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segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2023

Hate - Hate kills - 1970 (Progressive Rock {Escócia})

Hate - Hate kills - 1970 (2010, Flawed Gems [front])

A história começa com o vocalista Robert "Rab" Munro, que iniciou sua carreira nos palcos de Glasgow, Escócia, tocando em várias bandas e não ficando muito tempo em lugar algum. Sua voz áspera e ao mesmo tempo bastante sensual era muito valorizada pelos amantes locais de R&B, fazendo com que a popularidade chegasse até ele rapidamente.

Em 1968, ele se tornou membro da banda House of Lords, que ficou conhecida pelo seu único single lançado em 1969 pelo selo B&C Records: "In the land of dreams/Ain't gonna wait forever". A banda era formada por: Rab Munro (vocal), Allan Pratt (drums), Lenny Graham (bass), Neil Bruce (keyboards), Brian Black (guitar) e Neil Moir (saxophone).

Em 1970, a equipe se reorganiza: Brian Black deixa a banda e é substituído pelo guitarrista Jim Lacey. A orientação musical também sofre uma mudança, e o grupo passa a experimentar o rock progressivo, mergulhando profundamente no underground e mudando seu nome para Hate. Ao longo de seus dois anos de existência, o grupo gravou seu único álbum, "Hate kills", e desapareceu sem deixar rastros. O álbum foi originalmente lançado pelo selo Famous no ano de 1970, seguido pelo single "Come along/Seems like any fool" (Famous 2C 006-92097). Somente muitos anos depois este trabalho foi reconhecido como único, e suas gravações foram remasterizadas e relançadas em formato CD pelo selo Flawed Gems em 2010.


The story begins with vocalist Robert "Rab" Munro, who began his career on the stages of Glasgow, Scotland, playing in several bands and not staying anywhere for long. His rough and at the same time very sensual voice was highly valued by local R&B lovers, making him quickly become popular.

In 1968, he became a member of the band House of Lords, which became known for its only single released in 1969 on the B&C Records label: "In the land of dreams/Ain't gonna wait forever". The band was formed by: Rab Munro (vocal), Allan Pratt (drums), Lenny Graham (bass), Neil Bruce (keyboards), Brian Black (guitar) and Neil Moir (saxophone).

In 1970, the team reorganized: Brian Black left the band and was replaced by guitarist Jim Lacey. The musical orientation also undergoes a change, and the group begins to experiment with progressive rock, delving deeply into the underground and changing its name to Hate. During its two years of existence, the group recorded its only album, "Hate kills", and disappeared without a trace. The album was originally released on the Famous label in 1970, followed by the single "Come along/Seems like any fool" (Famous 2C 006-92097). Only many years later was this work recognized as unique, and his recordings were remastered and re-released in CD format by the Flawed Gems label in 2010.

Rab Munro - vocal
Neil Bruce - órgão, piano, vocal
Lenny Graham - baixo, vocal
Jim Lacey - guitarra
Allan Pratt - bateria

Hate - Hate kills - 1970 (2010, Flawed Gems [back])

01. Come along
02. Corridors
03. My life
04. Seems like any fool
05. Time for change
06. It's alright to turn
07. She needs me
08. Never love again
09. Realisation
10. I'm moving

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Hate - Hate kills - 1970

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