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sábado, 10 de setembro de 2022

Spooky Tooth (Psych/Hard/Blues/Progressive Rock {UK})

Spooky Tooth (01)
Spooky Tooth foi uma banda de
rock inglesa originalmente formada
em Carlisle em 1967. Principalmente
ativa entre 1967 e 1974, a banda
se reformulou várias vezes
nos últimos anos.


Antes da Spooky Tooth, quatro dos cinco membros fundadores da banda haviam se apresentado na banda Art (anteriormente conhecida como V.I.P.'s). Após a dissolução da Art, os membros da formação final da banda (o guitarrista Luther Grosvenor, o vocalista Mike Harrison, o baterista Mike Kellie e o baixista Greg Ridley) uniram forças com o tecladista/vocalista americano Gary Wright em outubro de 1967 e formaram a Spooky Tooth. Wright foi apresentado aos membros da Art por Chris Blackwell, fundador da Island Records.

Sua estréia, "It's all about", foi lançada em junho de 1968 pela Island Records e foi produzida por Jimmy Miller, que também estava por trás das diretorias da Spencer Davis Group, Traffic, Rolling Stones e Blind Faith.

O segundo álbum, "Spooky two" (março de 1969), também produzido por Miller, ganhou alguma atenção na imprensa de rock, mas, como a estréia, não vendeu. Foi o último álbum lançado pela formação original e incluiu sua versão agora clássica de Larry Weiss escrita "Evil woman" e "Better by you, better than me", que foi regravada pela Judas Priest em seu lançamento "Stained class" ( 1978).

Ridley se juntou a Humble Pie em 1969 e foi substituído por Andy Leigh para o álbum "Ceremony" (dezembro de 1969). A natureza experimental de "Ceremony" recebeu críticas mistas e apesar do projeto ser instigado por Gary Wright, o álbum é considerado por ele como o fim da carreira da banda. O disco é descrito por outro como sendo "um dos maiores erros da história do rock". Como Wright descreve: "...Fizemos um projeto que não era nosso álbum. Foi com um compositor francês de música eletrônica chamado Pierre Henry. Nós apenas dissemos à gravadora: 'Você sabe que este é o álbum dele, não o nosso álbum. Vamos tocar como músicos'. E então, quando o álbum terminou, eles disseram: 'Ah, não, não - é ótimo. Vamos lançar isso como seu próximo álbum'. Nós dissemos: 'Você não pode fazer isso. Não tem nada a ver com a direção de 'Spooky two' e vai arruinar nossa carreira'. E foi exatamente isso que aconteceu".

Wright deixou a banda após o lançamento do álbum. Harrison, Grosvenor e Kellie permaneceram e gravaram "The last puff" (julho de 1970) com membros da Grease Band de Joe Cocker (o guitarrista Henry McCullough, o tecladista Chris Stainton e o baixista Alan Spenner).

No outono de 1970, a banda embarcou em uma turnê européia que foi realizada com uma formação de Harrison, Grosvenor, Kellie, o tecladista John Hawken (ex-Nashville Teens) e o baixista Steve Thompson. Depois disso, o grupo se desfez, embora Harrison e Wright tenham reformado a Spooky Tooth em setembro de 1972 com uma formação diferente.

"You broke my heart so... I busted your jaw" foi o primeiro álbum da banda reunida, lançado em maio de 1973 pela Island Records. O guitarrista fundador Grosvenor não voltou à banda, pois havia se juntado a Mott the Hoople, adotando o nome artístico de Ariel Bender. Grosvenor foi sucedido por Mick Jones, enquanto o baterista fundador Kellie foi substituído por Bryson Graham. O baixista era Ian Herbert, depois Chris Stewart.

