domingo, 3 de setembro de 2023

Kin Ping Meh (Hard Progressive Rock {Alemanha})

Kin Ping Meh (photo 01)
Kin Ping Meh foi uma banda
de rock alemã originalmente ativa
de 1970 a 1977. Seu nome é derivado
da tradução alemã de Franz Kuhn do
romance chinês "Jin Ping Mei".


Em 1969, na cidade de Mannheim, Joachim Schäfer e Werner Stephan formaram a banda escolar Thunderbirds. Thunderbirds logo viria a ser chamada de Kin Ping Meh. O nome Kin Ping Meh (que significa "ramo de uma flor de ameixa em um vaso de ouro") foi retirado do romance chinês do século XVI, "Jin Ping Mei", famoso por suas passagens eróticas ou pornográficas.

No dia 15 de setembro de 1970 a banda deu seu primeiro show. Nos meses seguintes, a banda participou de sete importantes competições de talentos, apresentando um hard rock inspirado em bandas britânicas como Deep Purple, Uriah Heep e Spooky Tooth. Kin Ping Meh ganhou todas as competições e recebeu uma oferta de contrato de gravação da Polydor.

A partir de agora tudo foi muito rápido: o importante jornal de domingo, "Bild am Sonntag", publicou uma reportagem de duas páginas sobre a banda em janeiro, e seu primeiro single - "Everything's my way/Woman" - foi lançado em fevereiro. "Everything's my way" chegou ao Top 5 de várias playlists de rádio e o mês de março viu a banda apoiar a turnê da The Hollies. Em maio, Kin Ping Meh volta ao estúdio para gravar o segundo single, "Everyday/Alexandra".

Joachim Schäfer deixa a banda pouco antes da gravação do primeiro álbum, sendo prontamente substituído por Willie Wagner (guitarra, gaita, vocal), que se juntou à banda no Windrose Studio. E foi lá que a banda gravou e produziu seu álbum de estréia no outono de 1971. "Kin Ping Meh" chegou às lojas em dezembro. Wagner escreveu a faixa de destaque do primeiro álbum, a abertura de 11 minutos intitulada "Fairy tales", uma canção de rock pesado e assombroso com partes longas e progressivas de guitarra e solo de órgão. Havia também algumas músicas folk e suaves no álbum, como "Too many people", gravada ao vivo e com um refrão irresistível. "Kin Ping Meh" foi produzido pelos experientes veteranos do rock Achim Reichel e Frank Dostal. O engenheiro não era outro senão Konrad Plank. O álbum agora é bastante raro, já que a primeira e única edição em vinil teve impressão limitada a 5.000 cópias.

Em 1972 as coisas corriam bem para a Kin Ping Meh. A banda escreveu a trilha sonora de um musical sobre drogas chamado "Rausch", compôs a trilha sonora da série "Sechs unter Millionen" da ZDF e, assim, se juntaram à pequena lista de bandas de rock alemãs que alcançaram algo semelhante: por exemplo a Can com "Spoon", sua música para um filme policial de Durbridge, ou Popol Vuh para o filme de Herzog "Aguirre, der Zom Gottes". Quase simultaneamente, Kin Ping Meh abriu a "Sailing Olympics" em Kiel, saiu em turnê com Rory Gallagher e Golden Earring e lançou seu segundo álbum, "No. 2".

"No. 2" (1972) seguiu o caminho de seu antecessor - estava repleto de rock progressivo pesado e de grande qualidade. Além de material escrito pelos próprios membros da banda, Kin Ping Meh também foi ousada o suficiente para fazer uma versão de 11 minutos de "Come together", culminando em uma longa jam instrumental - um destaque do álbum!

Quando o vocalista Werner Stephan saiu, em maio de 1973, marcou o fim da primeira fase da Kin Ping Meh. Lamentavelmente, nenhum dos álbuns seguintes conseguiu igualar aos dois primeiros. Gagey Mrozeck recomendou Geff Harrison (seu velho amigo da 2066 and Then) como substituto de Werner Stephan. O quinteto composto por Harrison, Mrozeck, Schmitt, Wroe e Weber gravou "Kin Ping Meh 3" (1973). O álbum contou com uma seção de sopros e um coro feminino. Kin Ping Meh fez shows com estrelas do hard rock como Deep Purple e Slade e apareceu em alguns programas de televisão.

