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quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2022

Chicken Shack & Stan Webb's Chicken Shack (Blues Rock {UK})

Chicken Shack (01)
Chicken Shack é uma banda
britânica de blues, fundada em
meados da década de 1960 por
Stan Webb (guitarra, vocal), Andy
Silvester (baixo) e Alan Morley (bateria),
que mais tarde se juntaram a Christine
Perfect (mais tarde McVie - vocal,
teclados) em 1967. Chicken Shack
se apresentou com várias for-
mações, sendo Stan Webb o
único membro constante.


David "Rowdy" Yeats e Andy Silvester formaram a Sounds of Blue em 1964 como uma banda de rhythm and blues baseada em Stourbridge. Eles convidaram Stan Webb, que estava deixando a banda local The Shades 5, para se juntar a eles. A banda também incluiu Christine Perfect e Chris Wood (que mais tarde se juntou a Traffic) entre outros em sua formação. Com uma nova formação, a Chicken Shack foi formada como um trio em 1965, nomeando-se inspirados no álbum "Back at the chicken shack" de Jimmy Smith. "Chicken shacks" (bancos de frango à beira da estrada ao ar livre) também foram frequentemente mencionados em músicas de blues e R&B, como no hit de Amos Milburn, "Chicken shack boogie". Ao longo dos próximos anos a banda teve uma residência no Star-Club, Hamburgo com Morley, depois Al Sykes, Hughie Flint (que era o baterista de John Mayall quando Eric Clapton estava na banda) e mais tarde Dave Bidwell na bateria.

A banda fez sua primeira aparição no Reino Unido no Festival Nacional de Jazz e Blues de 1967 em Windsor, e assinou contrato com a gravadora Blue Horizon de Mike Vernon no mesmo ano, lançando "40 blue fingers, freshly packed and ready to serve" no início de 1968. Um dos pilares do boom do blues britânico e regular nos festivais do Reino Unido: Stan Webb perambulando pela multidão com uma extensão de 200 pés em sua guitarra durante o set da banda era uma ocorrência regular, Chicken Shack teve algum sucesso comercial, com Christine Perfect votada "Melhor Vocalista Feminina" nas pesquisas da Melody Maker dois anos consecutivos. Eles tiveram dois sucessos menores com "I'd rather go blind" e "Tears in the wind", após o qual Perfect deixou a banda em 1969 quando se casou com John McVie da Fleetwood Mac. Ela foi substituída por Paul Raymond da Plastic Penny.

Depois de ser dispensado pela Blue Horizon, o pianista Paul Raymond, o baixista Andy Silvester e o baterista Dave Bidwell saíram em 1971 para se juntar a Savoy Brown. Neste ponto Webb reformou a banda como um trio com John Glascock no baixo e Paul Hancox na bateria, e eles gravaram "Imagination lady". A formação não durou: Glascock saiu para se juntar a Carmen, enquanto Webb foi recrutado para Savoy Brown em 1974 e gravou o álbum "Boogie brothers" com eles.

Desde 1977, Webb reviveu o nome Chicken Shack em várias ocasiões, com uma associação rotativa de músicos de blues britânicos, incluindo, em vários momentos, Paul Butler (guitarra - ex-Jellybread, Keef Hartley Band), Keef Hartley, Ric Lee (bateria, ex-Ten Years After) e Miller Anderson, alguns dos quais vieram e foram várias vezes. A banda permaneceu popular como uma atração ao vivo na Europa por toda parte. Stan Webb permanece como único membro constante da banda.


Chicken Shack are a British
blues band, founded in the mid-
1960s by Stan Webb (guitar and
vocals), Andy Silvester (bass guitar),
and Alan Morley (drums), who were
later joined by Christine Perfect
(later McVie - vocals, keyboards)
in 1967. Chicken Shack has per-
formed with various line-ups,
Stan Webb being the only
constant member.


David "Rowdy" Yeats and Andy Silvester had formed Sounds of Blue in 1964 as a Stourbridge-based rhythm and blues band. They invited Stan Webb, who was leaving local band The Shades 5, to join them. The band also included Christine Perfect and Chris Wood (later to join Traffic) amongst others in their line up. With a new line-up Chicken Shack was formed as a trio in 1965, naming themselves inspired by Jimmy Smith's "Back at the chicken shack" album. "Chicken shacks" (open-air roadside chicken stands) had also been frequently mentioned in blues and R&B songs, as in Amos Milburn's hit, "Chicken shack boogie". Over the next few years the band had a residency at the Star-Club, Hamburg with Morley, then Al Sykes, Hughie Flint (who was John Mayall's drummer when Eric Clapton was in the band) and later Dave Bidwell on drums.