Para seu próximo álbum, "Witness" (novembro de 1973), o baterista original Mike Kellie retornou no lugar de Graham. Wright permaneceu o compositor dominante nesta fase da história da banda. Mas o co-vocalista Harrison saiu após o lançamento do álbum e Mike Patto foi o novo vocalista, ao lado de Wright, quando gravaram "The mirror" (outubro de 1974), que também incluiu o novo baixista Val Burke e Bryson Graham de volta à bateria. Mas o fracasso do álbum levou Wright a sair mais uma vez para uma carreira solo e o grupo se desfez em novembro de 1974.

Jon Milward resumiu a banda no The Rolling Stone Record Guide em 1979: "Se alguma vez houve uma banda pesada, Spooky Tooth tinha que ser. Apresentando dois vocalistas propensos a extremos de blues e um ataque instrumental composto por teclados e guitarras incrivelmente altos, Spooky Tooth veio como uma cuba esmagadora de gosma pré-medicada". Observando sua falta de sucesso comercial, Milward concluiu que o grupo "continuaria sendo a banda certa na hora errada".


Mick Jones passou a formar a Foreigner em 1976. Grosvenor mais tarde tocou com Stealers Wheel e se juntou a Mott the Hoople na década de 1970 (substituindo Mick Ralphs que saiu para formar a Bad Company), adotando o nome de Ariel Bender. Em 2005 fundou a Ariel Bender Band, com a qual ainda se apresenta ocasionalmente. Em 2018 e 2019, ele excursionou com a Mott the Hoople reformada.

Kellie mais tarde se juntou a The Only Ones no final da década de 1970, também se apresentando com eles na década de 1980. A banda se reformou em 2007.

Ridley tornou-se membro da Humble Pie. Em 19 de novembro de 2003 ele morreu em Alicante, Espanha, de pneumonia e complicações resultantes. Ele tinha 62 anos.

Wright começou a desenvolver uma carreira solo internacional na década de 1970 e teve um sucesso na rádio, "Dream weaver".

Harrison, Grosvenor, Ridley e Kellie se reuniram como Spooky Tooth em pontos em 1997 e 1998, o que resultou em um álbum, "Cross purpose", lançado em fevereiro de 1999.

Harrison tocou e gravou com a Hamburg Blues Band e apareceu em seu CD "Touch" (2002).

Em junho de 2004, Harrison, Wright e Kellie reuniram-se novamente como Spooky Tooth com Joey Albrecht (guitarra) e Michael Becker (baixo) para dois shows na Alemanha, resultando em um DVD "Nomad poets" (2007).

Em 2006 Harrison lançou seu primeiro álbum solo em mais de trinta anos, "Late starter".

Em fevereiro de 2008, a última encarnação da Spooky Tooth, com Harrison, Wright e Kellie, juntamente com o guitarrista Steve Farrisi da (Mr. Mister) e Shem von Schroeck (baixo), tocou uma série de datas européias. Em 29 de maio de 2009, essa mesma formação (com o baterista Tom Brechtlein substituindo Kellie) tocou no 50º aniversário da Island Records no Shepherd's Bush Empire, antes de fazer uma turnê na Alemanha em junho.

Em 2012, Mike Kellie começou a trabalhar em um álbum solo. Kellie morreu em 18 de janeiro de 2017 aos 69 anos após uma curta doença, e Mike Harrison morreu em 25 de março de 2018 aos 72 anos.

Gary Wright morreu em sua casa em Palos Verdes Estates em 4 de setembro de 2023, aos 80 anos. Ele foi diagnosticado com demência com corpos de Lewy e doença de Parkinson cerca de seis ou sete anos antes de sua morte.


Spooky Tooth was an English
rock band originally formed in
Carlisle in 1967. Principally active
between 1967 and 1974, the
band re-formed several
times in later years.


Prior to Spooky Tooth, four of the band's five founding members had performed in the band Art (formerly known as the V.I.P.'s). Following the dissolution of Art, the members of that band's final line-up (guitarist Luther Grosvenor, vocalist Mike Harrison, drummer Mike Kellie and bassist Greg Ridley) joined forces with American keyboardist/vocalist Gary Wright in October 1967 and formed Spooky Tooth. Wright was introduced to the members of Art by Chris Blackwell, founder of Island Records.

