sexta-feira, 7 de julho de 2023

Rock Workshop (Progressive Jazz Brass Rock {UK})

Rock Workshop

Se você gosta de bandas ao estilo da Chicago Transit Authority, If, Lighthouse, CWT e Ashton, Gardner & Dyke, a Rock Workshop é uma das bandas que você deve adicionar ao repertório. A banda lançou, pelo selo CBS, 2 álbuns - "Rock Workshop" (1970) e "The very last time" (1971) - e 2 singles - "You to lose/Born in the city" e "The very last time/Light is light" (1971). A formação da banda era: Ray Russell (guitarra), Alan Greed e Alex Harvey (vocal), Bud Parkes (trompete), Harry Beckett (trompete, flugelhorn), Tony Roberts (tenor, flauta de concerto, flauta alto), Bob Downes (tenor, flauta de concerto, flauta alto), Derek Wadsworth (trombone), Brian Miller (teclados) Daryl Runswick (baixo), Alan Rushton (bateria) e Robin Jones (bateria, congas).

  • Alan Greed havia sido, anteriormente, membro da banda Harsh Reality.

  • Alan Rushton posteriormente tocou nas bandas Mouse, The Running Man, Ray Russell Quartet, Ray Russell Sextet e Play Away.

  • Bob Downes, que já teve parte de seu material postado aqui no blog, formou sua própria banda chamada Bob Downes Open Music.

  • Daryl Runswick trabalhou com Allan Holdsworth QuartetAtlantic BridgeBird Curtis QuintetDaniele Patucchi OrchestraElectric PhoenixHenry Lowther BandIfJohn Dankworth Paul Hart OctetRay Russell SextetSeñor FunkThe Ian Henry TrioThe John Dankworth Quartet e The Tony Hymas/Daryl Runswick Big Band.

  • Derek Wadsworth trabalhou com Ginger Baker & FriendsGraham Collier MusicMike Westbrook OrchestraThe Brian Priestley Special SeptetThe Derek Wadsworth OrchestraThe Johnny Hawksworth Jazz All StarsThe Keef Hartley Band e Big Band.

  • Harry Beckett trabalhou com Anglo Italian QuartetChris McGregor's Brotherhood of BreathElton Dean's NinesenseGraham Collier MusicGraham Collier SextetHarry Beckett QuartetHarry Beckett QuintetHarry Beckett' Flugelhorn FourHarry Beckett's Joy UnlimitedHarry Beckett's S & R Powerhouse SectionsIan Carr Double QuintetJohn Warren BigbandJohnny Dyani QuartetMike Osborne & Friends e Nigerian Union Rhythm Group.

  • Ray Russell, que também trabalhou nas bandas Mouse e The Running Man, colaborou com os artistas Gil Evans, John Barry, Tina Turner, Phil Spector, The Ronettes, Van Morrison, Art Garfunkel, Dionne Warwick, Bryan Ferry, Jack Bruce, Cat Stevens, Phil Collins, Alex Harvey, Mark Isham, Georgie Fame, Cliff Richard e Frankie Miller.

  • Robin Jones trabalhou com Don Rendell and His Big 8, Esmond Selwyn Quartet, George Haslam Quartet, John Porter Trio, Latin From The North, Meltdown, No Way Jose, Plaza Jazz Trio, Robin Jones and His Quintet, Robin Jones Latin Jazz Sextet, Robin Jones Quartet, Robin Jones' Latin Underground, Sax Maniax, The Esmond Selwyn Hammond Organ Trio, The Ian Henry Trio, The Robin Jones Seven e Wilf Todd and His Music.

O selo Angel Air relançou os álbuns em formato CD nos anos 2002 e 2004, respectivamente, apresentando um monte de faixas bônus em ambos os lançamentos. Abaixo está um pouco da história narrada por Rich Wilson em 2004 e que está no encarte do segundo álbum, "The very last time". Aproveite!


Provavelmente é correto afirmar que a Rock Workshop não poderia existir hoje. Somente durante o início dos anos setenta as gravadoras concederam às bandas a flexibilidade e a liberdade que levaram à criação de álbuns tão originais e muitas vezes de vanguarda.

