terça-feira, 5 de setembro de 2023

Pat Metheny (Jazz Fusion {US})

Pat Metheny (photo 01)

Patrick Bruce Metheny ({/məˈθiːni/ mə-THEE-nee} nascido em 12 de agosto de 1954) é um guitarrista e compositor de jazz americano. Ele foi o líder do Pat Metheny Group (1977 a 2010) e continua a trabalhar em vários pequenos combos, duetos e configurações solo, bem como em outros projetos paralelos. Seu estilo incorpora elementos de jazz progressivo e contemporâneo, jazz latino e jazz fusion. Ele tem três álbuns de ouro e 20 prêmios Grammy, e é a única pessoa que ganhou Grammys em 10 categorias. Seu irmão mais velho é o flugelhornista de jazz Mike Metheny.


Metheny nasceu em Lee's Summit, Missouri. Seu pai Dave tocava trompete, sua mãe Lois cantava e seu avô materno Delmar era trompetista profissional. O primeiro instrumento de Metheny foi o trompete, no qual foi ensinado por seu irmão, Mike. O irmão, o pai e o avô de Pat tocavam trios juntos em casa. Seus pais eram fãs de Glenn Miller e da música swing. Eles levavam Pat aos shows para ouvir Clark Terry e Doc Severinsen, mas tinham pouco respeito pela guitarra. O interesse de Pat pela guitarra aumentou por volta de 1964, quando viu os Beatles se apresentarem na TV. Em seu aniversário de 12 anos, seus pais permitiram que ele comprasse uma guitarra, que era uma Gibson ES-140 3/4.

A vida de Pat Metheny mudou depois de ouvir o álbum "Four & more" de Miles Davis. Logo depois, ele foi cativado pelo álbum "Smokin' at the half note" de Wes Montgomery, lançado em 1965. Ele cita The Beatles, Miles Davis e Montgomery como tendo o maior impacto em sua música.

Quando tinha 15 anos, Metheny ganhou uma bolsa de estudos da revista Down Beat para um acampamento de jazz de uma semana, onde foi orientado pelo guitarrista Attila Zoller, que o convidou para ir a Nova York para conhecer o guitarrista Jim Hall e o baixista Ron Carter.

Enquanto tocava em um clube em Kansas City, Metheny foi abordado por Bill Lee, reitor da Universidade de Miami, e lhe ofereceu uma bolsa de estudos. Depois de menos de uma semana na faculdade, Metheny percebeu que tocar violão o dia todo durante a adolescência o deixara despreparado para as aulas. Ele admitiu isso para Lee, que lhe ofereceu um emprego para lecionar como professor, já que a escola havia recentemente introduzido a guitarra elétrica como curso de estudo.

Ele se mudou para Boston para lecionar no Berklee College of Music com o vibrafonista de jazz Gary Burton e estabeleceu uma reputação de prodígio.


Em 1974, ele apareceu em um álbum não oficialmente intitulado "Jaco", com o pianista Paul Bley, o baixista Jaco Pastorius e o baterista Bruce Ditmas no selo Improvising Artists de Carol Goss - mas ele não sabia que estava sendo gravado. No ano seguinte ele se juntou à banda de Gary Burton com o guitarrista Mick Goodrick.

Metheny lançou seu álbum de estréia, "Bright size life" (ECM, 1976), com Jaco Pastorius no baixo e Bob Moses na bateria. Seu próximo álbum, "Watercolors" (ECM, 1977), foi a primeira vez que gravou com o pianista Lyle Mays, que se tornou seu colaborador mais frequente. O álbum também contou com Danny Gottlieb, que se tornou baterista da primeira versão do Pat Metheny Group. Com Metheny, Mays, Gottlieb e agora um quarto membro, o baixista Mark Egan, o álbum "Pat Metheny Group" (ECM, 1978) foi lançado.


Quando "Pat Metheny Group" (ECM, 1978) foi lançado, o grupo era um quarteto composto por Metheny, Danny Gottlieb na bateria, Mark Egan no baixo e Lyle Mays no piano, autoharpa e sintetizador. Todos, exceto Egan, tocaram no álbum "Watercolors" de Metheny (ECM, 1977), gravado um ano antes do primeiro álbum do grupo.

O segundo álbum do grupo, "American garage" (ECM, 1979), alcançou o primeiro lugar na parada de jazz da Billboard e passou para as paradas pop. De 1982 a 1985, o Pat Metheny Group lançou "Offramp" (ECM, 1982), um álbum ao vivo, "Travels" (ECM, 1983), "First circle" (ECM, 1984) e "The falcon and the snowman" (EMI, 1985), trilha sonora do filme de mesmo nome em que colaboraram no single "This is not America" com David Bowie. A canção alcançou a posição 14 no Top 40 britânico em 1985 e a posição 32 nos EUA.

"Offramp" marcou a primeira aparição do baixista Steve Rodby (no lugar de Egan) e do convidado brasileiro Naná Vasconcelos, na percussão e no vocal sem palavras. Em "First circle", o cantor e multi-instrumentista argentino Pedro Aznar se juntou ao grupo, enquanto o baterista Paul Wertico substituiu Gottlieb. Rodby e Wertico eram membros do Simon and Bard Group na época e haviam tocado no Simon-Bard em Chicago antes de ingressar no Pat Metheny Group.

"First circle" foi o último álbum de Metheny com a ECM: ele foi um artista importante para a gravadora, mas saiu após desentendimentos com o fundador da gravadora, Manfred Eicher.

"Still life (Talking)" (Geffen, 1987) contou com a participação dos novos membros do grupo, o trompetista Mark Ledford, o vocalista David Blamires e o percussionista Armando Marçal. Aznar voltou para voz e guitarra em "Letter from home" (Geffen, 1989).

Durante este período, a Steppenwolf Theatre Company de Chicago apresentou composições de Metheny e Mays para a produção da peça "Orphans" de Lyle Kessler, onde permaneceu como música especial opcional para todas as produções da peça ao redor do mundo desde então.

Metheny então mergulhou novamente em projetos solo e de banda, e quatro anos se passaram antes do lançamento do próximo disco do grupo, um álbum ao vivo intitulado "The road to you" (Geffen, 1993), que trazia faixas dos dois álbuns de estúdio da Geffen entre novas músicas. O grupo integrou nova instrumentação e tecnologias em seu trabalho, principalmente o uso de sintetizadores por Mays.

Os próprios Metheny e Mays referem-se aos próximos três lançamentos do Pat Metheny Group como um tríptico: "We live here" (Geffen, 1995), "Quartet" (Geffen, 1996) e "Imaginary day" (Warner Bros., 1997). Afastando-se do estilo latino que dominou os lançamentos dos dez anos anteriores, esses álbuns incluíam experimentos com bateria sintética sequenciada em uma faixa, improvisação de forma livre em instrumentos acústicos e assinaturas sinfônicas, blues e esquemas de sonata.

