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sábado, 27 de janeiro de 2024

Sid Rumpo - First offense - 1974 (Blues Rock {Austrália})

Sid Rumpo - First offense - 1974 (1993, Mushroom Records [front])

Sid Rumpo foi uma banda australiana de blues rock formada em Perth em novembro de 1971. A banda lançou seu álbum de estréia, "First offense", em abril de 1974 pela Mushroom Records/Festival Records, mas se separou no final daquele ano. A banda foi formada por John Hood na guitarra e gaita (ex-Jelly Roll Bakers, Juke), Noel Herridge na bateria (Adderley Smith Blues Band), Owen Hughes no baixo (Jelly Roll Bakers), Robert Searls na guitarra solo e vocal e Ken Wallace no piano. Em 1972, Sid Rumpo venceu a final estadual da Austrália Ocidental na Hoadley's Battle of the Sounds. A banda apareceu nos Festivais Pop de Sunbury de 1973 e 1974. De acordo com o musicólogo australiano Ian McFarlane, "[uma] das características únicas do som da banda era o uso de linhas de guitarra duplas e harmoniosas que tinham o efeito de aumentar a amplitude natural da música. Para completar, Searls foi um dos grandes lamentos do blues com garganta de cascalho da época".


Em novembro de 1971, a Sid Rumpo foi formada em Perth pelos ex-membros da Jelly Roll Bakers, John Hood na guitarra solo e gaita, e Owen Edward Hughes no baixo. Eles se juntaram a Noel John Herridge na bateria (da Adderley Smith Blues Band), Robert James Searls na guitarra e vocal principal e Kenneth James "Ken" Wallace no piano. Em setembro de 1972, a banda venceu a final estadual da Hoadley's Battle of the Sounds. Então, Sid Rumpo mudou-se para Melbourne um mês depois.

Em janeiro de 1973, Sid Rumpo se apresentou no segundo Sunbury Pop Festival, com sua faixa, "Sailing", aparecendo no álbum triplo ao vivo do evento da Mushroom Records, The Great Australian Rock Festival Sunbury 1973, em abril. A faixa foi co-escrita por Elliott, Herridge, Hughes, Searls e Wallace. Logo depois, os membros assinaram com a Mushroom Records. Em maio, a banda apareceu na série musical da ABC-TV, GTK, para apresentar sua faixa, "Don't bug me boogie". Mushroom lançou um álbum de "vários artistas", "Garrison: The final blow unit 2", que incluía a versão ao vivo de Sid Rumpo de "Now I'm free", gravada no The Garrison em Prahran.

Hood foi substituído na guitarra solo por Michael John "Mick" Elliott (ex-Moppa Blues, Sunshine, Tank, Sayla) em agosto de 1973, quando ele saiu para retornar a Perth. A banda se apresentou no terceiro Sunbury Pop Festival em janeiro do ano seguinte, duas de suas canções eram versões cover de "Wang dang doodle" de Willie Dixon e "Sweet home Chicago" de Robert Johnson. Ambas as faixas apareceram no álbum ao vivo de "vários artistas", "Highlights of Sunbury '74: part 2", no final daquele ano pela Mushroom Records.

Em fevereiro de 1974 o grupo gravou seu álbum de estreia, "First offense", no T.C.S. Studios em Melbourne. O álbum foi lançado em abril pela Mushroom e distribuído pela Festival Records. O musicólogo australiano Ian McFarlane observou que era "um álbum forte, misturando faixas de blues pesado como 'Spotlight' e 'Breaking my back' com longas apresentações de rock progressivo como 'Sailing' e 'Song with no tree'". Sid Rumpo também lançou seu single de estréia, "The enigma", naquele mês.


Sid Rumpo was an Australian blues rock band which formed in Perth in November 1971. The band issued its debut album, "First offense", in April 1974 on Mushroom Records/Festival Records but disbanded by the end of that year. The band was formed by John Hood on lead guitar and harmonica (ex-Jelly Roll Bakers, Juke), Noel Herridge on drums (Adderley Smith Blues Band), Owen Hughes on bass guitar (Jelly Roll Bakers), Robert Searls on lead guitar and vocal, and Ken Wallace on piano. In 1972 Sid Rumpo won the Western Australian state final in the Hoadley's Battle of the Sounds. The band appeared at both the 1973 and 1974 Sunbury Pop Festivals. According to Australian musicologist, Ian McFarlane, "[o]ne of the unique features of the band's sound was the use of dual, harmony guitar lines which had the effect of enhancing the natural spaciousness of the music. To top it off, Searls was one of the great gravel-throated blues wailers of the day".


In November 1971 Sid Rumpo was formed in Perth by ex-Jelly Roll Bakers members John Hood on lead guitar and harmonica, and Owen Edward Hughes on bass guitar. They were joined by Noel John Herridge on drums (from Adderley Smith Blues Band), Robert James Searls on lead guitar and lead vocal, and Kenneth James "Ken" Wallace on piano. In September 1972 the band won the state final of the Hoadley's Battle of the Sounds. Then, Sid Rumpo relocated to Melbourne a month later.

In January 1973 Sid Rumpo performed at the second Sunbury Pop Festival, with its track, "Sailing", appearing on Mushroom Records triple live album of the event, The Great Australian Rock Festival Sunbury 1973, in April. The track was co-written by Elliott, Herridge, Hughes, Searls and Wallace. Soon after, the members signed with Mushroom Records. In May the band appeared on ABC-TV music series, GTK, to showcase its track, "Don't bug me boogie". Mushroom issued a "various artists" album, "Garrison: The final blow unit 2", which included Sid Rumpo's live rendition of "Now I'm free", recorded at The Garrison in Prahran.

Hood was replaced on lead guitar by Michael John "Mick" Elliott (ex-Moppa Blues, Sunshine, Tank, Sayla) in August 1973 when he left to return to Perth. The band performed at the third Sunbury Pop Festival in January the following year, two of its songs were cover versions of Willie Dixon's "Wang dang doodle" and Robert Johnson's "Sweet home Chicago". Both tracks appeared on the "various artists" live album, "Highlights of Sunbury '74: part 2", late that year on Mushroom Records.

In February 1974 the group recorded its debut album, "First offense", at T.C.S. Studios in Melbourne. The album was released in April by Mushroom and distributed by Festival Records. Australian musicologist, Ian McFarlane, noted that it was "a strong album, mixing hard blues tracks like 'Spotlight' and 'Breaking my back' with lengthy, progressive rock outings like 'Sailing' and 'Song with no trees'". Sid Rumpo also issued its debut single, "The riddle", in that month.

John Hood - guitarra
solo, vocal, gaita (1971-1973)
Noel Herridge - bateria (1971-1974)
Owen Hughes - baixo (1971-1974)
Ken Wallace - piano (1971-1974)
Robert Searls - guitarra, vocal
principal (1971-1974)
Mick Elliott - guitarra
solo (1973-1974)

Sid Rumpo (band photo)

01. Spotlight
02. Breakin' my back
03. Spider curry
04. Sailing
05. The riddle
06. Don't bug me boogie
07. Song with no trees
08. Poor man's orange

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Sid Rumpo - First offense - 1974

Um comentário:

  1. Awesome lp ! Mushroom was like brain in germany all the best prog psych came from that label thx.


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