quarta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2024

38 Special (Southern/Hard/Pop Rock {US})

38 Special (photo 01)

38 Special (muitas vezes estilizado como .38 Special ou escrito como Thirty-Eight Special) é uma banda de rock americana formada pelos cantores e guitarristas Donnie Van Zant e Don Barnes em Jacksonville, Flórida, em 1974.

A banda é conhecida por seus sucessos, incluindo "Hold on loosely" e "Caught up in you", entre vários outros sucessos do Top 40 na Billboard Hot 100 dos EUA durante os anos 1980 e início dos anos 1990, incluindo "Rockin' into the night" , "You keep runnin' away", "If I'd been the one", "Back where you belong", "Teacher, teacher", "Like no other night", "Second chance" e "The sound of your voice".


Donnie Van Zant, o irmão mais novo do cofundador e vocalista da Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ronnie Van Zant, começou a tocar música durante sua adolescência, formando uma banda chamada Standard Production em 1968, que abriu caminho para Sweet Rooster, o primeiro grupo profissional de Donnie que ele formou em 1969 com o guitarrista Jeff Carlisi e o baixista Ken Lyons, logo acompanhado pelo baterista Steve Brookins. Carlisi deixou a Sweet Rooster depois de terminar o ensino médio para estudar arquitetura na Georgia Tech e foi substituído por Don Barnes em 1970. Brookins também saiu para trabalhar como motorista de caminhão e a Sweet Rooster foi extinta em 1973.

Van Zant, Barnes e Lyons, enquanto continuavam com seus empregos diários e trabalhando em outras bandas, começaram a compor canções originais. Em 1974, eles decidiram formar "a banda definitiva" que seria sua "última chance" de sucesso. Resumidamente, Van Zant estava considerando uma posição com melhor remuneração para a ferrovia em que trabalhava, mas foi finalmente convencido pelo irmão Ronnie a continuar com a música, já que estava "em seu sangue".

O novo grupo era composto por Van Zant, Barnes, Lyons, Brookins, o segundo baterista Jack Grondin e o retorno de Carlisi. O nome da banda foi inventado após um incidente que encontrou os meninos praticando em um armazém no meio do nada. Quando a polícia chegou após ser avisada pelos moradores sobre o barulho, os integrantes da banda não conseguiram sair por causa de um cadeado na porta. Um dos policiais disse: "Tudo bem. Vamos deixar esse 38 especial falar" e disparou na fechadura.

Agora que tinham seu nome, o grupo passou a maior parte de 1975 e 1976 tocando uma noite constante, principalmente no Sul e no Centro-Oeste. Eventualmente, o irmão mais velho, Ronnie, percebeu que Donnie e sua turma haviam pago dívidas suficientes e os arranjou com o empresário da Lynyrd Skynyrd, Peter Rudge, que também cuidava da The Who e era gerente de turnê da The Rolling Stones. Rudge rapidamente preparou o grupo para abrir shows para artistas em alta, como Peter Frampton, Foghat e Kiss, e conseguiu que eles assinassem com a A&M Records, que contratou Dan Hartman (famoso pelo Edgar Winter Group) para produzir seu primeiro álbum, "38 Special", que foi lançado em maio de 1977.

Pouco antes do lançamento do disco, o baixista Ken Lyons decidiu deixar a banda. Ele foi substituído por Larry Junstrom, amigo e membro original da Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Também em 1977, a banda adicionou duas cantoras de apoio, Carol Bristow e Dale Krantz. Krantz foi substituído por Nancy Henderson (1979-1981), Lu Moss (1981-1984) e depois Lynn Hineman (1986-1987), antes dos cantores de apoio serem dispensados em 1987.

Em outubro de 1977, Ronnie Van Zant morreu quando o avião da Lynyrd Skynyrd caiu. Donnie escreveu "Take me back" como uma homenagem a seu irmão, que apareceu no segundo álbum da banda, "Special delivery" (março de 1978), também produzido por Hartman.