Com "Speaking of now" (Warner Bros., 2002), novos membros do grupo foram adicionados: o baterista Antonio Sánchez da Cidade do México, o trompetista Cuong Vu do Vietnã e o baixista, vocalista, guitarrista e percussionista Richard Bona dos Camarões.

"The way up" (Nonesuch, 2005) consiste em uma única peça de 68 minutos, dividida em quatro seções e baseada em um par de núcleos de três notas: a abertura B, A♯, F♯ e o B derivado, A, F♯. Em "The way up", o gaitista Grégoire Maret, da Suíça, foi apresentado como novo membro do grupo, enquanto Bona contribuiu como músico convidado.


Fora do Group, Metheny mostrou diferentes lados de sua personalidade musical. Ele fez o álbum "Orchestrion" (Nonesuch, 2010) com instrumentos mecânicos elaborados e personalizados, permitindo que uma pessoa compusesse e tocasse como uma orquestra individual. Por outro lado, seu álbum "Secret story" (Geffen, 1992) usou arranjos orquestrais encontrados com mais frequência em trilhas sonoras de filmes, como o seu próprio "The falcon and the snowman" (EMI, 1985) e "A map of the world" (Warner Bros., 1999). Seus álbuns solo de violão incluem "New Chautauqua" (ECM, 1979), "One quiet night" (Warner Bros., 2003) e "What's it all about" (Nonesuch, 2011). Ele explorou as periferias da vanguarda em "Zero tolerance for silence" (Geffen, 1994). Este também foi um álbum de guitarra solo, mas era uma guitarra elétrica, e para muitos fãs e críticos era simplesmente barulho. Metheny já havia se aventurado na vanguarda antes em "80/81" (ECM, 1980), "Song X" (Geffen, 1986) com Ornette Coleman e "The sign of four" com Derek Bailey (Knitting Factory Works, 1997).

Em 1997, Metheny gravou com o baixista Marc Johnson no lançamento de Johnson "The sound of summer running" (Verve, 1998). No ano seguinte, gravou um dueto de guitarra com Jim Hall (Telarc, 1999), cujo trabalho influenciou fortemente o de Metheny. Ele colaborou com a cantora polonesa de jazz e folk Anna Maria Jopek em "Upojenie" (Warner Poland, 2002) e Bruce Hornsby em "Hot house" (RCA, 2005).

Gravou álbuns de seu irmão mais velho, Mike Metheny, trompetista de jazz, entre eles "Day in - Night out" (1986) e "Close enough for love" (2001).

A longa lista de seus colaboradores inclui Lyle Mays, Bill Frisell, Billy Higgins, Brad Mehldau, Charlie Haden, Chick Corea, Dave Holland, Dewey Redman, Eberhard Weber, Herbie Hancock, Jack DeJohnette, Jaco Pastorius, Jim Hall, John Scofield, Joni Mitchell, David Bowie, Joshua Redman, Marc Johnson, Michael Brecker, Mick Goodrick, Roy Haynes, Steve Swallow e Tony Williams.


Em 2012, formou a Unity Band com Antonio Sánchez na bateria, Ben Williams no baixo e Chris Potter no saxofone. Este conjunto viajou pela Europa e pelos EUA durante a segunda metade do ano. Em 2013, como extensão do projeto Unity Band, Metheny anunciou a formação do Pat Metheny Unity Group, com a adição do multi-instrumentista italiano Giulio Carmassi.


Quando jovem guitarrista, Metheny tentou soar como Wes Montgomery, mas quando tinha 14 ou 15 anos decidiu que era desrespeitoso imitá-lo. No encarte da compilação de dois discos de Montgomery "Impressions: The Verve jazz sides", Metheny é citado como tendo dito: "'Smokin' at the half note' é o melhor álbum de guitarra jazz já feito. É também o disco que me ensinou a tocar".

O álbum de 1968 de Ornette Coleman, "New York is now!" inspirou Metheny a encontrar sua própria direção. Ele gravou composições de Coleman em vários álbuns, começando com um medley de "Round trip" e "Broadway blues" em seu álbum de estréia, "Bright size life" (1976). Ele trabalhou extensivamente com colaboradores de Coleman, como Charlie Haden, Dewey Redman e Billy Higgins, e gravou o álbum "Song X" (1986) com Coleman e fez turnê com ele.

Metheny gravou três álbuns na ECM com o vocalista e percussionista brasileiro Naná Vasconcelos. Morou no Brasil do final da década de 1980 ao início da década de 1990 e se apresentou com diversos músicos locais, como Milton Nascimento e Toninho Horta. Tocou com Antônio Carlos Jobim em homenagem, em apresentação ao vivo no "Carnegie Hall salutes the jazz masters: Verve 50th anniversary".

Ele também é fã de vários artistas de música pop, especialmente cantores e compositores, incluindo James Taylor (em homenagem a quem deu o nome à música "James" em "Offramp"), Bruce Hornsby, Cheap Trick e Joni Mitchell, com quem se apresentou ao vivo na turnê "Shadows and light" (Asylum/Elektra, 1980) dela. Metheny também gosta da música de Buckethead. Também trabalhou, patrocinou ou ajudou a fazer gravações de cantores e compositores de todo o mundo, como Pedro Aznar (Argentina), Akiko Yano (Japão), David Bowie (Reino Unido), Silje Nergaard (Noruega), Noa (Israel) e Anna Maria Jopek (Polônia).

Dois dos álbuns de Metheny, "The way up" (2005) e "Orchestrion" (2010), mostram a influência do compositor minimalista americano Steve Reich e usam figuras rítmicas semelhantes estruturadas em torno da pulsação. Metheny gravou a composição "Electric counterpoint" de Reich no álbum "Different trains" de Reich (Nonesuch, 1987).


Metheny toca uma Pikasso I de 42 cordas feita sob medida, criada pela luthier canadense Linda Manzer. Ele toca em "Into the dream" e nos álbuns "Quartet" (1996), "Imaginary day" (1997), "Jim Hall & Pat Metheny" (1999), "Trio → Live" (Warner Bros., 2000 ) e os DVDs "Speaking of now: live" e "Imaginary day: live". Metheny usou a guitarra em suas participações especiais em álbuns de outros artistas. Ele usou a Pikasso em "Metheny/Mehldau Quartet" (Nonesuch, 2007), sua segunda colaboração com o pianista Brad Mehldau e seus companheiros de trio Larry Grenadier e Jeff Ballard: a Pikasso aparece na composição "The sound of water" de Metheny. Manzer fez muitos violões para Metheny, incluindo um miniguitarra, um violão de cítara e o violão barítono, que Metheny usou para a gravação de "One quiet night" (2003).


