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quarta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2023

Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich (Beat/Freakbeat/Mod/Pop/Rock {UK})

Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich (photo 01)

Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich foi uma banda de rock inglesa ativa durante a década de 1960. Formada em Salisbury em 1964, a banda era composta por David John Harman (Dave Dee), Trevor Leonard Ward-Davies (Dozy), John Dymond (Beaky), Michael Wilson (Mick) e Ian Frederick Stephen Amey (Tich). Seu novo nome, atuação maluca no palco e estilo de vestir sinistro ajudaram a impulsioná-los ao sucesso nas paradas com uma série de singles de sucesso escritos pelos compositores Ken Howard e Alan Blaikley, incluindo "Hold tight", "Bend it" e "Zabadak". Ao longo da carreira da banda, eles tocaram diversos gêneros diferentes, incluindo freakbeat, mod e pop. Dois de seus singles venderam mais de um milhão de cópias cada, e a banda alcançou o primeiro lugar no UK Singles Chart com o segundo, "The legend of Xanadu". Ao contrário de muitas outras bandas britânicas da década de 1960 que foram associadas à invasão britânica dos Estados Unidos, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich teve sucesso comercial limitado nos EUA. Desde a sua separação original em 1973, a banda se reuniu em várias formações e uma formação com Dymond continua a se apresentar até hoje como Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich.


Cinco amigos de Wiltshire, David John Harman (Dave Dee), Trevor Leonard Ward-Davies (Dozy), John Dymond (Beaky), Michael Wilson (Mick) e Ian Frederick Stephen Amey (Tich), formaram um grupo em 1961, originalmente chamado Dave Dee and The Bostons. Eles logo desistiram de seus empregos (Dave Dee era policial) para viver da música. Além de se apresentar no Reino Unido, eles tocaram ocasionalmente em Hamburgo (Star-Club, Top Ten Club) e em Colônia (Storyville).

Antes de deixar a força policial de Wiltshire, o vocalista Dave Dee compareceu ao local do acidente automobilístico em que o rock and roll americano Eddie Cochran foi morto e Gene Vincent ficou ferido em abril de 1960.

No verão de 1964, os compositores britânicos Ken Howard e Alan Blaikley ficaram interessados em gravá-los. A banda se montou em estúdio para fazer gravações com Joe Meek. Essas sessões de gravação não conseguiram decolar. Dave Dee afirmou que Meek "tinha técnicas de gravação muito estranhas. Ele queria que tocássemos a música na metade da velocidade e então ele iria acelerar e colocar todos esses pequenos truques nela. Dissemos que não poderíamos fazer dessa maneira. Ele explodiu, jogou café em todo o estúdio e foi até seu quarto. Seu assistente [Patrick Pink] entrou e disse: 'O Sr. Meek não gravará mais nada hoje'. Foi isso. Carregamos todo o nosso equipamento e voltamos para casa". O grupo acabou ganhando um contrato de gravação com a Fontana Records.

Ken Howard disse que: "Mudamos seus nomes para Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich, porque eram seus apelidos reais e porque queríamos enfatizar suas personalidades muito distintas em um clima que considerava as bandas como coletivos". O nome distinto, juntamente com canções bem produzidas e cativantes de Howard e Blaikley, rapidamente cativaram a imaginação do público do Reino Unido e os seus discos começaram a vender em abundância. O grupo fez uma estranha turnê pela Austrália e Nova Zelândia, onde também obteve algum sucesso marcante nas paradas.

A banda também alcançou o primeiro lugar no UK Singles Chart em 1968 com "The legend of Xanadu". Os números de vendas combinados ultrapassaram um milhão de cópias. Seus outros dez maiores sucessos no Reino Unido incluíram "Hideaway", "Hold tight", "Bend it", "Save me", "Okay", "Zabadak" e "Last night in Soho".

"Bend it" foi um grande sucesso na Europa, incluindo o número um na Alemanha. Para obter o som bouzouki na gravação, foi utilizado um bandolim eletrificado. A música foi inspirada na música da trilha sonora do filme "Zorba, o grego". As vendas combinadas no Reino Unido e na Europa foram superiores a um milhão. No entanto, em outubro de 1966, a revista musical britânica NME comentou que dezenas de estações de rádio norte-americanas haviam proibido o disco, porque as letras eram consideradas muito sugestivas. O grupo respondeu gravando uma nova versão em Londres com um conjunto diferente de palavras, que foi lançada rapidamente nos Estados Unidos, já que o single original foi retirado da venda. "Bend it" foi mais tarde usado em um episódio da sitcom de animação americana Futurama intitulado "Os mutantes são revoltantes". "Hold tight" foi usado no filme de 2007 de Quentin Tarantino "Death proof".

