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segunda-feira, 23 de agosto de 2021

Family (Progressive Rock {UK})

Family (1)

Family é uma banda de rock inglesa, ativa do final de 1966 a outubro de 1973, e novamente desde 2013 para uma série de shows ao vivo. Seu estilo foi caracterizado como rock progressivo, já que seu som frequentemente explorava outros gêneros, incorporando elementos de estilos como folk, psicodelia, acid rock, jazz fusion e rock and roll. A banda alcançou reconhecimento no Reino Unido por meio de seus álbuns, turnês em clubes e shows e apresentações em festivais.

Os membros rotativos da banda ao longo de sua existência relativamente curta levou a uma diversidade de sons em seus diferentes álbuns. Family também é frequentemente vista como um ato injustamente esquecido, quando comparada com outras bandas do mesmo período e tem sido descrita como uma "banda estranha amada por um pequeno, mas raivoso, grupo de fãs".

PRIMEIROS ANOS (1966-1969)

Family foi formada no final de 1966 em Leicester, Inglaterra, a partir dos membros restantes de um grupo que era anteriormente conhecido como The Farinas, e mais tarde brevemente The Roaring Sixties, cujo som era baseado em rhythm and blues embora não gravassem com esse nome. The Farinas consistia originalmente de John "Charlie" Whitney, Tim Kirchin (nascido por volta de 1944, Birstall, Leicestershire morreu por volta de 2000), Harry Ovenall (nascido Richard Harry Ovenall, 12 de setembro de 1943, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire) e Jim King, formando-se em Leicester Art College em 1962. Ric Grech substituiu Kirchin no baixo em 1965 e Roger Chapman ingressou no ano seguinte nos vocais. O produtor musical americano Kim Fowley sugeriu que eles se autodenominassem "The Family", já que costumavam usar ternos trespassados ​​nas apresentações, dando a si próprios uma aparência de máfia, um visual que logo abandonaram em favor de um código de vestimenta mais casual.

O grupo tocava regularmente no clube de música The Marquee e em outros clubes de Londres, incluindo The 100 Club e Sybilla's em Swallow Street. Através de seu amigo, Mim Scala, eles arranjaram Jimmy Miller para produzir seu primeiro single e conheceram o empresário John Gilbert. Por causa de sua associação com Miller, Steve Winwood ajudou com a gravação. Pouco depois, Ovenall ficou desiludido com a mudança do grupo da música soul para a psicodelia e estava preocupado com a gestão. Ele posteriormente decidiu deixar a banda. O single de estréia da Family "Scene through the eye of a lens/Gypsy woman" foi lançado pela Liberty Records em outubro de 1967, mas não foi um sucesso. Neste momento, Ovenall foi substituído por Rob Townsend.

A banda assinou com a gravadora Reprise Records (a primeira banda do Reino Unido a assinar diretamente com a Reprise do Reino Unido e dos Estados Unidos) e seu álbum de estréia, "Music in a doll's house", foi gravado no início de 1968. Miller foi originalmente escalado para produzi-lo, mas ele foi amarrado com a produção do álbum "Beggar's banquet" da The Rolling Stones e ele é creditado como co-produtor em apenas duas faixas, "The breeze" e "Peace of mind". A maior parte do álbum foi produzida pelo ex-membro da Traffic, Dave Mason, e gravada no Olympic Studios de Londres com os engenheiros Eddie Kramer e George Chkiantz. Mike Batt, de 18 anos, arranjou overdubs de cordas e metais, notadamente em "The chase", "Mellowing grey" e "Old songs, new songs", mas não foi creditado. "Old songs, new songs" também incluiu um solo de sax tenor não creditado de Tubby Hayes. Mason também contribuiu com uma composição para o álbum, "Never like this", a única música gravada pela Family não escrita por um membro da banda, e o grupo também apoiou Mason em "Little woman", o lado B de seu single "Just for you". Ao lado da Pink Floyd, Soft Machine, The Move e The NiceFamily rapidamente se tornou uma das principais atrações da florescente cena "underground" psicodélica/progressiva do Reino Unido. Seu estilo de vida e façanhas durante este período forneceram um pouco da inspiração para o romance de 1969 "Groupie" de Jenny Fabian (que viveu na casa do grupo em Chelsea por algum tempo) e para Johnny Byrne. Family aparece no livro sob o pseudônimo de Relation.