DÉCADA DE 1980 A 1999

Os dois primeiros álbuns da banda tiveram forte influência do southern rock. No início da década de 1980, 38 Special mudou para um estilo de rock de arena mais acessível, movido por guitarras, sem abandonar completamente as raízes do southern rock. Essa mudança ajudou a inaugurar uma série de álbuns e singles de sucesso. O engenheiro Rodney Mills, que trabalhou com a Atlanta Rhythm Section e outras, assumiu as rédeas de produtor, e o cofundador da Survivor, Jim Peterik, tornou-se um colaborador frequente na composição da banda a partir de 1979, o que ajudou a explicar essa mudança no som e o sucesso subsequente.

"Rockin' into the night", a faixa-título do terceiro álbum do grupo (lançado em outubro de 1979), que Peterik e seus companheiros de banda escreveram originalmente para a Survivor, chegou ao empresário da 38 Special, Mark Spector, e foi entregue à banda. Cantada pelo guitarrista da 38 Special, Don Barnes (que cantaria os vocais principais em todos os sucessos da banda até 1987), a música se tornou sua primeira música a ser tocada nacionalmente, alcançando a posição 43 na Billboard Hot 100 no início de 1980.

Isso abriu o caminho para o quarto disco da banda, "Wild-eyed southern boys" (janeiro de 1981), e seu maior sucesso "Hold on loosely" (que alcançou a posição 27 em 1981).

O próximo lançamento, "Special forces" (maio de 1982) continha o hit Top 10 "Caught up in you" (assim como "Hold on loosely", composta por Barnes, Carlisi e Peterik), que alcançou o número 1 na Billboard Rock Tracks chart, assim como o single "If I'd been the one" (outubro de 1983) de seu lançamento de novembro de 1983 "Tour de force". "You keep runnin' away" (agosto de 1982) e "Back where you belong" (fevereiro de 1984) continuaram a sequência de sucessos de rádio.

No outono de 1984, a banda fez outro sucesso com "Teacher, teacher", da trilha sonora do filme "Teachers" de 1984, escrita por Jim Vallance e Bryan Adams. A música subiu para o número 4 na Billboard Top Tracks Chart, passando dez semanas na parada.

Em 1984, a 38 Special fez uma turnê com o emergente Huey Lewis and The News, que estavam estourando com seu álbum "Sports", e em 1986 a banda dividiu o palco com o disco rígido que logo ganharia disco de platina. banda de rock Bon Jovi.

Em 1987, Don Barnes decidiu deixar a banda para sair por conta própria. Ele gravou um álbum chamado "Ride the storm", que, embora previsto para lançamento em 1989, foi arquivado após a venda da A&M Records, e só foi lançado em 2017: cerca de 28 anos depois.

Nesse ínterim, o grupo seguiu em frente, trazendo o guitarrista Danny Chauncey, depois que o baterista Steve Brookins também decidiu sair, e o cantor e tecladista Max Carl, do grupo de rhythm and blues da Costa Oeste Jack Mack & The Heart Attack.

O próximo lançamento, "Rock & roll strategy" (junho de 1988), viu o grupo minimizando seu som pesado de guitarra e apresentando uma abordagem mais pop dos anos 1980, orientada para o teclado, liderada pela voz mais estilo R&B de Carl. "Second chance" (retirada de "Rock & roll strategy") foi um hit número 1 na parada adulta contemporânea da Billboard no início de 1989.

Carl também foi vocalista de "The sound of your voice" (Billboard Hot 100 número 33 em 1991) de "Bone against steel" (julho de 1991), que viu o grupo passar de A&M para a iteração americana do selo britânico Charisma Records. Naquele mesmo ano, Bobby Capps entrou como tecladista e co-vocalista, e o baterista Scott Meeder substituiu Jack Grondin depois que Grondin decidiu deixar o mundo da música. A banda ficou sem casa depois que a Charisma acabou em 1992.