Their debut, "It's all about", was released in June 1968 on Island Records and was produced by Jimmy Miller, who was also behind the boards for Spencer Davis GroupTrafficRolling Stones and Blind Faith.

The second album, "Spooky two" (March 1969), also produced by Miller, gained some attention in the rock press but, like the debut, failed to sell. It was the last album release by the original lineup and included their now classic version of the Larry Weiss penned "Evil woman" and "Better by you, better than me", which was covered by Judas Priest on their release "Stained class" (1978).

Ridley joined Humble Pie in 1969 and was replaced by Andy Leigh for the album "Ceremony" (December 1969). The experimental nature of "Ceremony" received mixed reviews and despite the project being instigated by Gary Wright, the album is considered by him to have ended the band's career. The record is described by another as being "one of the great screw-ups in rock history". As Wright describes it, "...We did a project that wasn't our album. It was with this French electronic music composer named Pierre Henry. We just told the label, 'You know this is his album, not our album. We'll play on it just like musicians'. And then when the album was finished, they said, 'Oh no no - it's great. We're gonna release this as your next album'. We said, 'You can't do that. It doesn't have anything to do with the direction of 'Spooky two' and it will ruin our career'. And that's exactly what happened".

Wright left the band following the release of the album. Harrison, Grosvenor and Kellie remained and recorded "The last puff" (July 1970) with members of Joe Cocker's Grease Band (guitarist Henry McCullough, keyboardist Chris Stainton and the bassist Alan Spenner).

In the autumn of 1970 the band embarked on a European tour that was undertaken with a line-up of Harrison, Grosvenor, Kellie, keyboardist John Hawken (ex-Nashville Teens) and bassist Steve Thompson. After this, the group disbanded, though Harrison and Wright reformed Spooky Tooth in September 1972 with a different line-up.

"You broke my heart... So I busted your jaw" was the first album by the reunited band, released in May 1973 on Island Records. Founding guitarist Grosvenor did not rejoin the band, as he had teamed up with Mott the Hoople, adopting the stage name of Ariel Bender. Grosvenor was succeeded by Mick Jones, while founding drummer Kellie was replaced by Bryson Graham. The bassist was Ian Herbert, then Chris Stewart.

For their next album, "Witness" (November 1973), original drummer Mike Kellie returned in place of Graham. Wright remained the dominant songwriter at this stage of the band's history. But co-lead singer Harrison left following the album's release and Mike Patto was the new vocalist, alongside Wright, when they recorded "The mirror" (October 1974), which also included new bass player Val Burke and Bryson Graham back on drums. But the album's failure led to Wright leaving once again for a solo career and the group disbanding in November 1974.

Jon Milward summarized the band in The Rolling Stone Record Guide in 1979: "If ever there was a heavy band, Spooky Tooth had to be it. Featuring two vocalists prone to blues-wrenching extremes, and an instrumental attack comprising awesomely loud keyboards and guitars, Spooky Tooth came on like an overwhelming vat of premedicated goo". Noting their lack of commercial success, Milward concluded that the group "would remain the right band at the wrong time".


Mick Jones went on to form Foreigner in 1976. Grosvenor later played with Stealers Wheel and joined Mott the Hoople in the 1970s (replacing Mick Ralphs who left to form Bad Company), adopting the name Ariel Bender. In 2005 he founded the Ariel Bender Band, with which he still occasionally performs. In 2018 and 2019 he toured with a reformed Mott the Hoople.

Kellie later joined The Only Ones in the late 1970s also performing with them in 1980s. The band reformed in 2007.

Ridley became a member of Humble Pie. On 19 November 2003 he died in Alicante, Spain, of pneumonia and resulting complications. He was 62.

Wright began to develop an international solo career in the 1970s and had a hit with the radio-friendly "Dream weaver".

Harrison, Grosvenor, Ridley and Kellie reunited as Spooky Tooth at points in 1997 and 1998, which resulted in an album, "Cross purpose", released in February 1999.

