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quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2019

Psychedelic gems 1-10 [various artists] (Krautrock/Psychedelic & Progressive Rock {Alemanha})

Psychedelic gems

A série de CDs "Psychedelic gems" apresenta grupos das áreas psicodélicas e progressivas e seus arredores, cuja produção total de peças publicadas e inéditas não é suficiente para preencher um CD próprio.

Eles tocaram principalmente no final dos anos 60 e início dos 70 e não conseguiam ir além de uma única fita ou de uma fita demo. Portanto, vários são colocados juntos em um CD. Para cada grupo apresentado - até agora todos de países de língua alemã - há uma imagem de capa de página inteira em cores verdadeiras de seu single, uma história da banda em alemão e inglês e, se possível, uma imagem da gravadora. As licenças foram adquiridas legalmente de todos os artistas ou empresas, em contraste com as maquinações de selos piratas como Visions of the PastElectrick Loosers ou Prae-Kraut Pandaemonium. Portanto, você não deve se surpreender se houver sobreposições. Os livretos coletados, junto com os da série Garden of Delights, formarão gradualmente uma obra de referência abrangente sobre o chamado Krautrock, adequada como um suplemento detalhado para as duas obras fundamentais "The crack in the cosmic egg" de Steven e Alan Freeman, e "Cosmic dreams at play" de Dag Erik Asbjørnsen.

Psychedelic gems 1:
O selo de Osnabrück, Alemanha, CCA (e sub-selos), de Hans Werner Kuntze, apresentava principalmente bandas beat, mas incluía alguns grupos psicodélicos e progressivos também. Aqui estão DOM, Pax Vobis, The Ooze, The Devils, Blues Ltd. e Scramp.

Psychedelic gems 2:
Aqui estão os grupos restantes do selo CCA (e sub-selos) elegíveis para esta série: Alaska Range, The Scorpions (com duas faixas inéditas datando de 1971), Lazarus 'Bra, Red Fug e Fifth Dead.

Psychedelic gems 3:
Este terceiro CD da série contém exclusivamente faixas inéditas na época: uma composição de quase 30 minutos de My Solid Ground de 1970, uma faixa de Mr. Grabstein (ex-Gäa) e três demos do início da Werwolf.

Psychedelic gems 4:
Sete bandas que lançaram apenas um single de 7" em pequenas gravadoras ou como prensagem privada: Chicago Sect, The Empty C, The Hardships, Apple Pie, Yoice (mais tarde Analogy), Waterloo e Acid. CD com livreto colorido de 32 páginas.

Psychedelic gems 5:
Assim como o quarto CD da série, desta vez apresentando: The Desperates, Tortilla Flat, Just We, The Giants, Chain, BSH e 
Tibet. Seus singles de 7" foram lançados entre 1966 e 1976. CD com livreto colorido de 32 páginas.

Psychedelic gems 6:
Sete bandas que lançaram apenas um single de 7" em pequenas gravadoras ou como prensagem privada: The JP’s, Blackmann Lane, Blackbirds 2000, Caleidoscope Inc., Nyrvana Pancake, Al Capone e Metamorphosis.

Psychedelic gems 7:
O sétimo CD da série traz 12 faixas de psych, prog, blues do Beat Festival de 1970, em 

Psychedelic gems 8:
Cinco bandas de rock progressivo e de blues com suas apresentações no 7º German Beat Festival em Recklinghausen, Alemanha, em março de 1970: Sunday Smiling, Galaxis Blues Band (pré-Prosper), The Faces (pré-Chris Braun Band), The Red Devils e The Giants. Era uma competição de bandas onde cada grupo tocava por dez minutos. CD com livreto de 32 páginas.

Psychedelic gems 9:
Cinco grupos de rock progressivo e blues do 8º German Beat Festival em Vestlandhalle (Recklinghausen, Alemanha), em 1971: Ellis Island, Waniyetula, Prosper I, Teraohm (precursor de Epidaurus) e Harmony Row. Na competição de bandas, cada grupo teve permissão para tocar por dez minutos. CD com livreto de 32 páginas.

Psychedelic gems 10:
Cinco bandas de rock progressivo e blues com suas apresentações no 6º Beat Festival, de 1969 em Recklinghausen, Alemanha: Blues & Free Group, Smiling Understatement, The Twens, Mystic Association e The Strongs. Era uma competição de bandas onde cada grupo tocava por dez minutos. CD com livreto de 32 páginas.


The series of CDs "Psychedelic gems" presents groups from the psychedelic and progressive areas and their surroundings, whose total production of published and unpublished pieces is not enough to fill a CD of their own.

They played mainly in the late 60's and early 70's and couldn't go beyond a single tape or a demo tape. Therefore, several are put together on a CD. For each group presented - until now all from German-speaking countries - there is a full-page cover image in true colors of their single, a history of the band in German and English and, if possible, an image of the label. Licenses were acquired legally from all artists or companies, in contrast to the machinations of pirate labels such as Visions of the PastElectrick Loosers or Prae-Kraut Pandaemonium. Therefore, you should not be surprised if there are overlaps. The collected booklets, together with those in the Garden of Delights series, will gradually form a comprehensive reference work on the so-called Krautrock, suitable as a detailed supplement to the two fundamental works "The crack in the cosmic egg" by Steven and Alan Freeman, and "Cosmic dreams at play" by Dag Erik Asbjørnsen.

