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segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2021

Mighty Baby & The Habibiyya (Psych/Indo-Prog/Folk/Raga Rock {UK})

Mighty Baby (1)

Mighty Baby foi uma banda formada em janeiro de 1969 por alguns dos membros da The Action. A banda lançou dois álbuns, "Mighty Baby" - que apareceu em dezembro de 1969, mas tinha sido gravado quase um ano antes - e "A jug of love" - em outubro de 1971. Depois, alguns de seus membros formaram a The Habibiyya.


Em 1968, sobre as cinzas do grupo britânico The Action, foi formada a banda Mighty Baby. A formação foi baseada na versão americana do rock psicodélico com uma boa quantidade de música folk. Os membros da Mighty Baby faziam parte do underground hippie londrino, mas tendo uma certa experiência musical por trás deles, desde os primeiros acordes começaram a executar não canções banais sobre amor e paz, mas sim música séria com improvisações interessantes e arranjos originais. Os críticos costumam comparar a Mighty Baby aos seus homólogos estrangeiros The Grateful Dead e Jefferson Airplane.

O álbum de estréia da Mighty Baby foi lançado em 1969 e mostrou uma psicodelia madura com muitas grandes idéias musicais, incorporadas no som aproximadamente na mesma direção "Califórnia" em que os coletivos mencionados acima estavam se movendo, e que os críticos costumam chamar de "som da costa oeste".

Vale destacar que além da própria carreira, com a qual não se importavam muito, os integrantes da banda participavam ativamente das gravações de seus amigos músicos. Por exemplo, em 1969, Mighty Baby ajudou Robin Scott a gravar o magnífico álbum de estréia "Woman from the warm grass", que agora é considerado uma grande raridade entre os amantes da música. No mesmo ano, o belíssimo álbum de Keith Christmas "Stimulus" foi lançado, onde todo o acompanhamento musical pertence a Mighty Baby. A atuação da banda também pode ser ouvida nos álbuns de artistas influentes do Reino Unido como Andy Roberts, Shelagh McDonald, Sandy Denny e Gary Farr.

Em 1970, vários membros da Mighty Baby se converteram ao Islã e se tornaram adeptos do Sufismo. Graças aos sufis recém-formados, os lendários artistas folk britânicos Richard e Linda Thompson, que mais tarde se juntaram a esse movimento religioso, também aprenderam sobre essa direção do Islã. Influenciado pelo Sufismo, o segundo álbum da Mighty Baby, "A jug of love", foi lançado em 1971. As composições apresentadas nele se alongaram visivelmente, mas os fãs do grupo não ouviram nenhuma melodia oriental. O coletivo continuou a trabalhar na mesma estrutura do acid folk rock.

O grupo não teve muito sucesso com o público. No entanto, teve a sorte de participar de vários festivais de música famosos. Então, em 1970, Mighty Baby tocou no encerramento do primeiro dia do famoso Isle of Wight Festival e, em 1971, no Glastonbury Festival. Sua faixa de 16 minutos, "A blanket in my muesli", foi incluída na compilação de 1972 "Glastonbury Fayre". Esta edição de três discos capturou todas as cores da música rock da época, reunida no palco em Glastonbury.

Os concertos da Mighty Baby merecem menção especial. Muitos anos depois, quando arqueólogos musicais meticulosos começaram a mergulhar em todos os tipos de gravações que sobraram do colapso do grupo, vários bootlegs de concertos da formação apareceram um após o outro, que são um exemplo maravilhoso de música improvisada. Em 1971, os membros da banda, movidos por uma busca espiritual, foram para o Marrocos, após o que deixaram de existir como parte da Mighty Baby. Em vez disso, o projeto The Habibiyya surgiu, combinando psicodelia e folk do Oriente Médio em seu trabalho. O único álbum da banda, "If man but known", foi lançado em 1972.

Um concerto ao vivo, gravado no Malvern Winter Gardens em 1970, foi lançado pelo selo Sunbeam durante o início de 2010. Estas são de fitas mantidas por Ian Whiteman dadas a ele após o concerto. Uma gravação até então inédita do Glastonbury Fayre de 1971 foi incluída neste documento. Ele foi recuperado do arquivo da Radio Geronimo.