The band made its first UK appearance at the 1967 National Jazz and Blues Festival in Windsor, and signed to Mike Vernon's Blue Horizon record label in the same year, releasing "40 blue fingers, freshly packed and ready to serve" in early 1968. A mainstay of the British blues boom, and a regular at UK festivals: Stan Webb's wandering through the crowd with a 200 foot extension to his guitar lead during the band's set was a regular occurrence, Chicken Shack enjoyed some commercial success, with Christine Perfect voted "Best Female Vocalist" in the Melody Maker polls two years running. They had two minor hits with "I'd rather go blind", and "Tears in the wind", after which Perfect left the band in 1969 when she married John McVie of Fleetwood Mac. She was replaced by Paul Raymond from Plastic Penny.

After being dropped by Blue Horizon, pianist Paul Raymond, bassist Andy Silvester, and drummer Dave Bidwell all left in 1971 to join Savoy Brown. At this point Webb reformed the band as a trio with John Glascock on bass and Paul Hancox on drums, and they recorded "Imagination lady". The line-up did not last: Glascock left to join Carmen, while Webb was recruited for Savoy Brown in 1974 and recorded the album "Boogie brothers" with them.

Since 1977 Webb has revived the Chicken Shack name on a number of occasions, with a rotating membership of British blues musicians including, at various times, Paul Butler (guitar - ex-Jellybread, Keef Hartley Band), Keef Hartley, Ric Lee (drums, ex-Ten Years After) and Miller Anderson, some of whom came and went several times. The band has remained popular as a live attraction in Europe throughout. Stan Webb remains as only constant band member.

Stan Webb - guitarra, vocais
(1965-1974, 1976-presente)
Gary Davies - guitarra (1988-presente)
Jim Rudge - baixo (1998-presente)
Membros antigos
Andy Silvester - baixo (1965-1971)
Alan Morley - bateria (1965-1968)
Christine Perfect - tecla-
dos, vocais (1968-1969)
Al Sykes - bateria (1968)
Hughie Flint - bateria (1968)
Dave Bidwell - bateria (1968-1971, falecido em 1977)
Paul Raymond - teclados (1969-1971) (falecido em 2019)
John Glascock - baixo (1971-1972, falecido em 1979)
Pip Pyle - bateria (1971, morreu em 2006)
Paul Hancox - bateria (1971-1972)
Bob Daisley - baixo (1972, 1979-1980)
David Wilkinson - teclados
(1972-1974, 1986-1993)
Rob Hull - baixo (1972-1974)
Alan Powell - bateria (1972-1974)
Dave Winthrop - saxofone (1976-
1979, 1986-1987, 2008-2012)
Robbie Blunt - guitarra (1976-1979)
Ed Spivock - bateria (1976-1979)
Paul Martinez - baixo (1976-1978)
Steve York - baixo (1978-1979)
Paul Butler - guitarra (1979-1981)
Keef Hartley - bateria (1979-
1980, falecido em 2011)
Ric Lee - bateria (1980-1981)
Alan Scott - baixo (1980)
Andy Pyle - baixo (1980-1986)
Tony Ashton - teclados
(1981, falecido em 2001)
Miller Anderson - guitarra (1981-1986)
Russ Alder - bateria (1981-1983)
John Gunsell - bateria (1983-1987)
Roger Saunders - guitarra (1983-1986)
Andy Scott - baixo (1983-1986)
Jan Connolly - baixo (1986-1987)
Bev Smith - bateria (1987-
2002, morreu em 2007)
Wayne Terry - baixo (1987)
David Wintour - baixo (1987-
1991, falecido em 2022)
James Morgan - baixo (1991-1998)
Mick Jones - bateria (2002-2010)
Chris Williams - bateria (2010-2012)
Romek Parol - bateria

Chicken Shack (02)
Chicken Shack (03)
Chicken Shack (04)
Stan Webb and Kim Simmonds


40 blue fingers, freshly
packed and ready to serve (1968)
[Blue Horizon, 1993]
40 blue fingers, freshly packed and ready to serve (1968) [Blue Horizon, 1993]
01. The letter
02. Lonesome
whistle blues
03. When the
train comes back
04. San-ho-zay
05. King of the world
06. See see baby
07. First time
I met the blues
08. Webbed feet
09. You ain't no good
10. What you did
last night

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40 blue fingers, freshly
packed and ready to serve (1968)
40 blue fingers, freshly packed and ready to serve (1968) [Epic, 1994]
01. The letter
02. Lonesome whistle blues
03. When the train comes back
04. San-ho-zay
05. King of the world
06. See see baby
07. First time
I met the blues
08. Webbed feet
09. You ain't no good
10. What you did
last night

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O.K. Ken? (1969)
[BGO Records, 1993]
O.K. Ken? (1969) [BGO Records, 1993]
01. Baby's got me crying
02. The right way is my way
03. Get like you used to be
04. Pony and trap
05. Tell me
06. A woman is the blues
07. I wanna see my baby
08. Remington ride
09. Fishing in your river
10. Mean old world
11. Sweet sixteen