Após a turnê com a banda na primavera de 1992, Max Carl decidiu partir, abrindo caminho para o retorno de Don Barnes. Desde então, a banda tem se concentrado principalmente em turnês, com lançamentos ocasionais de novo material. Scott Hoffman assumiu a cadeira de bateria de Meeder no final de 1992. Donny Baldwin (ex-Jefferson Starship) substituiu Hoffman em algumas datas da turnê de 1996, depois que Hoffman quebrou o braço, mas Gary "Madman" Moffatt (ex-Cactus) tem sido o baterista da banda desde 1997.

No início de 1997, o guitarrista e cofundador de longa data da 38 Special, Jeff Carlisi, cansado das turnês intermináveis, decidiu sair para formar a The Bonnie Blue Band, que deu origem ao supergrupo Big People, que também contava com Benjamin Orr (da The Cars), Liberty DeVitto (da banda de Billy Joel), Derek St. Holmes (ex-Ted Nugent) e Pat Travers. Infelizmente, a Big People não conseguiu lançar após a morte de Benjamin Orr em 2000.

Através do pequeno selo Razor & Tie, 38 Special lançou "Fade to blue" do álbum "Resolution", o último álbum com participação de Carlisi, lançado em junho de 1997. O single atingiu o número 33 na parada Mainstream Rock em 1997.

Desde "Resolution", de 1997, mais dois lançamentos se seguiram pelos selos CMC International e Sanctuary Records, respectivamente "A wild-eyed Christmas night" (setembro de 2001) e "Drivetrain" (julho de 2004).


Em 2007, a 38 Special foi a banda de abertura da Rowdy Frynds Tour da Lynyrd Skynyrd e Hank Williams Jr.. Além disso, em 27 de setembro de 2008, a banda filmou o especial "CMT Crossroads" com o cantor country Trace Adkins, apresentando sucessos de ambos os artistas ao longo dos anos.

Em 2009, a 38 Special abriu para REO Speedwagon e Styx como parte da Can't Stop Rockin' Tour.

Van Zant perdeu alguns shows em 2011 e em 2012 um aviso foi postado no site da 38 Special dizendo que Donnie Van Zant não faria turnê com a banda devido a problemas de saúde relacionados a danos nos nervos do ouvido interno embora ele continuaria a escrever e gravar com a banda. Em 2013, após quase um ano sem apresentações, Van Zant deixou oficialmente a 38 Special após 39 anos e se aposentou da música.

Em 2012, o baixista original Ken Lyons morreu aos 59 anos.

Em 2014, o baixista de longa data Larry Junstrom foi substituído por Barry Dunaway (um veterano de muitos grupos de rock clássico, incluindo Pat Travers Band, Yngwie Malmsteen e Survivor). Dunaway já havia substituído Junstrom em alguns shows em 2011, e alguns shows em 2013 também. Junstrom foi então forçado a se aposentar devido a uma lesão na mão que exigiu cirurgia.

Desde 2019, a formação da banda consiste em Don Barnes, o tecladista e vocalista Bobby Capps, o baterista Gary Moffatt, Dunaway e o guitarrista Jerry Riggs. Isso deixa Don Barnes como o único membro original, embora Barnes tenha estado ausente da banda de 1987 a 1992.

Larry Junstrom morreu em 6 de outubro de 2019, aos 70 anos. Em 2022, o baixista Paul Drennan substituiu Barry Dunaway.


38 Special (often stylized as .38 Special or spelled out as Thirty-Eight Special) is an American rock band formed by singer-guitarists Donnie Van Zant and Don Barnes in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1974.

The band is known for its hit songs, including "Hold on loosely" and "Caught up in you", among various other Top 40 hits on the US Billboard Hot 100 during the 1980s and early 1990s, including "Rockin' into the night", "You keep runnin' away", "If I'd been the one", "Back where you belong", "Teacher, teacher", "Like no other night", "Second chance" and "The sound of your voice".