A banda vendeu muito em outros lugares, especialmente nos países da Comunidade Britânica. Na Nova Zelândia, o grupo teve três sucessos em primeiro lugar e outras sete músicas alcançaram o Top Ten. Na Austrália, alcançou o Top Ten com "Hold tight", "Bend it", "Zabadak" e "The legend of Xanadu". No Canadá, a banda marcou dois sucessos entre os dez primeiros com "Zabadak", que alcançou o primeiro lugar, e "The legend of Xanadu", e atingiu o top trinta com "Break out" - uma música que só foi lançada na América do Norte.

Nos Estados Unidos, o grupo não conseguiu se destacar nacionalmente, embora tenha tido sucessos regionais, especialmente em cidades do nordeste, como Cleveland, Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany e Boston, onde "Bend it" e "Hold tight" ganharam considerável repercussão nas rádios e alcançaram sucesso em os dez primeiros nas estações de rádio locais. "Zabadak" ganhou extensa exibição nas rádios dos EUA durante o inverno de 1967-68, subindo para o Top Ten em vários dos principais mercados dos EUA, incluindo Los Angeles, mas apesar de bolsões de exposição no rádio, a banda nunca ganhou airplay em massa na América; "Zabadak" foi o único single da banda nas paradas nacionais da Billboard Hot 100, onde alcançou a posição 52. Isso é, pelo menos parcialmente, resultado de ambas as gravadoras da banda nos EUA, Fontana e Imperial Records, não terem conseguido garantir-lhes uma turnê pelos EUA. ou aparições na TV. Fontana fez apenas duas aparições em programas nacionais de TV dos EUA. Estes foram em julho de 1966 ("Hold tight" em "Where the action is") e Piccadilly Palace em 26 de agosto de 1967 (apresentando seu então atual single "Okay"). Imperial não marcou nenhum.

Em setembro de 1969, Dave Dee deixou o grupo para uma carreira solo de curta duração. A NME informou no mês anterior que Dave Dee interpretaria o líder de uma gangue de motociclistas no próximo filme de Marty Feldman, "Every home should have one". O resto da banda, renomeada como (D,B,M + T), continuou lançando discos até se separar em 1973.

Em 1973, Ian Amey e John Dymond formaram uma banda com Peter Mason, Bob Taylor e Charles O'Brien chamada Mason. Em 1974, a formação original se reuniu para um single, "She's my lady", com produção de Dave Dee e Peter Mason. Ian Amey e John Dymond continuaram se apresentando com Trevor Ward-Davies e Pete Lucas em uma banda chamada Tracker. Em 1976, após a separação da Tracker. Ian Amey reuniu Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich com a formação da Tracker. Agora Beaky tocava bateria e Pete, sob o nome de Mick, tocava guitarra.

Em 1979, Dave Dee produziu, mas não tocou, o single da banda, "You've got me on the run", que apresentava Beaky nos vocais principais. Em 1980 ou 1982, Dave Dee voltou à banda, embora não de forma consistente. Às vezes aparecendo em metade de um show, mas não em todo um. Pete Lucas saiu e foi substituído pelo cantor John Hatchman. Embora inicialmente fosse vocalista da banda, Hatchman finalmente começou a tocar bateria e Beaky voltou para a guitarra. O grupo continuou a gravar discos, geralmente com Dave Dee, embora nem sempre, como no caso do single de 1986, "Matthew and son". Nesse ínterim, Dave Dee tornou-se produtor musical da Magnet Records. Em 1987, a banda mudou-se para Marbella, Espanha, exceto Dave Dee, praticamente retirando-o da banda.

Em 1989, a banda voltou para a Inglaterra, mas sem John Dymond, que queria ficar para trás. Paul Bennett o substituiu. Alguns anos depois, Tony Carpenter substituiu Bennett. Na década de 1990, a banda voltou a se apresentar, desta vez com Dave Dee. Dave Dee foi um J.P. - um Juiz de Paz é um oficial de justiça de um tribunal inferior ou puisne, eleito ou nomeado por meio de uma comissão (cartas patentes) para manter a paz - em Cheshire até se aposentar do banco em 2008 devido a problemas de saúde. Ele continuou a se apresentar com sua banda quase até sua morte, em 9 de janeiro de 2009. Ele sofria de câncer de próstata desde o início de 2001.