A Rock Workshop foi um projeto muito inovador. A banda foi formada em 1971 quando o guitarrista Ray Russell (que já havia trabalhado com Georgie Fame and The Blue Flames) conspirou com o lendário cantor Alex Harvey. Russell conheceu Harvey depois de substituir o irmão de Harvey, Leslie (da Stone The Crows) no musical "Hair" (em tenra idade). Seu entusiasmo compartilhado em produzir mais material de campo esquerdo permitiu que eles recrutassem uma banda extensa de doze membros que incluía uma animada seção de metais.

Seu álbum de estréia "Rock Workshop" foi gravado em um período de dois dias em abril de 1970 e lançado logo depois, embora surpreendentemente não tenha causado nenhum impacto substancial nas paradas. Contendo faixas como "Hole in her stocking" e "Born in the city" - ambas entregues com os vocais robustos de Alex Harvey - e permanecendo bom até hoje.

Ray Russell cita a falta de promoção da gravadora como crítica na falta de exposição generalizada do álbum e o fato de a gravadora estar promovendo fortemente a Blood, Sweat & Tears na época não ajudou a causa da Rock Workshop.

"O álbum foi lançado e depois ficou lá", lembra Russell. "O que foi uma grande pena, pois gastamos muito tempo e energia nisso".

O problema de tentar melhorar o perfil da banda foi agravado pela falta de turnês. Apesar do desejo de se apresentar ao vivo, as possibilidades eram limitadas pelo tamanho da banda. Levar uma banda relativamente subexposta na estrada sempre foi caro, e a proposição de uma turnê teria causado prejuízos rapidamente. No entanto, a gravadora ficou suficientemente impressionada com a estreia para financiar um segundo álbum. Seu entusiasmo foi, no entanto, contaminado pelo desejo de se envolver mais na direção do álbum, o que naturalmente estava em desacordo com a abordagem um tanto livre que a banda adorava adotar.

Lamentavelmente, na época da gravação do segundo álbum, Alex Harvey havia efetivamente deixado a banda para seguir sua própria carreira, com o primeiro de muitos álbuns da The Sensational Alex Harvey Band sendo lançado em 1972.

"Alex não fazer isso não foi uma boa idéia", lamenta Russell. "Sei que ele saiu para fazer outras coisas, mas o produtor não pareceu muito incomodado, o que foi uma pena".

Substituindo Harvey estavam Al Greed (que havia cantado em várias canções do primeiro álbum) e a figura um tanto misteriosa de Ginger, que só trabalhou com a banda neste álbum.

"Ginger era ótima, mas nunca a conhecemos de verdade", ri Russell. "Ela meio que flutuou até o estúdio e fez os vocais! Sinceramente, não consigo me lembrar como a conhecemos, mas sei que na época ela era uma soldado do exército americano. Acho que podemos tê-la visto cantando em um clube, mas ela era uma cantora realmente poderosa".

Apesar de suas apresentações e da qualidade inquestionável das faixas brutas sendo gravadas, o conflito entre banda e produtor Fritz Frier borbulhava constantemente durante as sessões. A banda estava preocupada com a produção excessiva em uma tentativa da gravadora de produzir um single de sucesso.

Este lançamento é reforçado pela inclusão de alguns materiais inéditos, que Russell desenterrou recentemente, que foram gravados no período entre o primeiro e o segundo álbum.

"Bom, são faixas que eu não sabia que tinha. Encontrei as fitas, junto com algumas fotos do Alex, no fundo de uma caixa no meu sótão", sorri. "Na verdade, estou surpreso que as fitas tenham sobrevivido desde que foram deixadas no meu celeiro por muito tempo!"

Incluindo ensaios (com Harvey nos vocais) de faixas como "Wade in the water" e "Ice cold" junto com material ao vivo gravado no Goldsmiths College em Londres, eles fornecem uma visão valiosa de como a banda arranjou e executou seu material ao vivo.

"Não me lembro como as faixas ao vivo foram gravadas no Goldsmiths. Acho que foram feitas em um celular, mas não tenho certeza de como os convencemos a fazer isso", diz Russell. "A Rock Workshop tentou uma fusão que estava anos à frente de seu tempo. Ninguém realmente fez isso na medida em que fizemos e foi isso que a tornou única".