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O.K. Ken? (1969)
[Epic, 1994]
O.K. Ken? (1969) [Epic, 1994]
01. Baby's got me crying
02. The right way is my way
03. Get like you used to be
04. Pony and trap
05. Tell me
06. A woman is the blues
07. I wanna see my baby
08. Remington ride
09. Fishing in your river
10. Mean old world
11. Sweet sixteen

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100 ton chicken (1969)
[Blue Horizon1994]
100 ton chicken (1969) [Blue Horizon, 1994]
01. The road of love
02. Look ma, I'm cryin'
03. Evelyn
04. Reconsider baby
05. Weekend love
06. Midnight hour
07. Tears in the wind
08. Horse and cart
09. The way it is
10. Still worried
about my woman
11. Anji
12. The things you
put me through (bonus)
13. Night life

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100 ton chicken (1969)
[Epic, 1994]
100 ton chicken (1969) [Epic, 1994]
01. The road of love
02. Look ma, I'm cryin'
03. Evelyn
04. Reconsider baby
05. Weekend love
06. Midnight hour
07. Tears in the wind
08. Horse and cart
09. The way it is
10. Still worried
about my woman
11. Anji

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Accept (1970)
Accept (1970)
01. Day of your life
02. Pocket
03. Never ever
04. Sad clown
05. Maudie
06. Telling
your fortune
07. Tired eyes
08.Some other time
09. Going round
10. Andalucian blues
11. You knew you did you did
12. She didn't use her loaf
13. Smartest girl
in town (bonus)
14. Hideaway

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Imagination lady (1972)
Imagination lady (1972)
01. Crying won't help you now
02. Daugther of the hillside
03. If I were a carpenter
04. Going down
05. Poor boy
06. Telling
your fortune
07. The

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Unlucky boy (1973)
Unlucky boy (1973)
01. You know
could be right
02. Revelation
03. Prudence's party
04. Too late to cry
05. Stan the man
06. Unlucky boy
07. As time
goes passing by
08. Jammin' with the ash
09. He knows the rules
10. As time
goes passing by
(single version,

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Goodbye Chicken Shack (1974)
Goodbye Chicken Shack (1974)
01. Everyday I
have the blues
02. Thrill is gone
03. Going down
04. You take me down
05. Webb's boogie
06. You're mean
07. Poor boy
08. Webb's
guitar shuffle
09. Tutti

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!


That's the way we are (1978)
That's the way we are (1978)
01. The end
02. High cost of love
03. Doesn't matter
about your size
04. It wasn't me
05. You'll be mine
06. Sillyness
07. Little bird
08. Rich man's blues
09. Emily
10. Let me love
11. Shake your
money maker

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The creeper (1978)
The creeper (1977)
01. The creeper
02. Delilah
03. Riding
with the devil
04. Think
05. Stop knocking
my door
06. Blue vein
07. It's easy
if you're lonely
08. The guitar
playing derelict
09. Dr. Brown
10. Red haired

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39 bars (1986)
39 bars (1986)
01. Runnin' and hidin'
02. I'd rather go blind
03. Who cares
04. Ev'ry little
bit of my heart
05. Hold on
06. A blues song
07. Tore down
08. Every day
I have the blues
09. Five long

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Simple live (1989)
Simple live (1989)
01. Everyday
02. The thrill has gone
03. Broken hearted melody
04. Running and hiding
05. Nightlife
06. Sweetest little thing
07. C.S. opera
08. Poor boy

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Changes (1991)
Changes (1991)
01. Foolish things
02. Were you
pushed or did you fall
03. Sweetest little thing
04. Will you dance with me
05. Don't you worry
about a thing
06. I'd rather go blind
07. Have you
seen my heart
08. Burning love
09. Poor boy

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Plucking good (1993)
Plucking good (1993)
01. Reflections
02. Broken
hearted melody
03. Look out
04. Talk about love
05. I'm not sorry
06. Crying again
07. For all
your love
08. If only
09. Nothing
I can do
10. Dr. Brown
11. Let me
love you babe
12. The thrill
has gone

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Stan 'the man' live (1995)
Stan 'the man' live (1995)
01. Going up,
going down
02. The thrill
has gone
03. Love her
with a feeling
04. Look out
05. Lost the best
friend I ever had
06. C.S. opera
07. Broken
hearted melody
08. Poor boy/Oh, wel
/Poor boy
09. Dr. Brown

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Stan would rather go live (2008)
Stan would rather go live (2008)
01. So tell me
02. The trill has gone
03. Reconsider baby
04. I know you know me
05. You are the sweetest
little thing/Hurt
06. Stan Webb's
Chicken Shack opera
07. Spoonful
08. Doctor Brown
09. I'd rather go blind
10. The daughter
of the hillside
11. Stan's blues

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!