"Music in a doll's house" foi lançado em julho de 1968 e alcançou o 35º lugar no Reino Unido, recebendo aclamação da crítica, graças ao forte apoio de John Peel, da BBC Radio 1. Agora amplamente reconhecido como um clássico do rock psicodélico britânico, ele exibiu muitas das características estilísticas e de produção que são arquetípicas do gênero. O som altamente original do álbum foi caracterizado pela voz de Chapman, enraizada no blues e R&B, combinada com diversos instrumentos inusitados para uma banda de rock, cortesia da presença dos multi-instrumentistas Grech e King, incluindo saxofones, violino, violoncelo e gaita.

O álbum seguinte da Family em 1969, "Family entertainment", atenuou a experimentação psicodélica de sua oferta anterior até certo ponto, alcançando o sexto lugar no UK Albums Chart, e apresentou o single "The weaver's answer", embora o grupo supostamente não tivesse controle sobre a mixagem e escolha de faixas, ou a ordem de execução das músicas.

Com o sucesso dos dois primeiros álbuns da Family no Reino Unido, a banda fez uma turnê pelos Estados Unidos em abril de 1969, mas foi assolada por problemas. No meio da turnê, Grech inesperadamente deixou a banda para se juntar ao novo supergrupo Blind Faith: por recomendação do empresário da turnê Peter Grant, Grech foi substituído por John Weider, anteriormente de Eric Burdon & The Animals. Outro contratempo ocorreu durante seu primeiro show no Fillmore East de Bill Graham, enquanto dividia a conta com Ten Years After e The Nice - durante sua apresentação no palco, Chapman perdeu o controle de seu suporte de microfone, que voou na direção de Graham, um ato que Graham considerou deliberado. Chapman fez os shows a seguir com as mãos ao lado do corpo e, no final da turnê, havia perdido a voz. A reputação da Family nos Estados Unidos nunca se recuperou e, em última análise, eles nunca alcançaram grande reconhecimento lá. Voltando ao Reino Unido, a banda se apresentou no show da The Rolling Stones no Hyde Park e no Isle of Wight Festival naquele verão. No final de 1969, Jim King foi convidado a deixar a Family devido a um "comportamento errático" e foi substituído pelo multi-instrumentista John "Poli" Palmer.


Após o lançamento de "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", de junho de 1967, John Lennon propôs a sua banda que nomeassem o próximo álbum a ser publicado com o título "A doll's house", em homenagem ao dramaturgo norueguês Henrik Ibsen. O grupo de Liverpool já havia contratado o artista escocês John Byrne para a capa, mas o lançamento do álbum da Family os forçou a mudar de planos. Foi neste ponto que Richard Hamilton sugeriu uma capa toda branca para Paul McCartney, que será adotada para o homônimo "The Beatles", mais conhecido como "The white album".


Em 1970, Family fez mais alguns shows nos Estados Unidos, aparecendo em San Francisco e Boston. No início de 1970, eles lançaram seu terceiro álbum de estúdio, "A song for me" - produzido pela banda, tornou-se o álbum de maior sucesso que a banda lançou, alcançando o 4º lugar no UK Albums Chart. O álbum em si foi uma mistura de hard rock e folk rock. A nova formação da Family tocou nos principais festivais de rock naquele verão, incluindo o Kralingen Music Festival na Holanda e o Isle of Wight Festival pelo segundo ano consecutivo. A banda apareceu no documentário "Message to love" sobre este último festival.

O álbum seguinte da Family "Anyway", lançado no final de 1970, teve sua primeira metade composta de novo material gravado ao vivo no Fairfield Hall em Croydon, Inglaterra, com a segunda metade um conjunto de novas canções gravadas em estúdio, e alcançou a posição sete na parada do Reino Unido. Em março de 1971, o álbum de compilação "Old songs, new songs", (que continha remixes e faixas raras) foi lançado, mas em junho Weider deixou a Family para se juntar à Stud. Ele foi substituído pelo ex-baixista da Mogul Thrash John Wetton, que havia acabado de recusar um convite de Robert Fripp para se juntar à King Crimson. A banda se apresentou no Glastonbury Free Festival 1971, filmado por Nicolas Roeg para o documentário de 1972 "Glastonbury Fayre".