Harrison played and recorded with the Hamburg Blues Band and appeared on their CD "Touch" (2002).

In June 2004, Harrison, Wright and Kellie were again re-united as Spooky Tooth with Joey Albrecht (guitar) and Michael Becker (bass) for two concerts in Germany, resulting in a DVD "Nomad poets" (2007).

In 2006 Harrison released his first solo album in over thirty years, "Late starter".

In February 2008, the latest incarnation of Spooky Tooth, featuring Harrison, Wright and Kellie, along with guitarist Steve Farris (from Mr. Mister) and Shem von Schroeck (bass), played a series of European dates. On 29 May 2009, this same lineup (with drummer Tom Brechtlein replacing Kellie) played at Island Records' 50th anniversary at Shepherd's Bush Empire, before touring Germany that June.

In 2012, Mike Kellie started work on a solo album. Kellie died on 18 January 2017 at the age of 69 after a short illness, and Mike Harrison died on 25 March 2018 at the age of 72.

Gary Wright died at his home in Palos Verdes Estates on September 4, 2023, at the age of 80. He had been diagnosed with Lewy body dementia and Parkinson's disease around six or seven years before his death.

Mike Harrison
- vocais, teclados (1967-70, 1972-74,
1998-99, 2004, 2008-09 - falecido em 2018)
Gary Wright - teclados, vocais
Mike Kellie - bateria
(1967-70, 1973-74, 1998-99,
2004, 2008-09 - falecido em 2017)
Greg Ridley - baixo
(1967-69, 1998-99 - falecido em 2003)
(1967-70, 1972-74, 2004, 2008-09)
Andy Leigh - baixo (1969-1970)
John Hawken - teclados (1970)
Steve Thompson - baixo (1970)
Ian Herbert - baixo (1972-1973)
Mick Jones - guitarra (1972-1974)
Alan Spenner - baixo (1970 - falecido em 1991)
Luther Grosvenor - guitarra (1967-70, 1998-99)
Henry McCullough - guitarra (1970 - falecido em 2016)
Chris Stainton - teclados, guitarra, baixo (1970)
Bryson Graham - bateria (1972-73, 1974 - falecido em 1993)
Mike Patto - vocais, teclados (1974 - falecido em 1979)
Chris Stewart - baixo (1973-74 - falecido em 2020)
Shem von Schroeck - baixo (2008-09)
Val Burke - baixo, vocais (1974)
Joey Albrecht - guitarra (2004)
Michael Becker - baixo (2004)
Steve Farris - guitarra (2008–09)
Tom Brechtlein
- bateria (2009)

Spooky Tooth (02)
Spooky Tooth (03)


The Island years:
An antology (1967-1974)
(9 CD box set Universal - Island Records, 2015)

CD 01
fairy tales (1967)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 01, front})
01. I think I'm going weird
02. What's that sound
(For what it's worth)
03. African thing
04. Room with a view
05. Flying anchors
06. Supernatural
fairy tales
07. Love is real
08. Come on up
09. Brothers,
dads and mothers
10. Talkin' to myself
11. Alive, not dead
12. Rome take
away three
13. Love is real
(stereo mix, bonus)
14. I think I'm going weird
(stereo mix, bonus)
15. Room with a view
(stereo mix, bonus)
16. Flying anchors
(stereo mix, bonus)
17. Supernatural fairy tales
(stereo mix, bonus)
18. Talkin' to myself
(stereo mix, bonus)

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 02
It's all
about (1968)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 02, front})
01. Society's child
02. Love really
changed me
03. Here I lived so well
04. Too much of nothing
05. Sunshine help me
06. It's all about
a roundabout
07. Tobacco road
08. It hurts you so
09. Forget it, got it
10. Bubbles
11. Sunshine help
me (original
version, bonus)
12. Weird (sin-
gle b-side, bonus)
13. The weight (sin-
gle a-side, bonus)
14. Do right people
(single b-side, bonus)
15. Love really changed me
(single a-side, bonus)
16. Luger's groove
(single b-side, bonus)
17. It hurts you so
(mono mix, bonus)
18. Sunshine help me
(BBC Radio One 'Top Gear'
session 1968, bonus)
19. Too much of nothing
(BBC Radio One 'Top Gear'
session 1968, bonus)
20. The weight
(BBC Radio
One 'Top Gear'
session 1968,