Metheny foi um dos primeiros guitarristas de jazz a usar o sintetizador de guitarra Roland GR-300. Ele comentou: "É preciso parar de pensar nisso como uma guitarra, porque não é mais uma guitarra". Ele se aproxima como se fosse um trompista e prefere o som de "trompete agudo" do instrumento. Um dos "patches" que ele usa com frequência está na placa de expansão JV-80 Vintage Synth da Roland, intitulada Pat's GR-300. Além do Roland, ele usa um controlador Synclavier.


Metheny foi um dos primeiros defensores da guitarra de doze cordas no jazz. Durante sua turnê de 1975 com o "Quarteto" de Gary Burton (cinco pessoas, incluindo Metheny), ele tocou principalmente guitarra elétrica de doze cordas contra o trabalho de seis cordas do guitarrista residente Mick Goodrick.

Antes de Metheny, Pat Martino usou a guitarra elétrica de doze cordas em um álbum de estúdio, "Desperado", e John McLaughlin usou uma guitarra elétrica de braço duplo com a Mahavishnu Orchestra. Ralph Towner foi talvez o primeiro a usar extensivamente o violão acústico de doze cordas no jazz ("The moors", de "I sing the body electric" da Weather Report, Columbia, 1972), e Larry Coryell e Philip Catherine fizeram uso extensivo da guitarra acústica de doze cordas em afinações alternativas no Festival de Jazz de Montreux de 1975, lançando posteriormente parte do material de seu álbum "Twin house" de 1976.

Metheny usou uma guitarra de doze cordas em seu álbum de estréia, "Bright size life" (1976), incluindo afinação alternativa em "Sirabhorn" e em álbuns posteriores ("San Lorenzo" e "Travels", do Pat Metheny Group).


Aos 12 anos, Metheny comprou uma Gibson ES-175 com acabamento natural, que tocou ao longo de seu início de carreira, até sua aposentadoria em 1995. Após sua primeira turnê pelo Japão em 1978, ele iniciou uma associação com guitarras Ibanez, que desde então produziu uma série de modelos de assinatura PM.


Metheny mora na cidade de Nova York com sua esposa, Latifa (nascida Azhar), e três filhos. Latifa foi creditada pela fotografia do álbum. Metheny teve um relacionamento com a atriz brasileira Sônia Braga.


  • Único artista a ganhar prêmios Grammy em dez categorias diferentes
  • Hall da Fama do DownBeat, 2013
  • Prêmio Miles Davis, Festival Internacional de Jazz de Montreal, 1995
  • Prêmio Orville H. Gibson, 1996
  • "Doutor Honorário em Música" pela Berklee College of Music, 1996
  • "Guitarrista do ano", pesquisa dos leitores da DownBeat, 1983, 1986-1991, 2007-2016
  • "Melhor guitarrista de jazz", revista Guitar Player, 1982, 1983, 1986
  • "Melhor guitarrista de jazz", pesquisa dos leitores da revista Guitar Player, 1984, 1985, 2009
  • "Melhor violonista", pesquisa dos leitores da revista Acoustic Guitar, 2009
  • Prêmio Echo de "Melhor instrumentista de guitarra" - Internacional por "TAP: John Zorn's book of angels vol. 20", 2014
  • Prêmio Echo, "Conjunto internacional do ano", Kin, 2015
  • Hall da Fama da Música do Missouri, 2016
  • Prêmio pelo conjunto de sua obra, JazzFM, 2018
  • Eleito para a Real Academia Sueca de Música, 2018
  • 2018 NEA Jazz Masters, 2017
  • "Doutorado Honorário em Música" da McGill University, 2019


  • 2013 - "Melhor álbum instrumental de jazz" por "Unity Band" da Unity Band
  • 2012 - "Melhor álbum new age" por "What's it all about"
  • 2008 - "Melhor álbum instrumental de jazz" por "Pilgrimage" de Michael Bracker (ganhou como produtor)
  • 2006 - "Melhor álbum de jazz contemporâneo" por "The way up" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 2004 - "Melhor álbum new age" por "One quiet night"
  • 2003 - "Melhor álbum de jazz contemporâneo" por "Speaking of now" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 2001 - "Melhor solo instrumental de jazz" por "(Go) Get it" do Trio 99 → 00 (ganhou como solista)
  • 2000 - "Melhor performance instrumental de jazz" por "Like minds" (com Chick Corea, Dave Holland, Gary Burton, Roy Haynes)
  • 1999 - "Melhor performance instrumental de rock" por "The roots of coincidence" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1999 - "Melhor performance de jazz contemporâneo" por "Imaginary day" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1998 - "Melhor performance instrumental de jazz" por "Beyond the Missouri sky" (com Charlie Haden)
  • 1996 - "Melhor performance de jazz contemporâneo" por "We live here" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1994 - "Melhor performance de jazz contemporâneo" por "The road to you" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1993 - "Melhor performance de jazz contemporâneo" por "Secret story"
  • 1991 - “Melhor composição instrumental” por “Change of heart” (ganhou como compositor)
  • 1989 - "Melhor performance de jazz fusion" por "Letter from home" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1988 - "Melhor performance de jazz fusion" por "Still life (Talking)" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1985 - "Melhor performance de jazz fusion" por "First circle" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1984 - "Melhor performance de jazz fusion" por "Travels" do Pat Metheny Group
  • 1983 - "Melhor performance de jazz fusion" por "Offramp" do Pat Metheny Group


Patrick Bruce Metheny ({/məˈθiːni/ mə-THEE-nee} born August 12, 1954) is an American jazz guitarist and composer. He was the leader of the Pat Metheny Group (1977 to 2010) and continues to work in various small-combo, duet, and solo settings, as well as other side projects. His style incorporates elements of progressive and contemporary jazz, latin jazz, and jazz fusion. He has three Gold albums and 20 Grammy Awards, and is the only person to have won Grammys in 10 categories. His older brother is jazz flugelhornist Mike Metheny.


Metheny was born in Lee's Summit, Missouri. His father Dave played trumpet, his mother Lois sang, and his maternal grandfather Delmar was a professional trumpeter. Metheny's first instrument was the trumpet, on which he was taught by his brother, Mike. Pat's brother, father, and grandfather played trios together at home. His parents were fans of Glenn Miller and swing music. They took Pat to concerts to hear Clark Terry and Doc Severinsen, but they had little respect for guitar. Pat's interest in guitar increased around 1964 when he saw The Beatles perform on TV. For his 12th birthday, his parents allowed him to buy a guitar, which was a Gibson ES-140 3/4.