Psychedelic gems 1:
Hans Werner Kuntze's Osnabrück, Germany, CCA (and sub-seals) label featured mostly beat bands, but included some psychedelic and progressive groups as well. Here are DOM, Pax Vobis, The Ooze, The Devils, Blues Ltd. and Scramp.

Psychedelic gems 2:
Here are the remaining CCA label groups (and sub-labels) eligible for this series: Alaska Range, The Scorpions (with two unreleased tracks dating from 1971), Lazarus' Bra, Red Fug and Fifth Dead.

Psychedelic gems 3:
This third CD in the series contains exclusively tracks never before seen: a composition of almost 30 minutes of My Solid Ground from 1970, a track by Mr. Grabstein (ex-Gäa) and three demos from the beginning of Werwolf.

Psychedelic gems 4:
Seven bands that released just a 7" single on small labels or as a private press: Chicago Sect, The Empty C, The Hardships, Apple Pie, Yoice (later Analogy), Waterloo and Acid. CD with 32-page color booklet.

Psychedelic gems 5:
As well as the fourth CD in the series, this time featuring: The Desperates, 
Tortilla Flat, Just We, The Giants, Chain, BSH and Tibet. Their 7" singles were released between 1966 and 1976. CD with 32-page color booklet.

Psychedelic gems 6:
Seven bands that released only a 7" single on small labels or as private pressing: The JP’s, Blackmann Lane, Blackbirds 2000, Caleidoscope Inc., Nyrvana Pancake, Al Capone and Metamorphosis.

Psychedelic gems 7:
The seventh CD in the series features 12 tracks of psych, prog, blues from the Recklinghausen Beat Festival, 1970.

Psychedelic gems 8:
Five progressive rock and blues bands performing at the 7th German Beat Festival in Recklinghausen, Germany, March 1970: Sunday Smiling, Galaxis Blues Band (pre-Prosper), The Faces (pre-Chris Braun Band), The Red Devils and The Giants. It was a band competition where each group played for ten minutes. 
CD with 32-page color booklet.

Psychedelic gems 9:
Five progressive rock and blues groups from the 8th German Beat Festival in Vestlandhalle (Recklinghausen, Germany), in 1971: Ellis Island, Waniyetula, Prosper I, Teraohm (precursor to Epidaurus) and Harmony Row. In the band competition, each group was allowed to play for ten minutes. CD with 32-page color booklet.

Psychedelic gems 10:
Five progressive and blues rock bands performing at the 6th Beat Festival, 1969, in Recklinghausen, Germany: Blues & Free Group, Smiling Understatement, The Twens, Mystic Association and The Strongs. It was a band competition where each group played for ten minutes. 
CD with 32-page color booklet.


Psychedelic gems 1
01. DOM - DOM (05:09)
02. DOM - Devil's grandma (06:33)
03. Pax Vobis - Questions,
as old as the humanity (02:40)
04. Pax Vobis - Ali Ben Muck (05:06)
05. Pax Vobis - Muffelofen (06:13)
06. Pax Vobis - Rotkohl (03:39)
07. The Ooze - Free (05:18)
08. The Ooze - We're living now (04:20)
09. The Devils - World of empty wishes (05:05)
10. The Devils - Way of love (07:30)
11. The Devils - Darkness (07:14)
12. Blues Ltd. - St. Andrews (04:08)
13. Blues Ltd. - Butterfinger (03:09)
14. Scramp - Inside lookin' out (03:24)
15. Scramp - Who has seen the wind (02:50)

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Psychedelic gems 2
01. Alaska Range - Castles in the air (02:52)
02. Alaska Range - Daybreak (04:11)
03. Scorpions - I'm goin' mad (04:45)
04. Scorpions - Action (03:43)
05. Lazarus' Bra - Passivity
won't change the world (07:06)
06. Lazarus' Bra - If (04:26)
07. Red Fug - March, 16th (04:40)
08. Red Fug - The journey (03:13)
09. Fifth Dead - A special man (03:10)
10. Fifth Dead - Long way (03:49)
11. Fifth Dead - Bumble bee (03:42)
12. Fifth Dead - What can we do (07:42)
13. Fifth Dead - Angel and God (02:54)
14. Fifth Dead - Blue sky (04:41)
15. Fifth Dead - Devilking (04:09)

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Psychedelic gems 3
01. My Solid Ground - Flash (24:45)
02. Mr. Grabstein - Smoke (08:12)
03. Werwolf - The song (08:21)
04. Werwolf - My story (11:29)
05. Werwolf - The dreamer (09:18)