Tal como aconteceu com a formação original de Grech na Family, Wetton também dividiu as funções vocais com Chapman, e esta formação logo lançou o single de maior sucesso da Family "In my own time/Seasons", que alcançou a quarta posição, e o álbum "Fearless" em outubro de 1971, que foi lançado no Reino Unido e nos Estados Unidos. Em 1972, foi lançado outro álbum, "Bandstand", que se inclinou mais para o hard rock do que para o art rock, apresentando os singles "Burlesque" no final de 1972 e "My friend the sun", lançado no início de 1973.

Em meados de 1972, John Wetton deixou a Family para ingressar em uma nova formação da King Crimson e foi substituído pelo baixista Jim Cregan, e no final daquele ano, John "Poli" Palmer também deixou a banda e foi substituído pelo tecladista Tony Ashton, anteriormente de Ashton, Gardner and Dyke. Após a saída de Wetton (mas antes da saída de Palmer), Family fez uma turnê pelos Estados Unidos e Canadá como banda de apoio para Elton John, mas suas apresentações foram frequentemente saudadas com silêncio e Poli Palmer mais tarde lembrou que "os únicos aplausos neste enorme estádio seriam dos caras fazendo o PA".

Em 1973, a Family lançou o amplamente ignorado "It's only a movie" (e em seu próprio selo, Raft, distribuído pela Warner/Reprise), que seria seu último álbum de estúdio, seguido por outra turnê.

Family deu seu último show no Hawthorn Building da Leicester Polytechnic em 13 de outubro de 1973. Muitos de seus membros seguiram para diferentes projetos musicais - Roger Chapman e John "Charlie" Whitney formaram a banda Streetwalkers, e John Wetton tocou com King Crimson e eventualmente tornou-se o vocalista da banda Asia. Rob Townsend foi membro da Medicine Head entre 1973 e 1975. É membro da The Blues Band desde 1979 e da The Manfreds desde 1991. Ric Grech morreu de insuficiência renal e hepática em 1990 aos 43 anos de idade. do alcoolismo. Tony Ashton morreu em 2001 com 55 anos de câncer. Jim King morreu em 6 de fevereiro de 2012 em Middlewich, Cheshire, aos 69 anos. Wetton morreu em 31 de janeiro de 2017, aos 67 anos.


Em setembro de 2012, a banda anunciou um show de reunião único em 2 de fevereiro de 2013 no O2 Shepherds Bush Empire, Londres, apresentando Roger Chapman, Poli Palmer, Rob Townsend e Jim Cregan. A demanda por ingressos foi tão grande que um show extra também foi agendado para a noite anterior e uma formação expandida da banda (também com os músicos de apoio regulares de Chapman, Paul Hirsh, John Lingwood, Nick Payn, Gary Twigg e Geoff Whitehorn, nomeado como The in Laws) tocou para um público esgotado. O setlist em ambas as noites incluía: "Top of the hill", "Drowned in wine", "Holding the compass", "Part of the load", "Ready to go", "Crinkly grin", "Burning bridges", "No mule's fool", "Sat'dy barfly", "Between blue and me", "Hung up down", "Burlesque" e "In my own time". Durante essas apresentações, Chapman prestou calorosas homenagens aos membros ausentes da banda Rick Grech, Tony Ashton, Jim King, John Weider, John Wetton e Charlie Whitney durante a apresentação. A banda passou a se apresentar no Rockin' the Park Festival, no Clumber Park em Notts em 16 de agosto de 2013.

A edição limitada do box da Family "Once upon a time", ganhou o prêmio Storm Thorgerson Grand Design no 2013 Progressive Music Awards.

Family voltou a fazer shows no Reino Unido em 2014 e 2015. Em 2016 eles se apresentaram em festivais na Inglaterra e Itália, bem como dois shows em Londres em 17 e 18 de dezembro, e um em Leicester em 22 de dezembro, que foram faturados como os últimos shows da banda. Para esses shows, Chapman, Palmer e Cregan foram acompanhados por cinco outros músicos.