Donnie Van Zant, the younger brother of Lynyrd Skynyrd co-founder and frontman Ronnie Van Zant, began playing music during his teen years, forming a band called Standard Production in 1968, which paved the way for Sweet Rooster, Donnie's first professional group that he formed in 1969 with guitarist Jeff Carlisi and bassist Ken Lyons, soon joined by drummer Steve Brookins. Carlisi left Sweet Rooster after graduating high school to study architecture at Georgia Tech and was replaced by Don Barnes in 1970. Brookins also left to work as a truck driver and Sweet Rooster was defunct by 1973.

Van Zant, Barnes and Lyons, while continuing their day jobs and working in other bands, began composing original songs. By 1974, they decided to form "the ultimate band" that would be their "one last shot" at success. Briefly, Van Zant was considering a higher-paying position for the railroad at which he worked, but was finally convinced by brother Ronnie to stick with music since it was "in his blood".

The new group comprised Van Zant, Barnes, Lyons, Brookins, second drummer Jack Grondin and a returning Carlisi. The band's name was thought up after an incident which found the boys practicing in a warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. When police arrived after being notified by locals of the noise, the band members were unable to come out because of a padlock on the door. One of the cops said, "That's all right. We'll let this 38 special do the talking", and shot off the lock.

Now that they had their name, the group spent most of 1975 and 1976 playing a steady grind of one-nighters, mostly in the South and the Midwest. Eventually, big brother Ronnie figured Donnie and the gang had paid enough dues and set them up with Lynyrd Skynyrd's manager Peter Rudge, who also handled The Who and was tour manager for The Rolling Stones. Rudge quickly set the group up to open shows for red-hot acts, like Peter Frampton, Foghat and Kiss, and got them signed to A&M Records, who assigned Dan Hartman (of Edgar Winter Group fame) to produce their first album, "38 Special", which was released in May 1977.

Just before the record's release, bassist Ken Lyons decided to leave the band. He was replaced by their friend and original Lynyrd Skynyrd member Larry Junstrom.

Also in 1977, the band added two female backup singers, Carol Bristow and Dale Krantz. Krantz was replaced by Nancy Henderson (1979-1981), Lu Moss (1981-1984) and then Lynn Hineman (1986-1987), before backup singers were dispensed with in 1987.

In October 1977, Ronnie Van Zant was killed when Lynyrd Skynyrd's plane crashed. Donnie wrote "Take me back" as a tribute to his brother, which appeared on the band's second album, "Special delivery" (March 1978), also produced by Hartman.

DECADE OF 1980 TO 1999

The band's first two albums had a strong Southern rock influence. By the early 1980s, 38 Special had shifted to a more accessible guitar-driven arena rock style without completely abandoning the Southern rock roots. This shift helped to usher in a string of successful albums and singles. Engineer Rodney Mills, who had worked with Atlanta Rhythm Section and others, assumed the producer's reins, and Survivor co-founder Jim Peterik became a frequent songwriting collaborator of the band's from 1979 on, which helped account for this change in sound and subsequent success.

"Rockin' into the night", the title track from the group's third album (released in October 1979), which Peterik and his bandmates had originally written for Survivor, found its way to 38 Special's manager, Mark Spector, and was given to the band. Sung by 38 Special's guitarist Don Barnes (who would sing lead vocals on all of the band's hits through 1987), the tune became its first song to receive national airplay, peaking at number 43 on the Billboard Hot 100 in early 1980.

This paved the way for the band platinum-selling fourth record, "Wild-eyed southern boys" (January 1981), and its bigger hit "Hold on loosely" (which reached number 27 in 1981).

The next release, "Special forces" (May 1982) contained the Top 10 hit "Caught up in you" (just like "Hold on loosely", composed by Barnes, Carlisi, and Peterik), which hit number 1 on the Billboard Rock Tracks chart, as did the single "If I'd been the one" (October 1983) from their November 1983 release "Tour de force". "You keep runnin' away" (August 1982) and "Back where you belong" (February 1984) continued the sequence of hit radio favorites.

In the fall of 1984, the band had another hit with "Teacher, teacher", from the soundtrack of the 1984 film "Teachers", written by Jim Vallance and Bryan Adams. The song climbed to number 4 on the Billboard Top Tracks Chart, spending ten weeks on the chart.

