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sexta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2023

Stuff (Jazz Funk/Fusion {US})

Stuff (photo 01)

Stuff foi um lendário grupo de fusão que existiu brevemente no final dos anos 1970. Sob a liderança do baixista Gordon Edwards, os (primeiramente) músicos de estúdio de Nova York se reuniram e tocaram principalmente para sua própria diversão. A banda lançou cinco álbuns antes de se separar em 1980. Os membros eram Gordon Edwards (baixo), Richard Tee (teclados), Eric Gale (guitarra), Cornell Dupree (guitarra), Chris Parker (bateria) e mais tarde Steve Gadd (bateria).


Edwards descreve como a banda foi fundada: "Eu estava contratando e tocando em sessões de estúdio e contratei Cornell para muitas das datas, então começamos a recrutar para a banda. Um dia na casa de Rudy Van Gelder - lembro que era um trabalho e tanto, era para a rainha Esther Marrow, grande cantora - George Benson estava trabalhando, Bernard Purdie e Richard Tee nos teclados. Esther me perguntou se ela poderia usar a banda para um clube que ela havia marcado. Um clube chamado Mikell's na cidade de Nova York. Nós tocamos lá, e Richard Tee apareceu uma vez e começou a vir todas as noites. Só trabalhávamos de segunda a quinta, e o Mikell's estava lotado, de parede a parede, em volta do quarteirão".

Depois de se separar de Esther, a banda voltou a tocar lá todas as semanas: "Steve Gadd veio uma noite para se sentar conosco, assim como Eric Gale, e os dois se tornaram parte da banda. Estávamos tocando pesado e uma noite fui abordado por Michael Lang, o cavalheiro que nos colocou no Woodstock, que disse que tinha certeza de que poderia conseguir um contrato de gravação para nós - se estivéssemos interessados. Com certeza, a Warner Bros. veio da Califórnia para nos ouvir ao vivo. Eles gostaram de nós, mas não podíamos usar o nome The Encyclopaedia of Soul - era muito longo. Lembro que um dia estávamos em uma lanchonete que ficava na esquina da Atlantic Records. Estávamos eu, Michael Lang, Cornell Dupree e Erma Dupree e estávamos tentando decidir como chamaríamos a banda. Foi Erma quem disse: 'Sabe, Gordon, você sempre chama todo mundo de coisas, não me importa quem seja. Você deveria chamar a banda de Stuff'".

Stuff desenvolveu um ritmo dançante e um som de blues e funk. Os membros da Stuff estavam entre os músicos de sessão mais procurados daquela época, tocando com Aretha Franklin, John Lennon e Paul Simon. Eles apoiaram Joe Cocker durante sua turnê mundial para promover seu álbum "Stingray" e se apresentaram com o Saturday Night Live em sua segunda temporada. A banda lançou cinco álbuns entre 1975 e 1980. Seu segundo álbum de estúdio completo, "More Stuff", ganhou uma indicação ao Grammy. O primeiro álbum da Stuff foi gravado em Long View Farm em North Brookfield, Massachusetts e produzido por Herb Lovelle em 1976. No Japão, foi certificado como Platina.

Stuff estava associado ao Mikell's, o clube de jazz de Nova York onde músicos de sessão se reuniam para jam sessions com músicos visitantes de soul, jazz e funk.


Stuff was a legendary fusion group that existed briefly in the late 1970s. Under the leadership of bassist Gordon Edwards, first-call New York studio musicians got together and mostly played for their own fun. The band released five albums before disbanding in 1980. The members were Gordon Edwards (bass guitar), Richard Tee (keyboards), Eric Gale (guitar), Cornell Dupree (guitar), Chris Parker (drums), and later Steve Gadd (drums).


Edwards describes how the band was founded: "I was contracting and playing studio sessions, and hired Cornell for many of the dates, so we started recruiting for the band. One day at Rudy Van Gelder's - I remember it was a hell of a job, it was for Queen Esther Marrow, great singer - George Benson was on the job, Bernard Purdie, and Richard Tee on keyboards. Esther asked me if she could use the band for a club date she had lined up. A club called Mikell's in New York City. We did play there, and Richard Tee stopped by one time and he started coming every night. We only worked Monday through Thursday, and Mikell's was packed, wall to wall, round the block".