Pat Metheny's life changed after hearing the album "Four & more" by Miles Davis. Soon after, he was captivated by Wes Montgomery's album "Smokin' at the half note" which was released in 1965. He cites The Beatles, Miles Davis, and Montgomery as having the biggest impact on his music.

When he was 15, Metheny won a scholarship from Down Beat magazine to a one-week jazz camp where he was mentored by guitarist Attila Zoller, who then invited him to New York City to meet guitarist Jim Hall and bassist Ron Carter.

While playing at a club in Kansas City, Metheny was approached by Bill Lee, a dean at the University of Miami, and offered a scholarship. After less than a week at college, Metheny realized that playing guitar all day during his teens had left him unprepared for classes. He admitted this to Lee, who offered him a job to teach as a professor, as the school had recently introduced electric guitar as a course of study.

He moved to Boston to teach at the Berklee College of Music with jazz vibraphonist Gary Burton and established a reputation as a prodigy.


In 1974, he appeared on an album unofficially titled "Jaco", with pianist Paul Bley, bassist Jaco Pastorius, and drummer Bruce Ditmas on Carol Goss's Improvising Artists label - but he was unaware that he was being recorded. The next year he joined Gary Burton's band with guitarist Mick Goodrick.

Metheny released his debut album, "Bright size life" (ECM, 1976), with Jaco Pastorius on bass guitar and Bob Moses on drums. His next album, "Watercolors" (ECM, 1977), was the first time he recorded with pianist Lyle Mays, who became his most frequent collaborator. The album also featured Danny Gottlieb, who became the drummer for the first version of the Pat Metheny Group. With Metheny, Mays, Gottlieb and now a fourth member, bassist Mark Egan, the album "Pat Metheny Group" (ECM, 1978) was released.


When "Pat Metheny Group" (ECM, 1978) was released, the group was a quartet consisting of Metheny, Danny Gottlieb on drums, Mark Egan on bass and Lyle Mays on piano, autoharp and synthesizer. All but Egan had played on Metheny's album "Watercolors" (ECM, 1977), recorded a year before the first group album.

The second group album, "American garage" (ECM, 1979), reached number 1 on the Billboard jazz chart and crossed over onto the pop charts. From 1982 to 1985, the Pat Metheny Group released the live album "Offramp" (ECM, 1982), "Travels" (ECM, 1983), "First circle" (ECM, 1984), and "The falcon and the snowman" (EMI, 1985), a soundtrack album for the movie of the same name in which they collaborated on the single "This is not America" with David Bowie. The song reached number 14 in the British Top 40 in 1985 and number 32 in the U.S.

"Offramp" marked the first appearance of bassist Steve Rodby (replacing Egan) and a Brazilian guest artist, Naná Vasconcelos, on percussion and wordless vocals. On "First circle", Argentinian singer and multi-instrumentalist Pedro Aznar joined the group as drummer Paul Wertico replaced Gottlieb. Both Rodby and Wertico were members of the Simon and Bard Group at the time and had played in Simon-Bard in Chicago before joining Pat Metheny Group.

"First circle" was Metheny's last album with ECM: he had been a key artist for the label but left following disagreements with the label's founder, Manfred Eicher.

"Still life (Talking)" (Geffen, 1987) featured new group members trumpeter Mark Ledford, vocalist David Blamires, and percussionist Armando Marçal. Aznar returned for vocals and guitar on "Letter from home" (Geffen, 1989).

During this period the Steppenwolf Theater Company of Chicago featured compositions by Metheny and Mays for their production of Lyle Kessler's play "Orphans", where it has remained special optional music for all productions of the play around the world since.

Metheny then again delved into solo and band projects, and four years went by before the release of the next group record, a live album titled "The road to you" (Geffen, 1993), which featured tracks from the two Geffen studio albums among new tunes. The group integrated new instrumentation and technologies into its work, notably Mays' use of synthesizers.

Metheny and Mays themselves refer to the next three Pat Metheny Group releases as a triptych: "We live here" (Geffen, 1995), "Quartet" (Geffen, 1996), and "Imaginary day" (Warner Bros., 1997). Moving away from the Latin style which had dominated the releases of the previous ten years, these albums included experiments with sequenced synthetic drums on one track, free-form improvisation on acoustic instruments, and symphonic signatures, blues, and sonata schemes.

With "Speaking of now" (Warner Bros., 2002), new group members were added: drummer Antonio Sánchez from Mexico City, trumpeter Cuong Vu from Vietnam, and bassist, vocalist, guitarist, and percussionist Richard Bona from Cameroon.

"The way up" (Nonesuch, 2005) consists of a single 68-minute-long piece, split into four sections and based on a pair of three-note kernels: the opening B, A♯, F♯ and the derived B, A, F♯. On "The way up", harmonica player Grégoire Maret from Switzerland was introduced as a new group member, while Bona contributed as a guest musician.


Outside the Group, Metheny has shown different sides of his musical personality. He made the album "Orchestrion" (Nonesuch, 2010) with elaborate, custom mechanical instruments, allowing one person to compose and perform as a one-person orchestra. By contrast, his album "Secret story" (Geffen, 1992) used orchestral arrangements found more often in movie soundtracks, such as his own "The falcon and the snowman" (EMI, 1985) and "A map of the world" (Warner Bros., 1999). His solo acoustic guitar albums include "New Chautauqua" (ECM, 1979), "One quiet night" (Warner Bros., 2003), and "What's it all about" (Nonesuch, 2011). He explored the fringes of the avant-garde on "Zero tolerance for silence" (Geffen, 1994). This, too, was an album of solo guitar, but it was electric guitar, and to many fans and critics it was simply noise. Metheny had ventured into the avant-garde before on "80/81" (ECM, 1980), "Song X" (Geffen, 1986) with Ornette Coleman, and "The sign of four" with Derek Bailey (Knitting Factory Works, 1997).

In 1997, Metheny recorded with bassist Marc Johnson on Johnson's release "The sound of summer running" (Verve, 1998). The next year, he recorded a guitar duet with Jim Hall (Telarc, 1999), whose work has strongly influenced Metheny's. He collaborated with Polish jazz and folk singer Anna Maria Jopek on "Upojenie" (Warner Poland, 2002) and Bruce Hornsby on "Hot house" (RCA, 2005).

He recorded on albums by his older brother, Mike Metheny, a jazz trumpeter, among them "Day in - Night out" (1986) and "Close enough for love" (2001).

