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sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2023

Q65 (Psychedelic Garage Beat Rock {Países Baixos})

Q65 (photo 01)

Q65 foi uma banda de psychedelic garage e beat rock de Haia, fundada em janeiro de 1965. A banda era conhecida por seu som cru e por ser frequentemente considerada uma das bandas mais relevantes da cena de rock Nederbeat que ocorreu na Holanda na década de 1960.


No início de 1965, os guitarristas Joop Roelofs e Frank Nuyens se juntaram ao cantor Willem Bieler para formar a banda. A formação foi completada com a adição do baterista Jay Baar (ex-Leadbelly's Limited) e do baixista Peter Vink. A som banda foi inspirado nos tradicionais rhythm and blues e nas canções de Robert Johnson e Willie Dixon, além de novas bandas, como The Kinks, The Animals e The Rolling Stones. Eles começaram a se apresentar publicamente na primavera de 1965 e, mais tarde naquele ano, começariam a usar o nome Q65. O nome é uma combinação das músicas "Susie Q" e "Route 66", mas mudou para "65" por ser o ano em que a banda foi formada e por soar melhor que "66". Durante um show no ringue de patinação De Eenhoorn, eles conheceram o produtor Peter Koelewijn. Impressionado com o show, ele os convidou para um audição no estúdio Phonogram, onde gravaram duas de suas próprias canções, "And your kind" e "You're the victor". Koelewijn decidiu lançá-las em vinil.


Em janeiro de 1966, seu single de estréia "You're the victor" foi lançado e mais tarde alcançou a 11ª posição no Top 40 holandês em março de 1966. Então Hans van Hemert substituiu Koelewijn. Dois outros singles alcançaram as paradas holandesas no mesmo ano: "The life I live" (5ª posição) e "I despise you" (19ª posição). Sob a orientação de Van Hemert, seu primeiro álbum, intitulado "Revolution", foi lançado no final daquele ano pela Decca Records e se tornou um sucesso, vendendo 35.000 cópias na Holanda. Em 1967, eles atingiram as paradas novamente com os singles "From above" (13ª posição) e "World of birds" (8ª posição). Devido aos problemas com o uso de drogas e ao serviço militar do cantor Wim Bieler, a banda veio a se separar em 1968.


A Q65 se reformou em 1970, com Beer Klaasse na bateria, e assinou contrato com a Negram Records, permanecendo junta por vários anos. Seus LPs do início dos anos 70, "Afghanistan" e "We are gonna make it", tinham uma orientação mais psicodélica. A formação da Q65 mudou ao longo do início dos anos 1970. Nuyens saiu em 1971 para se juntar a Baar em um projeto chamado Rainman, enquanto a Q65 continuou com uma nova formação, apresentando John Frederikz nos vocais e Joop van Nimwegen na guitarra. Wim Bieler saiu para formar uma banda chamada Dambuster. Johnny Frederiksz foi contratado como vocalista principal, mas a banda mudou seu nome para Kjoe.

1980 A 2010

A Q65 original se reuniu em 1980 e fez turnês ao longo daquele ano. A banda continuou com várias formações diferentes em meados da década de 1980. Jay Baar morreu em 1990, mas uma versão da banda, com Wim Bieler como líder, continuou tocando na década de 1990. Bieler morreu em 2000. Em 2 de outubro de 2018, Joop Roelofs, que tocava guitarra e surgiu com o nome do grupo, morreu aos 74 anos.


Q65 was a psychedelic garage and beat rock band from The Hague, founded in January 1965. The band was known for its raw sound and for being often considered one of the most relevant bands of the Nederbeat rock scene that took place in Holland in the 1960s.


In early 1965, guitarists Joop Roelofs and Frank Nuyens teamed up with singer Willem Bieler to form the band. The line-up was completed with the addition of drummer Jay Baar (ex-Leadbelly's Limited) and bassist Peter Vink. The band's sound was inspired by traditional rhythm and blues and the songs of Robert Johnson and Willie Dixon, as well as new bands such as The Kinks, The Animals and The Rolling Stones. They began performing publicly in the spring of 1965, and later that year would begin using the name Q65. The name is a combination of the songs "Susie Q" and "Route 66", but changed to "65" due to being the year the band was formed and because it sounds better than "66". During a show at the De Eenhoorn skating rink, they met producer Peter Koelewijn. Impressed with the show, he invited them to an audition at Phonogram studio, where they recorded two of their own songs, "And your kind" and "You're the victor". Koelewijn decided to release them on vinyl.