Em 2019, uma caixa de 6 CDs da banda foi lançada como "At a point between fate and destiny: The complete recordings", incluindo seu primeiro álbum com e 1971 gravações ao vivo - "Live at Malvern" e "Live at Glastonbury" (uma gravação em fita cassete feita por DJs da Radio Geronimo de seu set de Glastonbury em 1971. Um livreto de 40 páginas com uma extensa história da banda, baseado em documentos contemporâneos e entrevistas com todos os membros da banda, está incluído.

Mike "Ace" Evans morreu em 15 de janeiro de 2010 em Londres. Ele foi enterrado no Woodland Burial Park perto de Beaconsfield.

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Mighty Baby was a band formed in January 1969 by some of the members of The Action. The band released two albums, "Mighty Baby" - which appeared in December 1969 but had been recorded almost a year earlier - and "A jug of love" - in October 1971. Later, some of its members formed The Habibiyya.


In 1968, on the ashes of the British group The Action, was formed the band Mighty Baby. The formation was based on the American version of psychedelic rock with a fair amount of folk music. The members of Mighty Baby were part of the London hippie' underground, but having a certain musical experience behind them, from the very first chords they began to perform not banal songs about love and peace, but rather serious music with interesting improvisations and original arrangements. Critics have often compared Mighty Baby to its overseas counterparts The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane.

The debut album of Mighty Baby was released in 1969 and showed a mature psychedelia with a lot of great musical ideas, embodied in sound in approximately the same "California" direction in which the above-mentioned collectives were moving, and which critics often call "west coast sound".

It is worth noting that in addition to their own career, which they did not really care about, the band members took an active part in the recordings of their musician friends. For example, in 1969, Mighty Baby helped Robin Scott record the magnificent debut album "Woman from the warm grass", which is now considered a great rarity among music lovers. In the same year, Keith Christmas's amazingly beautiful album "Stimulus" was released, where all the musical accompaniment belongs to Mighty Baby. The band's performance can also be heard on the albums of such influential UK artists as Andy Roberts, Shelagh McDonald, Sandy Denny and Gary Farr.

In 1970, several members of Mighty Baby converted to Islam and became adherents of Sufism. Thanks to the newly minted Sufis, the legendary British folk performers Richard and Linda Thompson, who later joined this religious movement, also learned about this direction of Islam. Influenced by Sufism, Mighty Baby's second album, "A jug of love", was released in 1971. The compositions presented on it have noticeably lengthened, but the fans of the group did not hear any oriental melodies on it. The collective continued to work in the framework of the same acid folk rock.

The group did not have much success with the audience. Nevertheless, it was lucky enough to take part in several famous music festivals. So in 1970, Mighty Baby played at the closing of the first day of the famous Isle of Wight Festival and, in 1971, its performed at the Glastonbury Festival. Their 16-minute track "A blanket in my muesli" even made it onto the 1972 compilation "Glastonbury Fayre". This three-disc edition captured the full color of rock music of the time, gathered on stage in Glastonbury.

The concert performances of Mighty Baby deserve special mention. Many years later, when meticulous musical archaeologists began to delve into all kinds of recordings left over from the collapse of the group, several concert bootlegs of the formation appeared one after another, which are a wonderful example of improvisational music. In 1971, the band members, driven by a spiritual quest, went to Morocco, after which they ceased to exist as part of Mighty Baby. Instead, The Habibiyya project emerged, combining psychedelia and Middle Eastern folk in its work. The band's only album, "If man but knew", was released in 1972.

A live concert, recorded at Malvern Winter Gardens in 1970, was released on the Sunbeam label during early 2010. These are from tapes held by Ian Whiteman given to him after the concert. A hitherto unreleased recording from the Glastonbury Fayre in 1971 has been included in this document. It has been retrieved from the Radio Geronimo archive.

In 2019 a 6 CD box set of the band was released as "At a point between fate and destiny: The complete recordings" including its first album with and 1971 live recordings - "Live at Malvern" and "Live at Glastonbury" (a complete cassette recording by Radio Geronimo' dj's of their 1971 Glastonbury set. A 40-page booklet with an extensive band history, based on contemporary documents and interviews with all members of the band, is included.