O som da Family foi diferenciado por vários fatores. Os vocais de Roger Chapman, descritos como um "vibrato balindo" e uma "cabra elétrica", foram considerados únicos, embora Chapman estivesse tentando emular as vozes de R&B e cantores de soul Little Richard e Ray Charles, com alguns críticos notando, entretanto, que a voz de Chapman pode ser áspera e irritante ocasionalmente. John "Charlie" Whitney era um guitarrista talentoso e inovador, e os arranjos musicais frequentemente complexos da Family tornaram-se possíveis por ter multi-instrumentistas como Ric Grech, Jim King e Poli Palmer na banda e acesso a teclados como o órgão Hammond, o Mellotron, violino, flauta e vibrafone. O som da banda tem sido descrito de várias maneiras como rock progressivo, rock psicodélico, acid rock, folk rock, jazz fusion, sem falar no "art rock britânico" e no hard rock.

Family era particularmente conhecida por suas performances ao vivo: um crítico descreveu a banda como "um dos grupos mais selvagens e inovadores da cena do rock underground", observando que eles produziram "algumas das performances mais intensas e cruas no palco da história do rock" e "que a The Jimi Hendrix Experience tinha medo de segui-los nos festivais".

Family foi uma influência para Jethro Tull, com Ian Anderson notando que a banda era particularmente subestimada. Tanto em seu som e estilo vocal quanto em sua apresentação dramática no palco, Chapman também foi uma forte influência inicial em Peter Gabriel.


Family are an English rock band, active from late 1966 to October 1973, and again since 2013 for a series of live shows. Their style has been characterised as progressive rock, as their sound often explored other genres, incorporating elements of styles such as folk, psychedelia, acid rock, jazz fusion, and rock and roll. The band achieved recognition in the United Kingdom through their albums, club and concert tours, and appearances at festivals.

The band's rotating membership throughout its relatively short existence led to a diversity in sound throughout their different albums. Family are also often seen as an unjustly forgotten act, when compared with other bands from the same period and have been described as an "odd band loved by a small but rabid group of fans".

EARLY YEARS(1966-1969)

Family was formed in late 1966 in Leicester, England, from the remaining members of a group that was previously known as The Farinas, and later briefly The Roaring Sixties, whose sound was grounded in rhythm and blues though they did not record under that name. The Farinas originally consisted of John "Charlie" Whitney, Tim Kirchin (born around 1944, Birstall, Leicestershire died circa 2000), Harry Ovenall (born Richard Harry Ovenall, 12 September 1943, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire), and Jim King, forming at Leicester Art College in 1962. Ric Grech replaced Kirchin on bass in 1965 and Roger Chapman joined the following year on vocals. The American record producer Kim Fowley suggested they call themselves "The Family" as they regularly wore double-breasted suits in performances, giving themselves a mafia appearance, a look they soon abandoned in favour of a more casual dress code.

The group played the music club The Marquee regularly and other London clubs including The 100 Club and Sybilla's in Swallow Street. Through their friend, Mim Scala, they arranged Jimmy Miller to produce their first single, and met manager John Gilbert. Because of their association with Miller, Steve Winwood helped with the recording. Shortly afterwards, Ovenall became disillusioned with the group's move away from soul music towards psychedelia and was concerned about the management. He subsequently decided to leave the band. Family's debut single "Scene through the eye of a lens/Gypsy woman" was released by Liberty Records in October 1967, but was not a success. At this time, Ovenall was replaced by Rob Townsend.

The band signed with the Reprise Records label (the first UK band signed directly to UK and US Reprise) and their debut album "Music in a doll's house", was recorded during early 1968. Miller was originally slated to produce it, but he was tied up with production of The Rolling Stones' album "Beggar's banquet" and he is credited as co-producer on only two tracks, "The breeze" and "Peace of mind". The bulk of the album was produced by former Traffic member Dave Mason, and recorded at London's Olympic Studios with engineers Eddie Kramer and George Chkiantz. 18 year old Mike Batt arranged string and brass overdubs, notably on "The chase", "Mellowing grey" and "Old songs, new songs" but was uncredited. "Old songs, new songs" also included an uncredited tenor sax solo from Tubby Hayes. Mason also contributed one composition to the album, "Never like this", the only song recorded by Family not written by a band member, and the group also backed Mason on "Little woman", the B side of his February 1968 single "Just for you". Alongside Pink Floyd, Soft Machine, The Move, and The NiceFamily quickly became one of the premier attractions on the burgeoning UK psychedelic/progressive "underground" scene. Their lifestyle and exploits during this period provided some of the inspiration for the 1969 novel "Groupie" by Jenny Fabian (who lived in the group's Chelsea house for some time) and to Johnny Byrne. Family featured in the book under the pseudonym, Relation.