On air (1991)
On air (1991)
01. Tired eyes
02. I'd rather go blind
03. Tears in the wind
04. Nights is when it matters
05. Telling your fortune
06. You know you did
07. Midnight hour
08. Hey baby
09. Things you
put me through
10. Get like
you used to be
11. You done lost
that good thing now
12. Look ma,
I'm crying

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

From the vaults (1997)
From the vaults (1997)
01. Midnight hour
02. When the
train comes back
03. Night life
04. It's ok
with me, baby
05. Tell me
06. Telling
your fortune
07. Strange
things happening
08. Side tracked
09. Lonesome
whistle blues
10. The letter
11. Mean old world
12. Tired eyes
13. My mood
14. You've done lost
your good thing now
15. Everyday I
have the blues
16. Waiting for you
17. San-ho-zay
18. It'll be me
19. Hey, hey,
hey, hey

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Going up, going down...:
The anthology [1968-2001] (2004)
Going up, going down...: The anthology [1968-2001] (2004)
CD 01
01. Everyday I
have the blues
02. Tell me
03. When the
train comes back
04. San-ho-zay
05. Mean old world
06. You've done lost
your good thing now
07. I'm tore down
08. You take me down
09. The thrill has gone
10. My mood
11. Midnight hour
12. Set me free
13. I'd rather go blind
14. Going up going down
15. Lost the best
friend I ever have
16. Black night
17. Prisoner
18. He knows
the rules

CD 02
01. Mine all the time
02. Cryin' won't help you
03. Poor boy
04. The looser
05. Quick step
06. Unlucky boy
07. As times
goes passing bye
08. Hear me cry
09. Meeting on a hill
10. Use what you've got
11. Little bird
12. Let me
love you baby
13. Back door man
14. Tell me
15. Strange situations
16. The house
that love lives in
17. I know
18. The last

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

The complete Blue
Horizon sessions (2005)
The complete Blue Horizon sessions (2005)
CD 01
01. It's okay
with me, baby
02. When my
left eye jumps
03. The letter
04. Lonesome
whistle blues
05. When the
train comes back
06. San-ho-zay
07. King of the world
08. See see baby
09. First time
I met the blues
10. Webbed feet
11. You ain't no good
12. What you
did last night?
13. Hey, baby
14. Baby's got me crying
15. The right way is my way
16. Get like you used to be
17. Pony and trap
18. Tell me
19. A woman is the blues
20. When the train
comes back
(single version)

CD 02
01. Worried
about my woman
02. Six nights in seven
03. I wanna see my baby
04. Remington ride
05. Fishing in your river
06. Mean old world
07. Sweet sixteen
08. I'd rather go blind
09. Night life
10. The road of love
11. Look ma, I'm cryin'
12. Evelyn
13. Reconsider baby
14. Weekend love
15. Midnight hour
16. Tears in the wind
17. Horse & cart
18. The way it is
19. Still worried
about my woman
20. Anji

CD 03
01. Smartest girl in town
(previously unreleased)
02. Hideaway
(previously unreleased)
03. The things
you put me through
04. Diary of your life
05. Pocket
06. Never ever
07. Sad clown
08. Maudie
09. Telling your fortune
10. Tired eyes
11. Some other time
12. Going round
13. Andalucian blues
14. You know you did you did
15. She didn't use her loaf
16. Maudie (single

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Poor boy:
The Deram years [1972-74] (2006)
Poor boy: The Deram years [1972-74] (2006)
CD 01 (studio)
01. Crying won't help you now
02. Daughter of the hillside
03. If I were a carpenter
04. Going down
05. Poor boy
06. Telling your fortune
07. The loser
08. You know
you could be right
09. Revelation
10. Prudence's party
11. Too late to cry
12. Stan the man
13. Unlucky boy
14. As time goes passing by
15. Jammin' with the ash
16. He knows the rules
17. As time goes passing by
(single version,

CD 02 (live)
01. Everyday I
have the blues
02. The thrill is gone
03. Going down
04. You take me down
05. Webb's boogie
06. You're mean
07. Poor boy
08. Webb's guitar
boogie shuffle
09. Tutti frutti

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 23 albums: enjoy!

Chicken Shack - See, see baby - 1968
Chicken Shack - In the midnight hour - 1969
Chicken Shack - Night life - 1969
Chicken Shack - Tears in the wind - 1969
Chicken Shack - Poor boy 1972
Chicken Shack - Dr. Brown - 1978
Chicken Shack - I'd rather go blind - 1997

2 comentários:

  1. Dear sir, fine, fine archive you've assembled... curated. Thank you.
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