGO Records, 1997]
TYA - A space in time (BGO Records, 1997) - 1971 [front]
01. One
of these days
02. Here they come
03. I'd love to
change the world
04. Over the hill
05. Baby won't you
let me rock 'n' roll you
06. Once there was a time
07. Let the sky fall
08. Hard monkey's
09. I've been there too
10. Uncle jam

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A space in time (1971)
[Chrysalis Records, 2012]
TYA - A space in time (Chrysalis Records, 2012) - 1971 [front]
1971 mix
01. One
of these days
02. Here they come
03. I'd love to
change the world
04. Over the hill
05. Baby won't you
let me rock 'n' roll you
06. Once there was a time
07. Let the sky fall
08. Hard monkey's
09. I've been there too
10. Uncle jam
1973 quad
mix to stereo
11. One
of these days
12. Here they come
13. I'd love to
change the world
14. Over the hill
15. Baby won't you
let me rock 'n' roll you
16. Once there was a time
17. Let the sky fall
18. Hard monkey's
19. I've been there too
20. Uncle jam

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Rock & roll music
to the world (1972)
[Chrysalis Records, 1996]
TYA - Rock & roll music to the world (Chrysalis Records, 1996) - 1972 [front]
01. You
give me loving
02. Convention
03. Turned
off T.V. blues
04. Standing
at the station
05. You can't
win them all
06. Religion
07. Choo
choo mama
08. Tomorrow
I'll be out of town
09. Rock & roll music
to the world

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Rock & roll music
to the world (1972)
[BGO Records, 1997]
TYA - Rock & roll music to the world (BGO Records, 1997) - 1972 [front]
01. You
give me loving
02. Convention
03. Turned
off T.V. blues
04. Standing
at the station
05. You can't
win them all
06. Religion
07. Choo
choo mama
08. Tomorrow
I'll be out of town
09. Rock & roll music
to the world

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Positive vibrations (1974)
TYA - Positive vibrations - 1974 (front)
CD 01
01. Nowhere to run
02. Positive vibrations
03. Stone me
04. Without you
05. Going back
to Birmingham
06. It's getting harder
07. You're driving me crazy
08. Look into my life
09. Look me
straight in the eyes
10. I wanted to boogie

CD 02
01. Rock & roll music
to the world (Frankfurt)
02. Once there was
a time (Frankfurt)
03. Spoonful (Paris)
04. I'm going home (Paris)
05. Standing at the
station (Amsterdam)
06. Sweet little
sixteen (Atlanta)
07. Positive vibrations
radio advert (1974)

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About time (1989)
TYA - About time - 1989 (front)
01. Highway of love
02. Let's shake it up
03. I get all shook up
04. Victim of circumstance
05. Going to Chicago
06. Saturday night
07. Bad blood
08. Working in
a parking lot
09. Wild is the river
10. Outside my window
11. Waiting for the
Judgement Day

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Now (2004)
TYA - Now - 2004 (front)
01. When it all falls down
02. A hundred miles high
03. Time to kill
04. Make it easy for you
05. Voice inside your head
06. King of the blues
07. Long time running
08. Reasons why
09. Changes
10. I love to change
the world (live, bonus)
11. Going home
(live, bonus)

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Evolution (2008)
TYA - Evolution - 2008 (front)
01. Think
its gonna rain
02. She keeps
03. Falling
04. Needed a rock
05. Imagination
06. Never saw
it coming
07. Slip slide
08. Tail lights
09. Angry words
10. That's alright

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A sting in the tale (2017)
TYA - A sting in the tale - 2017 (front)
01. Land of
the vandals
02. Iron horse
03. Miss constable
04. Up in smoke
05. Retired hurt
06. Suranne, Suranne
07. Stoned alone
08. Two lost souls
09. Diamond girl
10. Last night
of the bottle
11. Guitar hero
12. Silverspoon

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Undead (1968)
TYA - Undead - 1968 (front)
CD 01Original
stereo album
01. I may be wrong, but
I won't be wrong always
02. (At the) Woodchoppers' ball
03. Spider in my web
04. Summertime/
Shantung cabbage
05. I'm going home

CD 02: Bonuses
01. Rock your mama (recorded
live at the 'Undead' session)
02. Spoonful (recorded live
at the 'Undead' session)
03. Standing at the crossroads
(recorded live at the
'Undead' session)
04. I can't keep from
crying, sometimes/
Extension on one chord/
I can't keep from crying,
sometimes [medley]
(recorded live at the
"Undead" session)
05. Woman trouble
(recorded live at the
'Undead' session)
06. (At the) Woodchoppers'
ball (recorded for BBC
'Top Gear', London 1967)
07. No title blues (recorded for
BBC 'Top Gear', London 1967)
08. I'm going home (recorded for
BBC 'Top Gear', London 1967)
09. Hear me calling (recorded for
BBC 'Top Gear', London 1967)
10. Woman trouble (recorded for
BBC 'David Symonds
Show', London 1967)
11. Standing at
the crossroads
(recorded for BBC
'David Symonds Show',
London 1967)

