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quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2020

Bob Downes Open Music (Progressive Jazz Fusion Rock/Free Jazz {UK})

Bob Downes Open Music
Robert George Downes
(nascido em 22 de julho de
1937 em Plymouth) é um flautista e
saxofonista de jazz de vanguarda inglês.
Ele é conhecido por seu trabalho com
Mike Westbrook e por liderar a
Open Music Trio desde 1968.
Downes também é compositor,
arranjador e cantor
de rock e blues.


Seu primeiro álbum foi lançado pela Philips Records em 1969. Ele foi eleito o melhor flautista de jazz e formou vários conjuntos. Ele fundou sua própria gravadora, Openinan. Ele tocou com The John Barry Seven, o cantor pop Chris Andrews, Manfred Mann's Earth Band e The Jimmie Nicol Band.

Em 1968, ele formou a Open Music Trio. O trio incluiu no baixo Paul Bridge, Andrew Cleyndert, Jeff Clyne, Barry Guy, Mark Megiddo, Harry Miller, Glen Moore, Barre Phillips e Daryl Runswick.

Downes tocou e gravou com a Rock Workshop de Ray Russell e os cantores Elke Brooks, Alex Harvey e Julie Driscoll. Na década de 1970, ele foi membro da London Jazz Composers Orchestra de Barry Guy. Ele também tocou com a Mike Westbrook Band e a The Keith Tippett Band.

Downes compôs para dança moderna com a The Royal Ballet, o London Contemporary Dance Theatre (com quem compôs e tocou ao vivo entre 1972 e 1982), Ballet RambertDance Theatre of HarlemThe Royal Canadian BalletAustralian Dance CompanyMiami World BalletKomische Oper BerlinStaatstheater Stuttgart, e Hong Kong Ballet. Ele compôs e se apresentou com o grupo mímico suíço Mummenschanz. Downes se apresentou em festivais de poesia em Amsterdã, Paris e Roma com William S. Burroughs, Gregory Corso e Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Depois de se mudar para a Alemanha no final da década de 1970, Downes lançou vários outros registros, dois dos quais estão disponíveis para download aqui no blog. Boas audições!


Robert George Downes
(born 22 July 1937 in Plymouth)
is an English avant-garde jazz
flautist and saxophonist. He is known
for his work with Mike Westbrook and
for leading the Open Music Trio since
1968. Downes is also a composer,
arranger, and singer
of rock and blues.


His first album was released by Philips Records in 1969. He was voted best jazz flautist and formed various ensembles. He started his own record label, Openinan. He played with The John Barry Seven, pop singer Chris Andrews, Manfred Mann's Earth Band and The Jimmie Nicol Band.

In 1968 he formed the Open Music Trio. The trio has included at bass Paul Bridge, Andrew Cleyndert, Jeff Clyne, Barry Guy, Mark Megiddo, Harry Miller, Glen Moore, Barre Phillips, and Daryl Runswick.

Downes played and recorded with Ray Russell's Rock Workshop and singers Elke Brooks, Alex Harvey, and Julie Driscoll. In the 1970s he was a member of Barry Guy's London Jazz Composers Orchestra. He also played with the Mike Westbrook Band and The Keith Tippett Band.

Downes composed for modern dance with The Royal Ballet, The London Contemporary Dance Theatre (with whom he composed and played live with between 1972 and 1982), Ballet Rambert, Dance Theatre of Harlem, The Royal Canadian Ballet, Australian Dance Company, Miami World Ballet, Komische Oper Berlin, Staatstheater Stuttgart, and Hong Kong Ballet. He composed for and performed with the Swiss mime group Mummenschanz. Downes performed at a poetry festivals in Amsterdam, Paris, and Rome with William S. Burroughs, Gregory Corso, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

After moving to Germany in the late 1970s, Downes released several further records, two of which are available for download here on the blog. Good auditions!


Electric city (1970)
01. No time like the present
02. Keep off the grass
03. Don't let
tomorrow get you down
04. Dawn until dawn
05. Go find time
06. Walking on
07. Crush hour
08. West II
09. In your eyes
10. Piccadilly circles
11. Gonna take a journey

Bob Downes - vocais,
sax, flauta, produção
Chris Spedding - guitarras
Herbie Flowers - baixo
Harry Miller - baixo
Alan Rushton - bateria
Clem Cattini - bateria
Kenny Wheeler - trompete
Ian Carr - trompete, flugelhorn
Bud Parks - trompete, flugelhorn
Harold Beckett - trompete, flugelhorn

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Flashback (2009)
[recorded in 1971-1973]
01. Brasilian beauty
02. Funky groove (I)
03. Funky groove (II)
04. Wavelength
05. Asian aura
06. Wailing
07. Whorefying
08. Seashore
09. Maya
10. Blues ride
11. Walkin'
runnin' man
12. West eleven

Bob Downes - saxofones,
flautas, vocais
Barry Guy - baixo
Dennis Smith - bateria

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

New York suite (2011)
[recorded in 1979]
01. Skywalkers
02. Coke
03. Cuban Chinese
04. Cops
05. Times Square
06. Harlem blues
07. The chase
08. Do not enter
09. 39 Street
10. Now you see it,
now you don't
11. Shucks
12. New York city

Bob Downes - flauta contrabaixo,
flauta baixo, flauta alto, flauta de bambu,
sax tenor e alto, vocais
Paul Rutherford - trombone
Brian Gooding - guitarra, sintetizador
Paul Bridge - baixo
Denis Smith - bateria

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Link para o download dos 3 albums: enjoy!

Bob Downes Open Music Trio - Walking on - 1970
Bob Downes Open Music - Skywalkers - 1979

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