In 1984 38 Special toured with the up-and-coming Huey Lewis and The News, who were just breaking huge with its "Sports" album, and in 1986 the band shared the bill with the soon-to-be-platinum-selling hard rock band Bon Jovi.

By 1987, Don Barnes had decided to leave the band to go out on his own. He recorded an album called "Ride the storm", which, though slated for release in 1989, was shelved after A&M Records was sold, and was not released until 2017: some 28 years later.

In the meantime, the group moved on, bringing in guitarist Danny Chauncey, after drummer Steve Brookins also decided to leave, and singer and keyboardist Max Carl, from West Coast rhythm and blues group Jack Mack & The Heart Attack.

The next release, "Rock & roll strategy" (June 1988), saw the group playing down their heavy guitar sound and putting forth a more 1980s pop keyboard-oriented approach, led by Carl's more R&B-style voice. "Second chance" (taken from "Rock & roll strategy") was a number 1 hit on Billboard's adult contemporary chart in early 1989.

Carl was also lead singer on "The sound of your voice" (Billboard Hot 100 number 33 in 1991) from "Bone against steel" (July 1991), which saw the group moving from A&M to the American iteration of the British label Charisma Records. That same year, Bobby Capps came aboard as keyboardist and co-singer, and drummer Scott Meeder replaced Jack Grondin after Grondin decided to leave the music business. The band found themselves without a home after Charisma folded in 1992.

After touring with the band through the spring of 1992, Max Carl decided to depart, making way for the return of Don Barnes. Since that time, the band has mostly concentrated on touring, with an occasional release of new material. Scott Hoffman took over the drum chair from Meeder later in 1992. Donny Baldwin (ex-Jefferson Starship) filled in for Hoffman on some 1996 tour dates after Hoffman was down with a broken arm, but Gary "Madman" Moffatt (formerly of Cactus) has been the band's drummer since 1997.

In early 1997, 38 Special's long time guitarist and co-founder Jeff Carlisi, tired of the endless touring, decided to leave to form The Bonnie Blue Band, which led to the supergroup Big People, which also featured Benjamin Orr (from The Cars), Liberty DeVitto (from Billy Joel's band), Derek St. Holmes (ex-Ted Nugent) and Pat Travers. Unfortunately Big People failed to launch after the death of Benjamin Orr in 2000.

Through the small Razor & Tie label, 38 Special released "Fade to blue" from the album "Resolution", the last album to feature Carlisi, released in June 1997. The single hit nunber 33 on the Mainstream Rock chart in 1997.

Since 1997's "Resolution", two more releases have followed on the CMC International and Sanctuary Records labels, respectively "A wild-eyed Christmas night" (September 2001) and "Drivetrain" (July 2004).


In 2007, 38 Special was the opening act on Lynyrd Skynyrd and Hank Williams Jr.'s Rowdy Frynds Tour. Also, on September 27, 2008, the band filmed a CMT Crossroads special with country singer Trace Adkins, performing both artists' hits from over the years.

In 2009, 38 Special opened for REO Speedwagon and Styx as part of the Can't Stop Rockin' Tour.

Van Zant missed a handful of shows in 2011, and in 2012 a notice was posted on 38 Special's website saying Donnie Van Zant would not tour with the band due to health issues related to inner-ear nerve damage, although he would continue to write and record with the band. In 2013, after nearly a year of missing performances, Van Zant officially left 38 Special after 39 years and retired from music.

In 2012 original bassist Ken Lyons died at age 59.

In 2014 longtime bassist Larry Junstrom was replaced by Barry Dunaway (a veteran of many classic rock groups, including Pat Travers Band, Yngwie Malmsteen and Survivor). Dunaway had previously filled in for Junstrom for a handful of shows in 2011, and a few shows in 2013 as well. Junstrom was then forced to retire due to a hand injury that required surgery.

Since 2019, the band's lineup has consisted of Don Barnes, keyboardist and vocalist Bobby Capps, drummer Gary Moffatt, Dunaway, and guitarist Jerry Riggs. This leaves Don Barnes as the only original member, although Barnes was absent from the band from 1987 until 1992.