The long list of his collaborators includes Lyle Mays, Bill Frisell, Billy Higgins, Brad Mehldau, Charlie Haden, Chick Corea, Dave Holland, Dewey Redman, Eberhard Weber, Herbie Hancock, Jack DeJohnette, Jaco Pastorius, Jim Hall, John Scofield, Joni Mitchell, David Bowie, Joshua Redman, Marc Johnson, Michael Brecker, Mick Goodrick, Roy Haynes, Steve Swallow, and Tony Williams.


In 2012, he formed the Unity Band with Antonio Sánchez on drums, Ben Williams on bass and Chris Potter on saxophone. This ensemble toured Europe and the U.S. during the latter half of the year. In 2013, as an extension of the Unity Band project, Metheny announced the formation of the Pat Metheny Unity Group, with the addition of the Italian multi-instrumentalist Giulio Carmassi.


As a young guitarist, Metheny tried to sound like Wes Montgomery, but when he was 14 or 15, he decided it was disrespectful to imitate him. In the liner notes on the 2-disc Montgomery compilation "Impressions: The Verve jazz sides", Metheny is quoted as saying, "'Smokin' at the half note' is the absolute greatest jazz-guitar album ever made. It is also the record that taught me how to play".

Ornette Coleman's 1968 album "New York is now!" inspired Metheny to find his own direction. He has recorded Coleman's compositions on a number of albums, starting with a medley of "Round trip" and "Broadway blues" on his debut album, "Bright size life" (1976). He worked extensively with Coleman's collaborators, such as Charlie Haden, Dewey Redman, and Billy Higgins, and he recorded the album "Song X" (1986) with Coleman and toured with him.

Metheny made three albums on ECM with Brazilian vocalist and percussionist Naná Vasconcelos. He lived in Brazil from the late 1980s to the early 1990s and performed with several local musicians, such as Milton Nascimento and Toninho Horta. He played with Antônio Carlos Jobim as a tribute, in a live performance in "Carnegie Hall salutes the jazz masters: Verve 50th anniversary".

He is also a fan of several pop music artists, especially singer and songwriters including James Taylor (after whom he named the song "James" on "Offramp"), Bruce Hornsby, Cheap Trick, and Joni Mitchell, with whom he performed on her "Shadows and light" (Asylum/Elektra, 1980) live tour. Metheny is also fond of Buckethead's music. He also worked with, sponsored or helped to make recordings of singer and songwriters from all over the world, such as Pedro Aznar (Argentina), Akiko Yano (Japan), David Bowie (UK), Silje Nergaard (Norway), Noa (Israel), and Anna Maria Jopek (Poland).

Two of Metheny's albums, "The way up" (2005) and "Orchestrion" (2010), show the influence of American minimalist composer Steve Reich and use similar rhythmic figures structured around pulse. Metheny recorded Reich's composition "Electric counterpoint" on Reich's album "Different trains" (Nonesuch, 1987).


Metheny plays a custom-made 42-string Pikasso I created by Canadian luthier Linda Manzer. He plays it on "Into the dream" and on the albums "Quartet" (1996), "Imaginary day" (1997), "Jim Hall & Pat Metheny" (1999), "Trio → Live" (Warner Bros., 2000), and the "Speaking of now: live" and "Imaginary day: live" DVDs. Metheny has used the guitar in his guest appearances on other artists' albums. He used the Pikasso on "Metheny/Mehldau Quartet" (Nonesuch, 2007), his second collaboration with pianist Brad Mehldau and his trio sidemen Larry Grenadier and Jeff Ballard: the Pikasso is featured on Metheny's composition "The sound of water". Manzer has made many acoustic guitars for Metheny, including a mini guitar, an acoustic sitar guitar, and the baritone guitar, which Metheny used for the recording of "One quiet night" (2003).


Metheny was one of the first jazz guitarists to use the Roland GR-300 Guitar Synthesizer. He commented, "You have to stop thinking about it as a guitar, because it no longer is a guitar". He approaches it as if he were a horn player, and he prefers the "high trumpet" sound of the instrument. One of the "patches" that he has often used is on Roland's JV-80 Vintage Synth expansion card, titled Pat's GR-300. In addition to the Roland, he uses a Synclavier controller.


Metheny was an early proponent of the twelve-string guitar in jazz. During his 1975 tour with the Gary Burton "Quartet" (five people, including Metheny), he primarily played electric twelve-string guitar against the six-string work of resident guitarist Mick Goodrick.

Prior to Metheny, Pat Martino had used the electric twelve-string guitar on a studio album, "Desperado", and John McLaughlin had used a double-neck electric guitar with the Mahavishnu Orchestra. Ralph Towner was perhaps the first to use acoustic twelve-string guitar extensively in jazz ("The moors", from Weather Report's "I sing the body electric", Columbia, 1972), and Larry Coryell and Philip Catherine made extensive use of acoustic twelve string in alternate tunings at the 1975 Montreux Jazz Festival, later releasing some of the material on their 1976 "Twin house" album.

Metheny used a twelve-string guitar on his debut album, "Bright size life" (1976), including alternate tuning on "Sirabhorn", and on later albums ("San Lorenzo", from Pat Metheny Group and "Travels").


At the age of 12, Metheny bought a natural finish Gibson ES-175 that he played throughout his early career, until it was retired in 1995. After his first tour of Japan in 1978, he began an association with Ibanez guitars, who have since produced a range of PM signature models.


Metheny lives in New York City with his wife, Latifa (née Azhar), and three children. Latifa has been credited for album photography. Metheny had a relationship with the Brazilioan actress Sônia Braga.


  • Only artist to win Grammy Awards in ten different categories
  • DownBeat Hall of Fame, 2013
  • Miles Davis Award, Montreal International Jazz Festival, 1995
  • Orville H. Gibson Award, 1996
  • "Honorary Doctorate of Music" from Berklee College of Music, 1996
  • "Guitarist of the year", DownBeat readers' poll, 1983, 1986-1991, 2007-2016
  • "Best jazz guitarist", Guitar Player magazine, 1982, 1983, 1986
  • "Best jazz guitarist", Guitar Player magazine readers' poll, 1984, 1985, 2009
  • "Best acoustic guitarist", Acoustic Guitar magazine readers' poll, 2009
  • Echo Award for "Best guitar instrumentalist" - International for "TAP: John Zorn's book of angels vol. 20", 2014
  • Echo Award, "International ensemble of the year", Kin, 2015
  • Missouri Music Hall of Fame, 2016
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, JazzFM, 2018
  • Elected into Royal Swedish Academy of Music, 2018
  • 2018 NEA Jazz Masters, 2017
  • "Honorary Doctorate of Music" from McGill University, 2019