"Virtues & sins" (1974) foi mais um deslizamento em direção a um rock mais padronizado com influência anglo-americana. O álbum rendeu-lhes comparações com a The Rolling Stones, Free, The FacesSpooky Tooth. Schmitt deixa a banda em 1975 e é substituído por Chris Klober (teclados, ex-Curly Curve), que só teve a chance de participar do álbum duplo ao vivo, "Concrete", de 1976, último LP do antigo contrato de gravação. Após o término do contrato de gravação, Harrison e Wroe deixaram a banda. Os membros restantes da banda tentaram um novo começo.

Geff Harrison cantou no segundo álbum da Tritonus, "Between the universes", de 1976, e em 1977 formou a Geff Harrison Band. Mrozeck e Weber embarcaram em uma tentativa malfadada de manter a banda com Michael Pozz (vocal), Ron Sheepmaker (teclados) e Chuck Trevor (baixo). Com novos integrantes e novo contrato com o selo Bellaphon, a banda gravou "Kin Ping Meh" (1977), mas não conseguiu continuar sua história de sucesso, principalmente por causa do fraco desempenho vocal. No verão de 1977, a banda finalmente se desfez.

Gerhard Mrozeck inicialmente se juntou a uma formação de funk rock chamada Ooh La La e mais tarde tocou nas bandas de Edo Zanki e Herbert Gronemeyer. Em novembro de 1982, foi realizado um concerto de renascimento da Kin Ping Meh na Universidade de Berlim, mas a nova Kin Ping Meh consistia principalmente de membros da Geff Harrison Band. Mrozeck e Weber não participaram. O baterista Kalle Weber morreu de ataque cardíaco em 1995.


Kin Ping Meh was a
German rock band originally
active from 1970 to 1977. Its
name is derived from Franz Kuhn's
German translation of the Chinese
novel "Jin Ping Mei".


In 1969, in the city of Mannheim, Joachim Schäfer and Werner Stephan formed the school band Thunderbirds. Thunderbirds would soon come to be known as Kin Ping Meh. The name Kin Ping Meh (which means "branch of a plum blossom in a golden vase") is taken from the 16th century Chinese novel "Jin Ping Mei", famous for its erotic or pornographic passages.

On September 15, 1970 the band played their first show. In the following months, the band participated in seven major talent competitions, performing hard rock inspired by British bands such as Deep Purple, Uriah Heep and Spooky Tooth. Kin Ping Meh won all competitions and was offered a recording contract by Polydor.

From now on everything went very fast: the important Sunday newspaper, "Bild am Sonntag", published a two-page report on the band in January, and their first single - "Everything's my way/Woman" - was released in February . "Everything's my way" reached the Top 5 of several radio playlists and the month of March saw the band support The Hollies tour. In May, Kin Ping Meh returns to the studio to record the second single, "Everyday/Alexandra".

Joachim Schäfer left the band shortly before the recording of the first album, being promptly replaced by Willie Wagner (guitar, harmonica, vocal), who joined the band at Windrose Studio. And it was there that the band recorded and produced their debut album in the fall of 1971. "Kin Ping Meh" hit stores in December. Wagner wrote the first album's standout track, the 11-minute opener entitled "Fairy tales", a haunting, hard rock song with long, progressive guitar parts and an organ solo. There were also some mellow folk songs on the album, like "Too many people", recorded live and with an irresistible chorus. "Kin Ping Meh" was produced by seasoned rock veterans Achim Reichel and Frank Dostal. The engineer was none other than Konrad Plank. The album is now quite rare, as the first and only vinyl edition was limited to 5,000 copies.

In 1972 things were going well for Kin Ping Meh. The band wrote the soundtrack for a musical about drugs called "Rausch", composed the soundtrack for the ZDF series "Sechs unter Millionen" and thus joined the short list of German rock bands that achieved something similar: for example a Can with "Spoon", its music for a Durbridge crime film, or Popol Vuh for the Herzog film "Aguirre, der Zom Gottes". Almost simultaneously, Kin Ping Meh opened for "Sailing Olympics" in Kiel, toured with Rory Gallagher and Golden Earring and released his second album, "No. 2".

"No. 2" (1972) followed the path of its predecessor - it was full of heavy progressive rock of great quality. In addition to material written by the band members themselves, Kin Ping Meh was also daring enough to do an 11-minute version of "Come together", culminating in a long instrumental jam - an album highlight!