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Recorded live (1973)
TYA - Recorded live - 1973 (front)
CD 01
01. One of these days
02. You give me loving
03. Good morning
little schoolgirl
04. The hobbit
05. Help me
06. Time is flying
07. Standing
at the station
08. Jam

CD 02
01. Help me
02. I woke up
these morning
03. Sweet
little sixteen
04. Jam
05. Classical thing
06. Seat thing
07. I can't keep from
crying, sometimes (part 1)
08. Extension on one chord
09. I can't keep from
crying, sometimes (part 2)
10. Silly thing
11. Slow blues in C
12. I'm going home
13. Choo choo

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Goin' home (1975)
TYA - Goin' home - 1975 (front)
01. Hear me calling
02. Going to try
03. Love like a man
04. No title
05. I woke up
this morning
06. Woodchoppers ball
07. I'm going home

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Hear them calling (1976)
TYA - Hear them calling - 1976 (front)
CD 01
01. Hear me calling
02. Love until I die
03. Rock your mama
04. A sad song
05. Losing the dogs
06. Going to try
07. Boogie on
08. No title

CD 02
01. The sounds
02. I can't keep from
crying sometimes
03. Spider in my web
04. I want to know
05. Speed kills
06. I may be wrong, but
I won't be wrong always
07. Three blind mice
08. Portable people
09. I'm going home

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The classic performances
of Ten Years After (1976)
TYA - The classic performances of Ten Years After - 1976 (front)
01. I'd love to
change the world
02. Baby won't you
let me rock 'n' roll you
03. It's getting harder
04. One of these days
05. I'm going home
06. Choo choo mama
07. Positive vibrations
08. Tomorrow I'll be out of town
09. Good morning little school girl
10. Rock 'n' roll music to the world
11. Love like a man

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Universal (1987)
TYA - Universal - 1987 (front)
01. Choo choo mama
02. Good morning
little school girl
03. I'd love to
change the world
04. Love like a man
05. Going back
to Birmingham
06. Me and my baby
07. Tomorrow I'll
be out of town
08.I can't keep
from cryin' sometimes
09. I'm goin' home

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Live at Reading '83 (1990)
TYA - Live at Reading '83 - 1990 (front)
01. Love
like a man
02. Good morning
little schoolgirl
03. Slow blues in C
04. Suzie Q
05. Hobbit
06. I may be wrong, but
I won't be wrong always
07. I can't keep from
cryin', sometimes/
Extension on one chord
08. Going home

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Live 1990 (1993)
TYA - Live 1990 - 1993 (front)
01. Let's shake it up
02. Good morning
little schoolgirl
03. Slow blues in C
04. Hobbit
05. Love like a man
06. Johnny B. Goode
07. Bad blood
08. Victim of circumstance
09. I can't keep from crying
10. I'm goin' home
11. Sweet little

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Pure blues (1995)
TYA - Pure blues - 1995 (front)
01. Don't
want you woman
02. The bluest blues
03. I woke up
this morning
04. Real life blues
05. The stomp
06. Slow blues in C
07. Wake up moma
08. Talk don't bother me
09. Every blues
you've ever heard
10. I get all shook up
11. Lost in love
12. Help me
13. Outside my

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Solid rock (1997)
TYA - Solid rock - 1997 (front)
01. Rock & roll
music to the world
02. Detroit diesel
03. I'm coming on
04. Jenny, Jenny
05. 50,000 miles
beneath my brain
06. Play it like it used to be
07. Let's shake it up
08. Shot in the dark
09. You can't win them all
10. Too late to run for cover
11. Baby won't you
let me rock'n' roll you
12. Fight for your rights
13. I love you when
you rock and roll

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Live at the Fillmore
East 1970 (2001)
TYA - Live at The Fillmore East 1970 - 2001 (front)
CD 01
01. Love like a man
02. Good morning
little schoolgirl
03. Working on the road
04. The hobbit
05. 50,000 miles
beneath my brain
06. Skoobly-oobly-doobob/
I can't keep from
crying sometimes/
Extension on
one chord

CD 02
01. Help me
02. I'm going home
03. Sweet little 16
04. Roll over Beethoven
05. I woke up this morning
06. Spoonful

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Love like a man (2002)
TYA - Love like a man - 2002 (front)
01. Love like a man
02. Stoned woman
03. Choo choo mama
04. I woke up
this morning
05. Positive vibrations
06. As the sun
still burns away
07. Circles
08. Good morning
little schoolgirl
09. Hear me calling
10. I'd love to
change the world
11. Tomorrow I'll
be out of town
12. It's getting