  • 2013 - "Best jazz instrumental album" fot "Unity Band" by Unity Band
  • 2012 - "Best new age album" for "What's it all about"
  • 2008 - "Best jazz instrumental album" for "Pilgrimage" by Michael Bracker (won as producer)
  • 2006 - "Best contemporary jazz album" for "The way up" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 2004 - "Best new age album" for "One quiet night"
  • 2003 - "Best contemporary jazz album" for "Speaking of now" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 2001 - "Best jazz instrumental solo" for "(Go) Get it" by Trio 99 → 00 (won as soloist)
  • 2000 - "Best jazz instrumental performance" for "Like minds" (with Chick Corea, Dave Holland, Gary Burton, Roy Haynes)
  • 1999 - "Best rock instrumental performance" for "The roots of coincidence" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1999 - "Best contemporary jazz performance" for "Imaginary day" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1998 - "Best jazz instrumental performance" for "Beyond the Missouri sky" (with Charlie Haden)
  • 1996 - "Best contemporary jazz performance" for "We live here" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1994 - "Best contemporary jazz performance" for "The road to you" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1993 - "Best contemporary jazz performance" for "Secret story"
  • 1991 - "Best instrumental composition" for "Change of heart" (won as composer)
  • 1989 - "Best jazz fusion performance" for "Letter from home" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1988 - "Best jazz fusion performance" for "Still life (Talking)" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1985 - "Best jazz fusion performance" for "First circle" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1984 - "Best jazz fusion performance" for "Travels" by Pat Metheny Group
  • 1983 - "Best jazz fusion performance" for "Offramp" by Pat Metheny Group

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para membros e músicos participantes, veja os encartes dos discos
for participating members and musicians, see the album inserts

Pat Metheny (photo 02)
Pat Metheny Group
Pat Metheny (photo 03)



Bright size
life (1976)
[1990ECM Records]
Pat Metheny - Bright size life - 1976 (1990, ECM Records [front])
01. Bright
size life
02. Sirabhorn
03. Unity village
04. Missouri
05. Midwestern
nights dream
06. Unquity road
07. Omaha
08. Round trip/

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artworks: enjoy!

Bright size
life (1976)
[2017ECM Records]
(88 kHz/24 bit)
Pat Metheny - Bright size life - 1976 (2017, ECM Records [front])
01. Bright
size life
02. Sirabhorn
03. Unity village
04. Missouri
05. Midwestern
nights dream
06. Unquity road
07. Omaha
08. Round trip/

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artworks: enjoy!

Watercolors (1977)
[1977ECM Records]
Pat Metheny - Watercolors - 1977 (1977, ECM Records [front])
01. Watercolors
02. Icefire
03. Oasis
04. Lakes
05. River Quay
06. Suite:
a) Florida
greeting song
07. b) Legend
of the fountain
08.  Sea song

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New Chautauqua (1979)
[1999ECM Records]
Pat Metheny - New Chautauqua - 1979  (1999, ECM Records)
01. New Chautauqua
02. Country poem
03. Long-ago child/
Fallen star
04. Hermitage
05. Sueño
con Mexico
06. Daybreak

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artworks: enjoy!

80-81 (1980)
[1980, ECM Records]
Pat Metheny - 80-81 - 1980 (1980, ECM Records [front])
01. Two folk
songs: 1st & 2nd
02. 80/81
03. The bat
04. Turn
05. Open
06. Pretty
07. Every day
(I thank you)
08. Goin'

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artworks: enjoy!

Rejoicing (1984)
[1984, ECM Records]
Pat Metheny - Rejoicing - 1984 (1984, ECM Records [front])
01. Lonely woman
02. Tears inside
03. Humpty dumpty
04. Blues for Pat
05. Rejoicing
06. Story from
a stranger
07. The calling
08. Waiting for
an answer

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artworks: enjoy!

Secret story (1992)
[1992, Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny - Secret story - 1992 (1992, Geffen Records [front])
01. Above
the treetops
02. Facing west
03. Cathedral in a suitcase
04. Finding and believing
05. The longest summer
06. Sunlight
07. Rain river
08. Always
and forever
09. See the world
10. As a flower blossoms
(I am running to you)
11. Antonia
12. The truth
will always be
13. Tell her you saw me
14. Not to be forgotten
(Our final hour)

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full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Secret story
{deluxe edition} (1992)
[2007, Nonesuch Records]
Pat Metheny - Secret story (deluxe edition) - 1992 (2007, Nonesuch Records [front])
CD 01
01. Above
the treetops
02. Facing west
03. Cathedral in a suitcase
04. Finding and believing
05. The longest summer
06. Sunlight
07. Rain river
08. Always
and forever
09. See the world
10. As a flower blossoms
(I am running to you)
11. Antonia
12. The truth
will always be
13. Tell her you saw me
14. Not to be forgotten
(Our final hour)

CD 02
01. Back in time
02. Look ahead
03. Understanding
04. A change in
05. Et si c'etait la fin
(As if it were
the end)

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full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Zero tolerance
for silence (1994)
[1994, Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny - Zero tolerance for silence - 1994 (1994, Geffen Records [front])
01. Part 1
02. Part 2
03. Part 3
04. Part 4
05. Part 5

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artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Passaggio per il
paradiso (1996)
[1994Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny - Passagio per il paradiso - 1996 (1996, Geffen Records [front])
01. Theme
from "Passaggio
per il paradiso"
02. Marta's theme
03. The roads of Marche
04. Marta's house story
05. Wolf story
06. Marta's
stag story
07. Learning
on the road
08. Private eye
09. Marta on the bus
10. Remembering home,
meeting the kids
11. Renato's theme
12. It's always
worth the trouble
13. Don't forget
(Renato's theme}

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artworks: enjoy!

One quiet
night (2003)
[2003, Warner Bros. Records]
Pat Metheny - One quiet night - 2003 (2003, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. One quiet night
02. Song for the boys
03. Don't know why
04. Another chance
05. And time goes on
06. My song
07. Peace memory
08. Ferry cross the mersey
09. Over on 4th street
10. I will find the way
11. North to South,
east to West
12. Last train

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artworks: enjoy!

