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domingo, 4 de abril de 2021

Rust - Come with me - 1969 (Heavy Acid Psych Rock {UK/Austrália})

Rust - Come with me - 1969

Embora a banda estivesse localizada na Alemanha e seu único LP tenha sido lançado por uma gravadora alemã (Hör Zu), dois deles eram do Reino Unido e, o terceiro, da Austrália. O único LP da Rust é orientado para o rock psicodélico, mas também existem alguns elementos que podem ser considerados proto-progressivos. Um pouco de hard rock e guitarras fuzz também. Sendo assim, seria melhor classificar como heavy acid psychedelic rock. Os destaques são as faixas "Think big", "Rust", "Delusion", "Doesn't up to me", "Find a hideaway" e "Come with me".

O australiano Jonny Thomas e dois ingleses (Walt Monaghan e Brian Hillman) juntaram-se na Alemanha, tocando em bases do Exército na Renânia. O guitarrista australiano também tocou com Edgar Broughton Band, algumas vezes se autodenominou "Creepy" John Thomas e também usou o nome artístico de Johnny Driver (final dos anos 70 em Berlim). Ele foi membro compositor da banda australiana The Flies e colaborou com Dave Stewart e Annie Lennox.

Como artista solo, lançou dois LPs durante sua carreira: "Creepy John Thomas" (RCA Victor, 1969) e "Brother bat bone" (Telefunken, 1970). Em 1969 lançou o single "Ride a rainbow/Moon and eyes song" (RCA Victor). E, posteriormente teve seus trabalhos relançados nas compilações "Creepy John Thomas/Brother bat bone" (Keyhole Records, 2010) e "Trippin' like a dog and rockin' like a bitch: The complete recordings" (Grapefruit Records, 2020).

O álbum "Come with me" tem a palavra "Underground" sob o nome do grupo (Rust) na capa, na mesma fonte do título do álbum. Isso é puramente uma etiqueta de marketing e não faz parte do nome da banda e nem uma legenda, já que não é replicado em nenhum outro lugar do lançamento original, embora possa ser considerado assim, se desejado.

Walter Monaghan seguiu carreira como membro da Freedom, Mick Abraham Band, If e como membro da banda do final dos anos 1970 de Ted Nugent.


Although the band was located in Germany and their only LP was released by a German label (Hör Zu), two of them were from the United Kingdom and the third from Australia. Rust's only LP is oriented towards psychedelic rock, but there are also some elements that can be considered proto-progressive. A little bit of hard rock and fuzz guitars too. Therefore, it would be better to classify it as heavy acid psychedelic rock. The highlights are the tracks "Think big", "Rust", "Delusion", "Doesn't up to me", "Find a hideaway" and "Come with me".

Australian Jonny Thomas and two Englishmen (Walt Monaghan and Brian Hillman) joined in Germany, playing at Army bases in Rhineland. The Australian guitarist also played with Edgar Broughton Band, sometimes calling himself "Creepy" John Thomas and also using the stage name Johnny Driver (late 70s in Berlin). He was a composing member of the Australian band The Flies and collaborated with Dave Stewart and Annie Lennox.

As a solo artist, he released two LPs during his career: "Creepy John Thomas" (RCA Victor, 1969) and "Brother bat bone" (Telefunken, 1970). In 1969 he released the single "Ride a rainbow/Moon and eyes song" (RCA Victor). And, later, his works were relaunched in the compilations "Creepy John Thomas/Brother bat bone" (Keyhole Records, 2010) and "Trippin 'like a dog and rockin' like a bitch: The complete recordings" (Grapefruit Records, 2020).

The album "Come with me" has the word "Underground" under the group name (Rust) on the cover, in the same source as the album title. This is purely a marketing tag and is not part of the band's name or a caption, as it is not replicated anywhere else in the original release, although it can be considered that way, if desired.

Walter Monaghan pursued a career as a member of Freedom, Mick Abraham Band, If and as a member of the late 1970s band of Ted Nugent.

Jonny Thomas - guitarra, voz
Brian Hillmann - bateria
Walter "Walt" Monahan - baixo

01. Come with me (introduction)
02. You thought you had it made
03. Please return
04. Should I
05. Think big
06. Rust
07. Delusion
08. Doesn't add up to me
09. Find a hideaway
10. Come with me
11. The endless struggle

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Rust - Come with me - 1969

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