"Music in a doll's house" was released in July 1968 and charted at number 35 in the UK to critical acclaim, thanks to strong support from BBC Radio 1's John Peel. Now widely acknowledged as a classic of British psychedelic rock, it showcased many of the stylistic and production features that are archetypal of the genre. The album's highly original sound was characterised by Chapman's vocals, rooted in the blues and R&B, combined with several unusual instruments for a rock band, courtesy of the presence of multi-instrumentalists Grech and King, including saxophones, violin, cello, and harmonica.

Family's 1969 follow-up, "Family entertainment", toned down the psychedelic experimentation of their previous offering to some extent, reaching number six in the UK Albums Chart, and featured the single "The weaver's answer", although the group reportedly had no control over the mixing and choice of tracks, or the running order of the songs.

With the UK success of Family's first two albums, the band undertook a tour of the United States in April 1969, but it was beset by problems. Halfway through the tour, Grech unexpectedly left the band to join the new supergroup Blind Faith: on the recommendation of tour manager Peter Grant, Grech was replaced by John Weider, previously of Eric Burdon and The Animals. A further setback occurred during their first concert at Bill Graham's Fillmore East, whilst sharing the bill with Ten Years After and The Nice - during his stage routine, Chapman lost control of his microphone stand, which flew in Graham's direction, an act Graham took to be deliberate. Chapman performed the following shows with his hands by his sides, and by the end of the tour, he had lost his voice. Family 's reputation in the US never recovered and they ultimately never achieved great recognition there. Returning to the UK, the band performed at The Rolling Stones' Hyde Park gig and the Isle of Wight Festival that summer. In late 1969, Jim King was asked to leave Family due to "erratic behaviour" and was replaced by multi-instrumentalist John "Poli" Palmer.


After the release of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" in June 1967, John Lennon proposed that his band name the upcoming album "A doll's house" in honor of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. The Liverpool group had already hired Scottish artist John Byrne for the cover, but the Family album release forced them to change their plans. It was at this point that Richard Hamilton suggested an all-white cover for Paul McCartney, which will be adopted for the eponymous "The Beatles", better known as "The white album".

LATER YEARS (1970–1973)

In 1970, Family played a few more gigs in the United States, appearing in San Francisco and Boston. In early 1970, they released their third studio album, "A song for me" - produced by the band, it became the highest-charting album the band had released, reaching nº 4 on the UK Albums Chart. The album itself was a blend of hard rock and folk rock. Family's new line-up played at major rock festivals that summer, including the Kralingen Music Festival in the Netherlands and the Isle of Wight Festival for the second year in a row. The band appeared in the documentary film "Message to love" about the latter festival.

Family's follow-up album "Anyway", released in late 1970, had its first half consist of new material recorded live at Fairfield Hall in Croydon, England, with the second half a set of new songs recorded in the studio, and reached number seven on the UK chart. In March 1971 the compilation album, "Old songs new songs", (which contained remixes and rare tracks) was released, but in June Weider left Family to join Stud. He was replaced by former Mogul Thrash bassist John Wetton, who had just declined an invitation from Robert Fripp to join King Crimson. The band performed at the Glastonbury Free Festival 1971, filmed by Nicolas Roeg for the 1972 documentary "Glastonbury Fayre".

As with Grech in Family's original line-up, Wetton also shared vocal duties with Chapman, and this line-up soon released Family's highest-charting single "In my own time/Seasons" which reached number four, and the album "Fearless" in October 1971, which charted in both the UK and the US. In 1972, another album, "Bandstand" was released, which leaned more towards hard rock than art rock, featuring the singles "Burlesque" in late 1972, and "My friend the sun", which was released in early 1973.

