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sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2019

Ophiucus (Progressive/Psychedelic Rock {França})

Este grupo francês ganhou vida depois de uma reunião de músicos organizada por Emmanuel Booz no verão de 1971, que incluía os irmãos Alain e Bernard Labacci (nas guitarras e baterias respectivamente), o baixista Jean-Pierre Pouret e o membro fundador da Zoo, Michel Bonnecarrere, também nas guitarras. O nome Ophiucus é derivado de uma grande constelação localizada ao redor do equador celeste.

Todos eles moravam juntos na pequena cidade de Flagy, onde ensaiavam e, finalmente, a gravadora Barclay foi quem mais se interessou em lançar a estréia da banda no final de 1971.

A maior parte do trabalho é centrada em estilos psicodélicos e típicos de compositores franceses, com violões em evidência, vocais poéticos e paisagens sonoras bastante minimalistas. Algumas passagens orquestrais também estão presentes, enquanto há alguns movimentos leves e descolados aqui e ali, especialmente nas partes elétricas. A maioria dessas faixas leves é interrompida por material mais experimental, como jams elétricas distorcidas, narrações ou percussões étnicas.

Uma versão em inglês do primeiro álbum foi preparada, mas nunca foi lançada na época, e esse material foi incluído como material bônus na reedição do CD do selo Musea.

Ophiucus lançou mais um álbum, "Salade chinoise", em 1973. Não há registros de atividades deles após esse ponto, e supõe-se que eles tenham se separado logo depois.


This French group came to life after a musicians' meeting organized by Emmanuel Booz in summer 1971, which included brothers Alain and Bernard Labacci (on guitars and drums respectively), bassist Jean-Pierre Pouret and Zoo's founding member Michel Bonnecarrere, also on guitars. The name of Ophiucus is derived from a large constellation located around the celestial equator.

They all lived together in the small town of Flagy, where they rehearsed, and finally the Barclay label was the one that got much interested in releasing the band's debut back in late 1971.

The majority of the work is centered around psychedelic-folk and typical French songwriter stylings with acoustic guitars in evidence, poetic vocals and rather minimalistic soundscapes. Some orchestral passages are also present, while there are some light funky moves here and there, especially on the electric parts. Most of these lightweight tracks are interrupted by more experimental material, such as electric distorted jams, narrations or ethnic percussions.

An English version of the first album was prepared but never released back at the time, and this stuff was included as bonus material in the Musea's CD reissue.

Ophiucus issued one more album, "Salade chinoise", in 1973. There are no records of activities from them after this point, and it is assumed that they disbanded soon after.


Ophiucus (1971)
01. Prenez, donnez
02. Patiemment
03. Au hasard
04. Ne cherche plus
05. L'éveil de
notre temps
06. C'est pour toi!
07. Darbouka
08. T'inquiète
pas m'man
09. Djukela
10. Inachevée
11. Mirlipinious
12. Univers
13. Give or
take it (bonus)
14. Into your
song (bonus)
15. You're only
dreaming (bonus)
16. Night song (bonus)
17. Darbouka (bonus)
18. Telephone funeral
blues (bonus)
19. Gipsy dog
(Djukela) [bonus]
20. Universe

Alain Labacci - guitarras, percussão, vocal
Bernard Labacci - bateria, percussão, vocal
Jean-Pierre Pouret - baixo, guitarras, vocal
Michel Bonnecarrere - guitarras,
baixo, flauta, percussão, vocal

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Salade chinoise (1973)
01. Oh ma douée
02. J'oublie
03. Canadian bar
04. Cacaoutchouc
05. L'instant d'une nuit
06. Dans toute la France
07. Bonté divine
08. Je joue toujours
de l'harmonica
09. Cette chanson
vient d'autrefois
10. Récréation nº 1
11. Quand on a
besoin de rêver
12. À la claire

Alain Labacci - guitarras, percussão, vocal
Bernard Labacci - bateria, percussão, vocal
Jean-Pierre Pouret - baixo, guitarras, vocal
Michel Bonnecarrere - guitarras,
baixo, flauta, percussão, vocal
Michel Bernholc - piano
Roger Loubet - moog

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 2 albums: enjoy!

OphiucusOphiucus - 1971 (full album)

2 comentários:

  1. I am trying to find a French musician called Michel Bonnecarrere. Please can you help me? Thank you, Carol

    1. Hi, Carol Martin-Sperry! Thank you very much for your visit and for your participation. Welcome!

      Michel Bonnecarrère was a member of the bands Ophiucus and The Zoo, both posted in this blog. As "solo" the artist does not have a full album (LP) and not even singles or EPs. He appears on three "Various Artists" compilation albums. The albums are: 1992's "Rocky brothers", which is credited with track number 23, entitled "Quiet blues", 1992's "Road movies", which is credited with track number 7, entitled "Yellowstone", a song that also appears on 2000's "Higher plain drifting (The enchanting sound of North America)", as track number 6 of the album.

      He also worked for a period of time with French composer and singer Louis Chedid, father of singer Matthieu Chedid (aka -M-) and film producers Émilie Chedid, Anna Chedid and Joseph Chedid. With Louis Chedid, he appears on the albums "Balbutiements" from 1973, "Nous sommes des clowns" from 1974, "Le jeu de l'oie de Louis" from 1976, "Ver de Terre" from 1976 and "Egomane" from 1980.

      If you have other suggestions, or if you want to leave your complaint or compliment, do not hesitate to leave your comment. A big hug and a great day for you and your family!


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