quarta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2024

The Five Day Week Straw People - The Five Day Week Straw People - 1968 (Psychedelic Rock {UK})

TFDWSP - The Five Day Week Straw People - 1968 (2002, Akarma Records [front])

The Five Day Week Straw Peoplefoi uma banda psicodélica britânica única, apenas de estúdio, que gravou um álbum raro no final de 1967 - lançado em 1968 -, para o selo Saga. O projeto centrava-se no trabalho da dupla de cantores e compositores Guy Mascolo e David Montague. Suas dez canções eram vagamente centradas no conceito de um típico fim de semana na vida de um típico trabalhador britânico. Por uma taxa de 25 libras por músico, The Five Day Week Straw People - composta por Guy Mascolo (letras, vocal), David Montague (letras, violão), o cantor e guitarrista John Du Cann (do obscuro grupo pop psicodélico The Attack, que fez quatro singles para a Decca), o baixista Mick Hawksworth e o baterista Jack Collins - foi reunida. O álbum foi gravado em cerca de quatro horas em uma sala de aula em Londres, um feito notável, visto que Collins não tinha ouvido nenhuma das músicas antes da sessão.

Embora o álbum (simplesmente intitulado "The Five Day Week Straw People") tenha atraído alguns elogios fanáticos entre os colecionadores, é uma psicodelia britânica de período médio. Ele se inclina um pouco mais para o rock pesado do que para o mod, embora haja alguns elementos pop fortes nas harmonias vocais e no lirismo narrativo britânico. Às vezes, lembra o material mais pop que a Cream gravou. O mesmo poderia ser dito de algumas das coisas feitas por Andromeda, o grupo que Du Cann, Hawksworth e Collins decidiram fundar depois de cortar The Five Day Week Straw People, embora Andromeda estivesse definitivamente em uma veia de hard rock mais pesado.


The Five Day Week Straw People was a one-off, studio-only British psychedelic band who recorded a rare album in late 1967 - released in 1968 - for the Saga label. The project centered on the work of singer-songwriter duo Guy Mascolo and David Montague. Its ten songs were loosely centered around the concept of a typical weekend in the life of typical working British people. For a fee of 25 pounds per musician, The Five Day Week Straw People - composed by Guy Mascolo (lyrics, vocal), David Montague (lyrics, guitar), singer and guitarist John Du Cann (of the obscure psychedelic pop group The Attack, who did four singles for Decca), bassist Mick Hawksworth, and drummer Jack Collins - was assembled. The album was recorded in about four hours in a London schoolroom, a remarkable achievement given that Collins had not heard any of the songs prior to the session.

While the album (simply titled "The Five Day Week Straw People") has attracted some fanatical praise among collectors, it's average-period British psychedelia. It leans a little more toward heavy rock than toward mod, although there are some strong pop elements in the vocal harmonies and the British storytelling lyricism. At times, it's reminiscent of the most pop-oriented material that Cream recorded. The same could be said of some of the stuff done by Andromeda, the group that Du Cann, Hawksworth, and Collins decided to found after cutting The Five Day Week Straw People, although Andromeda was definitely in a heavier, hard rock vein.

Guy Mascolo - letras, vocal
John Du Cann - guitarra, vocal
David Montague - letras, violão
Mick Hawksworth - baixo, vocal
Jack McCulloch - bateria
Richard Shirman - vocal
Keith Hodge - bateria
Jack Collins - bateria

David Montague and Guy Mascolo


The Five Day Week
Straw People (1968)
[2002, Akarma Records]
TFDWSP - The Five Day Week Straw People - 1968 (2002, Akarma Records [front])
01. Five day
week straw people
02. I'm going
out tonight
03. Gold digger
04. Postman
05. Car wash
06. Feel like
having a party
07. Sunday morning?
08. Does it rain!
09. If you were around
10. Dust is in my eyes
The Attack, bonus
11.  Magic is in the air
12. Mr. Pinnodmy's dilemma
13. Freedom for you
14. Strange house
15. Feel like flying
16. Too old
17. Go your way
18. Now the sun shines
19. Sleep like a child

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

The Five Day Week
Straw People (1968)
[2007RPM Records]
TFDWSP - The Five Day Week Straw People - 1968 (2007, RPM Records [front])
01. Five day
week straw people
02. I'm going
out tonight
03. Gold digger
04. Postman
05. Car wash
06. Feel like
having a party
07. Sunday morning?
08. Does it rain!
09. If you were around
10. Dust is in my eyes
11. As my love is
for you (bonus)
12. Father Martin

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

TFDWSP - The five day week straw people - 1968
TFDWSP - I'm going out tonight1968
TFDWSP - Does it rain?1968

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