After parting ways with Esther the band returned to play there every week: "Steve Gadd came by one night to sit in with us, as did Eric Gale, and they both became a part of the band. We were rolling heavy, and one night I was approached by Michael Lang, the gentleman who put on Woodstock, who said he was sure he could get us a record deal - were we interested. Sure enough Warner Bros. flew in from California to hear us live. They liked us, but we couldn't use the name The Encyclopaedia of Soul - it was too long. I remember we were in a diner that was on the corner by Atlantic Records one day. There was me, Michael Lang, Cornell Dupree and Erma Dupree and we were trying to decide what we would call the band. It was Erma who said, 'You know Gordon, you always call everybody stuff, I don't care who it is. You should call the band Stuff'".

Stuff developed a danceable rhythm and blues and funk sound. Members of Stuff were among the most sought after session musicians of that era, playing with Aretha Franklin, John Lennon and Paul Simon. They supported Joe Cocker during his world tour to promote his "Stingray" album and performed with Saturday Night Live in its second season. The band released five albums between 1975 and 1980. Their second full-length studio album, "More Stuff", earned a Grammy nomination. Stuff's first album was recorded at Long View Farm in North Brookfield, Massachusetts and produced by Herb Lovelle in 1976. In Japan it was certified Platinum.

Stuff was associated with Mikell's, the New York jazz club where session musicians would meet for jam sessions with visiting soul, jazz, and funk musicians.

Eric Gale - guitarra
Richard Tee - teclados
Gordon Edwards - baixo
Cornell Dupree - guitarra
Chris Parker - bateria
Steve Gadd - bateria


Stuff (1976)
[2011, Warner Bros. Records]
Stuff - Stuff - 1976 (2011, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. Foots
02. My sweetness
03. (Do you) Want
some of this
04. Looking for the juice
05. Reflections of divine love
06. How long will it last
07. Sun song
08. Happy farms
09. Dixie/Up on
the roof

FLAC + full
artworks: enjoy!

Stuff (1976)
[2012Warner Bros. Records]
Stuff - Stuff - 1976 (2012, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. Foots
02. My sweetness
03. (Do you) Want
some of this
04. Looking for the juice
05. Reflections of divine love
06. How long will it last
07. Sun song
08. Happy farms
09. Dixie/Up on
the roof

Mp3 320kbps and
full artorwks: enjoy!
FLAC + full
artworks: enjoy!

More Stuff (1977)
[2012, Warner Bros. Records]
Stuff - More Stuff - 1977 (2012, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. This one's for you
02. And here you are
03. Subway
04. Love of mine
05. Honey coral rock
06. Sometimes
Bubba gets down
07. As
08. Need

Mp3 320kbps and
full artorwks: enjoy!
FLAC + full
artworks: enjoy!

Live Stuff (1978)
[2012, Warner Bros. Records]
Stuff - Live Stuff - 1978 (2012, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. Foots
02. Junior
Walker medley:
a) Road runner
b) Pucker up buttercup
03. Need somebody
04. Signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours/Stuff's theme
05. Love of mine
06. Dixie

Mp3 320kbps and
full artorwks: enjoy!
FLAC + full
artworks: enjoy!

Stuff it (1979)
[2012, Warner Bros. Records]
Stuff - Stuff it - 1979 (2012, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. Mighty love
02. Dance with me
03. Since you've been gone
(Baby, baby, sweet baby)
04. Always
05. Stuff it
06. Love having
you around
07. Rainbows
08. Gordon's theme
09. Talkin' about
my love for you
10. Do it again

Mp3 320kbps and
full artorwks: enjoy!
FLAC + full
artworks: enjoy!

Live in New York (1980)
[2012, Warner Bros. Records]
Stuff - Live in New York - 1980 (2012, Warner Bros. Records [front])
01. Sometimes
Bubba gets down
02. You make it easy
03. You're a great girl
04. Shuffle
05. Love the Stuff/Ain't no
mountain high enough
06. Duck soup
07. The real

Mp3 320kbps and
full artorwks: enjoy!
FLAC + full
artworks: enjoy!

Stuff - (Do you) Want some of this - 1976
Stuff - As 1977
Stuff - Honey coral rock1977
Stuff - Love of mine1977

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