Larry Junstrom died on October 6, 2019, at age 70. In 2022 bassist Paul Drennan filled in for Barry Dunaway.

Membros atuais
Don Barnes - vocal principal e de apoio,
guitarra solo e rítmica, gaita, bandolim,
teclado (1974-1987, 1992-presente)
Bobby Capps - teclados, vocal principal
e de apoio (membro da turnê
1987-1992, 1992-presente)
Gary "Madman" Moffatt -
bateria, percussão (1996-presente)
Barry Dunaway - baixo, vocal de apoio
(2014- presente, substituto
na turnê 2011, 2013)
Jerry Riggs - guitarra solo,
vocal de apoio (2019-presente)
Músicos em turnê
Carol Bristow - vocal de apoio (1977-1987)
Dale Krantz Rossington - vocal de apoio (1977-1979)
Nancy Henderson - vocal de apoio (1979-1980)
Lu Moss - vocal de apoio (1981-1984)
Lynn Hineman - vocal
de apoio (1986-1987)
Substitutos de turismo
Donny Baldwin - bateria, percussão
(1996, substituído por Scott Hoffman)
Paul Drennan "Drennen" - baixo, vocal de apoio
(2022, substituído por Barry Dunaway)
Membros antigos
Donnie Van Zant - vocal principal
e de apoio, guitarra (1974-2013)
Jeff Carlisi - guitarra solo (1974-1997)
Jack Grondin - bateria, percussão (1974-1991)
Steve Brookins - bateria, percussão (1974-1987)
Ken Lyons - baixo (1974-1977, falecido em 2012)
Larry Junstrom - baixo, guitarra ocasional
(1977–2014, falecido em 2019)
Steve McRay - teclados, gaita,
backing vocal (1986-1987)
Max Carl - vocal principal e de apoio,
teclados, guitarra (1987-1992)
Danny Chauncey - guitarra solo,
vocal de apoio, teclados (1987-2019)
Scott Meeder - bateria,
percussão (1991-1992)
Scott Hoffman - bateria,
percussão (1992-1997)

38 Special (photo 02)


38 Special (1977)
[2014, Vivid Sound]
38 Special - 38 Special - 1977 (2014, Vivid Sound [front])
01. Long
time gone
02. Fly away
03. Around
and around
04. Play a
simple song
05. Gypsy belle
06. Four wheels
07. Tell everybody
08. Just hang on
09. I just wanna
rock & roll

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

delivery (1978)
[2014Vivid Sound]
38 Special - Special delivery - 1978 (2014, Vivid Sound [front])
01. I'm a
fool for you
02. Turnin' to you
03. Travelin' man
04. I been a mover
05. What can I do?
06. Who's been messin'
07. Can't keep a good
man down
08. Take
me back

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Rockin' into
the night (1979)
[1986, A&M Records]
38 Special - Rockin' into the night - 1979(1986, A&M Records [front])
01. Rockin'
into the night
02. Stone
cold believer
03. Take me
through the night
04. Money honey
05. The love that I've lost
06. You're the Captain
07. Robin Hood
08. You got the deal
09. Turn it on

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

boys (1981)
[1996A&M Records]
38 Special - Wild-eyed southern boys 1980 (1996, A&M Records [front])
01. Hold on loosely
02. First time around
03. Wild-eyed
southern boys
04. Back alley Sally
05. Fantasy girl
06. Hittin' and runnin'
07. Honky Tonk dancer
08. Throw out the line
09. Bring it on

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full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

forces (1982)
[1996A&M Records]
38 Special - Special forces - 1982 (1996, A&M Records [front])
01. Caught up in you
02. Back door stranger
03. Back on the track
04. Chain lightnin'
05. Rough-housin'
06. You keep
running away
07. Breakin' loose
08. Take 'em out
09. Firestarter