In January 1966 his debut single "You're the victor" was released and later reached number 11 in the Dutch Top 40 in March 1966. Then Hans van Hemert replaced Koelewijn. Two other singles reached the Dutch charts in the same year: "The life I live" (number 5) and "I despise you" (number 19). Under Van Hemert's guidance, their first album, entitled "Revolution", was released later that year on Decca Records and became a success, selling 35,000 copies in the Netherlands. In 1967 they hit the charts again with the singles "From above" (number 13) and "World of birds" (number 8). Due to problems with drug use and singer Wim Bieler's military service, the band broke up in 1968.


Q65 reformed in 1970, with Beer Klaasse on drums, and signed to Negram Records, remaining together for several years. Its early '70s LPs "Afghanistan" and "We are gonna make it" were more psychedelic in orientation. Q65's lineup changed throughout the early 1970s. Nuyens left in 1971 to join Baar in a project called Rainman, while Q65 continued with a new lineup, featuring John Frederikz on vocals and Joop van Nimwegen on guitar. Wim Bieler left to form a band called Dambuster. Johnny Frederiksz was hired as lead singer, but the band changed its name to Kjoe.

1980 TO 2010

The original Q65 reunited in 1980 and toured throughout that year. The band continued with various different line-ups into the mid-1980s. Jay Baar died in 1990, but a version of the band, with Wim Bieler as leader, continued playing into the 1990s. Bieler died in 2000. On October 2, 2018, Joop Roelofs, who played guitar and came up with the group's name, has died aged 74.

website          interview

Peter Vink - baixo
Joop Roelofs - guitarra
Frank Nuyens - guitarra
Wim Bieler - vocal, gaita
Beer Klaasse - bateria
Jay Baar - bateria

Q65 durante uma apresentação no cais de Scheveningen, em 1966


Revolution (1966)
Q65 - Revolution - 1966 (front)
01. The life I live
02. I got nightmares
03. Just who's in sight
04. Mr. Pitiful
05. I'm a man
06. Middle-age talk
07. Summer thoughts
in a field of weed
08. Down in the bottom
09. Get out of my
life, woman
10. Spoonful
11. Sour wine
12. Bring it on home
13. Where is the key? (bonus)
14. Voluntary peacemaker (bonus)
15. It came to me (bonus)
16. No place to go

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Revival (1969)
Q65 - Revival - 1969 (front)
01. Cry in the night
02. No place to go
03. It came to me
04. I was young
05. World of birds
06. So high I've been,
so down I must fall
07. Sundance
08. Voluntary peacemake
09. Ridin' on a slow train
10. Fairy tales of truth
11. And your kind (bonus)
12. I despice you (bonus)
13. Where is the key? (bonus)
14. Ain't that loving
you, baby (bonus)
15. Ramblin' on
my mind (bonus)
16. 80% O (bonus)
17. Mother Mutha's
great sundance

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Afghanistan (1970)
[Negram years 1970-1971 {1992}]
Q65 - Afghanistan (Negram years 1970-1971) - 1992 (front)
01. Love is such
a good thing
02. Injection
03. Baby,
don't worry
04. I'm glad
05. Nobody knows when
you're down & out
06. Please, come
back to me
07. We are happy
08. I gotta move
09. There was a day
10. Don't let me fall
11. Crumblin'
12. Night
13. Sexy legs
14. I just can't wait
15. We're gonna
make it
16. Saddy
17. On the highway
18. Rock & roll medley
(prev. unreleased)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Singles A's & B's (2002)
Q65 - Singles A's & B's - 2002 (front)
CD 01
01. You're the victor
02. The life I live
03. I despise you
04. From above
05. Ain't that
loving you, baby
06. Ramblin' on my mind
07. So high I've been,
so down I must fall
08. Medusa
09. Ann
10. Sundance
11. Don't let me fall
12. Sexy legs
13. Love is such
a good thing
14. I just can't wait
15. Fighting is easy
16. Hoonana
17. Lady of love
18. Let's roll
19. Feel her still (mono)
20. Ridin' on a slow train
(alternative version)
21. From above
(second version)
22. Ann (alternative

CD 02
01. And your kind
02. Cry in the night
03. I was young
04. No place to go
(EP 'Kjoe blues')
05. 80% 0
(EP 'Kjoe blues')
06. It came to me
07. Where is the key?
08. Mother Mutha's
great sundance (Circus)
09. Sour wine
10. World of birds
11. Crumblin'
12. There
was a day
13. Night
14. We're
gonna make it
15. Country girl
16. Troubles (Kjoe)
17. Are you home?
18. Feel her still (stereo)
19. Fairy tales of truth
(Circus alternative version)
20. Hapiness (Willem Bieler)
21. I was young (without
backing vocals)
22. From above
(alternative take)

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta Q65: enjoy!

Q65 - The life I live - 1966
Q65 - Bring it on home1966
Q65Love is such a good thing - 1970

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