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sexta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2019

The Last Ritual - The Last Ritual - 1969 (Psych Proto-Progressive Jazz Brass Rock {US})

As raízes da The Last Ritual estavam na cidade de Nova York, com os membros tocando na The Cult, The Cast Aways e The Take Five. The Cult gravou um single em 1965 para a 20th Century Fox: "Fire and flood/I don't know" (número de catálogo da 20th Century Fox, 621)

A Take Five evoluiu para uma banda bastante conhecida do New York Club e no final dos anos 60 a formação consistia no tecladista Mickey Beskin (também conhecido como Mickey Davis), o baterista Chris Efthimian, o baixista Robert Lightig, o vocalista Allan Springfield e um seção de trompas com Kenneth Lehman, Sharon Moe, Tony Salvatore e John Scarzello.

Enquanto seus shows ao vivo focavam em covers populares, a banda gravou algumas demos com material original. Eles posteriormente captaram o interesse da Capitol Records, que os assinou, unindo-os ao produtor Tom Wilson. Wilson rapidamente sugeriu mudar o nome The Take Five (inspirada no hit de Dave Brubeck) para The Last Ritual. O álbum foi lançado em 1969.

Springfield foi responsável por todas as seis faixas que mergulharam em uma ampla variedade de estilos, incluindo jazz-rock no estilo Blood, Sweat & Tears. As trompas proeminentes e arranjos complexos deram a faixas como "Talk about time we wasting" e "Awaiting judgement" um sentimento distinto de BS&T. Essa comparação foi sublinhada pela voz profunda e rústica de Springfield, que lembra um pouco a voz de David Clayton-Thomas. Como Clayton-Thomas, Springfield nem sempre foi o cantor mais gracioso, substituindo ocasionalmente o talento por poder.

A propósito, a banda apareceu na capa: Springfield era o cadáver, Moe, a mulher solitária, e Salvatore, o cara com as costeletas enormes, segurando um cálice. Os outros estão perdidos no tempo.


The roots of The Last Ritual were in New York City, with members playing at The Cult, The Cast Aways and The Take Five. The Cult recorded a single in 1965 for 20th Century Fox: "Fire and flood/I don't know" (20th Century Fox catalog number 621)

Take Five evolved into a well-known New York Club band and in the late 1960s the lineup consisted of keyboardist Mickey Beskin (aka Mickey Davis), drummer Chris Efthimian, bassist Robert Lightig, vocalist Allan Springfield and a horn section with Kenneth Lehman, Sharon Moe, Tony Salvatore and John Scarzello.

While their live shows focused on popular covers, the band recorded some demos with original material. They later captured the interest of Capitol Records, which signed them, joining them with producer Tom Wilson. Wilson quickly suggested renaming The Take Five (inspired by Dave Brubeck's hit) to The Last Ritual. The album was released in 1969.

Springfield was responsible for all six tracks that plunged into a wide variety of styles, including Blood, Sweat & Tears-style jazz rock. Prominent horns and complex arrangements gave tracks such as "Talk about time we wasting" and "Awaiting judgment" a distinct feeling from BS&T. This comparison was underlined by Springfield's deep, rustic voice, which somewhat resembles the voice of David Clayton-Thomas. Like Clayton-Thomas, Springfield was not always the most graceful singer, occasionally replacing talent with power.

By the way, the band appeared on the cover: Springfield was the corpse, Moe, the lonely woman, and Salvatore, the guy with the huge chops, holding a chalice. The others are lost in time.

Kenneth Lehman - vento, saxofone alto, clarinete
Robert Lightig - baixo
Allan Springfield - compositor, maestro, vocal
Chris Efthimian - bateria
Sharon Moe - trompa francesa
Mickey Davis - piano, órgão, cravo
Tony Salvatore - trombone
John Scarzello - trompete, corneta

01. Talk about time we're wasting
02. Awaiting judgement
03. Heritage
04. Delighted, strung out and 25
05. Not to be denied
06. Bugler's reveille

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

The Last Ritual - The Last Ritual - 1969 (full album)

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