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terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2022

Dogfeet (Heavy Psychedelic Blues Rock {UK})


A banda Dogfeet foi formada no final de 1970, em Shrewsbury, pelo baixista Dave Nichols, o cantor Alan Pearse, o baterista Derek Perry e o guitarrista Trevor Povey. Primeiro eles se nomearam como Chicago Max, seguidos por breves passagens como Sopwith Camel (não confundir com a banda de San Francisco), Malibou e Armageddon. Trabalhando na veia do blues-rock, eles assinaram contrato com a Reflection Records, no qual a gravadora imediatamente exigiu um novo nome - daí a mudança para Dogfeet. O álbum foi produzido por Andrew Cameron Milla. Povey escreveu todo o material. No entanto, o álbum não foi um sucesso de vendas e a banda separou-se logo depois.

O álbum original é muito raro, apenas 500 cópias foram prensadas. Em 1994, foi relançado em CD trazendo algumas demos como bônus. O álbum apresenta uma variedade sonora a base de blues-rock misturado com hard rock e música psicodélica.


Dogfeet was formed in the late 1970s in Shrewsbury by bassist Dave Nichols, singer Alan Pearse, drummer Derek Perry and guitarist Trevor Povey. First they called themselves Chicago Max, followed by brief stints like Sopwith Camel (not to be confused with the San Francisco band), Malibou and ArmageddonWorking in the blues-rock vein, they were signed to Reflection Records, on which the label immediately demanded a new name - hence the switch to Dogfeet. The album was produced by Andrew Cameron Milla. Povey wrote all the material. However, the album was not a sales success and the band disbanded soon after.

The original album is very rare, only 500 copies were pressed. In 1994, it was re-released on CD with some demos as a bonus. The album features a variety of blues-rock sound mixed with hard rock and psychedelic music.

Dave Nicholls - baixo
Alan Pearse - guitarra, vocal
Trevor Povey - guitarra, vocal
Derek Perry - bateria

Dogfeet (02)


Dogfeet (1970)
[Flawed Gems, 2010]
Dogfeet - Dogfeet - 1970 (Flawed Gems, 2010)
01. For Mary
02. On the road
03. Sad story/Reprise
04. Now I know
05. Since I
went away
06. Clouds
07. Evil women
08. Armageddon
09. For Mary and child
10. Theme (1970's
studio demo, bonus)
11. Armageddon (1970's
studio demo, bonus)
12. On the road (1970's
studio demo, bonus)
13. Now I know (1970's
studio demo,
Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!


Dogfeet (1994)
[Prog Temple, 2014]
Dogfeet - Dogfeet - 2014 (Prog Temple)
01. Mr. Sunshine (live)
02. Armageddon
03. Theme
04. On the road
05. Now I know
06. For Mary
07. On the road
08. Reprise
09. Now I know
10. Since I went away
11. Clouds
12. Evil women
13. Armageddon
14. For Mary & child
15. Voodoo Chile

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 2 albums: enjoy!

Dogfeet - Dogfeet - 1970 (original version)
Dogfeet Dogfeet 1970 (1994 version)

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