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domingo, 1 de agosto de 2021

Hoodoo Rhythm Devils (Country Blues Funk Rock {US})

Hoodoo Rhythm Devils (1)
Hoodoo Rhythm Devils foi uma
banda de blues funk country rock de
São Francisco, Califórnia, formada
em 1970. Abaixo, estão disponíveis três
álbums em versões remasterizadas
não oficiais de 2020.

Em 1970, John Rewind dava aulas de guitarra na Roger Calkins Music na Market Street em San Francisco, Califórnia. Um de seus alunos, Lee Humphries, continuou contando a John sobre os talentos de seu amigo Joe Crane, com quem ele estava na Guarda Costeira. Joe tocou baixo com Johnny & Edgar Winter no colégio em Conroe, Texas, e foi produzido por Huey Meaux. Entre a descrição de Lee - e a confirmação de Al Amis, que também trabalhava no Roger Calkins e ouvira Joe cantar -, John foi ao Coast Guard Officer's Club de Alameda, Califórnia, para ver Joe se apresentar, e a Hoodoo Rhythm Devils nasceu.

Outro aluno de guitarra de John, "Funky Jack" Leahy, que morava na mesma rua de John no distrito de Haight-Ashbury, tinha acabado de fechar seu negócio de pôsteres Funky Features, estava começando a gravar e construindo um estúdio. Quando Jack ouviu Joe e John, ele assumiu a liderança e começou a gravar a banda e fazer conexões para que ela conseguisse um contrato de gravação com uma grande gravadora. Após algumas mudanças de pessoal, Glenn Walter, que tocou bateria em uma banda chamada The Zoo e lançou um single em St. Louis, Missouri, com John durante os anos 1960, juntou-se à banda, junto com Richard Greene (também conhecido como Dexter C. Plates ) no baixo. Richard tocou em grupos na área de Washington, D.C., principalmente com Roberta Flack.

Modelada com base nos nomes de bandas da década de 1950, Joe Crane and his Hoodoo Rhythm Devils assinou com a Capitol Records sob a direção de Michael Sunday e Jack Leahy, e fez seu primeiro álbum "Rack jobber's rule" em 1971. O nome era muito grande, então foi encurtado para Hoodoo Rhythm Devils. Roger Allen Clark, recém-saído da Steve Miller Band, foi adicionado à bateria com o segundo álbum, "The barbecue of DeVille" pela Blue Thumb Records, em 1972.

Hoodoo Rhythm Devils fez uma longa turnê naquele ano tocando com Savoy Brown, The Doobie Brothers, Steely Dan, Chuck Berry, John Lee Hooker, Graham Central Station, Tower of Power, Mott the Hoople, Bloodrock e The Tubes. Roger Clark saiu para se tornar um baterista de estúdio trabalhando para Rick Hall em Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Keith Knudsen, ex-integrante da banda de Lee Michaels e mais tarde da The Doobie Brothers, entrou para uma curta temporada na bateria do final de 1972 a meados de 1973 antes de Jerome Kimsey se juntar à banda para a gravação de seu terceiro álbum, "What the kids want", pela Blue Thumb Records em 1973. A Hoodoo Rhythm Devils continuou a fazer turnês pelos Estados Unidos e Joe começou a ter algumas de suas canções gravadas por Johnny Winter, The Chambers Brothers, Rodger Collins e Patti LaBelle.

Em 1973, Richard Greene saiu para se tornar o procurado engenheiro de gravação da Russian Hill Recording em San Francisco, e foi a famosa voz em Fall into the gap. Roger Stanton substituiu Richard no baixo.

Os anos de 1973 e 1974 viram uma turnê ininterrupta e levaram a banda do Canadá ao Texas, da Califórnia à Flórida, destruindo muitos dancehall e "queimando" muitas boates. A banda seguiu caminhos separados em 1974, apenas para se reformar um ano depois com uma nova formação e gravou o famoso "Lost album", que nunca foi lançado até 2012. Jack Leahy e Bob Simmons do KSAN-FM em San Francisco formaram a World Records, e gravaram, produziram e lançaram o álbum "Safe in their homes" em 1976. A Fantasy Records em Berkeley, Califórnia, relançou "Safe in their homes". A Hoodoo Rhythm Devils foi revivida continuou forte em shows e clubes.