Em julho de 2005, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich se apresentou no Merryhill Music Festival no clube naturista Merryhill Leisure em Norfolk, Inglaterra.

Em 2013, John Dymond (o Beaky original) voltou para a banda. Em 2014, Tich aposentou-se após 50 anos.

Com Ray Frost como o novo "Tich", a banda, ainda incluindo dois membros originais, prometeu continuar. No entanto, Trevor Ward-Davies (Dozy) morreu em 13 de janeiro de 2015, aos 70 anos, após uma curta doença. Ele deixou sua esposa, Yvonne.

O filme de 2021 "Last night in Soho", dirigido por Edgar Wright, traz o hit de 1968 da banda de mesmo nome.


Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich was an English rock band active during the 1960s. Formed in Salisbury in 1964, the band consisted of David John Harman (Dave Dee), Trevor Leonard Ward-Davies (Dozy), John Dymond (Beaky), Michael Wilson (Mick) and Ian Frederick Stephen Amey (Tich). Its novel name, zany stage act and lurid dress sense helped propel them to chart success with a string of hit singles penned by songwriters Ken Howard and Alan Blaikley including "Hold tight", "Bend it" and "Zabadak". Over the course of the band's career, it played several different genres, including freakbeat, mod and pop. Two of its single releases sold in excess of one million copies each, and the band reached number one in the UK Singles Chart with the second, "The legend of Xanadu". Unlike many other British bands of the 1960s who was associated with the British invasion of the United States, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich had limited commercial US success. Since its original break-up in 1973, the band have reunited in various formations and a lineup featuring Dymond continues to perform today as Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich.


Five friends from Wiltshire, David John Harman (Dave Dee), Trevor Leonard Ward-Davies (Dozy), John Dymond (Beaky), Michael Wilson (Mick) and Ian Frederick Stephen Amey (Tich), formed a group in 1961, originally called Dave Dee and The Bostons. They soon gave up their jobs (Dave Dee was a policeman) to make their living from music. Apart from performing in the UK, they occasionally played in Hamburg (Star-Club, Top Ten Club) and in Cologne (Storyville).

Before leaving the Wiltshire police force, vocalist Dave Dee attended the scene of the motoring accident in which the American rock and roller Eddie Cochran was killed and Gene Vincent was injured in April 1960.

In summer 1964, the British songwriters Ken Howard and Alan Blaikley became interested in recording them. The band was set up in the studio to make recordings with Joe Meek. These recording sessions failed to get off the ground. Dave Dee stated that Meek "had very strange recording techniques. He wanted us to play the song at half speed and then he would speed it up and put all these little tricks on it. We said we couldn't do it that way. He exploded, threw coffee all over the studio and stormed up to his room. His assistant [Patrick Pink] came in and said, 'Mr Meek will not be doing any more recording today'. That was it. We lugged all our gear out and went back home". The group eventually gained a recording contract with Fontana Records.

Ken Howard said that: "We changed their name to Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich, because they were their actual nicknames and because we wanted to stress their very distinct personalities in a climate which regarded bands as collectives". The distinctive name, coupled with well produced and catchy songs by Howard and Blaikley, quickly caught the UK public's imagination and its records started to sell in abundance. The group made the odd tour 'down under' to Australia and New Zealand, where they had also experienced some marked chart success.

The band also scored a number one hit in the UK Singles Chart in 1968 with "The legend of Xanadu". The combined sales figures were in excess of one million copies. Its other top-ten UK hits included "Hideaway", "Hold tight", "Bend it", "Save me", "Okay", "Zabadak" and "Last night in Soho".

"Bend it" was a big hit in Europe, including number one in Germany. To obtain a bouzouki sound on the recording, an electrified mandolin was used. The song was inspired by music from the film sound track of "Zorba the Greek". The combined UK and European sales were over one million. However, in October 1966, the British music magazine NME commented that dozens of US radio stations had banned the record, because the lyrics were considered too suggestive. The group responded by recording a new version in London with a different set of words, which was rush-released in the US, as the original single was withdrawn from sale. "Bend it" was later used in an episode of the American animated sitcom Futurama entitled "The mutants are revolting". "Hold tight" was used in Quentin Tarantino's 2007 film "Death proof".

