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sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2022

Culpeper's Orchard (Progressive Folk Rock {Dinamarca})

Fundada em 1969 em
Copenhague, Dinamarca,
e dissolvida por volta de 1977,
a Culpeper's Orchard era
liderada pelo inglês
Cy Nicklin.


Depois de um sucesso decente como banda ao vivo, a banda estreou seu primeiro LP em 1971. O disco, auto-intitulado, apresenta uma mistura de rock psicodélico progressivo, folk e country, onde as harmonias vocais nas faixas mais calmas poderiam lembrar Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Já no lançamento seguinte, "Second sight" (de 1972), Barker foi substituído por Ken Gudman na bateria, sem que isso alterasse significativamente a qualidade do som. A música "Satisfied mind" pode ser um country bastante tradicional, mas tornou-se uma faixa extraordinariamente popular para cantar junto, por exemplo, nos primeiros festivais de Roskilde.

Poucos meses depois a banda lançou seu terceiro álbum, "Going for a song", onde Niels Vangkilde (guitarra), Nils Tuxen (violão com cordas de aço) e Tom McEwan (bateria) substituíram Henriksen e Gudman. Em 1976 eles mudaram seu nome para Culpeper e excursionaram extensivamente, mas lançaram apenas um LP ("All dressed up and nowhere to go") sob este nome.


Em retrospecto, foi uma banda que em poucos anos recrutou nomes de classe internacional como Nils Henriksen, Niels Vangkilde, Thomas Puggard-Müller, Nils Tuxen, Ken Gudman, Rodger Barker, Tom McEwan, Thor Backhausen e Michael Friis. Nos últimos anos, revistas estrangeiras de rock descobriram o potencial da Culpeper's Orchard, e a banda foi comparada a alguns dos maiores nomes ingleses e americanos da mesma época.


Founded in 1969 in
Copenhagen, Denmark,
and dissolved around 1977,
Culpeper's Orchard was
led by Englishman
Cy Nicklin.


After decent success as a live band, the band debuted their first LP in 1971. The self-titled record features a mix of progressive, folk and country psychedelic rock, where the vocal harmonies on the quieter tracks could be reminiscent of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. In the following release, "Second sight" (from 1972), Barker was replaced by Ken Gudman on drums, without this significantly altering the sound quality. The song "Satisfied mind" may be a fairly traditional country song, but it became an extraordinarily popular sing-along track, for example, at early Roskilde festivals.

A few months later the band released their third album, "Going for a song", where Niels Vangkilde (guitar), Nils Tuxen (steel-string guitar) and Tom McEwan (drums) replaced Henriksen and Gudman. In 1976 they changed their name to Culpeper and toured extensively, but released only one LP ("All dressed up and nowhere to go") under this name.


In retrospect, it was a band that in just a few years recruited world-class names like Nils Henriksen, Niels Vangkilde, Thomas Puggard-Müller, Nils Tuxen, Ken Gudman, Rodger Barker, Tom McEwan, Thor Backhausen and Michael Friis. In recent years, foreign rock magazines have discovered Culpeper's Orchard's potential, and the band has been compared to some of the biggest British and American names of the same era.

Esta é  uma repostagem da banda Culpeper's Orchard.
Nesta repostagem foi acrescentado o álbum "Mountain
music (The Polydor recordings 1971-1973)" e o texto
foi melhorado. A postagem original, publicada em
03/06/2019, foi apagada.
This is a repost of the band Culpeper's Orchard.
In this repost the album "Mountain music (The Polydor
recordings 1971-1973)" was added and the text has
been improved. The original post, published on
03/06/2019, has been deleted.

Cy Nicklin - vocal, violão, percussão
Neils Hendrikson - guitarra, piano, vocal, cravo
Michael Friss - baixo, órgão, flauta, piano, percussão
Rodger Barker - bateria, percussão


Culpeper's Orchard (1971)
Culpeper's Orchard (1971)
01. Banjocul
02. Mountain
music (part 1)
03. Hey you, people!
04. Teaparty for an orchard
05. Ode to resistance
06. Your song & mine
07. Gideon's trap
08. Blue day's morning
09. Mountain music
(part 2)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Second sight (1972)
Second sight (1972)
01. Julia
02. Keyboard waltz
03. Classified adds
04. Late night
woman blues
05. Mind pollution/
Weather report
06. Autumn of it all
07. Satisfied mind

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Mountain music (2020)
[The Polydor recordings 1971-1973]
Mountain music (2020) [The Polydor recordings 1971-1973]
CD 01
01. Banjocul
02. Mountain
music (part I)
03. Hey you, people!
04. Teaparty for an orchard
05. Ode to resistance
06. Your song and mine
07. Gideon's trap
08. Blue day's
09. Mountain
music (part II)
10. Streamhouse
11. Julia
12. Keyboard waltz
13. Classified ads
14. Late night 
woman blues

CD 02
01. Mind pollution/
Weather report
02. Autumn of it all
03. Satisfied mind
04. Trying to find home
05. She's back again
06. Good days
07. Alone in pain
08. Time flies
09. Sailor
10. Couldn't
be better
11. Roger and out
12. Before it begun
13. New day,
new day
14. Raving
15. Satisfied
mind (live)
16. Good days

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download
dos 3 albums: enjoy!

Culpeper's Orchard Mountain music (part 1) - 1971
Culpeper's Orchard - "Steamhouse" "and "Classified ads" - 197?
Culpeper's Orchard at Holmenkollen, Norway 1973

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