Mike "Ace" Evans died on 15 January 2010 in London. He was buried at Woodland Burial Park near Beaconsfield.

Mighty Baby (2)
Mighty Baby (3)
Mighty Baby (4)

Ian Whiteman - piano
Roger Powell - bateria
Martin Stone - guitarra
Mike "Ace" Evans - baixo
Alan "BamKing - vocal,

Ian Whiteman - shakuhachi,
piano, vocal, órgão Bina,
órgão de tubos, oboé
Susan Archuletta - shakuhachi,
koto, vocal, viola, guitarra
Conrad Archuletta - shakuhachi,
vocais, nay flauta, cítara, banjo
Zahara Archuletta - viola,
shakuhachi, flauta, koto, vocal
Mike Evans - mandola, guitarra
Roger Powell - bateria,
bateria Safi



At a point between fate & destiny:
The complete recordings (2019)
At a point between fate & destiny: The complete recordings (2019)

Mighty Baby (1969)
Mighty Baby (1969)
01. Egyptian tomb
02. A friend you
know but never see
03. I've been down so long
04. Same way from the sun
05. House without windows
06. Trials of a city
07. I'm from the country
08. At a point between
fate and destiny
09. I've been down
so long (bonus)
10. Trials of a city (bonus)
11. House without
windows (bonus)
12. A friend you know
but never see (bonus)
13. Messages (bonus)
14. Ancient traveller (bonus)
15. Same way from
the sun (bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

A jug of love (1971)
A jug of love (1971)
01. Jug of love
02. The happiest
man at the carnival
03. Keep on juggin'
04. Virgin spring
05. Tasting the life
06. Slipstreams of
water and fire
07. Devil's whisper (single
alternative version, bonus)
08. Virgin spring (single
alternative version, bonus)
09. Only dreaming
(demo, bonus)
10. Dustbin full of
rubbish (demo, bonus)
11. An understanding love
(demo, bonus)
12. Favourite day
(demo, bonus)
13. A saying for today
(demo, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

A jug of love rehearsals (1971)
A jug of love rehearsals (1971)
01. Jug of love
02. The happiest man
in the carnival I
03. The happiest man
in the carnival II
04. Virgin spring I
05. Virgin spring II
06. Tasting the life
07. Lazy days
08. Christmas jam (bonus)
09. Egyptian tomb
(single mono, bonus)
10. I'm from the country
(single mono, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Day of the soup (1970)
Day of the soup (1970)
01. Winter passes
02. Now you don't (part 1)
03. Now you don't (part 2)
04. Now you don't (part 3)
05. Now you don't (part 4)
06. Juggin' (live, bonus)
07. Now you see it (live, bonus)
08. Stone unhenged (live, bonus)
09. Sweet mandarin (live, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Live at Malvern, 1971 (2019)
Live at Malvern, 1971 (2019)
01. Egyptian tomb
02. Trials of a city
03. Keep on juggin'
04. Woe is me
05. India
06. Goin' down
to Mongoli
07. Keep on juggin'
(live at Glastonbury
1971, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Live at Glastonbury, 1971 (2019)
Live at Glastonbury, 1971 (2019)
01. Virgin spring
02. Goin' down
to Mongoli
03. Woe is me
04. Lazy days
05. A blanket in my muesli
(aka 'India') [full version]
06. Devil's whisper

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download da pasta "Artworks": enjoy!
Link para o download dos 6 albums
"Artworks": enjoy!


If man but knew (1972)
If man but knew (1972)
01. Two shakuhachis
02. Koto piece
03. Eye-witness
04. Mandola
05. If man but knew
06. Fana-fillah
07. Procession of the
God intoxicated (bonus)
08. Peregrinations (bonus)
09. Peregrinations
continued (bonus)
10. Another ode (bonus)
11. Bird in God's
garden (bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download de
Mighty BabyThe Habibiyya:

Mighty Baby - Egyptian tomb - 1969
Mighty BabyVirgin spring - 1971
The Habibiyya - If man but knew - 1972

6 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Hi, Michael! Thanks for your visit and comment, and welcome to the blog!
      Have an excellent day! Good auditions!

  2. Thank you. Lovely blog, will enjoy exploring some unknown music here x

    1. I appreciate your visit and comment! You will always be welcome here! A big hug and see you later!


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