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 03
two (1969)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 03, front})
01. Waitin'
for the wind
02. Feelin' bad
03. I've got
04. Evil woman
05. Lost in my dream
06. That was
only yesterday
07. Better by you,
better than me
08. Hangman hang
my shell on a tree
09. Feelin' bad
(BBC Radio
One 'Top Gear'
session 1968, bonus)
10. I can't quit her
(BBC Radio One
'Top Gear' session
1968, bonus)
11. Blues town
(BBC Radio
One 'Top Gear'
session 1968, bonus)
12. Something
got into your life
(recorded at
Morgan Studios,
November 1968, bonus)
13. When I get home
(recorded at
Morgan Studios,
November 1968, bonus)
14. Waitin' for the wind
(first mix, mixed
at Morgan Studios,
February 1969, bonus)
15. Lost in my dream
(first mix, mixed
at Morgan Studios,
February 1969, bonus)
16. Better by you,
better than me
(first mix, mixed at
Morgan Studios,
February 1969, bonus)
17. Pretty woman
(single b-side,

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 04
An electronic
mass (1969)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 04, front})
01. Have mercy
02. Jubilation
03. Confession
04. Prayer
05. Offering
06. Hosanna
07. That was
only yesterday
(single a-side, bonus)
08. Waiting for the wind
(single a-side, bonus)
09. Feelin' bad (single
b-side, bonus)
10. Have mercy
(first version, bonus)
11. Shine a light
on me (bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 05
The last
puff (1970)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 05, front})
01. I am the walrus
02. The wrong time
03. Something to say
04. Nobody there at all
05. Down river
06. Son of your father
07. The last puff
08. Son of your father
(single a-side, bonus)
09. I am the walrus
(single a-side, bonus)
10. Hangman hang
my shell on a tree
(mono single
b-side, bonus)
11. Nobody there at all
(mono promo single
a-side, bonus)
12. The wrong time
(first mix by Glyn
Johns, bonus)
13. The weight
(1970 remix, US album
'Tobacco road’, bonus)

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 06
You broke my heart...
So I busted your jaw (1973)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 06, front})
01. Cotton growing man
02. Old as I was born
03. This time around
04. Holy water
05. Wildfire
06. Self-
seeking man
07. Times have
08. Moriah

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 07
Witness (1973)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 07, front})
01. Ocean of power
02. Wings of my heart
03. As long as the
world keeps turning
04. Don't ever stray away
05. Things change
06. All sewn up
07. Dream me
a mountain
08. Sunlight
of my mind
09. Pyramids
10. All sewn up
(alternate mix,

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 08
The mirror (1974)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 08, front})
01. Fantasy satisfier
02. Two time love
03. Kyle
04. Woman
and gold
05. Higher
06. Hell or
high water
07. I'm alive
08. The mirror
09. The hoofer

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

CD 09
Live in
Oldenburg (1973)
Spooky Tooth - The Island years [1967-1974] - 2015 (2015, Universal-Island Records {CD 09, front})
01. Waitin' for the wind
02. I am the walrus
03. The wrong time
04. Cotton growing man
05. Old as I was born
06. Better by you,
better than me
07. Tobacco road
08. Evil woman
09. Sunshine
help me

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Download arts: enjoy!