Em 1978, Crane e Walters, gravaram seu segundo álbum na Fantasy Records "All kiddingside", que foi produzido por Clayton Ivey e Terry Woodford. O álbum incluiu músicos convidados como Muscle Shoals Horns, Roger Allen Clark, Tom Roady e muitos outros famosos reis de Muscle Shoals. A banda continuou até Joe Crane morrer de leucemia em 1980.

Após o fim da banda, várias compilações foram lançadas pela Rear Window Music. Em 2013, a Hoodoo Rhythm Devils lançou uma gravação ao vivo gravada no Ultrasonic Studios em Hempstead, Nova York, em 28 de novembro de 1972, que foi transmitida ao vivo pela WLIR-FM. Em 2014 ela lançou "One night only", um CD que apresentava algumas jams com Johnny Winter e uma gravação ao vivo do Texas Day Special com The Pointer Sisters, que havia sido transmitido ao vivo pela KSAN-FM de San Francisco em 1973. O ano 2016 trouxe o CD "The best of Hoodoo Rhythm Devils volume II", que apresentava uma variedade de músicas inéditas, demos e uma música de reunião com os membros sobreviventes e seus filhos. O álbum também apresenta Tower of Power, The Pointer Sisters, Norton Buffalo, Greg Douglass, John McFee e The Two Tons of Fun - Martha Wash e a falecida Izora Armstead.

Glenn Walters continuou como vocalista e baterista na área de São Francisco, bem conhecido no ramo de publicidade com seu Taco Bell, Blue Diamond Almonds, Selix Smoking, etc., spots e shows regularmente com a Glenn Walters Quartet e com Sidepocket, uma banda cover que se apresenta para casamentos e outros eventos sociais. Richard Greene é membro da The Bobs, o grupo a capella vencedor do Grammy. John Rewind continua como produtor, guitarrista e compositor da Rear Window Music, produzindo gravações com Georgia Whiting, Davey Pattison, Bobby Black e muitos outros. Roger Allen Clark atualmente está em turnê com Travis Wammack nas áreas de Muscle Shoals e Nashville.

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The Hoodoo Rhythm Devils
was a blues funk country rock
band from San Francisco, California,
formed in 1970. Below are three albums
available in unofficial remastered
versions from 2020.


In 1970 John Rewind was teaching guitar at Roger Calkins Music on Market Street in San Francisco, California. One of his students, Lee Humphries, kept telling John about the talents of his buddy Joe Crane, with whom he was in the Coast Guard. Joe played bass with Johnny & Edgar Winter in high school back in Conroe, Texas, and had been produced by Huey Meaux. Between Lee's description -  and confirmation from Al Amis, who also worked at Roger Calkins and had heard Joe sing -, John went to the Coast Guard Officer's Club of Alameda, California, to see Joe perform, and the Hoodoo Rhythm Devils were born.

Another one of John's guitar students, "Funky Jack" Leahy,  who lived up the street from John in the Haight-Ashbury district, had just closed his poster business Funky Features, was getting into recording and was building a studio. When Jack heard Joe and John, he took the lead and started recording the band and making connections for the band to get a recording contract with a major label. After a few personnel changes, Glenn Walter, who had played drums in a band called The Zoo and released a single in St. Louis, Missouri, with John during the 1960s, joined the band, along with Richard Greene (aka Dexter C. Plates) on bass. Richard had played in groups around the Washington, D.C. area, most notably with Roberta Flack.

Modeled after the names of bands in the 1950s, Joe Crane and his Hoodoo Rhythm Devils signed with Capitol Records under the direction of Michael Sunday and Jack Leahy, made their first record "Rack jobber's rule" in 1971. The name was too big, so it was shortened to Hoodoo Rhythm Devils. Roger Allen Clark, fresh from the Steve Miller Band, was added on drums with the second album, "The barbecue of DeVille" on Blue Thumb Records in 1972. Hoodoo Rhythm Devils toured extensively that year playing with Savoy BrownThe Doobie BrothersSteely Dan, Chuck Berry, John Lee Hooker, Graham Central StationTower of PowerMott the HoopleBloodrock and The Tubes. Roger Clark left to become a studio session drummer working for Rick Hall in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Keith Knudsen, formerly of Lee Michaels' band and later of The Doobie Brothers, then joined for a short stint on drums from late 1972 to mid 1973 before Jerome Kimsey joined the band for the recording of their third album, "What the kids want", for Blue Thumb Records in 1973. Hoodoo Rhythm Devils continued to tour the United States and Joe began having some of his songs covered by Johnny Winter, The Chambers Brothers, Rodger Collins, and Patti LaBelle.