In mid-1972, John Wetton left Family to join a new line-up of King Crimson and was replaced by bassist Jim Cregan, and at the end of that year, John "Poli" Palmer also left the band and was replaced by keyboardist Tony Ashton, previously of Ashton, Gardner and Dyke. After Wetton's departure (but before Palmer's exit), Family toured the United States and Canada as the support act for Elton John, but their performances were often greeted with silence and Poli Palmer later recalled that "the only clapping in this huge stadium would be the guys doing the PA".

In 1973, Family released the largely ignored "It's only a movie" (and on their own label, Raft, distributed by Warner/Reprise), which would be their last studio album, followed by another tour.

Family gave their final concert at the Hawthorn Building of Leicester Polytechnic on 13 October 1973. Many of its members went on to different musical projects - Roger Chapman and John "Charlie" Whitney formed the band Streetwalkers, and John Wetton played with King Crimson and eventually became the lead singer of the band Asia. Rob Townsend was a member of Medicine Head between 1973 and 1975. He has been a member of The Blues Band since 1979 and of The Manfreds since 1991. Ric Grech died of kidney and liver failure in 1990 at the age of 43, as a result of alcoholism. Tony Ashton died in 2001 at the age of 55 of cancer. Jim King died on 6 February 2012 in Middlewich, Cheshire, at the age of 69. Wetton died on 31 January 2017, at the age of 67.


In September 2012 the band announced a one-off reunion gig on 2 February 2013 at the O2 Shepherds Bush Empire, London featuring Roger Chapman, Poli Palmer, Rob Townsend and Jim Cregan. Demand for tickets was so great that an extra show was scheduled for the previous night as well and an expanded line-up of the band (also featuring Chapman's regular backup musicians Paul Hirsh, John Lingwood, Nick Payn, Gary Twigg and Geoff Whitehorn, named as The in Laws) played to sell-out audiences. The setlist on both nights included: "Top of the hill", "Drowned in wine", "Holding the compass", "Part of the load", "Ready to go", "Crinkly grin", "Burning bridges", "No mule's fool", "Sat'dy barfly", "Between blue and me", "Hung up down", "Burlesque", "In my own time". During these performances Chapman paid warm tributes to absent band members Rick Grech, Tony Ashton, Jim King, John Weider, John Wetton and Charlie Whitney during the band's performance. The band went on to appear at the Rockin' the Park Festival at Clumber Park in Notts on 16 August 2013.

The limited edition Family's box set "Once upon a time", won the Storm Thorgerson Grand Design award at the 2013 Progressive Music Awards.

Family again played gigs in the UK in 2014 and 2015. In 2016 they appeared at festivals in England and Italy, as well as two gigs in London on 17 and 18 December, and one in Leicester on 22 December, which were billed as the band's last shows. For these gigs, Chapman, Palmer and Cregan were joined by five other musicians.


Family's sound was distinguished by several factors. The vocals of Roger Chapman, described as a "bleating vibrato" and an "electric goat", were considered unique, although Chapman was trying to emulate the voices of R&B and soul singers Little Richard and Ray Charles, with some reviewers noting however that Chapman's voice could be grating and irritating occasionally. John "Charlie" Whitney was an accomplished and innovative guitarist, and Family's often complex song arrangements were made possible through having multi-instrumentalists like Ric Grech, Jim King and Poli Palmer in the band and access to keyboards such as the Hammond organ, the new Mellotron, violin, flute and vibraphone. The band's sound has been variously described as progressive rock, psychedelic rock, acid rock, folk rock, jazz fusion, not to mention "British art rock," and hard rock.

Family was particularly known for their live performances: one reviewer describing the band as "one of the wildest, most innovative groups of the underground rock scene", noting that they produced "some of the rawest, most intense performances on stage in rock history" and "that The Jimi Hendrix Experience were afraid to follow them at festivals".

Family was an influence on Jethro Tull, with Ian Anderson noting that the band were particularly under-rated. Both in his vocal sound and style and his dramatic stage presentation, Chapman was also a strong early influence on Peter Gabriel.