When vocalist Werner Stephan left in May 1973, it marked the end of the first phase of Kin Ping Meh. Regrettably, none of the following albums managed to match the first two. Gagey Mrozeck recommended Geff Harrison (his old friend from 2066 and Then) as Werner Stephan's replacement. The quintet consisting of Harrison, Mrozeck, Schmitt, Wroe and Weber recorded "Kin Ping Meh 3" (1973). The album featured a horn section and a female choir. Kin Ping Meh has performed with hard rock stars like Deep Purple and Slade and has appeared on a few television shows.

"Virtues & sins" (1974) was yet another slide towards more standard rock with an Anglo-American influence. The album earned them comparisons to The Rolling Stones, Free, The Faces and Spooky Tooth. Schmitt leaves the band in 1975 and is replaced by Chris Klober (keyboards, ex-Curly Curve), who only had the chance to participate in the double live album, "Concrete", from 1976, the last LP of the old recording contract. After the expiration of the recording contract, Harrison and Wroe left the band. The remaining band members attempted a fresh start.

Geff Harrison sang lead on Tritonus' second album, 1976's "Between the universes", and in 1977 formed the Geff Harrison Band. Mrozeck and Weber embarked on an ill-fated attempt to keep the band going with Michael Pozz (vocal), Ron Sheepmaker (keyboards) and Chuck Trevor (bass). With new members and a new contract with Bellaphon, the band recorded "Kin Ping Meh" (1977), but was unable to continue its success story, mainly because of poor vocal performance. In the summer of 1977, the band finally disbanded.

Gerhard Mrozeck initially joined a funk rock formation called Ooh La La and later played in the bands of Edo Zanki and Herbert Gronemeyer. In November 1982, a Kin Ping Meh revival concert was held at the University of Berlin, but the new Kin Ping Meh consisted mainly of members of the Geff Harrison Band. Mrozeck and Weber did not participate. Drummer Kalle Weber died of a heart attack in 1995.

Formação do 1º álbum
Werner Stephan - vocal
principal, violão, percussão
Willie Wagner - guitarra, gaita, vocal
Frieder Schmitt - órgão, piano, piano
elétrico, mellotron 400, vocal
Torsten Herzog - baixo, voz
Kalle Weber - bateria,

Formação do 2º álbum
Kalle Weber - bateria, percussão
Torsten Herzog - baixo, vocal
Frieder Schmitt - órgão, piano,
piano elétrico, Mellotron, vocal
Willie Wagner - guitarra, vocal
Werner Stephan - vocal
principal, violão, percussão
Uli Grob - guitarra
elétrica e fingerstyle
Gerhard Mrozeck
- guitarra

Formação do 3º álbum
Geff Harrison - vocal
Alan Joe Wroe - baixo
Uli Gross - guitarra elétrica
Gerhard Mrozeck - guitarra
Frieder Schmidt - teclados
Kalle Weber - bateria,
Formação do 4º álbum
Geff Harrison - vocal
Alan Joe Wroe - baixo
Uli Gross - guitarra elétrica
Gerhard Mrozeck - guitarra
Chris Klober - teclados
Kalle Weber - bateria,

Kin Ping Meh (photo 02)
Kin Ping Meh (photo 03)


Kin Ping Meh (1971)
[1998, Repertoire Records]
Kin Ping Meh - Kin Ping Meh - 1971 (1998, Repertoire Records [front])
01. Fairy tales
02. Sometime
03. Don't you know
04. Too many
people (live)
05. Drugsen's trip
06. My dove
07. Everything
08. My future
singles A & B
sides, bonus
09. Everything's
my way
10. Woman
11. Every day
12. Alexandra
13. Too many

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Kin Ping Meh (1971)
[2004, Polydor Records]
Kin Ping Meh - Kin Ping Meh - 1971 (2004, Polydor Records [front])
01. Fairy tales
02. Sometime
03. Don't you know
04. Too many
people (live)
05. Drugsen's trip
06. My dove
07. Everything
08. My future

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

No. 2 (1972)
[1972, Zebra Records]
Kin Ping Meh - No. 2 - 1972 (1972, Zebra Records [front])
01. Come down
to riverside
02. Don't force
your horse
03. Come together
04. Together jam
05. Livable ways
06. Day dreams
07. Very long ago
08. I wanna
be lazy

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artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files +
artworks: enjoy!