Orchestrion (2010)
[2010, Nonesuch Records]
Pat Metheny - Orchestrion - 2010 (2010, Nonesuch Records [front])
01. Orchestrion
02. Entry point
03. Expansion
04. Soul search
05. Spirit of
the air

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

What's it
all about (2011)
[2011Nonesuch Records]
Pat Metheny - What's it all about - 2011 (2011, Nonesuch Records [front])
01. The sound
of silence
02. Cherish
03. Alfie
04. Pipeline
05. Garota
de Ipanema
06. Rainy days
and mondays
07. That's the way
I've always heard
it should be
08. Slow hot wind
09. Betcha by
Golly, wow
10. And I
love her

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

The orchestrion
project (2012)
[2012Nonesuch Records]
Pat Metheny - The orchestrion project - 2012 (2012, Nonesuch [front])
CD 01
01. Improvisation
(part 1)
02. Antonia
03. Entry point
04. Expansion
05. Improvisation
(part 2)
06. 80/81/
Broadway blues
07. Orchestrion

CD 02
01. Soul search
02. Spirit of the air
03. Stranger in town
04. Sueño con Mexico
05. Tell her you saw me
06. Unity village

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full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Dream box (2023)
[2023, Modern Recordings]
Pat Metheny - Dream box - 2023 (2023, Modern Recordings [front])
01. The waves
are not the ocean
02. From the mountains
03. Ole & Gard
04. Trust your angels
05. Never was love
06. I fall in
love too easily
07. P.C. of Belgium
08. Morning of
the carnival
09. Clouds can't
change the sky

Mp3 320kbps and
artwork: enjoy!
FLAC files +
artwork: enjoy!


Live in
concert (1977)
[1977ECM Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Live in concert - 1977 (1977, ECM Records [front])
01. Phase dancer
02. Watercolors
03. San Lorenzo
04. Wrong is right

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artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Pat Metheny
Group (1978)
[1985, ECM Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Pat Metheny Group - 1978 (1985, ECM Records [front])
01. San Lorenzo
02. Phase dance
03. Jaco
04. April wind
05. April joy
06. Lone

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Pat Metheny
Group (1978)
[2017ECM Records]
(352 kHz/24 bit)
Pat Metheny Group - Pat Metheny Group - 1978 (2017, ECM Records [front])
01. San Lorenzo
02. Phase dance
03. Jaco
04. April wind
05. April joy
06. Lone

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artworks: enjoy!

garage (1979)
[1999ECM Records]
Pat Metheny Group - American garage - 1979 (1999, ECM Records [front])
01. (Cross the)
02. Airstream
03. The search
04. American
05. The epic

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Offramp (1982)
[1984ECM Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Offramp - 1982 (1984, ECM Records [front])
01. Barcarole
02. Are you
with me?
03. Au lait
04. Eighteen
05. Offramp
06. James
07. The bat
(part 2)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Offramp (1982)
[2017ECM Records]
(176 kHz/24 bit)
Pat Metheny Group - Offramp - 1982 (2017, ECM Records [front])
01. Barcarole
02. Are you
with me?
03. Au lait
04. Eighteen
05. Offramp
06. James
07. The bat
(part 2)

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artworks: enjoy!

Travels (1983)
[1986ECM Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Travels - 1983 (1986, ECM Records [front])
CD 01
01. Are you
going with me?
02. The fields,
the sky
03. Goodbye
04. Phase dance
05. Straight on red
06. Farmer's trust

CD 02
01. Extradition
02. Goin' ahead/
As falls Wichita,
so falls Wichita falls
03. Travels
04. Song for Bilbao
05. San Lorenzo

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Travels (1983)
[2018ECM Records]
(176 kHz/24 bit)
Pat Metheny Group - Travels - 1983 (2018, ECM Records [front])
CD 01
01. Are you
going with me?
02. The fields,
the sky
03. Goodbye
04. Phase dance
05. Straight on red
06. Farmer's trust

CD 02
01. Extradition
02. Goin' ahead/
As falls Wichita,
so falls Wichita falls
03. Travels
04. Song for Bilbao
05. San Lorenzo

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artworks: enjoy!

First circle (1984)
[1985ECM Records]
Pat Metheny Group - First circle - 1984 (1985, ECM Records [front])
01. Forward march
02. Yolanda, you learn
03. The first circle
04. If I could
05. Tell it all
06. End of the game
07. Más allá (Beyond)
08. Praise

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

The falcon and
the snowman (1985)
[1987, EMI Records]
Pat Metheny Group - The falcon and the snowman - 1985 (1987, EMI Records [front])
01. PSalm 121/
Flight of the falcon
02. Daulton Lee
03. Chris
04. "The falcon"
05. This is not America
06. Extent of the lie
07. The level
of deception
08. Capture
09. Epilogue
(PSalm 121)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Still life
(Talking) (1987)
[1993, Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Still life (Talking) - 1987 (1993, Geffen Records [front])
01. Minuano
(Six eight)
02. So may it
secretly begin
03. Last train home
04. (It's just) Talk
05. Third wind
06. Distance
07. In her

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Letter from
home (1989)
[1990, Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Letter from home - 1989 (1990, Geffen Records [front])
01. Have you heard?
02. Every summer night
03. Better days ahead
04. Spring ain't here
05. 45/8
06. 5-5-7
07. Beat 70
08. Dream of
the return
09. Are we
there yet?
10. Vidala
11. Slip away
12. Letter from

Mp3 320kbps and
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artworks: enjoy!

The road to you
{recorded live
in Europe} (1993)
[1993, Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny Group - The road to you [recorded live in Europe] - 1993 (1993, Geffen Records [front])
01. Have
you heard?
02. First circle
03. The road to you
04. Half life of absolution
05. Last train home
06. Better days ahead
07. Naked moon
08. Beat 70
09. Letter
from home
10. Third wind
11. Solo from
"More travels"

Mp3 320kbps and
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artworks: enjoy!

Unity village (1993)
[1998, Agat Company Ltd.]
Pat Methrny Group - Unity village - 1993 (1998, Agat Company Ltd. [front])
01. Phase dance
02. Missouri
03. Unity village
04. Guitar solo
05. The epic
06. Jaco
07. American

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

We live
here (1995)
[1995, Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny Group - We live here - 1995 (1995, Geffen Records [front])
01. Here to stay
02. And then I knew
03. The girls next door
04. To the end
of the world
05. We live here
06. Episode d'azur
07. Something
to remind you
08. Red sky
09. Stranger
in town

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Quartet (1996)
[1996, Geffen Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Quartet - 1996 (1996, Geffen Records [front])
01. Introduction
02. When we were free
03. Montevideo
04. Take me there
05. Seven days
06. Oceania
07. Dismantling
08. Double blind
09. Second
10. Mojave
11. Badland
12. Glacier
13. Language of time
14. Sometimes I see
15. As I am

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Imaginary day (1997)
[1997, Warner Bros. Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Imaginary day - 1997 (1997, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. Imaginary day
02. Follow me
03. Into the dream
04. A story
within the story
05. The heat of the day
06. Across the sky
07. The roots of coincidence
08. Too soon tomorrow
09. The awakening