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Membros atuais
Roger Chapman - voz, gaita,
saxofone tenor, percussão
(1966–1973, 2013 - presente)
Rob Townsend - bateria, percussão
(1967–1973, 2013 - presente)
John "Poli" Palmer - teclados, flauta,
vibrafone, sintetizadores
(1969–1972, 2013 - presente)
Jim Cregan - baixo, guitarras
(1972–1973, 2013 - presente)
Membros antigos
John "Charlie" Whitney - guitarras,
cítara, teclados (1966-1973)
Jim King - saxofones, gaita,
apito, piano, voz (1966-1969)
Ric Grech - baixo, violino,
violoncelo, voz (1966-1969)
Harry Ovenall - bateria,
percussão (1966-1967)
John Weider - baixo,
guitarra, violino (1969-1971)
John Wetton - baixo,
guitarra, voz (1971-1972)
Tony Ashton - teclados,
acordeão, melotron,
voz (1972-1973)
Músicos convidados
Dave Mason - mellotron
(em "Music in a doll's house")
Nicky Hopkins - piano
(em "Family entertainment")
George Bruno - órgão
(em "A song for me")
Linda Lewis - vocais de apoio
(em "Bandstand")
Peter Hope-Evans - gaita
(em "It's only a movie")
Geoff Whitehorn - guitarra (2013)
John Lingwood - bateria,
percussão (2013)
Gary Twigg - baixo (2013)
Paul Hirsh - teclados (2013)
Nick Payn - sax, gaita (2013)
John Gilbert - "Music in a doll's house" e
"Family entertainment" (produtor executivo)
Dave Mason - "Music in a doll's house"
Jimmy Miller - "Music in a doll's house
Glyn Johns - "Family entertainment"
George Chkiantz - "A song for me",
"Anyway", "Fearless", "Bandstand",
"It's only a movie"

Family (2)
Family (3)


Once upon a time
[14 CD box set] (2013)
[2013, Snapper Music]
 Family box set 'Once upon a time'

Music in a
doll's house (1968)
Music in a doll's house (1968)
01. The chase
02. Mellowing grey
03. Never like this
04. Me my friend
05. Variation
on theme
of "Hey Mr.
06. Winter
07. Old songs
for new songs
08. Variation on a
theme of "The breeze"
09. Hey Mr. Policeman
10. See through windows
11. Variation on a
theme of "Me
my friend"
12. Peace
of mind
13. Voyage
14. The breeze
15. 3 x time
16. Scene through
the eye of a
lens (bonus)
17. Gypsy woman

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

entertainment (1969)
Family entertainment (1969)
01. The weaver's answer
02. Observations
from a hill
03. Hung up down
04. Summer '67
05. How-hi-the-li
06. Second
generation woman
07. From past
08. Dim
09. Processions
10. Face in the cloud
11. Emotions

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

A song
for me (1970)
A song for me (1970)
01. Drowned in wine
02. Some poor soul
03. Love is a sleeper
04. Stop for
the traffic/
Through the
heart of me
05. Wheels
06. Song for
sinking lovers
07. Hey/Let it rock
08. The cat
and the rat
09. 93's OK J
10. A song for me
11. A song for lots

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Anyway (1970)
Anyway (1970)
01. Good
news, bad news
02. Willow tree
03. Holding
the compass
04. Strange band
05. Part of
the load
07. Normans
08. Lives and ladies
09. Strange band
(studio version,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Old songs,
new songs (1971)
Old songs, new songs (1971)
01. Hung
up down
02. Today
03. Observations from a hill
04. Good friend of mine
05. Drowned in wine
06. Peace of mind
07. Hometown
08. The cat
and the rat
09. No mule's fool
10. See through
11. The weaver's

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Fearless (1971)
Fearless (1971)
01. Between
blue and me
02. Sat'd'y Barfly
03. Larf and sing
04. Spanish tide
05. Save some for thee
06. Take your partners
07. Children
08. Crinkly grin
09. Blind
10. Burning

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Bandstand (1972)
Bandstand (1972)
01. Burlesque
02. Bolero babe
03. Coronation
04. Dark eyes
05. Broken nose
06. My friend
the sun
07. Glove
08. Ready to go
09. Top of the hill
10. The rocking r's

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

It's only a
movie (1973)
It's only a movie (1973)
01. It's only
a movie
02. Leroy
03. Buffet
tea for two
04. Boom bang
05. Boots 'n' roots
06. Banger
07. Sweet desiree
08. Suspicion
09. Check out

