quarta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2024

Baker Gurvitz Army (Hard Progressive Rock {UK})


Baker Gurvitz Army foi um grupo de rock inglês. O álbum de estréia autointitwulado apresentava uma mistura de hard rock misturado com a bateriaf influenciada pelo jazz e pelo afrobeat de Ginger Baker. A longa "Mad Jack" foi a faixa mais marcante daquele álbum, e o álbum alcançou a parada US Billboard 200 e alcançou a posição 22 na UK Albums Chart. Os dois álbuns seguintes continham material semelhante, embora não tenham sido registrados no Reino Unido nem nos EUA.


Quando a Cream se separou em 1968, Ginger Baker foi convidado para se juntar à Blind Faith, formada no ano seguinte. Este não foi um empreendimento tão bem-sucedido e após seu desaparecimento, Baker montou sua própria unidade, a Ginger Baker's Air Force, em 1970.

Ex-membros da The Gun e Three Man Army, os irmãos Paul e Adrian Gurvitz estavam procurando um novo caminho após os primeiros sucessos, então uniram forças com Baker em 1974. No primeiro ano a banda gravou um álbum ao vivo e um de estúdio, seguindo com mais dois álbuns de estúdio, "Elysian encounter" e "Hearts on fire". No entanto, a morte do empresário levou à separação da banda em 1976. Em 2003, uma coletânea, "Flying in and out of stardom", foi lançada, incluindo quatro novas músicas ao vivo.


Baker Gurvitz Army was an English rock group. The self-titled debut album featured a blend of hard rock laced with Ginger Baker's jazz- and Afrobeat-influenced drumming. The lengthy "Mad Jack" was that album's outstanding track, and the album hit the US Billboard 200 chart, and peaked at number 22 in the UK Albums Chart. The two following albums contained similar material, although neither charted in the UK nor the US.


When Cream split up in 1968, Ginger Baker was invited to join Blind Faith, which formed the following year. This was not such a successful venture and following its demise, Baker put together his own outfit, Ginger Baker's Air Force, in 1970.

Former The Gun and Three Man Army members, brothers Paul and Adrian Gurvitz were looking for a new way ahead after early successes, so they joined forces with Baker in 1974. In the first year the band recorded one live and one studio album, following with two more studio albums, "Elysian encounter" and "Hearts on fire". However, the death of the manager led to the band breaking up in 1976. In 2003, a compilation album, "Flying in and out of stardom", was released, including four new live songs.

Ginger Baker - bateria
Adrian Gurvitz - guitarra, vocal
Paul Gurvitz - baixo, vocal de apoio
Peter Lemer - teclados
Stephen "Mr. Snips"
W. Parsons - vocal

O baixista e cantor inglês Paul Gurvitz (à esquerda) e o baterista Ginger Baker, do grupo de rock Baker Gurvitz Army, em um estúdio, agosto de 1974 (Foto de Michael Putland {Getty Images})


Baker Gurvitz
Army (1974)
[2017, Belle Antique]
Baker Gurvitz Army - Baker Gurvitz Army - 1974 (2017, Belle Antique [front])
01. Help me
02. Love is
03. Memory lane
04. Inside of me
05. I wanna live again
06. Mad Jack
07. 4 Phil
08. Since
09. Memory lane
(live, bonus)
10.  I wanna live again
(single version, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

encounter (1975)
[2017Belle Antique]
Baker Gurvitz Army - Elysian encounter - 1975 (2017, Belle Antique [front])
01. People
02. The key
03. Time
04. The gambler
05. The dreamer
06. Remember
07. The artist
08. The hustler
09. People
(live, bonus)
10. Freedom
(live, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Hearts on
fire (1976)
[2017Belle Antique]
Baker Gurvitz Army - Hearts on fire - 1976 (2017, Belle Antique [front])
01. Hearts on fire
02. Neon lights
03. Smiling
04. Tracks of my life
05. Flying in and out of stardom
06. Dancing the night away
07. My mind is healing
08. Thirsty for the blues
09. Night people
10. Mystery
11. Whatever it is
(live, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Freedom (1995)
[1995, MasterTone Multimedia]
Baker Gurvitz Army - Freedom - 1995 (1995, MasterTone Multimedia [front])
01. Inside
of me
02. Love is
03. Whatever it is
04. The gambler
05. Freedom
06. Memory lane
07. 4 Phil
08. People like
you and me

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

The collection (2002)
[2002, Castle Music]
Baker Gurvitz Army - The collection - 2002 (2002, Castle Music [front])
01. Love is
02. Hearts on fire
03. Inside of me
04. People
05. I wanna
live again
06. Mad Jack
07. Tracks of my life
08. Flying in and
out of stardom
09. Mystery
10. The key
11. The dreamer
12. The hustler
13. My mind is healing
14. Thirsty for the blues
15. Remember
16. Time

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Live in
Derby '75 (2005)
[2005, Major League Productions]
Baker Gurvitz Army - Live in Derby '75 - 2005 (Major League Productions [front])
01. The hustler
02. Space machine
03. Remember
04. White room
05. Neon lights
06. Inside of me
07. Memory lane
08. Sunshine
of your love
09. The artist
10. Freedom
11. Time
12. Going to

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Baker Gurvitz Army [FLAC]: enjoy!
Baker Gurvitz Army [MP3]: enjoy!

Baker Gurvitz Army - Memory lane - live 1975
Baker Gurvitz Army - Inside of me - live 1975
Baker Gurvitz Army - The gambler - live 1975
Baker Gurvitz Army - Whatever it is - live 1975
Baker Gurvitz Army - Freedom - live 1975

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