- Rich Wilson, janeiro de 2004


If you like bands like Chicago Transit AuthorityIfLighthouseCWT and Ashton, Gardner & Dyke, Rock Workshop is one of the bands you should add to your repertoire. The band released, on the CBS label, 2 albums - "Rock Workshop" (1970) and "The very last time" (1971) - and 2 singles - "You to lose/Born in the city" and "The very last time/ Light is light" (1971). The band's lineup was: Ray Russell (guitar), Alan Greed and Alex Harvey (vocals), Bud Parkes (trumpet), Harry Beckett (trumpet, flugelhorn), Tony Roberts (tenor, concert flute, alto flute), Bob Downes (tenor, concerto flute, alto flute), Derek Wadsworth (trombone), Brian Miller (keyboards) Daryl Runswick (bass), Alan Rushton (drums) and Robin Jones (drums, congas).

  • Alan Rushton later played in MouseThe Running ManRay Russell QuartetRay Russell Sextet Play Away.

  • Bob Downes, who already had part of his material posted here on the blog, formed his own band called Bob Downes Open Music.

  • Brian Miller worked with Turning Point and Tam White & The Band.

  • Daryl Runswick worked with the Allan Holdsworth QuartetAtlantic BridgeBird Curtis QuintetDaniele Patucchi OrchestraElectric PhoenixHenry Lowther BandIfJohn Dankworth Paul Hart OctetRay Russell SextetSeñor FunkThe Ian Henry TrioThe John Dankworth Quartet e The Tony Hymas/Daryl Runswick Big Band.

  • Derek Wadsworth worked with Ginger Baker & FriendsGraham Collier MusicMike Westbrook OrchestraThe Brian Priestley Special SeptetThe Derek Wadsworth OrchestraThe Johnny Hawksworth Jazz All StarsThe Keef Hartley Band and Big Band.

  • Harry Beckett worked with Anglo Italian QuartetChris McGregor's Brotherhood of BreathElton Dean's NinesenseGraham Collier MusicGraham Collier SextetHarry Beckett QuartetHarry Beckett QuintetHarry Beckett' Flugelhorn FourHarry Beckett's Joy UnlimitedHarry Beckett's S & R Powerhouse SectionsIan Carr Double QuintetJohn Warren BigbandJohnny Dyani QuartetMike Osborne & Friends and Nigerian Union Rhythm Group.

  • Ray Russell, who also worked in the bands Mouse and The Running Man, has collaborated with artists Gil Evans, John Barry, Tina Turner, Phil Spector, The Ronettes, Van Morrison, Art Garfunkel, Dionne Warwick, Bryan Ferry, Jack Bruce, Cat Stevens, Phil Collins, Alex Harvey, Mark Isham, Georgie Fame, Cliff Richard and Frankie Miller.

  • Robin Jones worked with Don Rendell and His Big 8, Esmond Selwyn QuartetGeorge Haslam QuartetJohn Porter TrioLatin From The NorthMeltdownNo Way JosePlaza Jazz TrioRobin Jones and His QuintetRobin Jones Latin Jazz SextetRobin Jones QuartetRobin Jones' Latin UndergroundSax ManiaxThe Esmond Selwyn Hammond Organ TrioThe Ian Henry TrioThe Robin Jones Seven and Wilf Todd and His Music.

The Angel Air label re-released the albums in CD format in 2002 and 2004 respectively, featuring a bunch of bonus tracks on both releases. Below is a bit of the story narrated by Rich Wilson in 2004 and that is in the booklet of the second album, "The very last time". Enjoy!


It's probably accurate to claim that Rock Workshop couldn't exist today. Only during the early seventies did record labels bestow upon bands the flexibility and freedom that led to the creation of such original and often avant-garde albums.

Rock Workshop was just such an innovative project. The band formed in 1971 when guitarist Ray Russell (who had previously worked with Georgie Fame and The Blue Flames) colluded with the legendary singer Alex Harvey. Russell had first met Harvey after standing in for Harvey's brother Leslie (of Stone The Crows) in the musical "Hair" (at a tender age). Their shared enthusiasm in producing more left-field material enabled them to recruit a sprawling band of twelve members that included a lively brass section.

Their debut album "Rock Workshop" was recorded over a two-day period in April 1970, and released soon afterwards, though it surprisingly failed to make any substantial impact on the charts. Containing such tracks as "Hole in her stocking" and "Born in the city" - both delivered with Alex Harvey s hefty vocals - and it remains tresh even today.

Ray Russell cites the lack of record label promotion as proving critical in the albums lack of widespread exposure and the fact that the label were heavily promoting Blood, Sweat & Tears at the time didn't help Rock Workshop's cause.

