domingo, 28 de janeiro de 2024

The Liverpool Scene - The amazing adventures of... - 2009 (Psychedelic Proto-Art Poetry Rock {UK})

The Liverpool Scene - The amazing adventures of… - 2009 (2009, Esoteric Recordings [front])

The Liverpool Scene foi uma banda de poesia que incluía Adrian Henri, Andy Roberts, Mike Evans, Mike Hart, Percy Jones e Brian Dodson. A banda surgiu do sucesso de "The amazing new Liverpool scene", um LP da CBS com Henri e McGough lendo seus trabalhos, com acompanhamento do guitarrista Roberts. O DJ de Liverpool, John Peel, que então trabalhava na estação de rádio pirata Radio London, pegou o LP e o apresentou em seu influente programa noturno "Perfumed garden". Após o fechamento da Rádio Londres, Peel visitou Liverpool e conheceu a banda. Como consequência, a banda apareceu em sessões de seus programas Top Gear e Night Ride da BBC, e em 1968 ele produziu seu primeiro LP. Quatro LPs foram lançados com a poesia de Henri em destaque.

Apesar do apoio de Peel, os álbuns alcançaram pouco sucesso, embora a banda tenha se tornado popular no circuito universitário e universitário do Reino Unido. Suas apresentações públicas incluíram uma turnê em 1969, quando abriram para a Led Zeppelin. A banda também fez uma turnê pelos Estados Unidos, mas não atraiu muitos elogios da crítica e do público norte-americanos. Henri foi descrito na performance como "saltando estrondosamente e correndo risco para o público e outros artistas, o palco vibrando fora do ritmo abaixo dele". Mike Hart tornou-se membro da National Head Band, que incluía Lee Kerslake (Toe Fat, Uriah Heep).


The Liverpool Scene was a poetry band, which included Adrian Henri, Andy Roberts, Mike Evans, Mike Hart, Percy Jones and Brian Dodson. The band grew out of the success of "The incredible new Liverpool scene", a CBS LP featuring Henri and McGough reading their work, with accompaniment by the guitarist Roberts. Liverpool DJ John Peel, who was then working on the pirate radio station Radio London, picked up on the LP and featured it on his influential late-night "Perfumed garden" show. After Radio London closed down, Peel visited Liverpool and met the band. As a consequence, the band was featured in session on his BBC Top Gear and Night Ride shows, and in 1968 he produced their first LP. Four LPs were issued with Henri's poetry heavily featured.

Despite Peel's support the albums achieved little success, although the band did become popular on the UK university and college circuit. Its public performances included a 1969 tour when they opened for Led Zeppelin. The band also toured the US but did not attract much acclaim from US critics and audiences. Henri was described in performance as "bouncing thunderously and at risk to audience and fellow performers, the stage vibrating out of rhythm beneath him". Mike Hart became a member of National Head Band, which included Lee Kerslake (Toe Fat, Uriah Heep).

Adrian Henri - vocal
Andy Roberts - vocal, guitarra,
acordeão, gaita, assobios
Mike Hart - vocal, guitarra
Percy Jones - baixo, gaita
Mike Evans - saxofones
tenor e alto, vocal
Brian Dodson
- bateria

The Liverpool Scene (band photo)

CD 01
01. Love is
02. Batpoem
03. Son, son
04. Tramcar to
05. The woo woo
06. Burdock River run
07. Happy burial blues
08. Universes
09. I'm just
a simple boy
10. Baby
11. Percy
Parslow's hamster farm
12. Bomb commercials
13. Elsie Straws saga
14. Wildwest
15. Colours
16. Gliders, parks
17. Love story

CD 02
01. The entry of
Christ into Liverpool
02. We'll all be spacemen
before we die
03. Human tapeworm
04. The morning the
sky went away 
05. Mental astronaut
06. See the conkering
heroine come
07. Winter poem
08. Come into
the perfumed
garden, Maud
09. The raven
10. The only thing
it needed was you
11. I've got these
Fleetwood Mac Chicken
Shack John Mayall
can't fail blues
12. 64
13. Night song
14. G.B.S. blues
15. Made in U.S.A.
16. Rainbow

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

The Liverpool Scene - Batpoem - 1969
The Liverpool Scene - Winterpoem - 1969
The Liverpool Scene - We'll all be spacemen before we die - 1969

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