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Psychedelic gems 4
01. Chicago Sect - Chain reaction (03:29)
02. Chicago Sect - She's not there (03:10)
03. The Empty C - Porky's blues (05:01)
04. The Empty C - The night (02:25)
05. The Hardships - The work (03:17)
06. The Hardships - Follow me (03:28)
07. Apple Pie - Ballad of the crying man (03:22)
08. Apple Pie - Maurice (03:05)
09. Yoice - Sold out (04:36)
10. Yoice - God's own land (03:35)
11. Waterloo - The end (05:38)
12. Waterloo - The painter (04:54)
13. Waterloo - Estipona (04:54)
14. Waterloo - Take a joint (03:29)
15. Acid - Acid (03:40)
16. Acid - She's alone again (03:01)

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Psychedelic gems 5
01. The Desperates - LSD (02:56)
02. The Desperates - Stupidity (02:29)
03. Tortilla Flat - Facts (02:29)
04. Tortilla Flat - Life (02:31)
05. Just We - Somethin' like it (03:36)
06. Just We - Dallas woman blues (03:43)
07. The Giants - He-he-ho (05:06)
08. The Giants - Broken earth (04:39)
09. Chain - Greasy (04:38)
10. Chain - London city (03:14)
11. B.S.H. - Short step (02:44)
12. Tibet - Only man's love (03:26)
13. Tibet - She is gone (03:32)

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Psychedelic gems 6
01. The JP's - Save me (03:35)
02. The JP's - The war (03:02)
03. Blackmann Lane - Hunger (03:12)
04. Blackmann Lane - Lato-lam (02:55)
05. Blackbirds 2000 - Let's do it together (02:47)
06. Blackbirds 2000 - Preludium (02:15)
07. Caleidoscope Inc. - I'm waiting for you (03:31)
08. Caleidoscope Inc. - Kind of sadness (03:23)
09. Nyrvana Pancake - Open your eyes (03:38)
10. Nyrvana Pancake - Lonesome boy (03:53)
11. Al Capone - Demon's dance (02:39)
12. Al Capone - Classicer (01:54)
13. Metamorphosis - You have na aim (03:21)
14. Metamorphosis - Wanna hear some blues (03:55)

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Psychedelic gems 7
01. Join In - Coming home (05:05)
02. Join In - On sunday (04:39)
03. Mystic Eyes - All your love (04:15)
04. Mystic Eyes - Going up the country (02:27)
05. Mystic Eyes - Hard road (04:02)
06. Smiling Understatement II - Karelia (05:01)
07. Smiling Understatement II - Rondo (02:24)
08. Smiling Understatement II - Lucifer sam (03:55)
09. Firestone Group - L.S.D. (02:39)
10. Firestone Group - Let's work together (02:56)
11. Reaction - Drum blues one (03:29)
12. Reaction - Toad (14:10)

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Psychedelic gems 8
01. Sunday Smiling - Take me
for a little while (04:16)
02. Sunday Smiling - Für Elise (06:18)
03. Galaxis Blues Band - I may be wrong,
but I won't be wrong always (04:08)
04. Galaxis Blues Band - I woke
up this morning (04:21)
05. Galaxis Blues Band - Summer day (03:38)
06. The Faces - My sunday feeling (04:22)
07. The Faces - Season of the witch (07:47)
08. The Red Devils - Dust my blues (03:19)
09. The Red Devils - Heartbreaker (05:02)
10. The Red Devils - Whole lotta love (03:06)
11. The Faces - It's breaking me up (05:33)
12. The Faces - Season of the witch (06:48)
13. The Giants - I'm a man (03:16)
14. Galaxis Blues Band - I may be wrong,
but I won't be wrong always (03:43)
15. Galaxis Blues Band - Sugar mama (04:13)
16. Galaxis Blues Band - Summer day (03:20)

Mp3 320 kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Psychedelic gems 9
01. Ellis Island - See me crying (07:46)
02. Waniyetula - Lindis Farne (09:09)
03. Prosper I - Help me (03:32)
04. Prosper I - Do what you like (06:33)
05. Prosper I - Woman (03:40)
06. Teraohm - Electric journey (13:12)
07. Harmony Row - Summertime (12:03)
08. Waniyetula - Once I was young (08:37)
09. Waniyetula - Lindis Farne (02:18)
10. Ellis Island - Every day the same (09:46)

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Psychedelic gems 10
01. Blues & Free Group - Waltz
of the jive cats (05:11)
02. Blues & Free Group - Blues for George (05:30)
03. Smiling Understatement - Bang bang (03:10)
04. Smiling Understatement - Let
there be more light (02:30)
05. Smiling Understatement - Rondo (04:32)
06. Die Twens - Praeludium (03:36)
07. Mystic Association - Red garden (03:04)
08. Mystic Association - Get away (02:53)
09. The Strongs - Fire (03:26)
10. The Strongs - Flying like a butterfly (03:41)
11. The Strongs - Patterns (02:18)

Mp3 320 kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Download Psychedelic gems 1-10: enjoy!

Dom - Devil's Grandma 7'' Single - 1972

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