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Tour de
force (1983)
[1989A&M Records]
38 Special - Tour de force - 1983 (1989, A&M Records [front])
01. If I'd been the one
02. Back where you belong
03. One time for old times
04. See me in your eyes
05. Twentieth century fox
06. Long distance affair
07. I oughta let go
08. One of the
lonely ones
09. Undercover

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Strength in
numbers (1986)
[1994A&M Records]
38 Special - Strength in numbers - 1986 (1994, A&M Records [front])
01. Somebody like you
02. Like no other night
03. Last time
04. Once in a lifetime
05. Just a little love
06. Has there ever
been a good goodbye
07. One in a million
08. Hearts on fire
09. Against the night
10. Never give
an inch

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Rock & roll
strategy (1988)
[1988A&M Records]
38 Special - Rock & roll strategy - 1988 (1988, A&M Records [front])
01. Rock &
roll strategy
02. What's it to ya
03. Little Sheba
04. Comin' down tonight
05. Midnight magic
06. Second chance
07. Hot 'lanta
08. Never be lonely
09. Chattahoochee
10. Innocent eyes
11. Love strikes

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Bone against
steel (1991)
[1991, Virgin Records]
38 Special - Bone against steel - 1991 (1991, Virgin Records [front])
01. The sound
of your voice
02. Signs of love
03. Last thing I ever do
04. You definitely got me
05. Rebel to rebel
06. Bone against steel
07. You be the dam,
I'll be the water
08. Jimmy Gillum
09. Tear it up
10. Don't wanna
get it dirty
11. Burning bridges
12. Can't shake it
13. Treasure

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Resolution (1997)
[1997, Bareknuckle Records]
38 Special - Resolution - 1997 (1997, Bareknuckle Records [front])
01. Fade to blue
02. Just can't
leave you alone
03. Deja vooooo
04. Find my way back
05. Changed by love
06. After the fire is gone
07. Miracle man
08. Shelter me
09. Homeless guitar
10. Saving grace
11. She loves to talk
12. Trouble
13. Shatter the

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Drivetrain (2004)
[2004, Sanctuary Records]
38 Special - Drivetrain - 2004 (2004, Sanctuary Records [front])
01. Something I need
02. Hurts like love
03. Haley's got a Harley
04. Jam on
05. Make some
sense of it
06. Quick fix
07. The squeeze
08. The play
09. Bad looks good on you
10. Trooper with an attitude
11. Hiding from yourself
12. Sheriff's county line

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Live in concert (1991)
[1991, Living Legend Records]
38 Special - Live in concert - 1991 (1991, Living Legend Records [front])
01. Hot 'lanta
02. Rough housin'
03. Rock & roll strategy
04. Stone cold believer
05. Back where you belong
06. Wild eyed southern boys
07. Second chance
08. 20th century fox
09. Caught up in you
10. Rockin' into the night
11. Hold on loosely

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Live at Sturgis (2000)
[2000, CMC International Records]
38 Special - Live at Sturgis - 2000 (2000, CMC International Records [front])
01. Rockin' into the night
02. Twentieth century fox
03. Back where you belong
04. Wild-eyed southern boys
05. Fade to blue
06. If I'd been the one
07. Rebel to rebel
08. Take 'em out
09. Déjà voodoo
10. Fantasy girl
11. Caught up in you
12. Hold on loosely
13. Just one girl
(new studio track)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

The best of
38 Special: 20th
century masters (2000)
[2000, A&M Records]
38 Special - The best of 38 Special - 20th century masters - 2000 (2000, A&M Records [front])
01. Rockin'
into the night
02. Stone cold believer
03. Hold on loosely
04. Wild-eyed
southern boys
05. Fantasy girl
06. Caught up in you
07. Rough housin'
08. If I'd been the one
09. Back where you belong
10. Twentieth century fox
11. Somebody like you
12. Like no other night

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
38 Special [FLAC]: enjoy!
38 Special [MP3]: enjoy!

38 Special - Fly away - 1977
38 Special - Take me back - 1978
38 Special - Hold on loosely - 1981
38 Special - Caught up in you - 1982
38 Special - Second chance - 1988

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