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Family live
[recorded 1971] (2003)
Family live [recorded 1971] (2003)
01. Good news,
bad news
02. Spanish tide
03. Part of the load
04. Drowned in wine
05. Holding the compass
06. Between blue
and me
07. Children
08. In my own time
09. Take your partners
10. Weaver's answer

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Once upon a
time & more (2013)
Once upon a time & more (2013)
CD 01
01. Part of the load (backing track)
02. Lives and ladies (instrumental)
03. Sat'd'y Barfly (instrumental, no horn)
04. Sat'd'y Barfly (instrumental #1,
guide track, no horn studio chatter)
05. Sat'd'y Barfly (instrumental #2,
guide track, more studio chatter)
06. Studio chat #1
07. Studio chat #2
08. Spanish tide (instrumental #1)
09. Spanish tide (instrumental #2)
10. Spanish tide (instrumental #3)
11. Spanish tide (with spoken intro)
12. Spanish tide (instrumental #4)

CD 02
01. Burlesque (instrumental)
02. Bolero babe (rough mix)
03. My friend the sun
(instrumental, part vocal)
04. My friend the sun
(guide track #1, part vocal)
05. My friend the sun
(guide track #2, part vocal)
06. Ready to go (alternate take #1)
07. Ready to go (alternate take #2)
08. Ready to go (alternate take #3)
09. Top of the hill (alternate take)
10. Boom bang (ins-
trumental, part vocal)
11. Suspicion (no brass)
12. Check out
13. Stop this car
(alternate version
of B-side to
'Boom bang')

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


In my own
time (1971)
In my own time (1971)
01. In my own time
02. Seasons

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Boom bang (1973)
Boom bang (1973)
01. Boom bang
02. Stop this car

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Sweet desiree (1973)
Sweet desiree (1973)
01. Sweet desiree
02. Drink to you

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta
Artworks: enjoy!


Music in the
doll's house (1968)
[2010Keyhole Records]
Music in the doll's house (1968) [Keyhole Records, 2010]
01. The chase
02. Mellowing grey
03. Never like this
04. Me my friend
05. Variation
on theme
of "Hey Mr.
06. Winter
07. Old songs
for new songs
08. Variation on a
theme of "The breeze"
09. Hey Mr. Policeman
10. See through windows
11. Variation on a
theme of "Me
my friend"
12. Peace
of mind
13. Voyage
14. The breeze
15. 3 x time
16. Gypsy woman

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Family live
(recorded 1971) (2003)
[2003Mystic Records]
Family live (recorded 1971) [Mystic Records, 2003]
01. Good
news, bad news
02. Spanish tide
03. Part of the load
04. Drowned in wine
05. Holding
the compass
06. Between
blue and me
07. Children
08. In my own time
09. Take your partners
10. Weaver's answer

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

BBC Radio volume 1
[1968-69] (2004)
BBC Radio volume 1 [1968-69] (2004)
01. See through windows
02. The weaver's answer
03. The breeze
04. Second
generation woman
05. Observations
from a hill
06. Dim
07. Holding
the compass
08. Procession
09. How-hi-the-li
10. Love is a sleeper
11. I sing 'um the way I feel
12. A song for me
13. Drowned in wine
14. Wheels
15. No mule's fool
16. The cat and
the rat

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!

BBC Radio volume 2
[1971-73] (2004)
BBC Radio volume 2 [1971-73] (2004)
01. Strange band
02. Home town
03. The procession/
No mule's fool
04. Part of the load
05. Lives and ladies
06. Burning bridges
07. Save some for thee
08. In my own time
09. Seasons
10. Children
11. Between
blue & me
12. Boom bang
13. Buffet tea for two
14. Check out

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!

BBC Radio volume 3
[1970] (2009)
BBC Radio volume 3 [1970] (2009)
01. 93's OK J
02. Here comes the grin
03. Holding the compass
04. Lives and ladies
05. Good news, bad news
06. Drowned in wine
07. Wheels
08. Procession &
No mule's fool
09. Holding
the compass
10. Lives and ladies
11. Strange band
12. The weaver's answer
13. Blow by blow

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Family [MP3]: enjoy!
Family [FLAC 01]: enjoy!
Family [FLAC 02]: enjoy!

Family - Mellowing grey - 1968
Family - Drowned in wine - 1970
Family - The weaver's answers - 1970
[live at Beatclub]

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