The band was big sellers elsewhere, particularly in British Commonwealth countries. In New Zealand, the group had three number one hits, and seven other songs reached the Top Ten. In Australia, it reached the Top Ten with "Hold tight", "Bend it", "Zabadak" and "The legend of Xanadu". In Canada, the band scored two top-ten hits with "Zabadak", which reached number one, and "The legend of Xanadu", and hit the top thirty with "Break out" - a song that was only released in North America.

In the US, the group failed to break out nationally, although it had regional successes, particularly in northeastern cities such as Cleveland, Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany and Boston where both "Bend it" and "Hold tight" gained considerable airplay and charted in the Top Ten on local radio stations. "Zabadak" gained extensive US airplay during the winter of 1967–68, climbing to the Top Ten in several major US markets including Los Angeles, but despite pockets of radio exposure, the band never gained mass airplay in America; "Zabadak" was the band's only single to chart in the national Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked at number 52. This is at least partially a result of both the band's US labels, Fontana and Imperial Records, failing to secure them a US tour or TV appearances. Fontana set up just two appearances on national US TV programs. These were in July 1966 ("Hold tight" on "Where the action is") and Piccadilly Palace on 26 August 1967 (performing its then-current single "Okay"). Imperial scored none.

In September 1969, Dave Dee left the group for a short-lived solo career. NME reported the previous month that Dave Dee was to play a motorbike gang leader in the forthcoming Marty Feldman film "Every home should have one". The rest of the band, re-billed as (D,B,M + T), continued releasing records until they broke up in 1973.

In 1973, Ian Amey and John Dymond formed a band with Peter Mason, Bob Taylor, and Charles O'Brien called Mason. In 1974, the original line-up reunited for a single, "She's my lady", with Dave Dee and Peter Mason producing. Ian Amey and John Dymond continued performing with Trevor Ward-Davies and Pete Lucas in a band called, Tracker. In 1976, after Tracker broke up. Ian Amey reunited Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich with the line-up of Tracker. Now Beaky was drumming and Pete, under the name Mick, played guitar.

In 1979, Dave Dee produced, but didn't perform on, the band's single, "You've got me on the run", which featured Beaky on lead vocals. In 1980 or 1982, Dave Dee rejoined the band, though not consistently. Sometimes appearing for half of a show, but not all of one. Pete Lucas left and was replaced by singer, John Hatchman. While initially a singer in the band, Hatchman eventually began playing drums and Beaky returned to guitar. The group continued to make records, usually with Dave Dee, though not always, such as in the case of the 1986 single, "Matthew and son". In the meantime, Dave Dee had become a record producer with Magnet Records. In 1987, the band moved to Marbella, Spain, except for Dave Dee, practically removing him from the band.

In 1989, the band moved back to England, though without John Dymond, who wanted to stay behind. Paul Bennett replaced him. A few years later, Tony Carpenter replaced Bennett. In the 1990s, the band started performing once more, this time with Dave Dee. Dave Dee was a J.P. - a Justice of the Peace is a judicial officer of a lower or puisne court, elected or appointed by means of a commission (letters patent) to keep the peace - in Cheshire until he retired from the bench in 2008 due to his failing health. He continued to perform with his band almost up until his death on 9 January 2009. He had been suffering from prostate cancer since early 2001.

In July 2005, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich performed at the Merryhill Music Festival at the Merryhill Leisure naturist club in Norfolk, England.

In 2013, John Dymond (the original Beaky) returned to the band. In 2014, Tich retired after 50 years.

With Ray Frost as the new "Tich", the band, still including two original members, pledged to continue. However Trevor Ward-Davies (Dozy) died on 13 January 2015, aged 70, after a short illness. He is survived by his wife, Yvonne.

The 2021 film "Last night in Soho", directed by Edgar Wright, features the band's 1968 hit of the same name.