Kin Ping Meh 3 (1973)
[1995, Second Battle]
Kin Ping Meh - Kin Ping Meh 3 - 1973 (1995, Second Battle [front])
01. Come on in
02. Random
03. Love is the day
04. Rock is the way
05. Circus
06. Mrs. Holmes

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Virtues & sins (1974)
[2015, from "German rock classics
{Original album series}", Warner
Music Group]
Kin Ping Meh - Virtues & sins - 1974 (2015, German rock classics {Original album series [CD 05]}, Warner Music Group) [front]
01. Good
time, Gracie
02. You're a liar
03. Night-time glider
04. When summer's gone
05. Whisky flyer
06. Rich kid blues
07. Living your lies
08. Virtue and sin
09. Me and I (bonus)
10. Blue horizon

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artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files +
artworks: enjoy!

Kin Ping Meh (1977)
[1993, Bacillus Records]
Kin Ping Meh - Kin Ping Meh - 1977 (1993, Bacillus Records [front])
01. Things of ages
02. Take her under
03. A lick and
a promise
04. Love of mine
05. Hooked
06. Elevator love
07. Tin soldier
08. Never

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Concrete (1976)
[2016, from "Krautrock 2
{Original album series}",
Warner Music Group]
Kin Ping Meh - Concrete - 1976 (2016, Krautrock 2 {Original album series [CD 04]}, Warner Music Group) [front]
01. Light
02. Come together
03. Too many people
04. Me and I
05. I want to
die a millionaire
06. Night-time glider
07. East winds
08. High time
whiskey flyer
09. Blue horizon
10. Dancing in the street
11. Don't force your horse
12. Good time, Gracie
13. Rock is
the way

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artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files +
artworks: enjoy!

Fairy tales & cryptic
chapters (1998)
[1998, Second Battle]
Kin Ping Meh - Fairy tales & cryptic chapters - 1998 (1998, Second Battle }[box front]

CD 01
Take five dreams
until kissing time
Kin Ping Meh - Fairy tales & cryptic chapters - 1998 (1998, Second Battle }{CD 01) [front]
01. Fantasy (part 1)
02. I love you more
than you'll ever know
03. Something
04. You've made
me so very happy
05. Light my fire
06. Spinning wheel
07. My future
08. Too many people
09. Haze
10. In a better way
11. Old man from Peru
12. Woman (live version)
13. Organ intro
14. My dove
15. Fairy tales
16. Fantasy
(part 2)

CD 02
Live lessons at
Bier's dancing school
Kin Ping Meh - Fairy tales & cryptic chapters - 1998 (1998, Second Battle }{CD 02) [front]
01. I believe, that
I'm a winner
02. Help
03. Forget it,
I got it
04. Everyday
05. Don't you know
06. I'm a man
07. Progressive blues jam
08. Everything's my way
09. Child in time
10. Alexandra
11. Salty dog
12. Happy song
13. Killing time

CD 03
Sometime beside
Drugson's trip
Kin Ping Meh - Fairy tales & cryptic chapters - 1998 (1998, Second Battle }{CD 03) [front]
01. Good morning, Kin Ping
Meh (radio presentation)
02. Everything's my way
03. Everything's my
way (instrumental)
04. My future
05. Too many
people (instrumental)
06. Theme from "Fairly
tales" (instrumental)
07. Don't you
know (instrumental)
08. Final blues
09. The ballad
of Drugson's trip
10. Sometime
11. Don't get confused
(early "Fairy tales" with
different lyrics)
12. Help
13. Too many people
14. Do it, babe (early "Dove"
version with different lyrics)
15. Drugson's trip

CD 04
Final cuts from
Bier conventions
Kin Ping Meh - Fairy tales & cryptic chapters - 1998 (1998, Second Battle }{CD 04) [front]
01. Stage
02. Everything's
my way
03. Haze
04. Witch craft
05. In a better time
06. Salty dog
07. I'm a man
08. Child in time
09. Stage announcement
by Joachim Schäfer
10. Everything's my way
11. Salty dog
12. Alexandra
(sung in German,
rehearsal for a musical
called 'Rausch')

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Kin Ping Meh [MP3]: enjoy!
Kin Ping Meh [FLAC]: enjoy!

Kin Ping Meh - My dove - 1971
Kin Ping Meh - Come togther - 1971
Kin Ping Meh - Come on in - 1973
Kin Ping Meh - Night-time glider - 1976

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