In 1973 Richard Greene left to become a sought-after recording engineer at Russian Hill Recording in San Francisco, and was the famous voice in Fall into the gap. Roger Stanton replaced Richard on bass.

The years 1973 and 1974 saw non-stop touring and took the band from Canada to Texas, California to Florida tearing up many a dancehall and 'burning down' many a nightclub. The band went their separate ways in 1974, only to reform a year later with a new lineup and recorded the famous "Lost album" that was never released until 2012. Jack Leahy and Bob Simmons of KSAN-FM in San Francisco formed World Records, and recorded, produced, and released the album "Safe in their homes" in 1976. Fantasy Records in Berkeley, California, re-released "Safe in their homes". Hoodoo Rhythm Devils was revived and still strong playing in concerts and clubs.

In 1978, Crane and Walters, recorded their second Fantasy Records album "All kidding aside", which was produced by Clayton Ivey and Terry Woodford. The album included guest musicians The Muscle Shoals Horns, Roger Allen Clark, Tom Roady, and many other well-known Muscle Shoals session kings. The band continued on until Joe Crane died from leukemia in 1980.

After the band's demise, several compilations were released by Rear Window Music. In 2013, Hoodoo Rhythm Devils released a live recording recorded at Ultrasonic Studios in Hempstead, New York on November 28, 1972 that had been broadcast live on WLIR-FM. In 2014 it released "One night only", a CD which featured some jams with Johnny Winter and a live recording of the Texas Day Special with The Pointer Sisters that had been broadcast live on KSAN-FM from San Francisco in 1973. The year 2016 brought "The best of The Hoodoo Rhythm Devils volume II" CD that featured a variety of unreleased tunes, demos, and a reunion tune with surviving members and their children. The album also features Tower of Power, The Pointer Sisters, Norton Buffalo, Greg Douglass, John McFee, and The Two Tons of Fun - Martha Wash and the late Izora Armstead.

Glenn Walters has carried on as fixture vocalist and drummer in the San Francisco area, well known in the advertising business with his Taco Bell, Blue Diamond Almonds, Selix Tuxedos, etc., spots, and gigs regularly with the Glenn Walters Quartet and with Sidepocket, a cover band that performs for weddings and other social events. Richard Greene is a member of The Bobs, the Grammy-winning a capella group. John Rewind continues as a producer, guitarist, and songwriter for Rear Window Music, producing recordings with Georgia Whiting, Davey Pattison, Bobby Black, and many others. Roger Allen Clark currently tours with Travis Wammack in the Muscle Shoals and Nashville areas.

Hoodoo Rhythm Devils (2)


What the kids want (1973)
What the kids want (1973)
01. Crazy about
the ladies
02. My old lady
03. Bullfrog holler
04. Milltown gambler
05. Louisiana line
06. Right on Mary
07. Mudcat stew
08. The mirror
09. I fought the law
and the law won

Dexter C. Plates - baixo
Jerome Kimsey - bateria
John Rewind - elétrica
Joe Crane - guitarra,
violão, piano elétrico, piano
Glenn Walters - vocal,

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Safe in their homes (1976)
Safe in their homes (1976)
01. Gypsy fly
02. Little bit of love
03. Get somebody new
04. Safe in their homes
05. Safecracker
06. Tangled up in blue
07. WPLJ
08. You can't fool me
09. Teach your daughter
10. Big time band

Mac Cridlin - baixo
Boots Hughton - alto sax
Scott Mathews - bateria, vocal de apoio
Bob Flurie - guitarra, vocal de apoio
Joe Crane - guitarra, vocal, teclados
violão, piano elétrico, piano
Glenn Walters - vocal,
percussão, bateria

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

All kidding aside (1978)
All kidding aside (1978)
01. Workin' in
a coal mine
02. Poison
03. All night
04. Teen tang
05. Correction in
your direction
06. Sweet city street
07. Gotta lot of
love in my soul
08. Far from over
09. I had a fight
with love 
(And I lost)
10. Cross roads

Joe Crane - vocal
Glenn Walters - vocal
Clayton Ivey - teclados
Larry Byron - guitarra
Tom Roady - percussão
Roger Clark - bateria
Bob Wray - baixo

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 3 albums: enjoy!

H.R.D.Crazy about the ladies - 1973
H.R.D. - Bullfrog holler - 1973

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