Membros atuais
Dozy II (nascido Paul Cornwell- baixo (2015-presente)
Beaky I (nascido John Dymond) - guitarra base
(1964-1973, 1974, 1980-1989, 2013-presente), bateria
(1976-1980), vocal (1969-1973, 1976-1989, 2013-presente)
Mick III (nascido John Hatchman) - bateria
(1980-presente), vocal (1982-presente)
Tich III (nascido Chris Moores) -
guitarra solo (2020-presente)

Membros antigos
Dave Dee (nascido David John Harman, falecido em
2009) - vocal principal (1964-1969, 1974, 1982-1987, 1990-2009)
Dozy I (nascido Trevor Leonard Ward-Davies, falecido
em 2015) - baixo (1964-1973, 1974, 1976-2015), vocal (1969-1973)
Beaky II (nascido Paul Bennett) - guitarra base (1989-1993)
Beaky III (nascido Tony Carpenter) - guitarra base (1993-2013)
Mick I (nascido Michael Wilson) - bateria (1964-1973, 1974)
Mick II (nascido Pete Lucas) - guitarra base, vocal (1976-1982)
Tich I (nascido Ian Frederick Stephen Amey) - guitarra solo
(1964-1973, 1974, 1976-2014), vocal (1969-1973)
Tich II (nascido Jolyon Dixon) -
guitarra solo (2014-2020)

Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich (photo 02)
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich (photo 03)


Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky,
Mick & Tich (1966)
[2003, Repertoire Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
DDDBM & T - Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich - 1966 (2003, Repertoire Records [front])
02. We've got a good
thing going now
03. Here's a heart
04. Something I
gotta tell you
05. All I want to do
06. Frustration
07. Hold tight!
08. Hard to love you
09. Nose for trouble
10. No more love
11. After tonight
12. No time
13. Double agent
14. Is it love? (bonus)
15. All I want (single
version, bonus)
16. It seems a
pity (bonus)
17. You make it move
(single version, bonus)
18. I can't stop (bonus)
19. You know what
I want (bonus)
20. Hideaway (single
version, bonus)
21. Bend it! (single
version, bonus)
22. She's so good
(single version, bonus)
23. Loos of England
(EP version, bonus)
24. Over and over
again (bonus)
25. Bend it! (US
version, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

If music be the
food of love (1967)
[2003Repertoire Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
DDDBM & T - If music be the food of love - 1967 (2003, Repertoire Records [front])
01. Bang!
02. I'm on the up
03. Hideaway
04. Shame
05. Hands off
06. Loos
of England
07. Help me
08. Master
09. You make
it move
10. All I want
11. Hair on
my chinny-
(Huff 'n' puff)
12. Bend it!
13. She's so
good (bonus)
14. Save me (bonus)
15. Touch me,
touch me (bonus)
16. Marina (bonus)
17. Okay! (bonus)
18. He's a raver (bonus)
19. Save me (mono single
version, bonus)
20. Shame (mono
single version, bonus)
21. Touch me, touch me
(mono single version, bonus)
22. Marina (mono single
version, bonus)
23. Okay! (mono
single version, bonus)
24. He's a raver (mono
single version, bonus)
25. Zabadak! (mono
single version, bonus)
26. The sun goes down
(mono single
version, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

If no-one sang (1968)
[2003Repertoire Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
DDDBM & T - If no-one sang - 1968 (2003, Repertoire Records [front])
01. If no-
one sang
02. Where
from, where to
03. I've got a feeling
04. In a matter
of a moment
05. Mrs. Thursday
06. Zabadak!
07. Mama, mama
08. If I were
a carpenter
09. The legend
of Xanadu
10. Look at me
11. The tide
is turning
12. Breakout
13. Time
to take off
14. If no-one
sang (bonus)
15. I'll love
you (bonus)
16. Things go
better (bonus)
17. Please (bonus)
18. Last night
in Soho (bonus)
19. The wreck of
the Antoinette
20. Still life
21. Charlie Farns,
Barns has won
the pools (bonus)
22. Castle far (bonus)
23. Zabadak! (Italian
version, special bonus)
24. Follemente vivo
('Save me', Italian
version, special

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Together (1969)
[2006Repertoire Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
DDDBM & T - Together - 1969 (2006, Repertoire Records [front])
01. Below the belt
02. Love is a drum
03. First time loving
04. Bora Bora
05. Don Juan
06. Snake in
the grass
07. P. Teaser
08. Run Colorado
09. Margaretha Lidman
10. Mountains of the moon
11. She's my lady (bonus)
12. Babeigh (bonus)
13. Do wah
diddy... (bonus)
14. Waiting (bonus)
15. Staying with
it (bonus)
16. Sure
thing (bonus)
17. I'm going back
(special bonus)
18. Selppin (special