"The album was released and then it was just left there", Russell recalls. "Which was a great shame as we had spent a lot of time and energy on it".

The problem of attempting to enhance the band's profile was exacerbated by their lack of touring. Despite their desire to perform live, the possibilities were limited by the size of the band. Taking a relatively underexposed band on the road was always costly, and the proposition of a tour would have rapidly made losses. Yet the record label was sufficiently impressed with the debut to fund a second album. Their enthusiasm was however tainted by a desire to become more involved in the album's direction, which naturally was at odds with the somewhat freeform approach the band delighted in taking.

Regrettably, by the time of the recording of the second album, Alex Harvey had effectively left the band in order to pursue his own career, with the first of many The Sensational Alex Harvey Band albums being released in 1972.

"Alex not doing it wasn't a good idea", laments Russell. "I know he left to do other things, but the producer didn't seem too bothered, which was a shame".

Replacing Harvey were Al Greed (who had sung on a number of the songs on the first album) and the somewhat mysterious figure of Ginger who only worked with the band on this record.

"Ginger was great but we never really knew her", laughs Russell. "She kind of just floated in to the studio and did the vocals! I honestly can't remember how we met her, but I know that at time she was a GI in the American army. I think we might have seen her singing in a club but she was a really powerful singer".

Despite her performances, and the unquestionable quality of the raw tracks being recorded, the conflict between band and producer Fritz Frier constantly bubbled during the sessions. The band were concerned that they were becoming over-produced in an attempt by the record label to produce a hit single.

This release is enhanced by the inclusion of some previously unreleased material, which Russell has recently unearthed, that were recorded in the period between the first and second album.

"Well, these are tracks that I didn't know that I had. I found the tapes, along with a few photos of Alex, in the bottom of a box in my loft", he smiles. "I'm actually amazed that the tapes have survived so long as they were left out in my barn for ages!"

Including rehearsals (with Harvey on vocals) of tracks such as "Wade in the water" and "Ice cold" along with live material recorded at London's Goldsmiths College they provide a valuable insight into now the band arranged and performed their material in a live setting.

"I can't remember how the live tracks were recorded at Goldsmiths. I think they were done on a mobile but I'm not sure how we conned them into doing it", says Russell. "Rock Workshop attempted at a fusion that was years ahead of its time. No one really did it to the extent we did and that's what made it unique".

- Rich Wilson, January 2004

Alan Greed - vocal
Alex Harvey - vocal
Alan Rushton - bateria
Bud Parkes - trompete
Harry Beckett - trompete, flugelhorn
Tony Roberts - tenor, flauta de concerto
Bob Downes - tenor, flauta de concerto
Derek Wadsworth - trombone
Brian Miller - teclados
Daryl Runswick - baixo
Ray Russel - guitarra
Robin Jones - bateria,


Rock Workshop (1970)
Rock Workshop - Rock Workshop - 1970 (front)
01. Ice cold
02. Wade in the water
03. Hole in her stocking
04. He looks at me/
Mooncross grove
05. Spine cop
06. Born in the city
07. Theme for freedom
08. You to lose
09. Spine cop
(alt. version, bonus)
10. Hole in her stocking
(alt. version, bonus)
11. Born in the city
(alt. version, bonus)
12. You to lose
(alt. version, bonus)
13. Primrose Hill (bonus)
14. Return of the goddess

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

The very last time (1971)
Rock Workshop - The very last time - 1971 (front)
01. Living reason
02. Street war
(parts 1 and 2)
03. Going home
04. What's mine is mine
05. Weeping wood mandalas
06. Forgotten how to live
07. Light as light
08. I think it's...
09. Ella banta
dum bundy
10. Very last time
11. Is this the end... baby?
12. Let my bluebird sing
(Alex Harvey vocals, bonus)
13. Wade in the water (Alex
Harvey vocals, bonus)
14. Ice cold (Alex
Harvey vocals, bonus)
15. Heavy weather (bonus)
16. Patterns (bonus)
17. Watch your step (bonus)
18. Ashen Besher

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta
Rock Workshop: enjoy!

Rock Workshop - Rock Workshop - 1970
Rock Workshop - The very last time 1971

2 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. ¡Hola! ¡Gracias a ti también! Poco a poco voy preparando más material relacionado con el jazz. No estarán por ahora, pero pronto estaré publicando. ¡Tenga un excelente día!


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