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

One night jammed (2003)
TYA - One night jammed - 2003 (front)
01. I woke
up this morning
02. Hear me calling
03. I may be wrong, but
I won't be wrong always
04. Bad blood
05. Love like a man
06. Big black 45
07. Red house
08. I can't keep
from crying sometimes
09. Going home
10. 50000 Miles
beneath my brain
11. Roll over

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Roadworks (2005)
TYA - Roadworks- 2005 (front)
CD 01
01. King of the blues
02. Hear me calling
03. Good morning
little schoolgirl
04. When it all fallsdown
05. Working on the road
06. Big black 45
07. The hobbit
08. Living it up

CD 02
01. Love like a man
02. I'd love to
change the world
03. Time to kill
04. I can't keep from
crying sometimes/
Jam on one chord
05. I'm going home
06. Reasons why
07. Choo choo

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Think about the times (2010)
[The Chrysalis years - 1969 to 1972]
TYA - Think about the times (The Chrysalis years - 1969 to 1972) - 2010 [front]
CD 01
2004 digital remaster
01. Bad scene
02. Two time mama
03. Stoned woman
04. Good morning
little schoolgirl
05. If you should love me
06. I don't know that
you don't know my name
07. The stomp
08. I woke up
this morning
09. If you should
love me (single b-side)
2002 digital remaster
10. Sugar the road
11. Working
on the road
12. 50,000 miles
beneath my brain
13. Year 3,000 blues
14. Me and my baby
15. Love like a man
16. Circles
17. As the sun still
burns away

CD 02
01. Love like a man
(single edit, 1998
digital remaster)
2004 digital remaster
02. I'm coming on
03. My baby left me
04. Think about the times
05. I say yeah
06. The band
with no name
07. Gonna run
08. She lies in the morning
09. Sweet little sixteen
10. One of these days
11. Here they come
12. I'd love to
change the world
13. Over the hill
14. Baby won't you
let me rock 'n' roll you
15. Once there was a time
16. Let the sky fall
17. Hard monkeys
18. I've been there too
19. Uncle jam

CD 03
01. I'd love to
change the world
(single edit, 2004
digital remaster)
02. You give me loving
03. Convention prevention
04. Turned off T.V. blues
05. Standing at the station
06. You can't
win them all
07. Religion
08. Choo choo mama
(1998 digital remaster)
09. Tomorrow I'll be out of town
10. Rock 'n' roll music to the
world (1998 digital remaster)
11. Choo choo mama (single
edit, 1998 digital remaster)
12. Love like a man
(live, singe b-side)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

All the best (2012)
TYA - All the best - 2012 (front)
CD 01
01. Love like
a man (single edit)
02. I'm coming on
03. My baby left me
04. Think about the times
05. I'd love to
change the world
06. Working on the road
07. I say yeah
08. Gonna run
09. Bad scene
10. One of
these days
11. To no one
12. I get all shook up
13. Good morning
little school girl (live)
14. Choo choo mama (live)
15. Sweet little sixteen (live)
16. Roll over Beethoven (live)
17. Waiting for
Judgement Day

CD 02
01. You're
driving me crazy
02. Baby won't you
let me rock'n'roll you
03. If you should love me
04. Hard monkeys
05. Year 3.000 blues
06. Me and my baby
07. Goin' back
to Birmingham
08. Nowhere to run
09. I woke up this morning
10. Positive vibrations
11. Convention prevention
12. I wanted to boogie
13. I'm writing you a letter
(John Peel session 1972)
14. There's a feeling
(John Peel session 1972)
15. Rock'n'roll music to
the world (John Peel
session 1972)
16. Spoonful (live)
17. I'm going home

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The name remains
the same (2014)
TYA - The name remains the same - 2014 (front)
01. Sugar the road
02. One of these days
03. I'm coming on
04. Nowhere to run
05. Me & my baby
06. Standing
at the station
07. I say yeah
08. Good morning
little schoolgirl
09. Help me baby
10. I'm going home
11. Choo choo mama
12. Love like a man/
Love jam two/
Love like a man

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

The Cap Ferrat sessions (2019)
TYA - The Cap Ferrat sessions - 2019 (front)
01. Look at yourself
02. Running around
03. Holy shit
04. There's a feeling
05. I hear you calling my name
06. I'm writing you a letter
07. There's a feeling
08. Rock 'n' roll
music to the world
09. Slow blues in C
10. Spoonful
11. I'm going

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta Ten Years After: enjoy!

TYA - Spoonful and others - 1968
[French TV "Bouton Rouge" 01/21/1968]
TYA - I'm going home - 1969
[live at Woodstock]
TYA - I'd love to change the world - 1971
TYA - live at Winterland - 1975
[08/04/1975, full concert]

Um comentário:

  1. Thanks for the Ten Years After shares. A quality band that di not quite reach the elevated heights that some inferior bands did. Good work


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