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Fresh ear (1970)
[1970, Philips Records]
(FLAC96 kHz/24 bit)
DDDBM & T - Fresh ear - 1970 (1970, Philips Records [front])
01. Mr. President
02. Too much
03. She was
a raver
04. Mystery
05. World
06. Rain
07. Soukie
08. Leader of a
rock and roll band
09. Buttercup Joe

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Fresh ear (1970)
[2006Repertoire Records]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
DDDBM & T - Fresh ear - 1970 (2006, Repertoire Records [front])
01. Mr. President
02. Too much
03. She was
a raver
04. Mystery
05. World
06. Rain
07. Soukie
08. Leader of a
rock and roll band
09. Buttercup Joe
10. Tonight today
(single a-side, bonus)
11. Bad news (single
b-side, bonus)
12. Frisco Annie
(single b-side, bonus)
13. Festival (single
a-side, bonus)
14. I want to be there
(single a-side, bonus)
15. For the use of your son
(single b-side, bonus)
16. They won't sing my song
(single a-side, bonus)
17. Sarah (features
on 'Boxed', bonus)
18. You've got me on the
run (single a-side, bonus)
19. Rock and roll
(single b-side, bonus)
20. In the coven (single
a-side, bonus)
21. I can't stop wanting
you (single b-side, bonus)
22. Matthew and son 
(single a-side, bonus)
23. Matthew and son
(instrumental version,
single b-side, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Boxed (1999)
[1999, BR Music]
(FLAC44 kHz/16 bit)
DDDBM & T - Boxed - 1999 (1999, BR Music [front])

CD 01
01. No time
02. Is it love?
03. All I want
04. It seems a pity
05. You make it move
06. I can't stop
07. Hold tight!
08. You know
what I want
09. Hideaway
10. DDDBM & T
11. We've got a
good thing goin
12. Here's a heart
13. Something I
gotta tell you
14. All I want
15. Frustration
16. Hard to love you
17. Nose for trouble
18. No more love
19. After tonight
20. Double agent
21. Bend it!
22. She's
so good
23. Bang!
24. I'm on
the up
25. Shame
26. Hands off
27. Loos of
28. Help me
29. Master
30. Hair on
my chinny-

CD 02
01. Save me
02. Touch me,
touch me
03. Marina
04. Over and
over again
05. Okay
06. He's a raver
07. Zabadak!
08. The sun
goes down
09. The legend
of Xanadu
10. Please
11. If no-one sang/
Where from, where to
12. I've got a feeling
13. In a matter
of a moment
14. Mrs. Thursday
15. Mama, mama
16. If I were
a carpenter
17. Look at me
18. The tide
is turning
19. Breakout
20. Time to take off/
If no-one sang
21. Charlie Farns,
Barns has won
the pools
22. Castle far
23. Last night in Soho
24. The wreck of
the Antoinette
25. Still life

CD 03
01. Don Juan
02. Margareta Lidman
03. Snake in the grass
04. Bora Bora
05. Below the belt
06. Love is a drum
07. First time
08. P. Teaser
09. Run Colorado
10. Mountains
of the moon
11. Tonight today
12. Bad news
13. My woman's man
14. Gotta make
you part of me
15. Annabella
16. Kelly
17. Mr. President
18. Frisco Annie
19. Too much
20. She was a raver
21. Mystery rider

CD 04
01. World
02. Rain
03. Soukie
04. Leader of a
rock 'n' roll band
05. Buttercup Joe
06. Everything
about her
07. If I believed
in tomorrow
08. Festival
09. Wedding
10. Sweden
11. I want
to be there
12. For the use
of your son
13. Hold on
14. Mary morning,
Mary evening
15. Swingy
16. Don't you ever
change your mind
17. They won't
sing my song
18. Sarah
19. Goodnight ma
20. Stars
21. She's
my lady
22. You've got
me on the run
23. Staying with it
24. Matthew
and son

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky,
Mick & Tich [MP3]: enjoy!
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick
& Tich [FLAC]: enjoy!

DDDBM & T - Here's a heart - 1966
DDDBM & T - The legend of Xanadu - 1968
DDDBM & T - Last night in Soho - 1968
D,B,M+T - Bad news1970
D,B,M+T - Too much - 1970

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