It's all
about (1968)
(Repertoire, 2005)
It's all about (1968) (Repertoire, 2005)
01. Society's child
02. Love really changed me
03. Here I lived so well
04. Too much of nothing
05. Sunshine help me
06. It's all about
a roundabout
07. Tobacco road
08. It hurts you so
09. Forget it, got it
10. Bubbles
11. The weight
(US stereo version
1971, bonus)
12. Sunshine help me
(UK single a-side,
1967, mono, bonus)
13. Weird
(UK single b-side,
1967, mono, bonus)
14. Love really
changed me
(UK single a-side,
1968, mono, bonus)
15. Luger's groove
(UK single b-side,
1968, mono, bonus)
16. The weight
(UK single a-side,
1968, mono, bonus)
17. Do right people
(UK single a-side,
1968, mono, bonus)
18. Bubbles
(D single b-side,
1968, mono,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

two (1969)
(Repertoire, 2005)
Spooky two (1969) (Repertoire, 2005)
01. Waitin'
for the wind
02. Feelin' bad
03. I've got
enough heartaches
04. Evil woman
05. Lost in my dream
06. That was
only yesterday
07. Better by you,
better than me
08. Hangman hang
my shell on a tree
09. That was only yesterday
(NL single a-side, 1969, mono)
10. Oh! pretty woman
(NL single b-side, 1969, mono)
11. Waitin' for the wind
(D single a-side, 1969, mono)
12. Feelin' bad
(D single b-side,
1969, mono)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

two (1969)
(Island, 2010)
Spooky two (1969) (Island, 2010)
01. Waitin'
for the wind
02. Feelin' bad
03. I've got
enough heartaches
04. Evil woman
05. Lost in my dream
06. That was
only yesterday
07. Better by you,
better than me
08. Hangman hang
my shell on a tree
09. The weight
(mono single
version, bonus)
10. Do right people
(mono single version, bonus)
11. That was only yesterday
(mono single version, bonus)
12. Oh! pretty woman (bonus)
13. Waitin' for the wind
(mono single
version, bonus)
14. Feelin' bad
(mono single
version, bonus)
15. The weight
(US album version,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

An electronic mass (1969)
(Island, 2010)
Ceremony: An electronic mass (1969) (Island, 2010)
01. Have mercy
02. Jubilation
03. Confession
04. Prayer
05. Offering
06. Hosanna

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

The last
puff (1970)
(Island, 1993)
The last puff (1970) (Island, 1993)
01. I am the walrus
02. The wrong time
03. Something to say
04. Nobody there at all
05. Down river
06. Son of
your father
07. The last

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

You broke my heart...
So I busted your jaw (1973)
(Repertoire, 2004)
You broke my heart... So I busted your jaw (1973) (Repertoire, 2004)
01. Cotton growing man
02. Old as I was born
03. This time around
04. Holy water
05. Wildfire
06. Self-seeking man
07. Times have changed
08. Moriah
09. Nobody there at all
(alternate mix, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Witness (1973)
(Repertoire, 2004)
Witness (1973) (Repertoire, 2004)
01. Ocean of power
02. Wings of my heart
03. As long as the
world keeps turning
04. Don't ever stray away
05. Things change
06. All sewn up
07. Dream me a mountain
08. Sunlight of my mind
09. Pyramids

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

The best of
Spooky Tooth (1975)
The best of Spooky Tooth (1975)
01. Tobacco road
02. Better by you,
better than me
03. It's all about
a roundabout
04. Waitin'
for the wind
05. Last puff
06. Evil woman
07. That was
only yesterday
08. I am the walrus
09. Self seeking man
10. All sewn up
11. Times
have changed
12. As long as the
world keeps turning
13. The weight

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Cross purpose (1999)
Cross purpose (1999)
01. That was
only yesterday
02. Tears
03. Throw me a line
04. It's you girl
05. Love is real
06. Sunshine
07. How
08. Send me
some lovin'
09. I can't believe
10. Kiss it better

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download
dos 9 albums: enjoy!

Spooky Tooth - The weight - 1968
Spooky Tooth - That was only yesterday - 1969
Spooky Tooth - Better by you, better than me - 1969
Spooky Tooth - Waitin' for the wind
Spooky Tooth - Cotton growing man
Spooky Tooth - Moriah - 1974

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