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

of now (2002)
[2002, Warner Bros. Records]
Pat Metheny Group - Speaking of now - 2002 (2002, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. As it is
02. Proof
03. Another life
04. The gathering
05. You
06. On her way
07. A place
in the world
08. Afternoon
09. Wherever
you go

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

The way up (2005)
[2005, Nonesuch Records]
Pat Metheny Group - The way up - 2005 (2005, Nonesuch Records [front])
01. Opening
02. Part one
03. Part two
04. Part three

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full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Jaco (1974)
[1995, Jazz Door Records]
{Jaco Pastorius, Pat Metheny,
Paul Bley & Bruce Ditmas}
Jaco Pastorius, Pat Metheny, Paul Bley & Bruce Ditmas - Jaco - 1974 (1995, Jazz Door Records [front])
01. Vashkar
02. Poconos
03. Donkey
04. Vampira
05. Overtoned
06. Jaco
07. Batterie
08. King Korn
09. Blood

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

As falls Wichita, so
falls Wichita falls (1981)
[1981, ECM Records]
{Pat Metheny & Lyle Mays}
Pat Metheny & Lyle Mays - As falls Wichita, so falls Wichita falls - 1981 (1981, ECM Records [front)]
01. As falls Wichita,
so falls Wichita falls
02. Ozark
03. September fifteenth
(dedicated to Bill Evans)
04. "It's for you"
05. Estupenda

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!
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artworks: enjoy!

Song X (1986)
[1986, Geffen Records]
(Pat Metheny & Ornette Coleman)
Pat Metheny & Ornette Coleman - Song X - 1986 (1986, Geffen Records [front])
01. Song X
02. Mob job
03. Endangered
04. Video games
05. Kathelin Gray
06. Trigonometry
07. Song X duo
08. Long time
no see

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Question and
answer (1990)
[1990Geffen Records]
(Pat Metheny, Dave Holland
& Roy Haynes)
Pat Metheny, Dave Holland & Roy Haynes - Question and answer - 1990 (1990, Geffen Records [front])
01. Solar
02. Question
and answer
03. H & H
04. Never
too far away
05. Law years
06. Change of heart
07. All the things
you are
08. Old folks
09. Three
flights up

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

I can see your
house from here (1994)
[1994, Capitol Records]
(John Scofield & Pat Metheny)
John Scofield & Pat Metheny - I can see your house from here - 1994 (1994, Capitol Records [front])
01. I can see your
house from here
02. The red one
03. No matter what
04. Everybody's party
05. Message
to my friend
06. No way Jose
07. Say the
brother's name
08. S.C.O.
09. Quiet rising
10. One way to be
11. You speak my

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

I can see your
house from here (1994)
[2014Universal Music]
(John Scofield & Pat Metheny)
John Scofield & Pat Metheny - I can see your house from here - 1994 (2014, Universal Music [front])
01. I can see your
house from here
02. The red one
03. No matter what
04. Everybody's party
05. Message
to my friend
06. No way Jose
07. Say the
brother's name
08. S.C.O.
09. Quiet rising
10. One way to be
11. You speak my

FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Beyond the
Missouri sky (1997)
[1997, Verve Records]
(Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny)
Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny - Beyond the Missouri sky - 1997 (1997, Verve Records [front])
01. Waltz for Ruth
02. Our Spanish love song
03. Message to a friend
04. Two for the road
05. First song (for Ruth)
06. The moon is
a harsh mistress
07. The precious jewel
08. He's gone away
09. The moon song
10. Tears of rain
11. Cinema
Paradiso (Love theme)
12. Cinema Paradiso
(Main theme)
13. Spiritual

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Metheny Mehldau
Quartet (2007)
[2007, Nonesuch Records]
(Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau)
Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau - Metheny Mehldau Quartet - 2007 (2007, Nonesuch Records [front])
01. A night away
02. The sound of water
03. Fear and trembling
04. So much music
05. Towards the light
06. Long before
07. En la tierra
que no olvida
08. Santa Cruz slacker
09. Secret beach
10. Silent movie
11. Marta's theme
(from "Passagio per
il paradiso")

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Day trip (2008)
[2008, Nonesuch Records]
(Pat Metheny, Christian McBride
& Antonio Sanchez)
Pat Metheny, Christian McBride & Antonio Sanchez - Day trip - 2008 (2008, Nonesuch Records [front])
01. Son
of thirteen
02. At last
you're here
03. Let's move
04. Snova
05. Calvin's keys
06. Is this America?
(Katrina 2005)
07. When we were free
08. Dreaming trees
09. The red one
10. Day trip

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Unity Band (2012)
[2012Nonesuch Records]
(Pat Metheny's Unity Band)
Unity Band - Unity Band - 2012 (2012, Nonesuch [front])
01. New year
02. Roofdogs
03. Come and see
04. This belongs to you
05. Leaving town
06. Interval waltz
07. Signals
(Orchestrion sketch)
08. Then and now
09. Breakdealer

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Hommage à
Eberhard Weber (2015)
[2015, ECM Records]
(Pat Metheny & SWR Big Band)
Pat Metheny & SWR Big Band - Hommage à Eberhard Weber - 2015 (2015, ECM Records [front])
01. Resumé
02. Hommage
03. Touch
04. Maurizius
05. Tübingen
06. Notes after
an evening
07. Street scenes

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Cuong Vu Trio
meets Pat Metheny (2016)
[2016, Nonesuch Records]
(Cuong Vu Trio & Pat Metheny)
Cuong Vu Trio & Pat Metheny - Cuong Vu Trio meets Pat Metheny - 2016 (2016, Nonesuch Records [front])
01. Acid kiss
02. Not crazy
(Just giddy upping)
03. Seeds of doubt
04. Tiny little pieces
05. Telescope
06. Let's get back
07. Tune blues

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Works (1984)
[1984, ECM Records]
Pat Metheny - Works - 1984 (1984, ECM Records [front])
01. Sueño
con Mexico
02. (Cross the)
03. Travels
04. James
05. "It's for you"
06. Everyday
(I thank you)
07. Goin'

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Works II (1988)
[1988, ECM Records]
Pat Metheny - Works II - 1988 (1988, ECM Records [front])
01. Unquity road
02. Unity village
03. Open
04. Story from
a stranger
05. Oasis
06. Sirabhorn
07. Farmer's

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Pat Metheny [MP3]: enjoy!
Pat Metheny [FLAC]: enjoy!
Pat Metheny Group [MP3]: enjoy!
Pat Metheny Group [FLAC]: enjoy!

Pat Metheny Group - live at Montreal Jazz Fest - 1982
Pat Metheny Group - Have you heard? - 1992

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