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terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2020

Cherubin - Our sunrise - 1973 (Progressive Rock {Alemanha})

No início dos anos 70, quando as bandas alemãs foram inundadas com as chamadas "bandas krautrock" como Can, Amon Düül II, Popol Vuh, Tangerine Dream etc., havia uma entidade musical chamada Cherubin que se destacava na cena musical 
Munique. A música deles era melódica e rock ao mesmo tempo e tinha um toque do som da costa oeste americana, não havia nada comparável na Alemanha.

Andy Marx, Eberhard Wilhelm e Wolfgang Graf foram os principais membros da banda e também os cantores e compositores de seu próprio material. Eles estavam carregando o som da costa oeste para os Alpes alemães. A banda estava dividindo uma antiga fazenda perto de Munique, longe dos vizinhos, o que lhes permitia fazer música o quanto quisessem. Em 1972, eu era chefe de A&R da United Artists Records em Munique, Alemanha, e tinha bandas sob contrato que mais tarde levaram a fortuna e a fama de sons não-anglo-saxões através das fronteiras alemãs e ainda permanecem como sinônimo de "krautrock".

Meu colega Heinz Lukasz me fez conhecer a "comunidade hippie" ao virar da esquina e, como eu gostei da banda e da música deles, assinei-as na empresa UA Records com potencial de exploração internacional.

O primeiro álbum foi feito com a ajuda de David Siddle e Jürgen Koppers, que também trabalhou no Studio 70, juntamente com Giorgio Moroder e Donna Summer. Algumas das gravações estavam sendo feitas com Mack, famoso co-produtor do Queens, que projetou as sessões da Cherubin no Musicland Studio em Munique.

Olhando para trás naqueles dias, considero-me bastante afortunado por ter feito parte dessa música maravilhosa e pelas pessoas chamadas Cherubin. Fiquei encantado ao ouvir sobre uma reunião e o lançamento de seu novo CD. Durante o hiato, todos os membros da banda estavam ocupados na cena musical. Eberhard Wilhelm (bateria) trabalhou com John Fogerty, Colin Hodgkinson, Robert Palmer, Simon Phillips, Peter Hodmann, Stefan Remmler (Trio) etc., Wolfgang Graf (baixo) tocou com Larry Coryell e Alphonso Mouson. Ele também construiu um estúdio de gravação de alta tecnologia em Starnberg, perto de Munique, e se tornou um compositor, produtor e editor reconhecido. Andy Marx (guitarra) trabalhou com a Passport de Klaus Doldinger, Creepy John Thomas, Udo Lindenberg, Peter Maffay e artistas country, como Oakridge Boys, Boxcar Willie etc., e se tornou um conhecido músico de estúdio. Durante esse período, ele também estudou medicina e se mudou para a América, onde recebeu seu doutorado. Sua paixão pelo rock nunca se dissipou - ele continua a escrever e gravar músicas em seu próprio estúdio.
- Gerhard Augustin


In the early 70s when Germany bands was flooded with the so-called "krautrock-bands" like Can, Amon Düül II, Popol Vuh, Tangerine Dream etc., there was one and musical entity called Cherubin in that was sticking out in the Munich music scene. Their music was melodic and rocking at the same time and it had a touch of American West Coast sound, there was nothing comparable in Germany.

Andy Marx, Eberhard Wilhelm and Wolfgang Graf were the main members of the band and also the singer-songwriters of their own material. They were carrying the West Coast sound to the German alps. The band was sharing an old farmhouse near Munich far away from next door neighbours which allowed them to make music as much and ong as they wanted. In 1972, I was head of A&R at United Artists Records in Munich, Germany, and had bands under contract which later carried the fortune and fame of non-Anglo Saxon sounds across German borders and still stand as a synonym for do called "krautrock".

My colleague Heinz Lukasz made me aware of the "hippie commune" around the corner and since I liked the band and their music, I signed them to the UA Records company with international exploitation potential.

Their first album was made with the help of David Siddle and Jürgen Koppers who also worked at the Studio 70 together with Giorgio Moroder and Donna Summer. Some of the recordings were being done with Mack, Queens famous co-producer, who engineered the Cherubin sessions at the Musicland Studio in Munich.

Looking back at those days, I consider myself pretty fortunate having been a part of this wonderful music and the perople called Cherubin. I was delighted to hear about a reunion and the release of their new CD. During their hiatus all the band members were busy in the muic scene. Eberhard Wilhelm (drums) worked with John Fogerty, Colin Hodgkinson, Robert Palmer, Simon Phillips, Peter Hodmann, Stefan Remmler (Trio) etc., Wolfgang Graf (bass) played with Larry Coryell and Alphonso Mouson. He also built a high-tech recording studio in Starnberg near Munich and became a recognized songwriter, producer and publisher. Andy Marx (guitar) worked with Klaus Doldinger's Passport, Creeepy John Thomas, Udo Lindenberg, Peter Maffay, and country artists such as the Oakridge Boys, Boxcar Willie etc., and became a known studio musician. During this time he also studied medicine and moved to America where he received his doctorate. His passion for rock never dissipated - he continues to write and record songs in his own studio.
- Gerhard Augustin

Andy Marx - guitarra,
violão, banjo, sitar, vocal
Bo Born - órgão, piano, vocal
Wolfgang Graf - baixo
Pit Trojer - percussão, vocal
Eberhard Wilhelm - bateria, vocal
Dieter Bauer - baixo
Thor Baldurson - piano
Frank Baum - pedal steel
Michael Hodjera - violão e guitarra
Wolfgang Grude - flauta,
tenor e alto saxofones
Bertl - backing vocal

01. Funky beat
02. East wind blowin'
03. Cracy
04. Sunrise
05. Sunday child
06. The letter
07. Bikini panties
an white lipstick
08. One way ticket
09. Lost lession in time
10. Feel is real
11. Electric waves

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Cherubin - Our sunrise - 1973 (full album)

2 comentários:

  1. Hello, and I do hope you are hunkered down safely. And are keeping creative and sane. Your posts are wonderful, and certainly helping all of us stay sane ;-) :-)

    One quick question...When I go to your links, the sites it directs me to are very unsafe, and wanting access to my comp? :-( I'd really really love to hear the music. Is there any other option you have for choosing where you can post the material?

    Thank You again. And I do indeed Hope you and yours are in Good Health, and finding ways to maintain vision, create Ease, and surrounded by Love and Peace

    Have a Wonderful Night.

    Cheers, Lance :-)


  2. Hello, Nabalom Vitari! Welcome to the blog! I hope to see you more times around here.

    About links: all download links, published on the blog, will take you to an advertising page on the site. I suggest you read the text - How not to be bothered by the advertisements? so that you are not surprised by unwanted advertisements on your computer or smartphone screen.

    This is the only way we can gain from research work, translation into two languages and careful editing of the files for a better experience for those who come here to visit the blog and enjoy what it offers. It's all free. But by clicking on the download links you - and everyone who comes here to get a little bit of culture - are helping us to continue with this work.

    I thank you for your visit, your comment and I wish you and your family much peace, health and wisdom in these turbulent times. Strong hug!


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